MVC calling another controller's action from another controller's action - php

Let's imagine that we have OrderController controller with three actions/pages: orderDetailsAction, orderHistoryAction, orderCustomerDetailsAction
Each of these actions are returning some piece of HTML.
Now I want to have page containing all 3 html pieces in same time, but I don't want to make 3 ajax calls to get this done.
I'm creating additional controller's action method (orderSummaryAction, for example). This method should contain something like this.
public function orderSummartyAction {
$out = ob_get_clean();
Is there any framework doing such things or maybe it is bad practice (what is better practice then)?
Thank you!
UPD: Or we can pass not string url, but Route to create new Application instance. It would be much better, imho.

I would say , that the cause of your problem is invalid MVC implementation.
It is not the controller's responsibility to generate HTML. Instead, the output should be created by view instance - an object which deals with presentation logic and juggles with multiple templates. Contrary to what RoR has been trying to feed us - view is not a template.
In proper MVC, controller's are responsible for changing state of model layer and selected view, based either directly on user input or some sort of Request instance.
Also, two side note:
please, do not use factory method pattern [1] [2]. IMHO, this is an antipattern, because it causes tight coupling between classes and attracts complexity (they tend to grow uncontrollably).
it might be useful, instead of returning large blocks of HTML, respond to XHR call with data in JSON format. And then generate the HTML on the client-side.

Symfony2 uses sub-request to invoke multiple controllers.
You can find more details under 'Embedding Controllers' here


MVC. If the View does not know about the request how does it fetch data?

In a MVC application it is easy to understand how the Controller extracts data from the request and updates the Model layer but I am a bit confused as to how a View is supposed to retrieve data from the Model layer when the View does not know about the request?
For example if I go to
I route the URL and I dispatch the request and I end up in the Controller. Nothing needs to be done in the Controller(I think?) and when it gets to my View I need the product ID but the View should not be extracting data from the Request so what do I do?
There are two approaches for handling this and both actually would indicate that controller in this case a significant role to play.
The fabled ways of ancients ..
The first option for resolving this issue would be adhering to classical MVC as close as possible. This kinda relates to what people mean, when they say 'you cannot do classical MVC for web'. In classical MVC the view observes model layer. And that part can actually be implemented.
If that's the approach you want to take, then you will have to learn about Observer (1), (2) pattern and how to use it in PHP (1), (2). Though there has been some push for moving away from Observer pattern.
Since I have not explored this approach in any meaningful way, I will not give any examples.
The puny trail from this decade ..
If you read Fowler's "GUI Architectures" article, you might notice the part which state that views and controllers form pairs. When applying the ideas of MVC to context of web, there are ways to benefit from it in the bootstrapping stage of application.
FYI : I'm not anymore so sure, that you can call this way "Model2 MVC". There are some significant inconsistencies. I'm gonna poke more at this nagging suspicion some more, when I'm bored.
Consider this fragment:
$router->route( $request );
$resource = $request->getParameter('controller');
$view = new {'Views\\'.$resource}($serviceFactory);
$controller = new {'Controller\\'$resource}($serviceFactory, $view);
$method = $request->getMethod(); //post, get & etc.
$command = $request->getParameter('action');
echo $view->render();
The controller fragment in your example URL would be "product" and action would contain "list". I left those names instead of resource/command pair to make it less confusing.
If you start out with a premise that views and controllers are paired to some extent (whether the pairing is cohesive or not is debatable), then you can express it by using same names. This also lets you move the initialization of view out of controller.
Another aspect which is encapsulated in the fragment above is the fact that, due to the request-response nature of web, every operation in controller will require an accompanying one in the view. And similarly to how you have actions in controllers, you can also opt to call specific, route-related methods in the view. That would remove some boilerplate conditionals from views and let you better organize the whole thing (this is kinda the "highly subjective bit").
So .. how do you turn /product/view/428 request in something visible on site?
As you probably know, the responsibility of controller is to alter the state of model layer, which in this case might code something like this:
public function getView( $request )
$warehouse = $this->serviceFactory->provide('warehouse');
$warehouse->chooseItem( $request->getParameter('id') );
The your view instance uses the primed service from model layer to acquire data:
public function view()
$warehouse = $this->serviceFactory->provide('warehouse');
// retrieve data about sales for product with ID: 428
$something = $warehouse->getSalesFigures();
The exact implementation of view will depend on how far off deepend you are willing to go. Two most reasonable options would be:
fetch data, inspect it and if necessary choose templates and dump data into them
use a set of presentation objects to work with model layer and based on the result bind those presentation objects to ant number of templates
my 2 cents
In MVC, A controller "controls" the flow of information between the model, where the information is "stored," and the view, where it is displayed. Therefore, the controller handles all the changes of information and interaction with the models and then sends the necessary information to a view that then displays whatever information was requested/changed/etc.
MVC is all about the separation of responsibilities.
Models are responsible for storing and modeling the application's data.
Views are responsible for displaying information to the user.
Controllers actually have multiple responsibilities:
Deciding when to Create new instances of a Model.
Deciding which instances of Models to Read and passing them to the appropriate View.
Deciding which data in a Model instance needs to be Updated based on data passed back from a View.
Deciding when to Delete no longer needed instances of a Model.
In other words, Controllers sit between the Models and Views and do all the business logic for an application, including figuring out which CRUD operations need to happen... although the actual CRUD operations are usually part of the Model itself.
A better name for MVC would probably be MCV to stress how the Controller sits between the Model and View.

