MYSQL PHP - get float LIKE $float - php

I want to get rows with floats like my $float.
I used this code:
$float = $_GET['float'];
$requst = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM floats WHERE float LIKE'$float.%%%%%%%'"));
then I echoed all the rows with while:
while ($r = $request) {
echo $a['float'];
but the page doesn't show anything. (YES, I typed in the address bar ?float=34 and there are floats like 34.****** in the table.)
What is the problem?
(PHP version 5.2, MYSQL version 5.0)

Try This
$requst = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM floats WHERE float LIKE'$float.%%%%%%%'");
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($request)) {
echo $r['float'];

How about select * from floats where floor(float) = $floor;?

Your variable already has a decimal point in it.
"SELECT * FROM floats WHERE float LIKE '$float%'"
If your float is 34.567 your statement executes as find like '34.567.%' which isn't finding any results.
how about this then?
"SELECT * FROM floats WHERE abs(float-$float)<1;"
That will bring in anything within 1?
Having said that, although you can keep floats in mysql, it might be safer to keep them as decimals with a limited number of points after the decimal.


is possible to less float values..?

$quantity = 20;
$product_rate = 66.79;
$total = $quantity * $product_rate;
echo $total;
Output is showing 1335.8000000000002
is there possible to show 1335.8 using php..?
You can use the number_format() function like this:
$firstNum = 1335.8000000000002;
$number = number_format($firstNum, 1, '.', '');
echo $number;
more on number_format() here:
You can also multiply the number by 10, then use intval() to convert it to an integer (that way stripping out the decimals) and then divide by 10 like this:
$firstNum = 1335.8000000000002;
$number = 10 * intval($firstNum)/10;
echo $number;
Note: when using the methods above there will be no rounding, for rounding you would use something like this:
$number = round($firstNum, 1);
echo $number;
which in this case also outputs:
Do you really use these variable values? I'm using PHP7 and the output for your given values is 1335.8. If you do a manual calculation it is the same result. It should be 1335.8. Anyway if you need to roundup the value you can use below.
Please refer the below link and you will be able to grab more details.
Because how floating point numbers work, they cannot represent every numbers exactly, so approximations are made.
The closest representation of 20 is 20, it can represent 20 exactly, but 66.79 for instance is approximated to 66.7900000000000062527760746889, that times 20 is 1335.800000000000125055521493778 that again cannot be represented and is approximated to 1335.80000000000018189894035459.
Depending on how you choose to print this number, it may round different ways, in your case for some reason you decided to print 13 decimal places so it rounded to 1335.8000000000002, but if you print only 1 or 2 decimal places it will print as 1335.8 or 1335.80. Just be mindful about that when printing floating point numbers, you may want to specify how many decimal places are relevant to you. For that, use number_format().
echo number_format($number, 2); // prints 2 decimal places
You can do this simply using echo echo round($total, 1) instead of doing round($total)

Is it possible to get float type result from the sum of two integer type variable?

Is it possible to get float type result from the sum of two integer type variable?
1 + 2 => 3.0
I have tried using number_format($result, 1) and sprintf("%.1f", $result),
but the return value type is string.
Additionally, if I type cast to float then the return value is a float of value 3 and not 3.0
I suggest you.. you can use sprintf:-
$a = 1+2;
$result = sprintf("%.2f", $a); //3.00 or $result = sprintf("%.1f", $a); //3.0
echo $result;
Hope it helps!
use floatval(); to swith the value to float
check the doc
also please check the similar question PHP - Force integer conversion to float with three decimals
Your integer variables are in the type int
If you add two int type, the result is inevitably an integer result.
$intOne = 1;
$intTwo = 2;
$result = $intOne + $intTwo; // = (int)3
You can change the type of your result, easily, but, is not necessary good, if you store an int in your var...
$floatResult = (float) $result; // (float)3
Also, if you don't know the type of your variable you can use the function 'floatval' (official doc here) like that:
$floatOne = floatval('3.14'); // (float)3.14
$floatTwo = floatval("3.141 is a Pi number"); // (float)3.14
In this case, if you add two flaot type, the result is in float two:
$result = $floatOne + floatTwo; // (float)6.281
The best practises want to save the right type on your variable and your database ( read this for more information about types and performance)
if you want just show decimals after your integer type, you can use the number_format() function (official documentation here) like that:
$decimalResult = number_format($floatResult, 4);
echo $decimalResult; // Show '3.0000' ^ Number of decimals
Hope I help you ;)

