Upload a file from one server to another server - php

I have to site on two different servers.
I want to upload a file www.myserver.com/thefile.txt to www.myotherserver.com/thesamefile.txt
Although the easiest way is to download the file to my computer and then upload, I would like to know if I can automate and make the server download it

You could just make the other server access the URL you wrote, www.myserver.com/thefile.txt, and publish it as www.myotherserver.com/thesamefile.txt?

If you have ssh on both servers try to use scp.
`scp file ssh_login#host:/path_to_download/
Or use php ftp_* functions.

The following code fragment should work. Just make sure that the $read_file is the url on the first server and the $write_file the location on your current server, it should not be an url but an absolute location on your server where you should be able to write.
function copyFile($read_file, $write_file)
file_put_contents($write_file, file_get_contents($read_file));

You have two options:
Using php ftp support, and upload the file to another server
Create script to myotherserver.com, make post request with file contents and save the contents using php(eg: file_put_contents)


Upload from local URL to server

Is it possible to send file from a local URL?
I need to upload files in php from your local url, eg I open the web page with:
www ... upload.php?url=c://...file.jpg,
from the url GET,I would get the file on the pc and would upload, without using html or anything else that I have to choose, just with the file url.
Important, it can only be this way, it will not be possible to choose the file during the upload, it will only be a POST or GET with the local url.
I researched and found nothing related, if anyone can help
I think it is impossible for server to get a client file by using the file path.
But maybe you can use JS and FileSystemobject to prepare the file, make it to streaming and post to the server.
And you must know FSO need a high security permission and may be disabled on users' browser.

Download file via PHP from FTP, like normally downloading a file?

I am currently trying to retrieve a file from an FTP-Server in order to make it accessible for the user to download. ftp_get() writes it to a path on the local machine, yes, but what I want is that it also shows up in the download history and counts as "normal" download from the internet but I didn't figure out how to do this yet. I also tried to link directly to the file in PHP with header("Location: ftp://username:password#ftp.server.com/myfile.file") but this was resulting in the browser showing the files contents (which I didn't want). Did I miss any header-Parameters ? Or is there a completely different way to do this ?
You won't be able to "redirect" a user to a file so he can download it using FTP. This is a HTTP-thing. Browsers provides FTP features and make it look like HTTP but, in fact, those are different stuff.
If this file is only accessible through FTP and it is on a remote server, the only way I can imagine so you cand 'redirect' this download to the user is:
Download the file from the FTP to your application server through FTP in PHP;
Send it to the user using PHP and appropriate file headers, something like this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7263943/2802720
Hope it helps.

Save image in remote location php

I want to save my website images in remote location with php?
I saved my image by url with this script
file_put_contents($img, file_get_contents($orginall))
and now I need save images in another remote server.
any idea?
For that you need to have an FTP Access to that remote location.
You could make use of the ftp_put() for this.
Important Side Note : The MODE should be set to FTP_BINARY
you can try rsync with exec command:
exec('rsync -au /var/www/uploads/x.png user#');
but you need to setup a passwordless access to remote server from your apache user. this post might help you accomplish that

Download while uploading

How to use PHP or any other language to read an uploading-file to allow download of the uploading-file while it is uploading?
Example sites that does this are:
Use this: http://www.php.net/manual/en/apc.configuration.php#ini.apc.rfc1867
In the array the file name is included as temp_filename - so you can pass that to your other program, which can read from the file and stream it live. The array also includes a file size so that program can make sure not to try to read beyond the end of the file.
I don't think this is possible in PHP because PHP takes care of receiving the download and only hands over control when it has the complete file. When writing CGI programs or Java servlets you read the upload from the socket so you are in control while receiving the file and you can administer if it is still uploading and how much has been received so another process could read this data and start sending what is already there.
One of the site's you've given as an example is just downloading a file from an URL or from the client computer, stores it temporarily and assigns a code to that file to make it identifiable.
After uploading, any other user who has the code can then download that file again.
This is more a question how you operate a server system then writing the code.
You can download files to the local system by making use of file_get_contents and file_put_contents.
If you want to stream file-data from the server to the browser, you can make use of readfile PHP Manual.

how to save uploaded file in another server?

I have tow servers for my web site. first, for database and php files. the second, for save useres' uploaded files.
So, if I uploade a file in server-1 xxx.com. how could i save it in server-2 yyy.com??
if you want two servers to be exact clones (contianing same files) you can run a rsync script after your first uplaod has completed. Its very easy and best of you don't have to specify files.
Lets say you want to transfer all files in directory /files/ to server2 in directory /files/2/ You can run this :
rsync /files/ yyy.com:~/files/2/
If you ONLY want specific files (extensions) to be synced, you can do this:
rsync /files/*.mp3 yyy.com:~/files/2/
The above will move ONLY MP3.
You can simply upload one file from server 1 to the server 2 using PHP's FTP functions.
See code example here: http://www.jonasjohn.de/snippets/php/ftp-example.htm
Use shared storage (SAN). Or SMB shares if on Windows. Or NFS if on Unix. Or scp (ssh) with public key authentication if on Unix.
An ugly way I used once was to pass via cURL and FTP commands
Of you course, you need to have access to your server-2 FTP...
