PHP filter bad words - php

I have a filter bad words codes below
I want to replace this ARRAY with the .txt file so that I can put all the bad words into the txt file or is there any way to use MYSQL database to store the badwords and then call from there ?
FUNCTION BadWordFilter(&$text, $replace){
$bads = ARRAY (
IF($replace==1) { //we are replacing
$remember = $text;
FOR($i=0;$i<sizeof($bads);$i++) { //go through each bad word
$text = EREGI_REPLACE($bads[$i][0],$bads[$i][1],$text); //replace it
IF($remember!=$text) RETURN 1; //if there are any changes, return 1
} ELSE { //we are just checking
FOR($i=0;$i<sizeof($bads);$i++) { //go through each bad word
IF(EREGI($bads[$i][0],$text)) RETURN 1; //if we find any, return 1
$qtitle = BadWordFilter($wordsToFilter,1);

I just developed a function that can filter out the bad words
function hate_bad($str)
$bad = array("shit","ass");
$piece = explode(" ",$str);
for($i=0; $i < sizeof($bad); $i++)
for($j=0; $j < sizeof($piece); $j++)
if($bad[$i] == $piece[$j])
$piece[$j] = " ***** ";
return $piece;
and call it like this
$str = $_REQUEST['bad']; //'bad' is the name of the text field here
$good = hate_bad($str);
if(isset($_REQUEST['filter'])) //'filter' is the name of button
for($i=0; $i < sizeof($good); $i++)
echo $good[$i];

Yes make a file like bad_words.txt with entries like (note each word combo is on a separate line):
Then read that file into an array like so:
$file_array = file('/path/to/bad_word.txt',FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
Then to create an array like your $bads array do this:
$bads = array();
foreach ($file_array as $word_combo) {
$bads[] = explode(',', $word_combo);
Hope this helps.

You can do either...
You can use something like file_get_contents() to read in from a file, or use a MySQL API to query your database for bad words.
Do you have a database schema set up? Also, eregi_replace() is deprecated. Use preg_replace() instead.

You could use MYSQL.
Just have a table with two columns: the word and the replacement.
Then in your code, you will need to connect to the database and read in each row. But you can then store each row in an array.
The result would be very similar to your current array structure.
To connect to a database, use the tutorial below.


How to get a char from mb_string through a for loop?

With this code:
$guessString = 'KUĆA';
$usedLetters = ['Ć'];
$userLetter = 'Ć';
for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($guessString); $i++) {
$temp = $guessString[$i];
if (in_array($guessString[$i], $usedLetters)) {
echo $guessString[$i];
} else {
echo ' _ ';
I am trying to compare if $userLetter (that is sent through GET link)
exists in $guessString.
But through debugging:
I finally see that it doesn't read the character right.
It gets "?" instead of "Ć"
So my question is: How to get the correct character with for loop ($guessString[$i])?
Your problem is with
The indexing operator is not multibyte-aware, so it returns the $ith byte of the string. One way to fix this is using mb_substr:
$temp = mb_substr($guessString, $i, 1);
Of course, you should then use $temp everywhere you used $guessString[$i].

How to continuously push user input data into $_SESSION array and then retrieve it?

