How to use TCPDF with PHP mail function - php

$to = '';
$subject = 'Receipt';
$repEmail = '';
$fileName = 'receipt.pdf';
$fileatt = $pdf->Output($fileName, 'E');
$attachment = chunk_split($fileatt);
$eol = PHP_EOL;
$separator = md5(time());
$headers = 'From: Sender <'.$repEmail.'>'.$eol;
$headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' .$eol;
$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"".$separator."\"";
$message = "--".$separator.$eol;
$message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit".$eol.$eol;
$message .= "This is a MIME encoded message.".$eol;
$message .= "--".$separator.$eol;
$message .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"".$eol;
$message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit".$eol.$eol;
$message .= "--".$separator.$eol;
$message .= "Content-Type: application/pdf; name=\"".$fileName."\"".$eol;
$message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64".$eol;
$message .= "Content-Disposition: attachment".$eol.$eol;
$message .= $attachment.$eol;
$message .= "--".$separator."--";
if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){
$action = 'action=Receipt%20Sent';
header('Location: ../index.php?'.$action);
else {
$action = 'action=Send%20Failed';
header('Location: ../index.php?'.$action);
I have been using TCPDF for a short amount of time now to generate PDF files from forms. It works quite well and that part of the PHP has not changed. Now I want to send those PDF files to my email account.
The emailing is actually working with this coding and attaching a PDF. The issue is that it is simply a blank PDF at rough 100 bytes in size. Which of course is not a valid PDF nor does it have anything to do with the responses from the form.
I am really not familiar with the attaching of files to an email in PHP and any help resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Since it seems like several people are looking at this still I will post my current solution. It involves downloading PHPMailer as suggested below. I have started at the output line for TCPDF.
$attachment = $makepdf->Output('filename.pdf', 'S');
function SENDmail($pdf) {
$mailer = new PHPMailer();
$mailer->AddReplyTo('', 'Reply To');
$mailer->SetFrom('', 'Sent From');
$mailer->AddReplyTo('', 'Reply To');
$mailer->AddAddress('', 'Send To');
$mailer->Subject = 'Message with PDF';
$mailer->AltBody = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer";
$mailer->MsgHTML('<p>Message contents</p>'));
if ($pdf) {$mailer->AddStringAttachment($pdf, 'filename.pdf');}

You have two choices. You can save the PDF to a file and attach the file or else output it as a string. I find the string output is preferable:
$pdfString = $pdf->Output('dummy.pdf', 'S');
The file name is ignored since it just returns the encoded string. Now you can include the string in your email. I prefer to use PHPMailer when working with attachments like this. Use the AddStringAttachment method of PHPMailer to accomplish this:
$mailer->AddStringAttachment($pdfString, 'some_filename.pdf');

I tried several alternatives. Only way that worked was when I saved the PDF to a folder and then email it.
$pdf->Output("folder/filename.pdf", "F"); //save the pdf to a folder
require_once('phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'); //where your phpmailer folder is
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->From = "";
$mail->FromName = "Your name";
$mail->AddReplyTo("", "Your name");
$mail->AddAttachment("folder/filename.pdf"); // attach pdf that was saved in a folder
$mail->Subject = "Email Subject";
$mail->Body = "Email Body";
echo "Message could not be sent. <p>";
echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
echo "Message sent";
echo 'sent email and attachment';


How to send email with attachment in PHP using jspdf & Html2PDF [duplicate]

