jQuery Cookie plugin to save select value? - php

I have a series of two chained selects using ajax that work great. I need to be able to store/save the first select in a cookie for future visits but can't quite figure out how/what to do within the existing code?
var questions = $('#questions');
function refreshSelects(){
var selects = questions.find('select');
// Lets not do chosen on the first select
selects.not(":first").chosen({ disable_search_threshold: true });
// Listen for changes
// The selected option
var selected = $(this).find('option').eq(this.selectedIndex);
// Look up the data-connection attribute
var connection = selected.data('connection');
// Removing the li containers that follow (if any)
selected.closest('#questions li').nextAll().remove();
var working = false;
function fetchSelect(val){
return false;
working = true;
var connection, options = '';
switch (r.type) {
case 'select':
connection = '';
connection = 'data-connection="'+v+'"';
options+= '<option value="'+k+'" '+connection+'>'+k+'</option>';
// The chose plugin requires that we add an empty option
// element if we want to display a "Please choose" text
options = '<option></option>'+options;
// Building the markup for the select section
<select data-placeholder="'+r.defaultText+'">\
'+ options +'\
<span class="divider"></span>\
case 'html':
working = false;
// Initially load the product select

Here is great article on using jCookies.
The code for setting it goes like this:
name : 'Person',
value : { first: 'John', last: 'Smith', Age: 25 }
Getting the cookie goes like this
var person = $.jCookies({ get : 'Person' });

Do you need that value on the server? If you don't I recomment the jStorage plugin. It uses local storage and userData to save information. This has the benefits that the values are not sent to your server on every request, like cookies do.
The usage is very simple:
$.jStorage.set("something", {data: [1,2,3], other: "a string"});
$.jStorage.get("something"); // returns {data: [1,2,3], other: "a string"}
In your code it would be something like:
$(function() {
var questions = $('#questions');
var lastSelection = $.jStorage.get("lastSelection");
if(lastSelection) {
// more code....
var selected = $(this).find('option').eq(this.selectedIndex);
if(questions.find("select:first")[0] === this) { // Only save if it's the first combo (you could change this to a better way to identify the first select)
$.jStorage.set("lastSelection", selected);
// more code....


how to call php function from jqgrid button

I'm trying when i submit a value to jqgrid box on multiple selected rows to Update the data of specific columns.My code is this but when i click OK in jqgrid nothing happens and function is not called :
jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('navButtonAdd', '#list1_pager',
'caption' : 'Resubmit',
'buttonicon' : 'ui-icon-pencil',
'onClickButton': function()
var str = prompt("Please enter data of Column")
var selr = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selarrrow');
$(selector).load('Updatestatus.php', {'string': str,'box[]' : selr })
'position': 'last'
The function that updates the column of the table:
function update_data($data)
// If bulk operation is requested, (default otherwise)
if ($data["params"]["bulk"] == "set-status")
$selected_ids = $data["cont_id"];
$str = $data["params"]["data"];
mysql_query("UPDATE out_$cmpname SET cont_status = '$str' WHERE cont_id IN ($selected_ids)");
I'm new to jqgrid and Jquery.What can i do to call and execute this function when i click ok?
Thanks in advance!
You'll need a Ajax-call for this. I see you're using jQuery, have a look at http://api.jquery.com/load/
With this function, you can load PHP or HTML with jQuery to a certain element.

I'd like to detect the value chosen from a drop down, and then pass that to the page url and reload

