How to add new dynamic content to my JS code? - php

I have been developing a simple page, and there is the problem - my page contains a table with 2 columns; if user moves his cursor to the second column it transforms in editable field and user can edit it and do some actions. Also the page contains links for pagination; if user clicks by link, for example, "2", then table change its content dynamically using Ajax/Jquery. So, my code works good for initial screen, but if I change a page then I can't edit any field in the second column, i.e. code for editing doesn't work now. So, please, tell me, how can I fix it? JS code:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
function hide_info_block(block_id) {
var old_value='No translate';
var item_id='';
var item;
new_value=(old_value=='Not translated') ? '' : old_value;
var field="<div id='save_button' class='btn btn-primary' style='float: right' href='#'>Save</div><form>"+
"<div style='overflow: hidden; padding-right: .5em;'>"+
"<input id='new_value' type='textarea' name='term' style='width: 100%;' value='"+new_value+"'/></div></form>";
$('#save_button').live('click', function() {
if ($.trim($('#new_value').val()).length==0)
alert ('The string is empty');
var loader="<td><img id='small_loader' style='position:absolute' src='/small_loader.gif' /></td>";
var old_val=old_value;
var new_val=$.trim($('#new_value').val());
$.post("http://""/index.php/welcome/update_record", { old_value: old_val,
value: new_val, id: item_id} ,
function(data) {
var message="Message";
var json = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
var[!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?#\[\\\]^`{|}~])/g, "\\$1");
if (json.result=='LOGIN') {
message="You need to enter before making any actions";
else {
if (json.result=='OK') {
$('#'+item_id).css('color', '#000000');
message="Your correction has been added successfully";
else {
message="Your correction has been updated successfully";
$('.page_button').live('click',function() {
if (data != "")
Table code:
<div class="records_content">
foreach ($records as $record) {
//echo "<tr class = 'output' style='border-bottom: 1px dotted silver;'>";
echo "<tr class = 'output' style='border-bottom: 1px dotted silver;'>";
echo "<td width='400'>" . strip_tags($record['translate']['language_value']) . "</td>";
if ($record['translate']['coalesce(loc.language_value)'])
echo "<td width='200' height='30'><div class='field' id='".$record['translate']['label_value']."/".$record['language_id']."'>".
if (count($record['alternatives']))
echo "<br/><b>Alternatives:</b>";
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($record['alternatives'] as $alternative)
echo "<li>".strip_tags($alternative['coalesce(loc.language_value)'])."</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "<td width='200'>"."<div class='field' style='font-style: italic; color: #FF0000' id='".$record['translate']['label_value']."/".$record['language_id']."'>Not translated</div>";
if (count($record['alternatives']))
echo "<br/><b>Alternatives:</b>";
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($record['alternatives'] as $alternative)
echo "<li>".strip_tags($alternative['coalesce(loc.language_value)'])."</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</td>";
mouseenter: function(event)
new_value=(old_value=='Not translated') ? '' : old_value;
var field="<div id='save_button' class='btn btn-primary' style='float: right' href='#'>Save</div><form>"+
"<div style='overflow: hidden; padding-right: .5em;'>"+
"<input id='new_value' type='textarea' name='term' style='width: 100%;' value='"+new_value+"'/></div></form>";
mouseleave: function(event)
}}, '.field');

You're adding a hover handler to your .field only once. When you change your .field by loading it through AJAX, it becomes a different element without any event handlers.
attach the hover event handler after loading the new .field.
use delegated event handlers.
mouseenter: function() {
//code when mouse enters .field
mouseleave: function() {
//code when mouse leaves .field
}, '.field');

Try running it in Google Chrome and press F12 so you have the JavaScript debugger available. Use the [Console] tab so see whether any errors are occurring. Its surprising what you can learn from this and what JavaScript is doing behind the scenes!


Only 1 data submitted into database (food ordering system)

I am new on implementing Ajax on PHP so I need a big help! anyways my problem is I have a 5 column names on my table_menu
and inside those column names it has 6 datas.
And I will gonna fetch those datas on my webpage(users.php)
// users.php
// fetching data
include 'config/initialize.php';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table_menu";
$res = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
echo "<table><tr>";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res))
echo "<td>";
echo "<div class='horizontalAlign'>";
echo "<form class='form-item' method='post'>";
echo "<img class='img-circle' src='menuImage/".$row['menu_image']."' style='height: 150px; width: 200px;'>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='menuimage' class='menuimage' value='".$row['menu_image']."'>";
echo "<input type='text' name='menufoodname' class='menufoodname' value='".$row['menu_foodname']."' style='border:none; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 30px; font-size: 20px;' readonly>";
echo "<div style='font-size: 20px; margin-left: 40px;'>Price:</div> <input type='text' class='menuprice' name='menuprice' value='".$row['menu_price']."' style='border:none; margin-left: 100px; margin-top: -28px; position: absolute; font-size: 20px;' readonly>";
echo "<div style='font-size: 20px;'>Quantity:</div> <input type='number' class='menuquantity' name='menuquantity' style='margin-top: -26px; position: absolute; margin-left: 90px; text-align: center;' value='".$row['menu_quantity']."' min='0' max='100'>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<input type='button' value='Submit order' class='btnaddorder btn btn-lg btn-info' class='btn btn-info'>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</td>";
if($i == 3)
echo "</tr><tr>";
} // end of while
echo "</tr></table>";
} // end of variable $i
?> <!-- // end of fetching data -->
and I want the page to be not refresh while the user orders... so I add this ajax script on the bottom of users.php
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".btnaddorder").click(function() {
var menuimage = $(".menuimage").val();
var menufoodname = $(".menufoodname").val();
var menuprice = $(".menuprice").val();
var menuquantity = $(".menuquantity").val();
// Returns successful data submission message when the entered information is stored in database.
$.post("addorders.php", {
menuimage1: menuimage,
menufoodname1: menufoodname,
menuprice1: menuprice,
menuquantity1: menuquantity,
}, function(data) {
Now the problem is when I am clicking the first button on the fetched datas the first one only got inserted and if I am add the second item even the third until fifth item it only display one data on the database which is the first data, why?
heres my addorders.php
include 'config/initialize.php';
include 'credentials/credentialsForUsers.php';
$menuimage = $_POST['menuimage1'];
$menufoodname = $_POST['menufoodname1'];
$menuprice = $_POST['menuprice1'];
$menuquantity = $_POST['menuquantity1'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO table_orders VALUES('','$username','$email','$menuimage','$menufoodname','$menuprice','$menuquantity')";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
thank you & sorry for my bad english. hope you understand my problem
To clarify which fields you want to submit you can do the following:
$(".btnaddorder").click(function() {
// here you find closest form tag to the pressed button
var form = $(this).closest('form');
// replace all you values with simple .serialize() function
// this function will use all non-disable fields from the form
$.post("addorders.php", form.serialize(), function(data) { });
On the serverside your $_POST will have the same keys as fields on your form.