I am trying to get my head around the way PHP sessions work. I am simply trying a hangman game where the first player inputs a secret word, a second player then starts to guess one letter at a time.
Let's says that the secret word is cat, player two tries, c then a then s. I would like the final output to be c a _.
global $word;
global $guess;
global $hangman;
if (isset($_POST['player1'], $_POST['word'])) {
$_SESSION['word'] = $_POST['word'];
$word = $_SESSION['word'];
if (isset($_POST['player2'], $_POST['guess'])) {
$_SESSION['guess'] = $_POST['guess'];
$guess = $_SESSION['guess'];
$counter = 0;
$word = strtolower($_SESSION['word']);
$guess = strtolower($_SESSION['guess']);
echo $word . "<br>";
$found = [];
$counter = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($word); $i++) {
if ($counter < strlen($word)) {
if (strpos($word[$i], $guess) !== false) {
$found[] = $guess;
} else {
$found[] = " _ ";
Instead of printing out all the contents the found array, I am only getting one single letter to print every time. However, I would like to see the full concatenated string as I've mentioned above.
Here is what the output looks like:
How to continuously push user input data into $_SESSION array and then retrieve it?
An easy way to do that is by binding a variable with an element in the $_SESSION array.
This is a useful trick that you won't find in the manual.
A simple example:
$foo =& $_SESSION['foo'];
That assignment will bind $foo and $_SESSION['foo'] to the same value,
so every update to $foo is also an update to $_SESSION['foo'].
Here is an example usage in the style of your hangman game:
$word =& $_SESSION['word']; //bind $word with $_SESSION['word']
$found =& $_SESSION['found']; //bind $found with $_SESSION['found']
if (isset($_REQUEST['word'])) {
$word = str_split($_REQUEST['word']);
$found = array_fill(0, count($word), '_');
if (isset($_REQUEST['guess'], $word, $found)) {
$guess = array_fill(0, count($word), $_REQUEST['guess']);
$found = array_replace($found, array_intersect($word, $guess));
echo join(' ', $found);
With the binding, the values of $word and $found will be saved as a part of the session data,
without the need to do $_SESSION['word'] = $word; and $_SESSION['found'] = $found; anywhere in the script.
Note that I use $_REQUEST instead of $_POST to make it easier to test with a browser.
Modify as desired.
Make the $found as a string variable.Instead of pushing in $found[] ,concatenate $guess Like $found .= $guess;
You should save what was already found between requests, since now you are just searching the $_SESSION['word'] for the char in the last request.
if ( isset($_POST['player1']) && !empty($_POST['word']) ) {
$_SESSION['word'] = str_split( $_POST['word'] );
// ceate empty array for storing the already found chars
$_SESSION['found'] = str_split( str_repeat( " ", strlen($_POST['word']) ) );
if ( isset($_POST['player2']) && !empty($_POST['guess']) ) {
array_walk( $_SESSION['word'], function( $v, $k ) {
if ( $v == $_POST['guess'] )
$_SESSION['found'][$k] = $v;
if ( $_SESSION['word'] == $_SESSION['found'] )
echo 'Game Over';
print_r( $_SESSION['found'] );
You are overwriting your $_SESSION['guess'] with:
$_SESSION['guess'] = $_POST['guess'];
on every submission.
I would recommend that you store your posted guesses as a subarray of letters like:
$_SESSION['guesses'][] = $_POST['guess'];
Then you will never overwrite earlier guesses.
This will mean you will have a session array with this type of structure:
'player1' => 'me',
'word' => 'cat',
'player2' => 'myself',
'guesses' => ['a','c']
From here, you can call str_split() on $_SESSION['word'] and check for found/remaining letters using $_SESSION['guesses'] and array comparison functions.
Here are some untested portions of code that may help you along...
if (!isset($_SESSION['player1'], $_SESSION['word'])) { // no stored player1 or word
if (!isset($_POST['player1'], $_POST['word'])) { // no posted player1 or word
// show form with player1 and word fields
} else {
$_SESSION=['player1'=>$_POST['player1'],'word'=>strtolower($_POST['word'])]; // store player1 and word
} elseif (!isset($_SESSION['player2'], $_SESSION['guesses'])){ // no stored player2 or guesses
if (!isset($_POST['player2'], $_POST['guess'])) { // no posted player2 or guess
// show form with player2 and first guess
} else {
$_SESSION['player2'] = $_POST['player1']; // store player2
$_SESSION['guesses'] = [strtolower($_POST['guess'])]; // store guessed character as first element of subarray
} elseif (isset($_POST['guess'])) {
$_SESSION['guesses'][] = strtolower($_POST['guess']); // store guessed character
And further down script here are some pieces...
$secret_letters=array_unique(str_split($_SESSION['word'])); // unique secret word letters
$found_letters=array_intersect($secret_letters,$_SESSION['guesses']); // unique found letters
// player2 guessed all of the secret letters, set off fireworks
// some useful bits of code...
$underscored=str_replace($not_yet_found,'_',$_SESSION['word']); // e.g. 'ca_'
$space_out=implode(' ',str_split($underscored)); // e.g. 'c a _'
$wrong_letters=array_diff($_SESSION['guesses'],$secret_letters); // letters guessed but not part of secret word
// when count($wrong_letters) reaches your designated limit, then the guesser loses
$select="<select name=\"guess\"><option>".implode('</option><option>',$available_letters)."</option></select>";
I should also note, there are many ways to tackle this project. You should have a look at count_chars(), it has multiple modes which you should research and consider.
There will be regex methods that may be helpful, but I won't open up that can for you.
I see your problem now. you didn't save or hold the previous guess because your found[] array variable is always empty.
try to save the found result in a session
and change this following line of code:
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($word); $i++) {
if ($counter < strlen($word)) {
if (strpos($word[$i], $guess) !== false) {
$found[] = $guess;
} else {
$found[] = " _ ";
$counterWord = strlen($word);
for ($i = 0; $i < $counterWord ; $i++) {
if (strpos($word[$i], $guess) !== false) {
$found[$i] = $guess; // $i indicates what index should be changed
} else {
$found[$i] = "_";
$_SESSION['found'] = $found;
and add this line of code under the declaring of your $found array variable:
$found = [];
if(isset($_SESSION['found'])){ //checker if the variable is set and not empty
$found = $_SESSION['found']; // getting the value of found and store it in found variable