I have some javascript sorting my ul, alphabetically a-z or z-a. It works fine on page one, but if there is more than one page it ignores the list on page 2 etc.
So, instead of using javascript to sort the li's, I want to pass the selection back to the page's query and reload
here's my script, most of which is redundant now.
var select = document.getElementById('organise');
$('#organise').change(function() {
if(select.value === 'A') {
$('.recipeTable li').sortElements(function(a,b){
var aText = $.text([a]);
var bText = $.text([b]);
return aText.toLowerCase() > bText.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1;
} else {
$('.recipeTable li').sortElements(function(a,b){
var aText = $.text([a]);
var bText = $.text([b]);
return aText.toLowerCase() > bText.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1;
So I want to detect the selected dropdown value (either A or Z) and pass that into the url and reload. I'm stuck ;-?
Rich :)
I am not sure this is the best way to approach the problem, and maybe you should elaborate what doesn't work with your pagination. In any case, you can achieve what you need to do by doing something like this (explaination in the code comments):
var queryString = {};
// Get the previous query string with a little help from PHP
// this shouldn't be a problem since you are already using PHP
// for your project.
queryString = <?php json_encode( $_GET ); ?>;
$('#organise').change( function() {
// Set the sort property of the object to the value of the select.
queryString.sort = $(this).val();
// jQuery will help you serialise the JSON object back to
// a perfectly valid query string (you may want to escape
// characters)
newQueryString = $.param( queryString );
// Append the new query string
window.location = newQueryString;
This function will properly check if you already have any query string and preserve that; also, if the user changes the select multiple times, it will not add up several query strings.
you can change the url and pass the param with
document.location.href = document.location.href + "?arg=" + document.getElementById("organise").value;
You can use localstorage for this if you don't want to show in url
For example:
function Ascending()
$('.recipeTable li').sortElements(function(a,b){
var aText = $.text([a]);
var bText = $.text([b]);
return aText.toLowerCase() > bText.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1;
function Descending()
$('.recipeTable li').sortElements(function(a,b){
var aText = $.text([a]);
var bText = $.text([b]);
return aText.toLowerCase() > bText.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1;
return Ascending();
return Descending();
var select=document.getElementById('organise');
$('#organise').change(function() {
if(select.value === 'A') {
return Ascending();
} else {
return Descending();
Refer more for localStorage on http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_webstorage.asp