Smileys couldn't displayed within text box php codeigniter

I 've used the below code to convert text to emoticons in javascript,
function add_smile($text) {
var $text=$text;
function RegExpEscape(text) {
return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
var emoticons = {
':)' : 'images/smileys/angry.gif',
':(' : 'images/smileys/sad.gif',
';)' : 'images/smileys/wink.gif'
var result =$text;
var emotcode;
var regex;
for (emotcode in emoticons)
regex = new RegExp(RegExpEscape(emotcode), 'gi');
result = result.replace(regex, function(match) {
var pic = emoticons[match.toLowerCase()];
if (pic != undefined) {
return '<img src="' + pic + '"/>';
} else {
return match;
$('#editor-textarea').val($('#editor-textarea').val() + " " + result);
In my view,
<textarea name="content" class="editor-textarea" id="editor-textarea">
<?php foreach($smiles as $k=>$v) : ?>
<button type="button" class="nobutton" onclick="add_smile('<?php echo $k ?>')"><?php echo $v ?></button>
<?php endforeach; ?>
The javascript function now replace the text with <img src="images/smileys/angry.gif"> as text not display as image.How do I solve this?
This is how textarea works - it displays and allows you to edit text. If you need a WYSIWYG control, think of using contentEditable (
$("button.make-editable").on("click", function() {
.attr('contenteditable', 'true')
.html("<b>this is bold</b>this is smiley \
<img src='' />");
$("button.make-standard").on("click", function() {
var inputbox = $("#inputbox");
inputbox.attr('contenteditable', 'false');
#inputbox {
border: 1px solid red;
padding: 10px;
#inputbox img {
width: 12px;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="inputbox">
This text should become editable.
<button class='make-editable'>Make DIV editable</button>
<button class='make-standard'>Remove "contentEditable", get value</button>

How to display only one specified div in jquery

I am trying to display one specified div when I am clicking on button with class .showFormButton, but unfortunetly every div with class .showForm appears. How to make only one .showForm div appear using jQuery?
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".showForm").css('display', 'block');
$(".showForm").css('position', 'absolute');
print "<input type='submit' class='showFormButton' VALUE='Ulubiony' onclick='ShowDiv()'>";
print "<div style='display: none; margin-left: -170px; margin-top: -60px; background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(15, 159, 220),rgb(14, 108, 148));' class='showForm'>";
print "<div >";
print "<p><b>Dodaj do ulubionych pracownika</b></br> [".$row['imie1']. " ".$row['nazwisko1']."]</p>";
print "<p>Osobista notatka</p>";
print "<FORM ACTION='view_tm.php' METHOD='POST' ENCRYPT='multipart/form-data' name='ulubiony_pracownik_dodaj'>";
print "<textarea name='id_pracownik_op_notatka' rows='10' cols='45'>". $row['notatka'] ."</textarea>";
print "<input type='hidden' name='id_pracownik_op' value='" . $row['id_pracownik'] . "'>";
print "<INPUT TYPE='submit' id='showFormButton' NAME='ulubiony_pracownik' VALUE='Dodaj do ulubionych'>";
print "</form>";
print "</div>";
You have to use this object to target your selection over the clicked element,
$(document).ready(function() {
var elm = $(".showForm", this)
elm.css({'display' : 'block', 'position' : 'absolute' });
Instead of using .css() for setting the properties, you could use .addClass(). Because it would be easy in maintaining, like removing the added properties in future.
$(document).ready(function() {
var elm = $(".showForm", this)
.clicked { display:block; position:absolute; }
Since the target element is the next sibling the the current element, you have to use .next(selector) at this context.
$(document).ready(function() {
var elm = $(this).next(".showForm")
elm.css({'display' : 'block', 'position' : 'absolute' });
jQuery has the .show() function to make hidden stuff visible. Take a look at this code snippet:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(document).on('click', '.action-btn', function () {
<div style="display: none;" class="hidden-div">
Hidden text
<button class="action-btn">Show hidden div</button>
You can distinguish the div by using an attribute
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".showForm[showme='1']").css('display', 'block');
$(".showForm[showme='1']").css('position', 'absolute');
print "<input type='submit' class='showFormButton' VALUE='Ulubiony' onclick='ShowDiv()'>";
print "<div showme='1' style='display: none; margin-left: -170px; margin-top: -60px; background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(15, 159, 220),rgb(14, 108, 148));' class='showForm'>";
print "<div >";
print "<p><b>Dodaj do ulubionych pracownika</b></br> [".$row['imie1']. " ".$row['nazwisko1']."]</p>";
print "<p>Osobista notatka</p>";
print "<FORM ACTION='view_tm.php' METHOD='POST' ENCRYPT='multipart/form-data' name='ulubiony_pracownik_dodaj'>";
print "<textarea name='id_pracownik_op_notatka' rows='10' cols='45'>". $row['notatka'] ."</textarea>";
print "<input type='hidden' name='id_pracownik_op' value='" . $row['id_pracownik'] . "'>";
print "<INPUT TYPE='submit' id='showFormButton' NAME='ulubiony_pracownik' VALUE='Dodaj do ulubionych'>";
print "</form>";
print "</div>";