I am creating pdf using FPDF . Pdf is generating perfectly and also pdf is available with email. But i want to send body message also. I have tried with body message. Example Fine text message This is text message from shohag But only pdf attachment is available and body is empty. Here is my code.
function send_pdf_to_user(){
if($_REQUEST['action'] == 'pdf_invoice' ){
$pdf=new PDF_HTML();
$text = get_html_message($_REQUEST['eventid'], $_REQUEST['userid']);
//documentation for Output method here:
$attach_pdf_multipart = chunk_split( base64_encode( $pdf->Output( '', 'S' ) ) );
//define the receiver of the email
$to = '';
//define the subject of the email
$subject = 'Test Invoice';
//create a boundary string. It must be unique
//so we use the MD5 algorithm to generate a random hash
$random_hash = md5(date('r', time()));
//define the headers we want passed. Note that they are separated with \r\n
$headers = "From:\r\nReply-To:";
//add boundary string and mime type specification
$headers .= "\r\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"PHP-mixed-".$random_hash."\"";
$msg .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"attachment.pdf\"\r\n";
$msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n";
$msg .= "Content-Disposition: attachment\r\n";
$msg .= $attach_pdf_multipart . "\r\n";
$msg .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\r\n";
$msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n";
$msg .= "<p>This is text message from shohag</p>\r\n\r\n";
global $message;
$message = '';
$mail_sent = #mail( $to, $subject, $msg, $headers );
//#mail( $to1, $subject, $msg, $headers );
$message = "Invoice sent succuessfully";
$message = "Error occured. Please try again.";
Please check my code and let me know further possibility. Thanks in advance.
You can use PHPMailer with FPDF . It works properly without any hassle. You need to change parameter for $pdf->Output . Download and copy class.phpmailer.php and PHPMailerAutoload.php to your work folder. Attach class.phpmailer.php below or above require('html2pdf.php'); . I have done this before so this will work. According to your code this should work.
function send_pdf_to_user(){
if($_REQUEST['action'] == 'pdf_invoice' ){
$pdf=new PDF_HTML();
$text = get_html_message($_REQUEST['eventid'], $_REQUEST['userid']);
$mail = new PHPMailer(); // defaults to using php "mail()"
$body = "This is test mail by monirul";
$mail->AddReplyTo("","Test Lernt");
$mail->SetFrom('', 'Test Lernt');
$address = "";
$mail->AddAddress($address, "Abdul Kuddos");
$mail->Subject = "Test Invoice";
$mail->AltBody = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"; // optional, comment out and test
//documentation for Output method here:
$pdf->Output("Test Invoice.pdf","F");
$path = "Walter Lernt Invoice.pdf";
$mail->AddAttachment($path, '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/pdf');
global $message;
if(!$mail->Send()) {
$message = "Invoice could not be send. Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
$message = "Invoice sent!";
Use this simple code to send email with pdf attachment. Hope this help you. Thanks.
// Settings
$name = "Name goes here";
$email = "";
$to = "$name <$email>";
$from = "Gyan-Shah ";
$subject = "Here is your attachment";
$mainMessage = "Hi, here's the file.";
$fileatt = "./test.pdf"; //file location
$fileatttype = "application/pdf";
$fileattname = "newname.pdf"; //name that you want to use to send or you can use the same name
$headers = "From: $from";
// File
$file = fopen($fileatt, 'rb');
$data = fread($file, filesize($fileatt));
// This attaches the file
$semi_rand = md5(time());
$mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x";
$headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" .
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" .
" boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\"";
$message = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" .
"--{$mime_boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" .
$mainMessage . "\n\n";
$data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
$message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type: {$fileatttype};\n" .
" name=\"{$fileattname}\"\n" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" .
" filename=\"{$fileattname}\"\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" .
$data . "\n\n" .
// Send the email
if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
echo "The email was sent.";
else {
echo "There was an error sending the mail.";
No external libraries are necessary really. Follow this format:
$to = ","; // addresses to email pdf to
$from = ""; // address message is sent from
$subject = "Your PDF email subject"; // email subject
$body = "<p>The PDF is attached.</p>"; // email body
$pdfLocation = "./your-pdf.pdf"; // file location
$pdfName = "pdf-file.pdf"; // pdf file name recipient will get
$filetype = "application/pdf"; // type
// create headers and mime boundry
$eol = PHP_EOL;
$semi_rand = md5(time());
$mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x";
$headers = "From: $from$eol" .
"MIME-Version: 1.0$eol" .
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed;$eol" .
" boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"";
// add html message body
$message = "--$mime_boundary$eol" .
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"$eol" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit$eol$eol" .
$body . $eol;
// fetch pdf
$file = fopen($pdfLocation, 'rb');
$data = fread($file, filesize($pdfLocation));
$pdf = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
// attach pdf to email
$message .= "--$mime_boundary$eol" .
"Content-Type: $filetype;$eol" .
" name=\"$pdfName\"$eol" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment;$eol" .
" filename=\"$pdfName\"$eol" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64$eol$eol" .
$pdf . $eol .
// Send the email
if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
echo "The email was sent.";
else {
echo "There was an error sending the mail.";
change this:
$msg .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"attachment.pdf\"\r\n";
To this:
$msg = "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"attachment.pdf\"\r\n";

