WordPress Registration Separate From User Registration - php

I would like to know if there is a plugin available or a way to achieve a registration process for a WordPress site that would be completely separate from thee site's users that can see the backend. To clarify a bit, we want to have two registrations available, one for site admins or editors that have access to the actual WordPress backend, and one for additional clients that don't have access to the WordPress backend and do not share the same user database table. We would not want them to even be listed as "Users" in the WordPress backend. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Create a separate system which uses OpenID. It's easiest

You should go to your dashboard and check that the default user role is set to subscriber. Subscribers only role is to read posts, they don't have access to the dashboard.


looking for solution in WordPress-Developing

WordPress dashboard
is there are any easy way to make a employee login web site for WordPress Dashboard ?
any Application programming interface[API] solutions?, any Content Management System[CMS] solution?
because giving access to main website back end for company data entering employees are too risky. And they are additionally try out some major updates stupidly. then i wanna solution for preventing that incident.
This is exactly what user roles are for: https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities
Do not give administrator access to anyone who does not need it. Users with 'Editor' or 'Author' roles can add posts without being able to update Wordpress or plugins.

Allowing Wordpress Users Multiple Logins

I've got a client using a WordPress site. They've got users in their site that have a series of extra fields that they can fill out- these fields save as metadata for that user. The client now wants his 'manager' level users to be able to create extra username/password combinations that would allow access to that particular 'manager' account. All of those username/password combos would be able to edit their manager's profile fields but not manage the other username/password 'aliases' for that managers account.
I can't find anything similar available via plugin. Does anyone know of anything, or could recommend a specific course of action for me to take to create a plugin that would do this? I'm prepared to write a custom plugin for this, but I want to know I'm doing it correctly. Should I create a new user role that can not see their own profile but instead the profile of the user that created them? And then allow a specific role the ability to create a user of that new limited role?
Thank you!
I think you will have to create a extra table in database linked to wp_users with user id as foreign key and store user name and password there. but this process involves modification in wordpress admin files.

When using Wordpress plugins with login for front-end users, will all plugins use the same user implementation?

I can't seem to find the answer to this online.
I don't have much experience with Wordpress but I need to build a site using a few plugins. They all offer the ability for users to register and login, and I need to know if they will all use the same user implementation (i.e. the native Wordpress one), so that when a user registers/logs in once they will get access to all of the plugins' features and be logged into all of them.
The plugins specifically are:
First and third one seems to use WP Login. In second one users seems to use formula to order tickets so they will probably have to fill all fields every order, but still logged as your WP users. Second plug-in using external website to finalise ordering so your user will have to log in somewhere else.
In my opinion for example thanks to first plugin you will be able to control access to second one and your users will not have to register twice to use third one.

force redirect users to respective sub-site (wordpress multi-site)

So does anyone know how to implement code that checks if users are a member of the site and if not, redirect them to their respective sub-site? Essentially, I am trying to restrict logged in users to the sub-site they are registered in, so when they try to access the main site or a different sub-site, they get redirected to their sub-site homepage.
There are lots of Wordpress plugins that allow you to do this sort of thing.
I would recommend 'Multisite User Management'. You will then simply need to apply a specific user role to each site, and edit the user role verification code to redirect users as appropriate.
If this doesn't help, I would advise searching for 'User Roles' and 'Multisite User Management' in the Wordpress plugin search. There is a wealth to choose from and at least one of them should do most of what you need.

CakePHP: authentication frontend and backend, are they possible together?

I'm developing a CakePHP 1.3 application which needs to login users backend and frontend.
On the backend, admins and others must login to edit pages and data.
On the frontend, users can login to see "private" pages.
I'm using CakePHP ACL/Auth to login backend users (but i dont'have so clear how it works).
What do you suggest? I was thinking to set frontend users as a particular "acl" group to see that pages.
User admin routing.( http://book.cakephp.org/view/945/Routes-Configuration )
This will allow you to create separate functionality for ADMINS and USERS. You can even create additional user types and create routes for them too.
ACL is a bit difficult to understand and does not make sense for all situations. This blog may be of some use to help you get started:
