I have inherited some code in which the previous coder wrote this:
if (!not_null($page)) {
die('<b>Error!</b><br><b>Unable to determine the page link!<br><br>');
Is there any advantage to this, as opposed to just saying:
if (is_null($page))
It seems unnecessarily confusing to me.
not_null must be a local function.
It is not a standard PHP function.
Without knowing what not_null does, it is impossible to say. Since not_null is a user-defined function, it could be doing anything
If, after checking in to things, you find that not_null is doing a simple comparison, you could refactor the code in the name of readability:
if (is_null($page))
die('<p><strong>Error!</strong><br>Unable to determine the page link!</p>')
if ($page === null)
die('<p><strong>Error!</strong>Unable to determine the page link!</p>')
P.S. - don't use <b> -- use <strong> instead. Also, when you need multiple line breaks, use a <p> instead of multiple <br>. Your sample code has an unclosed <b> tag on the error message.
There is no not_null function in PHP I believe.
What should you use?
Use === null or !== null instead of making a call to function explicitly.
It actually seems worse to do so because one can simply write in the if statement:
if($page==null) which evaluates quicker than using this function. You can also try if(!$page) which will evaluate quickly as well.
I ran across some interesting code today. I tried to find out if this is a feature of PHP or if I am missing something, but was unable to find anything on Google. Probably because I don't know the name of it.
if($logo = \Repositories\Logo::getLogoData($id)){
$logo_href = $logo->link;
The variable $logo is not being set anywhere else. It seems like the expression in this if statement is checking to see if the that class method is returning anything and simultaneously setting the variable $logo to be used in the statement.
Is this true? If so, what in the world is this called!?!
You can make an assignment like that in a conditional. What happened logically is that the value is assigned to $logo and then $logo is evaluated as to whether it is truthy. If it is truthy, the code in the conditional executes.
You will oftentimes see this sort of assignment/evaluation in the case of looping through database result sets, but generally I would suggest that it should be avoided outside such a common use case for sake of clarity in reading g code.
Yes, this is a feature. It's like:
But in this case, imagine the bool result of if as var $a.
However, IDE's are used to complain about solutions like this because of == vs. = as a very common possible bug source.
Ok, first of all, i suspect this is going to be closed.
Right, i have a question relating to using function calls inside statements as opposed to assigning to a variable first.
For example:
(code is in php, but question applies generally. Also, code is overly simplified)
if (myAmazingFunction() === true) {
// do something amazing
instead of
$amazingresult = myAmazingFuncton();
if ($amazingResult === true) {
// do something amazing
The question is:
Is there any performance, or other underlying pros or cons to each approach
Stylistically, is any of the approaches considered better than the other
In most languages, there will be no performance difference. In the first case, the compiler will allocate storage for the result of the function call before checking whether it is true. In the second case you're simply making this explicit.
If you are debugging, sometimes the second form is easier, as you can set a breakpoint on the second line and check the value returned by the function before the comparison is made - but then you see the result of the function by the path the executing code takes anyway in the example you've given. You can also re-use the value without rerunning the function, as Zac says in his comment.
Stylistically, this is going to be largely subjective. The only thing I'd say here is that if your variable name makes the purpose of the function output clear, then you might be adding something to the ability for others to understand your code easily.
#DavidM's answer is correct. However, I'd just like to add that stylistically, I think it depends on the name of the function and its context.
if ($food->tastesGood()) {
echo 'Mmmm!';
// vs.
$foodTastesGood = $food->tastesGood();
if ($foodTastesGood) {
echo 'Mmmm!';
In this case, it's very clear that the return value of the method tastesGood() is going to be a boolean from both the name of the method and its context. Using a temporary variable adds nothing to your code except making it redundant and less-readable at a glance. In addition, if the variable is not defined right before its used, then you have to go find the definition to understand the condition. In these cases, I would say use of a variable is worse.
Another example:
if ($dishes->wash() !== FALSE) {
echo 'Sparkly!';
// vs.
$dishesAreClean = $dishes->wash() !== FALSE;
if ($dishesAreClean) {
echo 'Sparkly!';
In this case, we can't really infer the return type of the wash() method from its name, and indeed, it would seem that it returns nothing on success and FALSE on errors. Checking if the dishes are clean then requires us to make sure that there were no errors, but the first case doesn't make for particularly readable or self-documenting code. The second case, however, adds very explicit information about what's going on by way of the temporary variable. In these cases, I would say use of a variable is better.
Is there any performance, or other underlying pros or cons to each approach
Performance-wise, assigning an extra variable that you will use only in your if condition will use extra memory, and one useless line of code. So it will use more memory. Will it be noticeable? Probably not.
Stylistically, is any of the approaches considered bad
Using the method in your if statement is perfectly valid, and I think it's a better approach, since you can read the code and see exactly what value is being tested in the if condition. No need to look for the variable and search where it was affected.