Endline after certain number of characters

I have a text file with a lot of inserts that looks like this:
INSERT INTO yyy VALUES ('1','123123','da,sdadwa','6.7','24f,5','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','dasdasd','q231e','','0','','g','1','123123','dasdadwa','6.7','24f,5','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','','','q231e','','0','','a','1','123123','dasdadwa','655.755','24f,5','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','','','q231e','','','','a');
INSERT INTO yyy VALUES ('2','123123','dasdadwa','6.8','24f,6','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','dasdasd','q231e','','0','','g','2','123123','dasdadwa','6.8','24f,6','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','','','q231e','','0','','a','2','123123','dasdadwa','6.8','24f,6','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','','','q231e','','','','a');
INSERT INTO yyy VALUES ('3','123123','dasdadwa','6.9','24f,7','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','dasdasd','q231e','','0','','g','3','123123','dasdadwa','6.9','24f,7','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','','','q231e','','0','','a','3','123123','dasdadwa','6.9','24f,7','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','','','q231e','','','','a');
INSERT INTO yyy VALUES ('4','123123','dasdadwa','6.10','24f,8','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','dasdasd','q231e','','0','','g','4','123123','dasdadwa','6.10','24f,8','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','','q231e','','0','','a','4','123123','dasdadwa','6.10','24f,8','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','','q231e','','','','a');
INSERT INTO yyy VALUES ('5','123123','dasdadwa','6.11','24f,9','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','dasdasd','q231e','','0','','g','5','123123','dasdadwa','6.11','24f,9','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','','q231e','','0','','a','5','123123','dasdadwa','6.11','24f,9','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','','q231e','','','','a');
I must modify this text file so that each line can have a maximum of 50 characters. The problem is that I cannot simply put an endline after 50 characters because that would break the elements in those inserts, so I need to put the endline before the last comma.
For the first row it needs to be something like this:
INSERT INTO yyy VALUES ('1','123123','da,sdadwa',
'dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd',
'dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd','','','q231e','',
'24f,5','f5,5','dasdad,fsdfsdfsfsasada dasdasd',
As you can see there can be commas even inside the elements('da,sdadwa') which makes this a tad more difficult. I tried putting everything into arrays but I ran into some problems and couldn't get it to work.
What i tried:
foreach($testFileContents as $line)
//echo $line[$i];
$temporaryJ = $j;
//$line[$temporaryJ] = $line[$temporaryJ].PHP_EOL;
echo $ct." ";
I know there has to be a much more simple way of going around this without using arrays but I cannot figure it out.
You can use preg_split() to split the lines. I found a pattern another user posted in this answer for matching values for an INSERT statement:
"~'(?:\\\\'|[^'])*'(*SKIP)(*F)|,~". This utilizes Special Backtracking Control Verbs.
You can play with the PHP code in this PhpFiddle.
foreach($lines as $line) {
$matches = preg_split("~'(?:\\\\'|[^'])*'(*SKIP)(*F)|,~",$line);
$currentIndex = 0;
$currentLine = '';
$outputLines = array();
$delimeter = ',';
while($currentIndex < count($matches)) {
if ($currentIndex == count($matches)-1 ) {
$delimeter = '';
$tempLine = $currentLine . $matches[$currentIndex] . $delimeter;
if (strlen($tempLine) <= 50) {
$currentLine .= $matches[$currentIndex] . $delimeter;
else {//push current line into array and start a new line
$outputLines[] = $currentLine;
$currentLine = $matches[$currentIndex] . $delimeter;
if ($currentIndex == count($matches)-1 ) {
$outputLines[] = $currentLine;
//can use implode("\n",$outputLines) to write out to file
//or whatever your needs are

Given an array in PHP where the contents are strings separated by commas, how do I extract the first part of string?