Force selection with JQuery autocomplete

I know this question has been asked before, but I wasn't able to find any answers that are up to date or functional (at least for my application).
My JQuery autocomplete box is using a mysql database as its source. I want the user to be able to type to get recommendations, but then is forced to select from the dropdown choices before they can submit the form.
My Javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
$.widget( 'ui.autocomplete', $.ui.autocomplete, {
_renderMenu: function( ul, items ) {
var that = this;
$.ui.autocomplete.currentItems = items;
$.each( items, function( index, item ) {
that._renderItemData( ul, item );
$.ui.autocomplete.currentItems = [];
$(function() {
source: "search.php",
minLength: 5
var inputs = {college: false};
var id = this.id;
inputs[id] = false;
var length = $.ui.autocomplete.currentItems.length;
for(var i=0; i<length; i++){
if($(this).val() == $.ui.autocomplete.currentItems[i].value){
inputs[id] = true;
for(input in inputs){
if(inputs.hasOwnProperty(input) && inputs[input] == false){
return false;
My form:
<form action="choose.php" method="post" id="college_select_form" name="college_select_form">
<input type="text" id="college" name="college" class="entry_field" value="Type your school" onclick="this.value='';" onfocus="this.select()" onblur="this.value=!this.value?'Type your school':this.value;" /><input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" class="submitButton" value="Go" title="Click to select school" />
try {
$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpass);
catch(PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
$return_arr = array();
if ($conn)
$ac_term = "%".$_GET['term']."%";
$query = "SELECT * FROM college_list where name like :term";
$result = $conn->prepare($query);
/* Retrieve and store in array the results of the query.*/
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
array_push($return_arr, array('label' => $row['name'], 'value' => $row['name']));
/* Free connection resources. */
//$conn = null;
/* Toss back results as json encoded array. */
echo json_encode($return_arr);
So what would be the best approach to doing this? The only solution I can think of is using PHP to verify that the textbox's value matches a value in the database, but I'm not sure how to implement that with my current code.
You should always check it in "choose.php" (server-side) since the user can disable the JavaScript and post whatever they want in the inputs of your form
$college = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['college']);
if ($college != "" || $college != null || $college != -1)
NOTE: YOU SHOULD ALWAYS USE "mysql_real_escape_string" to prevent SQL Injection!
more info: http://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/mysql-php-sql-injection.php
So accordingly in search.php change the
$ac_term = "%".$_GET['term']."%";
$ac_term = "%". mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['term']) ."%";
You can also check the form before the user submit to just make it more user friendly (users don't want to wait couple of seconds for the page to gets refreshed with errors on it!)
so maybe something like this would help: Submit Event Listener for a form
function evtSubmit(e) {
// code
var myform = document.myForm;
myform.setAttribute('action', 'javascript:evtSubmit();');
In my project i handled it by checking on focus-out , if the text entered in the autocomplete field actually matches my dropdown options.If not i will simply remove it.
change: function(event, ui) {
if (!ui.item) {
this.value = '';
See my full example here-Jquery auto comp example
it has an embeded fiddle,you can check the fiddle directly also
Add this code to your JavaScript before you instantiate your autocomplete object:
$.widget( 'ui.autocomplete', $.ui.autocomplete, {
_renderMenu: function( ul, items ) {
var that = this;
$.ui.autocomplete.currentItems = items;
$.each( items, function( index, item ) {
that._renderItemData( ul, item );
$.ui.autocomplete.currentItems = [];
This will make it so whenever the menu appears, you have a list of current items the user can choose from stored in $.ui.autocomplete.currentItems. You can then use that to check against when you are submitting your form. Of course the way you implement this part is up to you depending on how dynamic your form is, but here is an example that requires hard-coding a list of input fields and making sure they all have ids.
//create an object that contains every input's id with a starting value of false
var inputs = {college: false};
//for each input, you will have a function that updates your 'inputs' object
//as long as all inputs have id's and they all are using autocomplete,
//the first line could be written as: $('input').change(function(){ and the
//function would only need to be written once. It is easier to maintain
//if you use seperate id's though like so:
var id = this.id;
inputs[id] = false;
var length = $.ui.autocomplete.currentItems.length;
for(var i=0; i<length; i++){
if($(this).val() == $.ui.autocomplete.currentItems[i].value){
inputs[id] = true;
//when you submit, check that your inputs are all marked as true
for(input in inputs){
if(inputs.hasOwnProperty(input) && inputs[input] == false){
return false; //one or more input does not have correct value
//all inputs have a value generated from search.php
The only difference between our two examples (one that works and one that doesn't) is that you are binding other events to your input element, onclick and onblur. So by changing our listener from change to blur as well mostly fixes the problem. But it creates a new problem when the enter/return key is pressed to submit the form. So if we add a listener for that specific event then everything works out ok. Here is what the code looks like now:
var validateInfo = function(elem){
var id = elem.id;
inputs[id] = false;
var length = $.ui.autocomplete.currentItems.length;
for(var i=0; i<length; i++){
if($(elem).val() == $.ui.autocomplete.currentItems[i].value){
inputs[id] = true;
$('#college').on('blur', function(){
}).on('keydown', function(e){
if(e.which == 13){ //Enter key pressed
Add a hidden input element to your form:
<input type="hidden" name="selectedvalue" id="selectedvalue" />
Add a select event handler to your autocomplete, that copies the selected value to the hidden input:
source: "search.php",
minLength: 5,
select: function (event, ui) {
Then just ignore the auto-complete form input in posted data.
As this is javascript, your only concern should be if an item is selected from the autocomplete list. This can simply be done by setting a variable to true on select and false on change. That is enough to prevent regular users from continuing without selecting a school. To prevent abuse you need to check the value server side after posting. All normal user will pass that check.
If I understand the question correctly, this is something I have encountered before. Here is some code pretty much lifted straight out of another project. I have used a local datasource here but the project this is lifted from uses remote data so there won't be a difference:
var valueSelected = '';
source: ['collegeA', 'collegeB', 'collegeC']
}).on('autocompletechange autocompleteselect', function (event, ui) {
if (!ui.item) {
valueSelected = '';
} else {
$('#submit').prop('disabled', false);
valueSelected = ui.item.label;
}).on('propertychange input keyup cut paste', function () {
if ($(this).val() != valueSelected) {
valueSelected = '';
$('#submit').prop('disabled', !valueSelected);
This will programatically enable and disable the submit button depending on whether a value has been selected by the user.
Fiddle here