update sql using ajax

I've been trying this code but i don't know what's wrong with it, i want my database to be update once a link is click before it goes to another page
<script type="text/javascript">
function performAjaxSubmission(){
url: 'notif_update.php',
method: 'POST',
data: {
action: 'save',
field: $("#getNotifId").val()
success: function(data) {
return false;
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
and my notif_update.php is this:
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
$value = $_POST['getNotifId'];
mysqli_query($conn, "update notif set notif_status='read' WHERE id=".$value."'");
$message ="Updated Sucessfuly!";
echo json_encode(array('success'=>$message));
my html code is like this:
echo "<a href='".$row['notif_link']."' target='content' id='notif'>";
echo "<div id='notif_block'>";
echo "<img src='".$imgSrc."' width='50px' height='50px' style='padding-right: 5px; float: left;'>";
echo $row['notif_name'];
echo "<br>";
echo "<span style='color: #999999; font-size: 16px;'>".$subTitle."</span>";
echo "<span style='font-style: italic; color:#999999; font-size: 16px;'> ";
echo date("m-d-Y", $timestamp);
echo "<input id='getNotifId' type='text' value='".$row['notif_id']."'>";
echo "</span></div></a>";
this html code is a generated notification base on what the database given, i want that when a user click the notification, the status of 'unread' in the database will go 'read' so that it won't be displayed anymore
Your PHP script is expecting a parameter called getNotifId and you're sending 'field'. Change the name being sent via ajax like this:
data: {
action: 'save',
getNotifId: $("#getNotifId").val()
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
url: 'notif_update.php',
method: 'POST',
data: {
action: 'save',
field: $("#getNotifId").val()
success: function(data) {
and your php would be to catch ajax parameter:
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
$value = $_POST['field'];
mysqli_query($conn, "update notif set notif_status='read' WHERE id=".$value."'");
$message ="Updated Sucessfuly!";
echo json_encode(array('success'=>$message));

