Does anyone have a very clear step-by-step guide for implementing OAuth2 (preferably in Kohana 3.2, but I'll take whatever I can get)?
I would like it to include the tables I need to create, etc. (Hard to implement something without knowing the table structure.)
I completely forgot to mention that I'm looking for a Provider implementation! Thanks! (and sorry).
You can try to analyze oauth2-php
It seems like, after hours of research, this ( is about the closest I could get. It takes #mrok's suggestion a step further. (PS - thanks, #mrok)
Maybe this helps: (look into and modules). Unfortunately, currently we have no time for development :(
PS. Also I've wrote an article about OAuth2 in Kohana, you can try to translate it from russian:
I hate Moodle so much. I have to use it though so I figured I would create a new "front-end" to it. I'm wondering if Moodle has an API I can just hook. I'm hoping to get this to work with most standard Moodle's so I can't rely on anything that has to be enabled or added to Moodle.
If there isn't an "API" I can use how would the best way to scrape it be? I'm best at PHP but I'm open to new ideas.
look here:
and here:
Moodle is an open source project. If you don't like it (or some part of it) why not join the community and help make it better?
It would help if you said exactly what it is you don't like so much that you are apparently prepared to put hundreds of hours into "fixing" it.
If it's just the look of the thing then you can use themes to change HTML and CSS. Themes are trivial for an admin to drop into Moodle so if what you make is awesome it's not hard to convince an admin to do that.
Otherwise you may be interested in joining in with this new official mobile client based on HTML5 and here is the Documentation.
The laconic answer:
But seriously, the 'front-end' of a web application is pretty much the application; without it, you just have a database. And replicating the work of the entire Moodle dev team on your own seems like a massive case of wheel reinvention.
If you're just trying to reskin Moodle, take a look at
I am new to propel,any one can explain me about what is the use of it and how to integrate any framework with propel?
Well, since there is an entire website about Propel, full of documentation and the like, I'll bet they can.
You bigger question, I think, is that you probably want to understand what the purpose of an ORM is. In short, it is a way of mapping between a relational database and an OOP framework, but Wikipedia has far more information, so you might want to start there.
You mentioned in a comment that you'd like to combine this with CakePHP. Well here's how: don't unless you already know how to combine them. CakePHP has its own ORM system, so there really is no justifiable use case for having both (legacy code is not excuse -- just choose one!). If you're using Cake, use Cake and rejoice (you can have tea and skip on the or death)! If you're using Propel, use Propel and go somewhere.
For such a general question, I'd point you to the official site -
Their documentation is surprisingly robust.
Have you tried their website? Here is a screenshot, this should do it. it's amazing what Google is capable of, don't be afraid to use it.
I am trying to develop a online software with PHP/MySQL. I need a good login class/script. I am gonna adapt it to my software.
By the way, I found
What do you know about that?
I would prefer to write it myself, but if you're not confident with your PHP, I guess you could go with 3rd party. The benefit to writing it yourself is that you know exactly how it works and you can get it to look precisely how you want it to look, etc. shrug - maybe I'm just a purist.
I would suggest a framework. PHP has many. Zend, CakePHP, Prado the list goes on. Honestly? I suggest Yii. Been using it for months. It's totally MVC and has authentication built in as well as a good extension to expand the authentication capabilities.
Has anyone come across a CakePHP system with pre-configured things like authentication with all the login/logout forms, etc? Most websites have some sort of a basic authentication system on top of which everything is built. I was hoping to not go about re-inventing the wheel setting up the most common pages like login, logout, forgot-password. Any help?
CakePHP Cookbook is a good place to start. There is a sample aplication with the authentication stuff done:
How about you build it the way you want and then reuse that in all of your projects.
It's what I do and it is very much in the spirit of OO and MVC.
In no time at all you'll have your own library of modules/functions or whatever you want to call them.
PoundCake Control Panel plugin
You might find Infinitas interesting. It's a full CMS, but you can probably trim out the core functionality and use that since it's under an MIT license. The names of the main people developing it (ceeram and dogmatic69) are responsible for some of the more interesting (to me) bugs and fixes in the CakePHP bug tracker. This implies that they understand the internals of the framework pretty well.
Try it out and let us know in a comment if it'll function for what you need.
I am currently building a blog type website for myself. I have used wordpress in the past and really enjoy it, but when it comes to building more than just a blog I usually get bogged down in writing hacks for it.
The site I'm building is going to pretty much be a blog, but with a 'question and answer' side to it (NOT A FORUM - purely Q&A). Therefore, bbPress and buddyPress doesn't quite hit the mark. I have used CI for awhile now, but when it comes to security I fall short. CI does not have an auth library, however, Kohana does.
My question is: I would like to have full control over my site, but I'm worried about my lack of knowledge in the security department. Would I be better off using Wordpress as a base, or would it be beneficial for me in the long run to use something like Kohana?
Your advice is greatly appreciated.
First of all, I would like to say that you can't compare Wordpress and Kohana. One is a content management system and the other is a programming framework.
As for your question: Since you've stated you're not that experienced with security I suggest you stick with Wordpress; It's maintained by developers who know what they're doing.
If you want to go ahead and create something yourself then make sure you keep up-to date with all the current security issues and how to resolve them. Here are a few resources you might be interested in: PHPSEC, OWASP and PHP Security. You should probably read those anyway (as you're writing Wordpress plugins).
Good luck with your choice either way.
Hmm, if you can write the "hacks" for wordpress, than modify it to your needs.
If you think you can write the security better, than use Zend Framework since it has a Auth lib.
I dont realy know about kohana
Hmmm... for the Questions and Answers, have a look at Qhub. I'm aboutto implement it for a client of mine who's an adoption counselor. She gets tons of questions via emails and it's always the same ones over and over. I saw it on Design Reviver a while back and I thought it was a great idea. Plus I got in contact with one of the co-founders of Qhub and they told me that they are implementing some more privacy and privileges controls which is really good news since I only want my client to be able to answer the questions.
I would use WP with Qhub to be honest. If it's a blog-type site and you're already comfortable with WP, why not stick with it?
Hope this helps!
Check out the TDO Mini Forms plugin. I think it may serve your needs perfectly!