What is the right way to handle $_POST data in MVC?

I have the common MVC situation in my PHP system: the Controller receive a request from the View containing $_POST data. Now I have three ways to handle the data:
a) The Controller only calls the Model and the Model handle the $_POST data.
b) The Controller transforms the $_POST data into variables and pass them to Model.
c) The Controller transforms $_POST data into a Model's domain object and only pass the object to Model.
Currently, I am following option A, but I believe it is wrong, so I am thinking of using option C.
So, according to MVC, what is the right way to handle $_POST data?
EDIT At the moment, I'm not using any MVC framework.
EDIT 2 Generally, the same Controller handles request from a browser, a web service, an offline application, etc, or each one has it own Controller?
The best option is to use #2 approach, with some alterations.
I would write it as something like this:
public function postLogin( $request )
$service = $this->serviceFactory->build('Recognition');
$service->authenticate( $request->getParam('username'),
$request->getParam('password') );
// Yes, that's the whole method
There is no need to actually create variables, if you have used something like a Request instance to abstract the user's input.
Also, you might want to replace theRequest::getParam()method with something likeRequest::getPost()- although I have come to the conclusion that, in a correctly structured application, theGETandPOSTparameters should not share same name.
The serviceFactory which you see in the code snippet would be an object that you inject in both controller and view instance. It would let you share same service instances between controllers and views.
It is responsible for creation of services (which would contain the application logic, while leaving the domain business logic in the domain objects), which helps you isolate the interaction between domain entities and storage abstractions from the presentation layer.
About the other options:
The Controller only calls the Model and the Model handle the $_POST data.
In the MVC and MVC-inspired design patterns the model should be aware of neither the user interface nor of the presentation layer as whole. The $_POST variable in PHP is a superglobal.
If you use it with model layer, your code becomes bound to the web interface and even the specific request method.
The Controller transforms $_POST data into a Model's object and only pass the object to Model
Not entirely sure what you meant with this. Seems you were talking about instantiation of an abstraction, which would contain the user's request. But in this case controller becomes responsible for instantiation/creation of said structure, which would violate SRP.
Closing notes:
One thing you must understand is that, in context of web based MVC applications, the User of your application is the browser. Not you. Browser sends the request, which is handled by routing mechanism and disseminated by controller. And view produces the response to your browser.
And the other thing is: Model is neither a class nor an object. Model is a layer.
Generally, the same Controller handles request from a browser, a web service, an offline application, etc, or each one has it own Controller?
You should be able to have single controller, that deals with all the forms of application. But that is only on the condition, you are actually using same application for all 3 use-cases.
To do so there are two conditions:
you need to abstract the Request instance, that controller receives
the view should be instantiated outside the controller
This way you can have one application to fulfill all the requirements. Only thing, that each variant has different, is the bootstrap stage, where you create the Request instance and select the proper view.
In the situation, that you described, the changing part would actually be the view, since a REST or SOAP service would be expected to produce a different response than an ordinary web application.
Once upon a time was the three tiered application architecture.
It all depends on your MVC framework. Normally, the Controller does the link between the user and the model layer, which manipulate domain objects.
In the early days of MVC in PHP, the model layer was actually just the domain objects, called models for that purpose.
Some prefered having so called thin models, which only provide an OO representation of the data, (which simplifies persistence). In that case, the controller would regroup the so called actions, containing the bulk of the processing associated with an HTTP request (fat controller).
Others embedded most of said processing in the object model with dedicated methods (fat model).
However, at some point, you have to analyse the content of the query to sanitize and validate it, and this depends on how your view will format the request. Sanitization might be a controller task (this request should only contain these values), while validation is definitely a model task (values should be of these types).
An interesting question is: how do you deal with actions impacting several domain objects? Where do you put the logic for that?
Nowadays, the model layer is composed of services segregating the domain objects from the evil grasp of the controllers, to limit the dependencies between the layers to their respective interfaces only. This is where most of the request processing is done.
Symfony2, for instance, provides a sensible answer to this question: each step of the processing of a request is implemented in a dedicated piece of code, which could be described as the following:
the request is first turned into an object
that object is routed using a routing object
it is handled to a controller
the controller pass the request to the service concerned by the action, which build the response object
The service job is then broken in several steps:
validation (using a dedicated object which rely on rules described in a separate file),
construction/updating of domain objects (using serialization to/from db if necessary),
selection of a template for the response,
population of said template with the relevant data from the domains.
CakePHP is another popular framework which follows similar concepts: simple controllers, and services encapsulating domain objects.
See this question for a better insight on the general concepts.
See this other question for other answers.
Thanks to tereško for his invaluable input on the matter.
i am using Zend and following
the 2nd option .
Example a Registration form
step- 1 the forms sends me the post value to the specified controller
step -2 i will validate the form values for example ( mail and url and empty post values ) through server side validation .
step -3 send the checked post data either in variable or has whole to the model .
step 4- controller calls the model .
step -5 the models inserts the post values and creates a new user .
I think your second option is better regardless of framework or approah you use .
note - same controller can handle everthing depends on your application logic .
but i prefer to keep different controller for differnt user request and user types
it helps in keeping code readable managebale .
Look at some MVC frameworks.
For example, in Yii you can write such code inside action:
$model = new Model();
if(isset($_POST['Model'])) {
$model->attributes = $_POST['Model'];
Note, that all attributes of your model must be passed through validation rules. In Yii validation applies during (actually, before) $model->save()
'C' is best option. You should not let raw $POST data go in model as model is supposed to be generic handling store and load operations mainly.
Example : same model can be used web interface and Web services. On Web $_POST is valid but for web services its not. So model doesnt care how data is received but only how to store and load it.
Yii is definitely a clean implementation of MVC.