I have a file called "single.txt". The contents look like:
Array ( [0] => Ada Lovelace,F,96,ISTJ,Linux,24,99
[1] => Adele Goldberg,F,65,ENFJ,Windows,50,70
[2] => Alan Turing,M,41,ESTP,Mac OS X,31,50...
First, when a new person signs up, it adds them with them with their info to the end of the .txt file. I want to be able to check whether they've already signed up and I've written the following function:
function returnPerson($content){
global $person_name;
for($i=0 ; $i < count($content); $i++){
if($person_name == array_slice($content,0,0)){
$person = $content[$i];
return $person;
} else continue;
But that doesn't seem to be working.
How can I compare the first part of the string, i.e. the name part, to the name of the person checking?
Try something like this... you may have to modify it slightly depending on how your text is coming in, but should get you on the right track :)
function returnPerson($content){
global $person_name;
foreach($content as $profile) {
$profile = explode(',', $profile);
if ($person_name == $profile[0]) {
// Person Exists
return $profile;
return false; // person does not exist
You're "slicing" the same array while you're looping it. It looks like you just need a simple strpos():
if(strpos($content[$i], $person . ',') === 0){
return ...
Here's another way that doesn't require a for loop:
$names = array_map('reset', array_map('str_getcsv', $content));
if(in_array($person, $names)){
It works because your data seems to use the CSV format
You can loop over the elements in the array like this:
foreach ($content as $record) {
// $record now contains string "Ada Lovelace,F,96,ISTJ,Linux,24,99"
You can extract fields from a comma-separated string by using the explode() function:
$string = "Ada Lovelace,F,96,ISTJ,Linux,24,99";
$fields = explode(',', $string);
// $fields[0] now contains "Ada Lovelace"
// $fields[1] now comtains "F"
// ... etc
Putting those together, you'll get something like:
foreach ($content as $record) {
$fields = explode(',', $record);
if ($fields[0] == $name_to_check) {
// found it
// didn't find it

continued : unable to post fields to the next page in php and HTML

So I have fields that are generated dynamically in a different page and then their results should posted to story.php page. fields is going to be : *noun1 *noun2 *noun3 and story is going to be : somebody is doing *noun1 etc. What I want to do is to replace *noun1 in the story with the *noun, I have posted from the previous page ( I have *noun1 posted from the previous page ) but the code below is not working :
$fields = $_POST['fields'];
$story = $_POST['story'];
$fieldsArray = split(' ', $fields);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($fieldsArray); $i++) {
${$fieldsArray[$i]} = $_POST[$fieldsArray[$i]];
// replace words in story with input
for ($i = 0; $i < count($story); $i++) {
$thisWord = $story[$i];
if ($thisWord[0] == '*')
$story[$i] = ${$thisWord.substring(1)};
$tokensArray = split(' ',$tokens);
echo $story;
Your problem is likely that you are trying to echo $story, which I gather is an array. You might have better luck with the following:
$storyString = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($story); $i++)
$storyString .= $story[i] . ' ';
echo $storyString;
echo can't print an array, but you can echo strings to your heart's content.
You almost certainly don't want variable variables (e.g. ${$fieldsArray[$i]}). Also, $thisWord.substring(1) looks like you're trying to invoke a method, but that's not what it does; . is for string concatenation. In PHP, strings aren't objects. Use the substr function to get a substring.
preg_replace_callback can replace all your code, but its use of higher order functions might be too much to get into right now. For example,
function sequence($arr) {
return function() {
static $i=0
$val = $arr[$i++];
$i %= count($arr);
return $val;
echo preg_replace_callback('/\*\w+/', sequence(array('Dog', 'man')), "*Man bites *dog.");
will produce "Dog bites man." Code sample requires PHP 5.3 for anonymous functions.