jquery Datatables with dialog button

I am trying to utilize a button that will open a dialog based on the specific row that the button is located in. I have attached my code below.
The button is class is dlg-outletpart-btn:
Here is the jquery javascript portion:
<script> /*datatables script function below */
$(document).ready( function () {
} );
<script> /*jquery dialog controls for project detail */
$(function() {
$( ".dlgoutletpart" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
show: {
effect: "blind",
duration: 500
hide: {
effect: "fade",
duration: 700
$( ".dlg-outletpart-btn" ).click(function() {
var outletID = $(this).attr("data-dlg-outletparts");
$( "#dialog-" + outletID ).dialog( "open" )
Here is the html with php:
<h3>Go Back to main page</h3>
if ($_SESSION['authenticated'] == "true") {
$id_account = $_SESSION['ID_Account'];
$q = $protoFM['EMGSV'] -> newFindCommand('web_outlets');
$q -> addFindCriterion('id_account', '=='.$id_account);
$r = $q->execute();
if($r->code == 401){
echo "No outlets found.";
echo "Unknown Error:".$r->code;
} else {
echo "You are not logged in.";
foreach ($r->getRecords() as $parts){
$outletID = $parts->getField('ID_Outlet');
$outletData1 = $parts->getField('Image_Data');
$outletData2 = $parts->getField('Image_Data2');
$outletData3 = $parts->getField('Image_Data3');
$outletPart1 = $parts->getField('part1');
$outletPart2 = $parts->getField('part2');
$outletPart3 = $parts->getField('part3');
$outletPart4 = $parts->getField('part4');
$outletPart5 = $parts->getField('part5');
$outletPart6 = $parts->getField('part6');
$outletPart7 = $parts->getField('part7');
$outletPart8 = $parts->getField('part8');
$outletPart9 = $parts->getField('part9');
$outletPart10 = $parts->getField('part10');
echo '<div class="dlgoutletpart" id="dialog-' .$outletParts. '" title="Outlet Parts for '.$outletID.'">';
echo '<p>';
echo '1. '.$outletPart1.'<br>';
echo '2. '.$outletPart2.'<br>';
echo '3. '.$outletPart3.'<br>';
echo '4. '.$outletPart4.'<br>';
echo '5. '.$outletPart5.'<br>';
echo '6. '.$outletPart6.'<br>';
echo '7. '.$outletPart7.'<br>';
echo '8. '.$outletPart8.'<br>';
echo '9. '.$outletPart9.'<br>';
echo '10. '.$outletPart10.'<br>';
echo '</p>';
echo '</div>';
<table id="table_id_outlets" class="display">
<th>Area Served</th>
<th>Room Number</th>
<th>Outlet Number</th>
<th>Outlet Gas</th>
<th>Outlet Manufacturer</th>
<th>Outlet Model</th>
<th>Outlet Parts</th>
foreach ($r->getRecords() as $outlet){
$outletFloor = $outlet->getField('Outet_Floor');
$outletAreaServed = $outlet->getField('Outlet_Area_Served');
$outletRoomNumber = $outlet->getField('Outet_Room_Number');
$outletNumber = $outlet->getField('Outlet_Number_In_Room');
$outletGas = $outlet->getField('Outlet_Gas_Type');
$outletManufacturer = $outlet->getField('Outlet_Manufacturer');
$outletModel = $outlet->getField('Outlet_Model');
echo "<tr>";
echo '<td>' .$outletFloor. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletAreaServed. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletRoomNumber. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletNumber. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletGas. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletManufacturer. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletModel. '</td>';
echo '<td> <button class="dlg-outletpart-btn" data-dlg-outletparts="'.$outletParts.'">Outlet Parts</button>';
<?php $outlet->getfields('Outlet_Room_Number')?>
I didn't try to test this and there was a lot of cleanup needed so take this with a grain of salt rather than the exact solution.
Before I get into the explanation, there are a couple of points that need to be made:
Stay on top of your indention levels
Poorly indented code is harder to build in and even harder to troubleshoot.
REMEMBER: what you post online reflects on you as a programmer.
Don't use variables with single letters.
Give your variables proper and descriptive names. Single letter names also make it hard to code and hard to troubleshoot.
If you don't need it, don't write it
This is especially true if you're going to post on StackOverflow asking for help. The place where you had an else clause without any code in it should be stripped out of your question and really should be stripped out of your code. If you don't have any tasks to perform within a clause then don't add it. Add it back in when you actually need it. This goes for the closing and immediately opening of the php element. There's no reason to close one php element if you're going to immediately open another. If this is because your knitting two different sections together for the question then clean it out before you submit it.