Good practice? PHP MVC Controller Ajax

Is this a good practice to handle normal and ajax calls with one controller:
class SomeController extends Controller {
function index() {
if(!$this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
// load model
// create form
// pass data to view
// ...
} else {
// validate input
// load model
// write data to database
// return with some json string
What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Short answer: it depends.
Only real difference between XHR (what marketing people call "AJAX") and ordinary browser request is that XHR expects a different form of response.
In the MVC-inspired patterns for web the part that is responsible for generating response are the view instances. The view should recognize, which kind of response it has to produce, and act accordingly. Controllers role in this scenario would only be to change the state of current view.
Alternatively, you can, at the bootstrap stage, detect the Accept HTTP header, and based on that initialize a different view instance.
With "fully implement view" I mean an instance, which contains UI logic in the MVC triad and can decide which for to respond. This response can be HTML document, composed from multiple templates, a JSON/XML file or just a simple HTTP header.
Pros: proper separation of concerns, easier to maintain
Cons: have to implement full MVC
.. but most of people do not use full MVC implementations.
If you are one of people, who, instead of MVC-inspired patters, uses Rails-like variation about page controller pattern, then you will be force to create a separate controller for handling XHR.
In this scenario the is no real view. It is replace by dumb template, while UI logic has been merged in the page controller. In this situation the only pragmatic option is to create a separate controller to deal with XHR.
Pros: simpler to implement in small projects
Cons: possible code repetition, harder to maintain
Even if it's an AJAX request, you still have to validate the input. It's not you sending your app the input (via AJAX), it's the browser, which you cannot trust.
As a general design principle, avoid special cases (here: ajax vs. non-ajax). In general, you want to treat all cases equally, so you end up with an orthogonal approach.
And as you can see
class SomeController extends Controller {
function index() {
if(!$this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
// validate input <-- XXX here we need to validate it too
// load model
// create form
// pass data to view
// ...
} else {
// validate input
// load model
// write data to database
// return with some json string
this leads to duplicate code (hard to maintain and keep in sync).
Your code, orthogonal approach:
class SomeController extends Controller {
function index() {
// load model (takes care of his own validation, the self-containment principle of OOP)
// coordinate same business logic done by different models
// return models/data to the view, the framework will decide whether it uses the html or the json view file
Instead, the model (it could be the same model class, or a Form model like there is in Zend Framework, or a hydrating approach like there is in ZF2 could do most of the jobs (together with a Table Gateway, DAO (like in Doctrine 2), or similar classes for models), and you could create two sepparate views for HTML and JSON.
In Zend Framework 2 for instance, the right view is chosen transparently for you, so there really wouldn't be any if/else regarding "is this AJAX or not?".
You should try out a modern PHP framework (5.3+) to get a feel of how to approach the design of your app in PHP.
I think this is developer choice, consider this:
I think this is developer choice, consider this. Development of a client Mobile site I have seen. They have a store for web and a model store:
Rather than
The management is a nightmare. Seperate images, css, multiple coding duplicates for mobile clients. The solution for them now is to convert the entire site into a responsive design
Same code but cleaner. And I would have AJAX calls inside my templates with the PHP structure on some code and others not. Again it can be difficult to manage. It would better to handle using JSON or external static files - so the PHP is driven using GET, POST etc.. and if they have JavaScript the AJAX works WITH the PHP.. PHP code should stay PHP IMO..
There are a few advantages and disadvantages in your method.
For Posting public data there is no problem.
For Getting public data I usually prefer to do it in separate controller, many time I don't even put ajax check, because my data is public and I want it to go as far as it can..
For Posting/Getting private data I prefer not to use this two sides method because its better to have good and clean (secured) Code...
How ever.. all depends on your choice. Everything is possible! And there aren't constants which is right and which is not..