PHP mail with attachment, attachment file is noname

I have the following code, which correctly sends an email with an attachment of the correct size, however the attachment comes in as 'noname' without an extension. If I rename the file manually after downloading it does not work. The file is an mp4 video.
$htmlbody = " Your Mail Contant Here.... You can use html tags here...";
$to = ""; //Recipient Email Address
$subject = "Test email with attachment"; //Email Subject
$headers = "From:\r\nReply-To:";
$random_hash = md5(date('r', time()));
$headers .= "\r\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed;
// Set your file path here
$attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents('test.mp4')));
//define the body of the message.
$message = "--PHP-mixed-$random_hash\r\n"."Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
$message .= "--PHP-alt-$random_hash\r\n"."Content-Type: text/plain;
charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\r\n"."Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n";
//Insert the html message.
$message .= $htmlbody;
$message .="\r\n\r\n--PHP-alt-$random_hash--\r\n\r\n";
//include attachment
$message .= "--PHP-mixed-$random_hash\r\n"."Content-Type: video/vnd.uvvu.mp4
base64\r\n"."Content-Disposition: attachment\r\n\r\n";
$message .= $attachment;
$message .= "/r/n--PHP-mixed-$random_hash--";
//send the email
$mail = mail( $to, $subject , $message, $headers );
echo $mail ? "Mail sent" : "Mail failed";
Just modify this line, everything else stays the same:
$filename= "myvideo.mp4";
//include attachment
$message .= "--PHP-mixed-$random_hash\r\n"."Content-Type: video/vnd.uvvu.mp4
base64\r\n"."Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\"\r\n\r\n";

Php mail not working with more than one recipient

How come this piece of php code doesn't work with multiple recipient ?
It only works if $to has only one adress, like:
$to = '';
It works if email adresses are on the same domain.. For instance, if the website is, emails such as will work but won't.
PHPMailer. It gives an easy way to configure SMTP.
Here is the initial code
//define the receiver of the email
$to = ',,';
// array with filenames to be sent as attachment
$files = array("","b.c","a.html");
// email fields: to, from, subject, and so on
$from = "";
$subject ="My subject";
$message = "My message";
// boundary
$semi_rand = md5(time());
$mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x";
// headers for attachment
$headers = "From: $from";
$headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" . " boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\"";
// multipart boundary
$message = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . $message . "\n\n";
$message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n";
// preparing attachments
$file = fopen($files[$x],"rb");
$data = fread($file,filesize($files[$x]));
$data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
$message .= "Content-Type: {\"application/octet-stream\"};\n" . " name=\"$files[$x]\"\n" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" . " filename=\"$files[$x]\"\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" . $data . "\n\n";
$message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n";
// send
$ok = #mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
if ($ok) {
echo "<p>mail sent to $to!</p>";
} else {
echo "<p>mail could not be sent!</p>";
Here is the final code
// PHPMailer
$mail = new PHPMailer;
// setting up PHPMailer
$mail->Host = '';
$mail->SMTPAuth = false;
$mail->Port = xx;
$mail->setFrom($_POST['email'], $_POST['name']);
$mail->Subject = $_POST['subject'];
foreach($contacts as $contact)
// If the user has attached some files
foreach ($_FILES as $file)
$mail->addAttachment($file['tmp_name'], basename($file['name']));
$response = array("status" => $mail->send() ? "sent" : "error");
echo json_encode($response);
You need use proper RFC 2822 formating.
Don't use # because you don't know what is the error. If you format mails in format "," it's correct and you need search problem elsewhere.
You can also see example #4 on page.
although this is not a direct response to your issue, you could potentially save yourself trouble by using a pre-existing email sending library like either:
or simplesmtp