PHP round to integer

I want to round a number and I need a proper integer because I want to use it as an array key. The first "solution" that comes to mind is:
$key = (int)round($number)
However, I am unsure if this will always work. As far as I know (int) just truncates any decimals and since round($number) returns a float with theoretically limited precision, is it possible that round($number) returns something like 7.999999... and then $key is 7 instead of 8?
If this problem actually exists (I don't know how to test for it), how can it be solved? Maybe:
$key = (int)(round($number) + 0.0000000000000000001) // number of zeros chosen arbitrarily
Is there a better solution than this?
To round floats properly, you can use:
ceil($number): round up
round($number, 0): round to the nearest integer
floor($number): round down
Those functions return float, but from Niet the Dark Absol comment: "Integers stored within floats are always accurate, up to around 2^51, which is much more than can be stored in an int anyway."
round(), without a precision set always rounds to the nearest whole number. By default, round rounds to zero decimal places.
$int = 8.998988776636;
round($int) //Will always be 9
$int = 8.344473773737377474;
round($int) //will always be 8
So, if your goal is to use this as a key for an array, this should be fine.
You can, of course, use modes and precision to specify exactly how you want round() to behave. See this.
You might actually be more interested in intval:
echo intval(round(4.7)); //returns int 5
echo intval(round(4.3)); // returns int 4
What about simply adding 1/2 before casting to an int?
$int = (int) ($float + 0.5);
This should give a predictable result.
Integers stored within floats are always accurate, up to around 253, which is much more than can be stored in an int anyway. I am worrying over nothing.
For My Case, I have to make whole number by float or decimal type
number. By these way i solved my problem. Hope It works For You.
$value1 = "46.2";
$value2 = "46.8";
// If we print by round()
echo round( $value1 ); //return float 46.0
echo round( $value2 ); //return float 47.0
// To Get the integer value
echo intval(round( $value1 )); // return int 46
echo intval(round( $value2 )); // return int 47
My solution:
function money_round(float $val, int $precision = 0): float|int
$pow = pow(10, $precision);
$result = (float)(intval((string)($val * $pow)) / $pow);
if (str_contains((string)$result, '.')) {
return (float)(intval((string)($val * $pow)) / $pow);
else {
return (int)(intval((string)($val * $pow)) / $pow);
Round to the nearest integer
$key = round($number, 0);

Cosine similarity result above one

I am coding cosine similarity in PHP. Sometimes the formula gives a result above one. In order to derive a degree from this number using inverse cos, it needs to be between 1 and 0.
I know that I don't need a degree, as the closer it is to 1, the more similar they are, and the closer to 0 the less similar.
However, I don't know what to make of a number above 1. Does it just mean it is totally dissimilar? Is 2 less similar than 0?
Could you say that the order of similarity kind of goes:
Closest to 1 from below down to 0 - most similar as it moves from 0 to one.
Closest to 1 from above - less and less similar the further away it gets.
Thank you!
My code, as requested is:
$norm1 = 0;
foreach ($dict1 as $value) {
$valuesq = $value * $value;
$norm1 = $norm1 + $valuesq;
$norm1 = sqrt($norm1);
$dot_product = array_sum(array_map('bcmul', $dict1, $dict2));
$cospheta = ($dot_product)/($norm1*$norm2);
To give you an idea of the kinds of values I'm getting:
Your math is good but I'm thinking you're missing something calculating the norms. It works great if you move that math to its own function as follows:
function calc_norm($arr) {
$norm = 0;
foreach ($arr as $value) {
$valuesq = $value * $value;
$norm = $norm + $valuesq;
$dict1 = array(5,0,97);
$dict2 = array(300,2,124);
$dot_product = array_sum(array_map('bcmul', $dict1, $dict2));
$cospheta = ($dot_product)/(calc_norm($dict1)*calc_norm($dict2));
I don't know if I'm missing something but I think you are not applying the sum and the square root to the values in the dict2 (the query I assume).
If you do not normalised per query you can get results greater than one. However, this is done some times as it is ranking equivalent (proportional) to the correct result and it is quicker to compute.
I hope this helps.
Due to the vagaries of floating point arithmetic, you could have calculations which, when represented in the binary form that computers use, are not exact. Probably you can just round down. Likewise for numbers slightly less than zero.

PHP not dividing correctly

I have some PHP code that is dividing two numbers that are pulled from a mySQL database however it is not computing correctly. When I echo $comm and $total_fix individually, the numbers are correct. However, when I echo the division of the two it is not the correct answer. Both numbers are DECIMAL(10,0) data type in the database. Below is the PHP code
$percent_comm = $comm / $total_fix;
$percent_comm = number_format($percent_comm, 2, '.', ',');
echo "<td align=\"center\">".$percent_comm."</td>";
here $comm = 2700, $total_fix = 75 but $percent_comm is computing to be 0.03 when it should be 36
From what I see on your comments, you are getting the $comm variable as a string with a comma, because of the format. I suggest to convert the formatted string into a valid number.
Mean while I'll recomend this:
$comm = '2,700';
$comm = str_replace(',','',$comm);
That remove the comma from your number.
From the variable names, you want to know $comm as a percentage of $total_fix. Your code almost does this: You correctly divide $comm/$total_fix, and it correctly gives you 0.027. But you got it backwards when you checked by hand: 36 is the result of dividing 2700/75 (i.e., $total_fix/$comm)
But to get a percentage, multiply by 100 the result of the division:
(75.0 / 2700) * 100 = 2.7 percent.
That's what your code should be getting.