Basic MVC (PHP) Structure

I have the following data flow for a simple login form.
User access controller PHP file. Controller includes model.php and view.php
User submits form, controller sends POST data to model methods, and gets a result back.
User is logged in, and forwarded to a different view (login success message) by the controller.
Currently my views are static HTML (no PHP), so here is my question. What is the correct way to then pass the user a welcome message, e.g "Hello, Craig!"?
Is the view allowed PHP snippets, e.g
<?php echo $username; ?>
since the model is loaded before it in the controller file?
Edit: Is it better practice then to allow the view to access specific class methods e.g
<?php $user->getUsername(); ?>
as opposed to just variables?
Based on other answers, I have found a very useful article, which you may also be interested in.
Here are few things you must consider:
You cannot do classical MVC in PHP. Instead we have MVC-inspired patterns
There exists 1:1 relation between view and controller instances, when implemented for web
Model in MVC is not a class. It is a layer, that contains a lot of different classes
View is not a dumb template, but an instance of class, which deals with presentation logic
View in Web-based MVC
As stated above, views in MVC and MVC-inspired patterns are responsible for presentation logic. That encompass things like showing error messages and pagination. To do this, each view can handle several templates.
View receives information from the model layer, and acts accordingly. The way how the information from model layer ends up in views is one of most significant differences in MVC-ish patterns:
classical MVC pattern
Structures from model layer send the information to view, when state of model has been altered. This is done via observer pattern.
Model2 MVC and HMVC patterns
View has direct access to the model layer and is able to request information from it. This is the closest to the original pattern.
MVVM and MVP patterns
View receives information through controller, which has in turn requested it from model layer. The further difference in patterns stems from what the do with data before passing it to view.
What you seem to have now is actually just a template. Similar to one, that is described in this article. You end up with a structure, that has no place to contain the presentation logic. In long-run this will cause the presentation logic to be pushed into controller.
So what about that "welcome" message ?
To show the welcome message, your view should request from model layer the name of current user. If the model layer returns some sort of error state, view pick the error message template and inserts into the layout.
In case if name of the user was retrieved from model layer without problems, view pick the template which would contain the greeting, sets the value in the template and renders it.
In what order parts should be loaded ?
The idea, that controller should initialize model and view, comes from very primitive interpretation of MVC for web. Pattern know as page controller, which tried to graft MVC directly on static web pages.
In my opinion, this should be the order:
You initialize the structure, through which you will deal with model layer. It most likely would be some sort of service factory, which would let you build things like Authentication service for logins and Library service for handling documents. Things like that. I wrote a bit long'ish comment on model layer's structure earlier. You might find it useful.
You create a view instance based on information, that you collected from routing mechanism. If you are implementing Model2 or HMVC, then your view will require an instance of Service Factory in the constructor.
If you are implementing MVVM or MVP, then view's constructor has no special requirements.
This is the last structure, which you create, because controller is responsible for sending commands to both view and model layer, which then change then change the state of both. Therefore controller should expect to receive both view and service factory in the constructor.
After basic elements of MVC have been initialized, you call a method on the controller, and render current view.
Just keep in mind that this is very simplified description.
You can really put anything in a view that you'd like, but to better adhere to the MVC way of doing things you should restrict PHP in the view to simple echos or prints (possibly really small loops as well, although even those can be pre-calculated in the controller/model). Since that is the only way to get dynamic content, it would be a little silly to say that they are not allowed.
The idea of the view is to let it have a more HTML look-and-feel, so that front-end developers or people who don't know PHP can easily be able to work with the file without getting confused.
To learn more about MVC in general, you can see any of these (there's a ton of tutorials out there):
To see concrete examples of PHP using MVC, I suggest downloading some of the more prevelant frameworks (such as CodeIgniter, Symfony or Drupal) and just looking through the code. Try to figure out how it works and then recreate the functionality for a simple article-based system.