$specify_step = ($_GET['specify_step']) ? $_GET['specify_step'] : getNextStep($returnId,$type);
Given the above statement, is there a way to shorthand this if statement even more so that I don't have to say $_GET['specify_step'] twice?
In the cases when I'm accessing GET or COOKIES etc, it always seems redundant and "wordier" then it needs to be.
I don't think it gets much more compact than that. My only thought is to make a temporary variable to hold $_GET['specify_step'], but that doesn't seem any shorter.
$specify_step = ($_GET['specify_step']) ?: getNextStep($returnId,$type);
It made enough logical sense to me that I had to go look it up....and according to php.net, it works in PHP 5.3. If you're using 5.3, you're in luck.
As I mentioned in a comment to your question, I don't know PHP.
Check if this works. In most langauages, if the first part is true, the function getNextStep won't be called.
$specify_step = ($_GET['specify_step']) || getNextStep($returnId,$type);
There would be this alternate boolean evaluation approach, but it just goes to show that you have to duplicate something:
$specify_step = $_GET['specify_step']
$specify_step = getNextStep($returnId,$type);
(Also works without decorative linebreaks.)
With PHP 5.3 you might of course use the ?: shortcut. If that's available.
Personally I can alternate to $_GET->default('specify_step', 123) for such cases.
In this code fragment:
$results = $this->getAdapter()->fetchAll($query);
if(count($results)) {
// …
…do you consider the if(count()) part to be be a well understood idiom, or confusing code. i.e. should it be
if(count($results) > 0)
Using a boolean expression with 'if' requires less understanding of a language than using implicit conversions, so I would always prefer the second option (adding "> 0") - at least if this code is meant to be read by others, too. You never know who will maintain your code. The keyword is "clarity" here.
But I must admit I have written many times code with if's using an int expression myself, too, because I like its elegance.
They are doing exactly the same job in this context, and are both easily readable.
I'll just add (just in case) that if you're performing this query only to if(count()), then you should be issuing a SELECT COUNT(*) instead!
The count and the extraneous > comparison are pointless. If you receive an actualy array, then the test should just be:
if ($results) {
That's what scripting languages are for. Abstracting low level details away.
You would only need the count if your fetchAll function returns an ArrayObject or similar. Should your function sometimes return a false for example, then your if (count( is going to fail (because count(false)==1 in PHP).
erm...not realy sure what the purpose of this question is - but the semantics should be self-evident to anyone whom understands PHP
My opinion is that the > 0 check is redundant and unnecessary.
I know other developers who insist that it should be there for clarity, but frankly I can't why -- anyone who can read PHP should be able to discern that they are identical.
I am not really clear about declaring functions in php, so I will give this a try.
function getselection($selection,$price)
global $getprice;
case1: case 1:
echo "You chose lemondew <br />";
echo "The price:".$price;
Please let me know if I am doing this wrong, I want to do this the correct way; in addition, php.net has examples but they are kind of complex for a newb, I guess when I become proficient I will start using their documentation, thank you for not flaming.
Please provide links that might also help me clear this up?
Your example seems valid enough to me.
function foo($myVar)
echo $myVar
// Output: bar
See this link for more info on user-defined functions.
You got off to a reasonable start. Now all you need to do is remove the redundant case 1:, close your switch statement with a } and then close your function with another }. I assume the global array $getprice is defined in your code but not shown in the question.
it's good practice to declare functions before calling them. It'll prevent infrequent misbehavior from your code.
The sample is basically a valid function definition (meaning it runs, except for what Asaph mentions about closing braces), but doesn't follow best practices.
Naming conventions: When a name consists of two or more words, use camelCase or underscores_to_delineate_words. Which one you use isn't important, so long as you're consistent. See also Alex's question about PHP naming conventions.
Picking a good name: a "get" prefix denotes a "getter" or "accessor"; any method or function of the form "getThing" should return a thing and have no affects visible outside the function or object. The sample function might be better called "printSelection" or "printItem", since it prints the name and price of the item that was selected.
Globals: Generally speaking, globals cause problems. One alternative is to use classes or objects: make the variable a static member of a class or an instance member of an object. Another alternative is to pass the data as an additional parameter to the function, though a function with too many parameters isn't very readable.
Switches are very useful, but not always the best choice. In the sample, $selection could easily hold the name of an item rather than a number. This points to one alternative to using switches: use an index into an array (which, incidentally, is how it's done in Python). If the cases have the same code but vary in values used, arrays are the way to go. If you're using objects, then polymorphism is the way to go--but that's a topic unto itself.
The $price parameter appears to serve no purpose. If you want your function to return the price, use a return statement.
When you called the function, you neglected to pass any arguments. This will result in warnings and notices, but will run.