Building a form dynamically

I have a drop down menu, that a user selects a criteria from, based on the criteria a form gets built.
What I am trying to do now is make sure they cannot build the same for twice, so for example, if the users selects appearance from a dropdown, I do not want them to be able to select appearance from the dropdown, while that form is built.
Does that make sense? Currently here is my code,
click: function() {
var rowCount = $("#advanced_search > table > tbody > tr").length;
f(rowCount < 3) {
url: site_url + 'ajax/row/empty',
success: function(data) {
$('#advanced_search table').append(data);
and the PHP
public function row($name) {
if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
return $this->load->view('search/rows/'.$name);
$name relates to the name of a view which contains the corresponding form elements for the selected value.
As Jared mentioned, the solution could be something as simple as a boolean value indicating whether or not a request is in progress...
Take this code for example -
var request_in_progress = false;
if (!request_in_progress){
request_in_progress = true;
// handle the AJAX response
request_in_progress = false; // AJAX request complete.

Use Jquery to update a PHP session variable when a link is clicked

I have several divs that a user can Minimize or Expand using the jquery toggle mothod. However, when the page is refreshed the Divs go back to their default state. Is their a way to have browser remember the last state of the div?
For example, if I expand a div with an ID of "my_div", then click on something else on the page, then come back to the original page, I want "my_div" to remain expanded.
I was thinking it would be possible to use session variables for this, perhaps when the user clicks on the expand/minimize button a AJAX request can be sent and toggle a session variable...IDK..any ideas?
There's no need for an ajax request, just store the information in a cookie or in the localstorage.
Here's a library which should help you out: http://www.jstorage.info/
Some sample code (untested):
// stores the toggled position
$('#my_div').click(function() {
$.jStorage.set('my_div', $('#my_div:visible').length);
// on page load restores all elements to old position
$(function() {
var elems = $.jStorage.index();
for (var i = 0, l = elems.length; i < l; i++) {
$.jStorage.get(i) ? $('#' + i).show() : hide();
If you don't need to support old browsers, you can use html5 web storage.
You can do things like this (example taken from w3schools):
The following example counts the number of times a user has visited a
page, in the current session:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (sessionStorage.pagecount) {
sessionStorage.pagecount=Number(sessionStorage.pagecount) +1;
else {
document.write("Visits "+sessionStorage.pagecount+" time(s) this session.");
Others have already given valid answers related to cookies and the local storage API, but based on your comment on the question, here's how you would attach a click event handler to a link:
$("#someLinkId").click(function() {
$.post("somewhere.php", function() {
The event handler function will run whenever the element it is attached to is clicked. Inside the event handler, you can run whatever code you like. In this example, a POST request is fired to somewhere.php.
I had something like this and I used cookies based on which user logged in
if you want only the main div don't use the
*Here is the code *
//this is the div
<div id = "<?php echo $user; ?>1" onclick="setCookie(this.id)" ><div>My Content this will hide/show</div></div>
function setCookie(div_id)
var value = '';
var x = document.getElementById(div_id);
var x = $('#'+div_id).next().css('display');
if(x == 'none')
value = 'block';
value = 'none';
console.log(div_id+"="+value+"; expires=15/02/2012 00:00:00;path=/")
document.cookie = div_id+"="+value+"; expires=15/02/2012 00:00:00;path=/";
function getCookie(div_id)
console.log( div_id );
var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";");
for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++)
if (x==div_id)
return unescape(y);
function set_status()
var div_id = '';
for(var i = 1; i <= 9 ; i++)
div_id = '<?php echo $user; ?>'+i;
if(getCookie(div_id) == 'none')
else if(getCookie(div_id) == 'block')
Look about the JavaScript Cookie Method, you can save the current states of the divs, and restore it if the User comes back on the Site.
There is a nice jQuery Plugin for handling Cookies (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/Cookie)
Hope it helps
Ended up using this. Great Tutorial.