PDF file won't attached return 0 bytes corrupted file

When trying to attached the pdf file, it cannot be open in PDF and says its corrupted. I tried several solution found in the web but it didn't work. The file is being attached and sent but when you open the PDF its corrupted although it is being downloaded but with invalid size(1kb) wherein the original size is around 0.40mb
Any help would highly be appreciated.
function mail_attachment($filename, $path, $mailto, $from_mail, $from_name, $replyto, $subject, $message)
$separator = md5(time());
// carriage return type (we use a PHP end of line constant)
$eol = "\n";
//$pdfdoc is PDF generated by FPDF
$attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode($pdfdoc));
// main header
$headers = "From: ".$from_name.$eol;
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0".$eol;
$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"".$separator."\"";
// no more headers after this, we start the body! //
$body = "--".$separator.$eol;
$body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit".$eol.$eol;
$body .= "This is a MIME encoded message.".$eol;
// message
$body .= "--".$separator.$eol;
$body .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"".$eol;
$body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit".$eol.$eol;
$body .= $message.$eol;
// attachment
$body .= "--".$separator.$eol;
$body .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"".$filename."\"".$eol;
$body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64".$eol;
$body .= "Content-Disposition: attachment".$eol.$eol;
$body .= $attachment.$eol;
$body .= "--".$separator."--";
// send message
if (mail($mailto, $subject, $body, $headers)) {
echo "mail send ... OK";
} else {
echo "mail send ... ERROR";
// Only accept POSTs from authenticated source
if ($_POST['HandshakeKey'] != 'outsource-phil') {
echo "<h1>You are not who you say you are, mister man.</h1>";
// File to attach
$filename = "outsource.pdf";
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/";
// Who email is FROM
$from_name = "COmpany Name";
$from_mail = "";
$replyto = "";
// Whe email is going TO
$mailto = $_POST['Field3'];
// Subject line of email
$subject = "Your file has arrived!";
// Content of email message (Text only)
$requester = $_POST['Field12']; // Comes from Wufoo WebHook
$message = "Hey $requester,
Your custom email message
goes here";
// Call function to send email
mail_attachment($filename, $path, $mailto, $from_mail, $from_name, $replyto, $subject, $message);
Edit #1: After doing some research myself, I found that it's much easier to use an external library that sets up the e-mail with the attachment for you. I've done this using PHPMailer, which can be downloaded from
The following code should do what you're looking for. I highly recommend using a library such as PHPMailer.
// File to attach
$filename = "outsource.pdf";
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/";
// Who email is FROM
$from_name = "COmpany Name";
$from_mail = "";
$replyto = "";
// Whe email is going TO
$mailto = $_POST['Field3'];
// Subject line of email
$subject = "Your file has arrived!";
// Content of email message (Text only)
$requester = $_POST['Field12']; // Comes from Wufoo WebHook
$message = "Hey $requester,
Your custom email message
goes here";
* The following code requires PHPMailer
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->AddReplyTo($replyto, $from_name);
$mail->SetFrom($from_mail, $from_name);
$mail->AddAddress($mailto, $requester);
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->AddAttachment($path . $filename);
if (!$mail->Send()) {
echo "Mail error!";
} else {
echo "Mail success!";
You seem to overwrite your PDF file by using the following code:
$str = "Business Plan: \nSome more text";
$fp = fopen("outsource.pdf", 'w+');
fwrite($fp, $str);
The w+ option in fopen() will create a new, blank file. You appear to want to send the original file, in which case you wouldn't want these lines of code. What are you trying to accomplish here?