So, here's the code you can try. Focus on the parts that I commented on in the javascript. The basic idea is:
Make the table your main selector.
You could make the tr element the main selector and it would still give you the index of the tr in the table, but adding the selector to the table itself means if you programmatically add new rows after the DOM has been rendered the jquery method will work for them as well.
Use the this keyword as a starting point.
this will be the button clicked which will allow you to navigate around.
Leverage jquery's navigation methods, in this case closest().
<script> /*datatables script function below */
$(document).ready( function () {
<script> /*jquery dialog controls for project detail */
$(function() {
$( ".dlgoutletpart" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
show: {
effect: "blind",
duration: 500
hide: {
effect: "fade",
duration: 700
// I changed the element selector to the id of the table element.
// This allows you to specify the selector for the 'on' method to apply to all
// tr elements within the given table and then reference their index relative
// to the overall table.
// I'm using `button` for the method's selector because you have only have
// on button in your table so it de-couples your selector from your class name.
$( "#table_id_outlets" ).on('click', 'button', function() {
// this: refers to the button that was clicked
// closest: walks up the node hierarchy till it finds a `tr`
// index(): gives you the index of the `tr` within the table.
// Use the index number however you need.
var outletID = $(this).attr("data-dlg-outletparts");
$( "#dialog-" + outletID ).dialog( "open" )
<h3>Go Back to main page</h3>
if ($_SESSION['authenticated'] == "true") {
$id_account = $_SESSION['ID_Account'];
// Note: you can't put a space between your
$query = $protoFM['EMGSV']->newFindCommand('web_outlets');
$query->addFindCriterion('id_account', '==' . $id_account);
$result = $query->execute();
if($result->code == 401){
echo "No outlets found.";
echo "Unknown Error:".$result->code;
} else {
echo "You are not logged in.";
foreach ($result->getRecords() as $parts){
$outletID = $parts->getField('ID_Outlet');
$outletData1 = $parts->getField('Image_Data');
$outletData2 = $parts->getField('Image_Data2');
$outletData3 = $parts->getField('Image_Data3');
$outletPart1 = $parts->getField('part1');
$outletPart2 = $parts->getField('part2');
$outletPart3 = $parts->getField('part3');
$outletPart4 = $parts->getField('part4');
$outletPart5 = $parts->getField('part5');
$outletPart6 = $parts->getField('part6');
$outletPart7 = $parts->getField('part7');
$outletPart8 = $parts->getField('part8');
$outletPart9 = $parts->getField('part9');
$outletPart10 = $parts->getField('part10');
echo '<div class="dlgoutletpart" id="dialog-' .$outletParts. '" title="Outlet Parts for '.$outletID.'">';
echo '<p>';
// Use an unordered list here
echo '1. '.$outletPart1.'<br>';
echo '2. '.$outletPart2.'<br>';
echo '3. '.$outletPart3.'<br>';
echo '4. '.$outletPart4.'<br>';
echo '5. '.$outletPart5.'<br>';
echo '6. '.$outletPart6.'<br>';
echo '7. '.$outletPart7.'<br>';
echo '8. '.$outletPart8.'<br>';
echo '9. '.$outletPart9.'<br>';
echo '10. '.$outletPart10.'<br>';
echo '</p>';
echo '</div>';
<table id="table_id_outlets" class="display">
<th>Area Served</th>
<th>Room Number</th>
<th>Outlet Number</th>
<th>Outlet Gas</th>
<th>Outlet Manufacturer</th>
<th>Outlet Model</th>
<th>Outlet Parts</th>
foreach ($result->getRecords() as $outlet){
$outletFloor = $outlet->getField('Outet_Floor');
$outletAreaServed = $outlet->getField('Outlet_Area_Served');
$outletRoomNumber = $outlet->getField('Outet_Room_Number');
$outletNumber = $outlet->getField('Outlet_Number_In_Room');
$outletGas = $outlet->getField('Outlet_Gas_Type');
$outletManufacturer = $outlet->getField('Outlet_Manufacturer');
$outletModel = $outlet->getField('Outlet_Model');
echo "<tr>";
echo '<td>' .$outletFloor. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletAreaServed. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletRoomNumber. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletNumber. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletGas. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletManufacturer. '</td>';
echo '<td>' .$outletModel. '</td>';
echo '<td> <button class="dlg-outletpart-btn" data-dlg-outletparts="'.$outletParts.'">Outlet Parts</button>';
<?php $outlet->getfields('Outlet_Room_Number')?>
I didn't test the php portion out, but the jquery definitely works.
