Euro (€) in imagettftext - php

How can i create an € sign with imagettftext()?
I'm using the font 'Lucida Grande' which contains the euro sign.
€ does not work, too.

See the documentation (emphasis mine):
The text string in UTF-8 encoding.
May include decimal numeric character references (of the form:
€) to access characters in a font beyond position 127. The
hexadecimal format (like ©) is supported. Strings in UTF-8
encoding can be passed directly.
Named entities, such as ©, are not supported. Consider using
html_entity_decode() to decode these named entities into UTF-8 strings
(html_entity_decode() supports this as of PHP 5.0.0).
If a character is used in the string which is not supported by the
font, a hollow rectangle will replace the character.
You can try using the actual € character, or decoding it, or using the decimal character reference. See here for the entry in FileFormat.Info Unicode Lookup, which has all the code formats: In this case it would be €.


i would like to php 5.4 json support all language but its return Unicode and other unknown char [duplicate]

When using "special" Unicode characters they come out as weird garbage when encoded to JSON:
php > echo json_encode(['foo' => '馬']);
Why? Have I done something wrong with my encodings?
(This is a reference question to clarify the topic once and for all, since this comes up again and again.)
First of all: There's nothing wrong here. This is how characters can be encoded in JSON. It is in the official standard. It is based on how string literals can be formed in Javascript ECMAScript (section 7.8.4 "String Literals") and is described as such:
Any code point may be represented as a hexadecimal number. The meaning of such a number is determined by ISO/IEC 10646. If the code point is in the Basic Multilingual Plane (U+0000 through U+FFFF), then it may be represented as a six-character sequence: a reverse solidus, followed by the lowercase letter u, followed by four hexadecimal digits that encode the code point. [...] So, for example, a string containing only a single reverse solidus character may be represented as "\u005C".
In short: Any character can be encoded as \u...., where .... is the Unicode code point of the character (or the code point of half of a UTF-16 surrogate pair, for characters outside the BMP).
These two string literals represent the exact same character, they're absolutely equivalent. When these string literals are parsed by a compliant JSON parser, they will both result in the string "馬". They don't look the same, but they mean the same thing in the JSON data encoding format.
PHP's json_encode preferably encodes non-ASCII characters using \u.... escape sequences. Technically it doesn't have to, but it does. And the result is perfectly valid. If you prefer to have literal characters in your JSON instead of escape sequences, you can set the JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE flag in PHP 5.4 or higher:
php > echo json_encode(['foo' => '馬'], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
To emphasise: this is just a preference, it is not necessary in any way to transport "Unicode characters" in JSON.

What character encoding is this, I do not recognize it? [duplicate]

When using "special" Unicode characters they come out as weird garbage when encoded to JSON:
php > echo json_encode(['foo' => '馬']);
Why? Have I done something wrong with my encodings?
(This is a reference question to clarify the topic once and for all, since this comes up again and again.)
First of all: There's nothing wrong here. This is how characters can be encoded in JSON. It is in the official standard. It is based on how string literals can be formed in Javascript ECMAScript (section 7.8.4 "String Literals") and is described as such:
Any code point may be represented as a hexadecimal number. The meaning of such a number is determined by ISO/IEC 10646. If the code point is in the Basic Multilingual Plane (U+0000 through U+FFFF), then it may be represented as a six-character sequence: a reverse solidus, followed by the lowercase letter u, followed by four hexadecimal digits that encode the code point. [...] So, for example, a string containing only a single reverse solidus character may be represented as "\u005C".
In short: Any character can be encoded as \u...., where .... is the Unicode code point of the character (or the code point of half of a UTF-16 surrogate pair, for characters outside the BMP).
These two string literals represent the exact same character, they're absolutely equivalent. When these string literals are parsed by a compliant JSON parser, they will both result in the string "馬". They don't look the same, but they mean the same thing in the JSON data encoding format.
PHP's json_encode preferably encodes non-ASCII characters using \u.... escape sequences. Technically it doesn't have to, but it does. And the result is perfectly valid. If you prefer to have literal characters in your JSON instead of escape sequences, you can set the JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE flag in PHP 5.4 or higher:
php > echo json_encode(['foo' => '馬'], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
To emphasise: this is just a preference, it is not necessary in any way to transport "Unicode characters" in JSON.

json unescaped unicode php 5.3 [duplicate]