php send e-mail with PDF attachment

I am creating pdf using FPDF . Pdf is generating perfectly and also pdf is available with email. But i want to send body message also. I have tried with body message. Example Fine text message This is text message from shohag But only pdf attachment is available and body is empty. Here is my code.
function send_pdf_to_user(){
if($_REQUEST['action'] == 'pdf_invoice' ){
$pdf=new PDF_HTML();
$text = get_html_message($_REQUEST['eventid'], $_REQUEST['userid']);
//documentation for Output method here:
$attach_pdf_multipart = chunk_split( base64_encode( $pdf->Output( '', 'S' ) ) );
//define the receiver of the email
$to = '';
//define the subject of the email
$subject = 'Test Invoice';
//create a boundary string. It must be unique
//so we use the MD5 algorithm to generate a random hash
$random_hash = md5(date('r', time()));
//define the headers we want passed. Note that they are separated with \r\n
$headers = "From:\r\nReply-To:";
//add boundary string and mime type specification
$headers .= "\r\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"PHP-mixed-".$random_hash."\"";
$msg .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"attachment.pdf\"\r\n";
$msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n";
$msg .= "Content-Disposition: attachment\r\n";
$msg .= $attach_pdf_multipart . "\r\n";
$msg .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\r\n";
$msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n";
$msg .= "<p>This is text message from shohag</p>\r\n\r\n";
global $message;
$message = '';
$mail_sent = #mail( $to, $subject, $msg, $headers );
//#mail( $to1, $subject, $msg, $headers );
$message = "Invoice sent succuessfully";
$message = "Error occured. Please try again.";
Please check my code and let me know further possibility. Thanks in advance.
You can use PHPMailer with FPDF . It works properly without any hassle. You need to change parameter for $pdf->Output . Download and copy class.phpmailer.php and PHPMailerAutoload.php to your work folder. Attach class.phpmailer.php below or above require('html2pdf.php'); . I have done this before so this will work. According to your code this should work.
function send_pdf_to_user(){
if($_REQUEST['action'] == 'pdf_invoice' ){
$pdf=new PDF_HTML();
$text = get_html_message($_REQUEST['eventid'], $_REQUEST['userid']);
$mail = new PHPMailer(); // defaults to using php "mail()"
$body = "This is test mail by monirul";
$mail->AddReplyTo("","Test Lernt");
$mail->SetFrom('', 'Test Lernt');
$address = "";
$mail->AddAddress($address, "Abdul Kuddos");
$mail->Subject = "Test Invoice";
$mail->AltBody = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"; // optional, comment out and test
//documentation for Output method here:
$pdf->Output("Test Invoice.pdf","F");
$path = "Walter Lernt Invoice.pdf";
$mail->AddAttachment($path, '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/pdf');
global $message;
if(!$mail->Send()) {
$message = "Invoice could not be send. Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
$message = "Invoice sent!";
Use this simple code to send email with pdf attachment. Hope this help you. Thanks.
// Settings
$name = "Name goes here";
$email = "";
$to = "$name <$email>";
$from = "Gyan-Shah ";
$subject = "Here is your attachment";
$mainMessage = "Hi, here's the file.";
$fileatt = "./test.pdf"; //file location
$fileatttype = "application/pdf";
$fileattname = "newname.pdf"; //name that you want to use to send or you can use the same name
$headers = "From: $from";
// File
$file = fopen($fileatt, 'rb');
$data = fread($file, filesize($fileatt));
// This attaches the file
$semi_rand = md5(time());
$mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x";
$headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" .
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" .
" boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\"";
$message = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" .
"--{$mime_boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" .
$mainMessage . "\n\n";
$data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
$message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type: {$fileatttype};\n" .
" name=\"{$fileattname}\"\n" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" .
" filename=\"{$fileattname}\"\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" .
$data . "\n\n" .
// Send the email
if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
echo "The email was sent.";
else {
echo "There was an error sending the mail.";
No external libraries are necessary really. Follow this format:
$to = ","; // addresses to email pdf to
$from = ""; // address message is sent from
$subject = "Your PDF email subject"; // email subject
$body = "<p>The PDF is attached.</p>"; // email body
$pdfLocation = "./your-pdf.pdf"; // file location
$pdfName = "pdf-file.pdf"; // pdf file name recipient will get
$filetype = "application/pdf"; // type
// create headers and mime boundry
$eol = PHP_EOL;
$semi_rand = md5(time());
$mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x";
$headers = "From: $from$eol" .
"MIME-Version: 1.0$eol" .
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed;$eol" .
" boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"";
// add html message body
$message = "--$mime_boundary$eol" .
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"$eol" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit$eol$eol" .
$body . $eol;
// fetch pdf
$file = fopen($pdfLocation, 'rb');
$data = fread($file, filesize($pdfLocation));
$pdf = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
// attach pdf to email
$message .= "--$mime_boundary$eol" .
"Content-Type: $filetype;$eol" .
" name=\"$pdfName\"$eol" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment;$eol" .
" filename=\"$pdfName\"$eol" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64$eol$eol" .
$pdf . $eol .
// Send the email
if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
echo "The email was sent.";
else {
echo "There was an error sending the mail.";
change this:
$msg .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"attachment.pdf\"\r\n";
To this:
$msg = "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"attachment.pdf\"\r\n";
