Show different content in sidebar based on user behaviour - php

I'm planning a site and I was thinking would it be possible to show alternate content in the sidebar based on the behaviour of the visitor? Say the user has clicked on link X on page A and I want the alternate content in the sidebar to be shown on page B, if they clicked on the link. Also, if the visitor fills out a form, would it be possible to associate the tracking cookie information with the submitted form to see what pages the visitor viewed? Would this be easier to implement in a particular cms?
I would appreciate it if someone could at least point me into the right direction. Thanks in advance!

Yes anything is possible & no need for cookies (unless you want to keep a persistent track of the user)
Have a relationship column next to the content in your db, when creating the content assign this value much like a category or tag ect.
Then when user clicks on link A as the page loads store its relationship in the session, then when link B is clicked load content related to the previous set session value.


Post to a different page but stay on the current page

I have a requirement, 2 php pages, one for entry purposes and another for display purposes.
Page 1- badgeentry.php allows an admin to enter badges numbers 123 and clicks submit.
Page 2 - badgedisplay.php allows all other users to view what the current badge number is. In this case 123. This page is using the "Refresh" meta html tag.
As far as the development, I have badgeentry and badgedisplay coded for. However, I want admins to stay on badgeentry after submit is clicked and still post data to badgedisplay. How can I do that?
Also, how do i maintain the badge number until the number is updated by admin. Currently, I lose the post value on badgedisplay page.
PS: I cannot use databases, maybe Javascript if I really have to
Thanks in advance.
With JavaScript: Use AJAX to post asynchronously in the background.
Without JavaScript: Post to a hidden iframe (with <form target="name-of-iframe">)

Keeping track of more than one level of page referrers

The scenario (all happening within the administration area/backend):
From the listing page, the user clicks a link to view an article (on the backend).
From the article view page, the user clicks a link to edit that article.
In the article edit page, form is submitted to the current uri.
If validation succeeds or user cancels, user is redirected to the article view page.
From the article view page, the user click a 'back' link to return to the listing page.
List <--> View <--> Edit
Right now, I'm only able to track referring url from a previous page. In the edit form, I'm using a hidden field to maintain referral to the view page, lest it be changed during failed form POST submission to itself and user remains in the edit page.
Problem is that when the user returns to the view page from edit, the 'back' link to the listing page is now linked to the edit page.
The listing page url is dynamic as the user should return to the listing on the same page and sort order (stored in query strings); therefore a fixed url is out of the question.
In the past, I've tried using sessions (e.g. SESSION['view_to_list_ref'] SESSION['edit_to_view_ref']), but it messed up with multiple tabs.
I could transition between view/edit via ajax, but I'm hoping to keep the app simple and ajaxless at this point of time.
I'm using PHP + Kohana 3.2 Framework
The only solution I can think of is to have the list page url encoded and appended to the 'view article' link via query string. This way, the location of the listing page is preserved even while in the edit page; as the referring url back to view page would also contain the listing page url in the query string. However I don't really like the idea of 'dirtying' the url with long parameter values (encoded or not).
I'm really hoping there is a more elegant solution to this problem of generally tracking multiple levels of page referrals; not just specifically to solving the scenario I've mentioned.
EDIT: Oh and the solution should be able to support multiple tabs performing the same scenario.
You could track the pages by using a unique identifying code in a PHP session, a temporary variable, and using a temporary database table that tracks page loads by these temporary values.
The database structure might be:
| Unique ID | Page Referral | Time of page load |
Tracking time of page load would allow you to selectively wipe loads older than X minutes, and keep the table relatively small.
Anyway, this would allow you to keep as many levels as you'd like, and if you wanted to add an auto incrementing counter field, or your own counter field, you could even keep a simple to use number system that tracks page loads, though I believe the time of page load would suffice for that scenario.

Store different data to each tab

I need store different post data to each tab in a browser. If I open a new instance of the same page, the data aren't shared between both.
My problem:
I'm building a CMS to control my website content. But I will open some instances of the same page (many tabs). So I have a search form to find news that I been created on my CMS. If I open a news item I have a cancel button that back to previous page (the news list).
The problem is that the news list have a pagination and a filter form. So I can, for instance, search by a term like "john doe" and advance to page 5, and open a news item. If I cancel, currently I back to news list without filter and on first page.
My solutions:
Well, I don't want to use the history.back() because I can submit a news form and click on back/cancel button. So, I'll back to the current form, what is wrong.
My second idea is to store a $_SESSION with the $_POST sent to the news list and the back button send me to /news/list/recovery-session, that will recovery the $_POST data from session. But it have a problem: if I open two tabs and make two searchs, I'll have only the last session saved.
Your solutions:
Well, I can work with PHP and JS to make it work. You can suggest a idea of what I can do. I think about work with COOKIES, but I belive that it is shared by domain, and not by tab, what is a problem.
Generate a unique id and attach it to the form or some hidden element that will be submitted. Save that unique id in a cookie or session variable. Compare the two at time of submission.
If second tab has generated a new id, the first tab will not evaluate to true.
The main problem is the need to persist the state of what page to return to and also the search term when returning back to the news list page. There are many ways to accomplish this, but one simple method is by encoding this data into your query string.
As an example, assuming your search term is "john doe" and you are on page 5, pass that data along to your news page.
news.php?returnSearchTerm=john+doe&returnPage=5& ....
When the news page is created, you can format your cancel link to send you back to the list page with the correct parameters.

Restrict Joomla article to one view per user

Does anyone know how I can manipulate joomla to only allow one view per user to certain articles? I am looking to make the article gray out and not allow the user to click on it after it has been viewed for the first time. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
This is would probably have to be a plugin. This could only really be reliably done on a page that requires a user to be logged in and you can't just register new accounts. Also someone could just copy the text the first time and then your security is moot. Nevertheless, the plugin would have to track the page ID and the user ID and when the visit the page a row gets added to table. Then you could have a page template where you check that table and if the row exists for that page id and user you do whatever to the content otherwise display it as normal.
I'm not sure why you would want to do this, but it would take a plugin that does several things. First, your content would have to be available to registered users only. Cookies would work, but it would be really easy to clear your cookies to regain access to the content. Next, the plugin would need to record every visit to the page, the record would need to include the userID. Last, the plugin would need to look up the specific user that is trying to access an article and check to see if they have been to the page before.
However, all of that work would not prevent anyone from registering another account to access the content again. Or copying and pasting the content or saving the page locally. Why would you want to limit your users to a single page view?
The only correct way to do is create a plugin "content" that will check the database in the field "hits". If it is greater than X, you can redirect Joomla to block his access:
$mainframe->redirect('index.php', JText::_('AN ERROR HAS OCCURED'));
The advantage of this method is that you have the option to reset the counter in the administration of articles
As for the display of the results list, I advise you to use your html file of your template to make such audit and carried away those who are no longer available.

Best method for generating html content to a single web page

Good day everyone!
I have a single page, this page has no dynamic content.
I have a set of links. What I need is to have content placed on the page based on the link the user clicks.
Example: I have pictures of animals. When the user click a Zebra, the Zebra info is placed on the page.
So the page does not change, meaning the content on the page changes but not the page it self.
The idea is instead of creating different html pages for each animal profile, the profile is generated to the page from another source.
Is is this possible?
What will be the best way to get this accomplish?
Thanks everyone!
I would probably use jquery to do this. Set your data in hidden divs and just move them into the "display" area when the appropriate image is clicked on.