Way to bypass the controller in CodeIgniter?

I've been using the CodeIgniter framework for PHP and am enjoying it, but I notice that it seems to require a controller for every view. I'm wondering if there is a way to call a specific model from the view itself, rather than route through a controller. I understand that use of a controller is best practice in most cases, especially where the data from the model needs to be modified in some way, but I have cases where I just need to do a strict data pull to the view (which is loaded via ajax), and setting up a controller for that seems superfluous.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
You're fundamentally misunderstanding MVC, at least as implemented in CI.
All URLs on your site (at least those that utilize the CI framework) are mapped to functions (methods) within controllers.[/var1][/var2]...
It doesn't matter whether the URL is accessed via regular HTTP or via AJAX. This is always a one to one mapping. Because of this, you should think of the controller/method combination as the "web page". Do not think of the view as the web page.
Models and views are subordinate to controllers. The controller delegates specific responsibilities to them - database interaction for models, and page output to views.
Because models and views only serve to perform delegated responsibilities, their use is not required in any given controller/method. Help pages, for example, generally have no need to interact with a database, so there is no model utilized by the controller/method combination that serves a given help page. Likewise, form handlers frequently redirect to another page upon completion of processing. As such, there is no view corresponding to the form handler (but there is (likely) a view called from the controller/method in the redirected to page).
Furthermore, models and views do not necessarily correspond on a one to one basis with individual controllers/methods. Any given model can be loaded and used from within several controllers. Similarly, a controller could have a single monolithic view that is used by all methods, or each method could be assigned its own view. (Or, as I just said, a given controller/method could utilize no view at all.)
Finally, CI does not enforce strict MVC separation. You can interact with the database and echo HTML all from within the controller and CI will not complain. Nevertheless, this separation and delegation of responsibility is followed because logically separating the responsibilities makes the code easier to read and helps you follow the DRY principle in your coding.
The fundamental Understanding is that the "web page" corresponds to the controller/method. The view and model, when used, handle delegated responsibilities for the controller/method.
I'm wondering if there is a way to
call a specific model from the view
itself, rather than route through a
That's not possible as of what I know, the main abstract class of the CI controller imposes restriction to use a controller otherwise you will get a fatal error.
And actually what you say will break the best practice of MVC design pattern. You got to go to model through a controller not view.
I'm a bit confused as to exactly what you're trying to achieve. The controller's value, aside from just being a clean way to handle incoming requests, is to manage the interaction between the models and the views and to determine which views to load. It's also entirely reasonable to load model data directly from your views, but how did you get to your view in the first place?
I guess I'm just having a hard time seeing the context here..
To run a query via Ajax you still need to provide a URL / path in the javascript call. You can not get around the fact that a controller function has to "catch" this call; you can not map a url directly to a model. All you need is 3-4 lines of code in your controller.
Via URI routing you can map a URL to a different controller, so you don't "require a controller for every view". I always create a controller called "ajax" to handle those requests.
A basic ajax call with jquery can be something like this
$('#prod_img').load( "", {'color': 'blue', 'url_title': 'bla' } )
You can echo stuff in your controller, so rather than trying to bypass the controller you should be looking into how to do away with the views. This will actually be easy, you can load the db class in the controller just as you can in a model.
But if you really don't want to use MVC perhaps Codeigniter is not the framework for you.
You should read more into the principles of MVC.
Views are strictly for presentation of data, the model shouldn't communicate with views directly.
But still if that's what you want then just pass $this->db from the controller to the view and use it in the view.
Then again, this is NOT a good practice.