When using "special" Unicode characters they come out as weird garbage when encoded to JSON:
php > echo json_encode(['foo' => '馬']);
Why? Have I done something wrong with my encodings?
(This is a reference question to clarify the topic once and for all, since this comes up again and again.)
First of all: There's nothing wrong here. This is how characters can be encoded in JSON. It is in the official standard. It is based on how string literals can be formed in Javascript ECMAScript (section 7.8.4 "String Literals") and is described as such:
Any code point may be represented as a hexadecimal number. The meaning of such a number is determined by ISO/IEC 10646. If the code point is in the Basic Multilingual Plane (U+0000 through U+FFFF), then it may be represented as a six-character sequence: a reverse solidus, followed by the lowercase letter u, followed by four hexadecimal digits that encode the code point. [...] So, for example, a string containing only a single reverse solidus character may be represented as "\u005C".
In short: Any character can be encoded as \u...., where .... is the Unicode code point of the character (or the code point of half of a UTF-16 surrogate pair, for characters outside the BMP).
These two string literals represent the exact same character, they're absolutely equivalent. When these string literals are parsed by a compliant JSON parser, they will both result in the string "馬". They don't look the same, but they mean the same thing in the JSON data encoding format.
PHP's json_encode preferably encodes non-ASCII characters using \u.... escape sequences. Technically it doesn't have to, but it does. And the result is perfectly valid. If you prefer to have literal characters in your JSON instead of escape sequences, you can set the JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE flag in PHP 5.4 or higher:
php > echo json_encode(['foo' => '馬'], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
To emphasise: this is just a preference, it is not necessary in any way to transport "Unicode characters" in JSON.

PHP GD Text and Special Characters / Encoding?

I'm generating text in php using imagettftext. the text is being pulled from a mysql database. some characters are not appearing in the rendered text despite being in the character map for the font and appearing in the database. for example, m-dashes (—)and smartquotes/apostrophes (“”’).
the characters either don't appear or are replaced by question marks.
i suspect this has to do with encoding, but i don't know enough about encoding to know where to start. any help would be much appreciated.
Try using htmlentityencode on the text before you pass it to the function.
The text string in UTF-8 encoding.
May include decimal numeric character references (of the form: €) to access characters in a font beyond position 127. The hexadecimal format (like ©) is supported. Strings in UTF-8 encoding can be passed directly.
Named entities, such as ©, are not supported. Consider using html_entity_decode() to decode these named entities into UTF-8 strings (html_entity_decode() supports this as of PHP 5.0.0).
If a character is used in the string which is not supported by the font, a hollow rectangle will replace the character.

DomDocument and special characters written in two bytes

I have a web application, written in PHP, based on UTF-8 (both PHP and MySQL are on UTF-8). Everything is beautiful - no problem with special characters.
However, I had to build an export to XML with encoding ISO-8859-2 (Polish), so I picked DomDocument because it has built in encoding conversion.
But when I had sent the XML to my partner for validation, he said that one of tags have too many characters. It was strange because it had the specific maximum number of characters. Then I have opened the file in HexEditor and saw that every special character has two bytes.
I have tried to convert the result with iconv and mb_convert_encoding.
Iconv says:
iconv() [<a href='function.iconv'>function.iconv</a>]: Detected an illegal character in input string in file application/controllers/report/export.php at 169
mb_convert_encoding is simply deleting all special characters and result is encoded in ASCII.
Is there a way to convert the output of DomDocument to one-byte characters?
Thanks in advance!
One problem when switching between encodings is that, even with transliteration, not all characters are representable in other encodings in a single byte.
For example, consider the EURO SIGN, a character that takes 3 bytes when encoded in UTF-8. If you look at the charset support page, you can see that ISO-8859-2 is not listed.
Since there is not a single character to represent the euro sign, then transliteration does its best to still represent it in the output
echo iconv( 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', '€' ); // EUR
In this example, we still end up with 3 bytes to represent the euro sign after transliterating.
P.S. The NOTICE level error you're getting is because you executed iconv() without the transliteration flag. And as I highlighted above, the EURO SIGN doesn't exist in ISO-8859-2, so you clearly have at least one character in your data that also doesn't exist in ISO-8859-2, so you'll have to use transliteration. Just know that it doesn't guarantee that you'll get down to 1 byte/char.
