Combining object operator ( -> ) and "new" - php

Given a class A with a member function f(), the following apparently reasonable code:
( new A() )->f();
Fails with a syntax error: "unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR".
Is there an explanation for this?
Edit: As Mageek guessed, I'm trying to make sense of this behaviour; I already know how to work around it.

This is only available as of PHP 5.4. Until then you have to assign the instance to a variable and use that.

The feature you have asked for is available from PHP 5.4. Here is the list of new features in PHP 5.4:
Class member access on instantiation has been added, e.g. (new Foo)->bar().
But you can try this trick:
class TestClass {
protected $_testvar;
public function __construct($param) {
$this->_testvar = $param;
public function testMethod() {
return $this->_testvar;
function TestClass($param) { return new TestClass($param); }
Now you can write:
$a = TestClass(2)->testMethod();


Why can't I use an object when I construct it?

I've tried searching for this but frankly I don't know what to search for and unfortunately I imagine this question has been asked before.
In PHP, and possibly other languages, why can't I use an object immediately after I create it?
// This causes an error
$obj = new Object()->myFunction();
Note: I return $this in most of my setter functions so I can chain them together
function myFunction() {
// ... some more code here ...
return $this;
It's simply invalid syntax in PHP. You are able to get this to work in PHP 5.4 by wrapping the object constructor expression with parentheses:
$obj = (new Object())->myFunction();
See PHP 5.4 new features:
Class member access on instantiation has been added, e.g. (new Foo)->bar().
If you want $obj to be the value of the new Object, be sure to return $this from Object::myFunction() (this is called method chaining).
An alternative for getting constructor chaining to work is to have a static method in your class which creates the new class instance for you:
class Object {
public function __construct($var) {
$this->var = $var;
public static function newObject($var) {
return new Object($var);
$obj = Object::newObject()->chainMethodX()->chainMethodY()->...
This is invalid syntax.
PHP only supports:
$obj = new Object();
Keep in mind that, were you code sample to work, $obj would get the return value of myFunction().
Although not documented on the site it would appear as though the object operator -> has a higher precedence then the new keyword. So saying:
$obj = new Object()->someFunction();
is evaluated like you wrote
$obj = new (Object()->someFunction());
instead of the intended
$obj = (new Object())->someFunction();
The real reason it works this way is in the php grammer definition on line 775

How to Pass a function to a class in php

I have a class that generates data based on a few things. I would like to format that data from the outside. So I am trying to pass a function into the class so that it would format that data. I have looked at many examples, but it seems this is unique.
Can anybody give an idea of how to do this? The following code gives an error.
class someClass {
var $outsideFunc; // placeholder for function to be defined from outside
var $somevar='Me'; // generated text
function echoarg($abc){
$outsideFunc=$this->outsideFunc; // bring the outside function in
call_user_func($outsideFunc,$abc); // execute outside function on text
echo $abc;
function outsidefunc($param){ // define custom function
$param='I am '.$param;
$someClass=new someClass();
$someClass -> outsideFunc = 'outsideFunc'; // send custom function into Class
$someClass -> echoarg($someClass->somevar);
$someClass -> outsidefunc = 'outsidefunc';
In PHP, function names are not case sensitive, yet object property names are. You need $someClass->outsideFunc, not $someClass->outsidefunc.
Note that good OOP design practice calls for the use of getter and setter methods rather than just accessing properties directly from outside code. Also note that PHP 5.3 introduced support for anonymous functions.
Yeah. You are right. Now there is no error. But it does not work either.
By default, PHP does not pass arguments by reference; outsidefunc() does not actually do anything useful. If you want it to set $param in the caller to something else, and do not want to just return the new value, you could change the function signature to look like this:
function outsidefunc(&$param) {
You would also need to change the way you call the function, as call_user_func() does not allow you to pass arguments by reference. Either of these ways should work:
call_user_func_array($outsideFunc, array(&$abc));
Why not pass your function as an argument?
class someClass {
public $somevar="Me";
public function echoarg($abc,$cb=null) {
if( $cb) $cb($abc);
echo $abc;
$someClass = new someClass();
$someClass->echoarg($someClass->somevar,function(&$a) {$a = "I am ".$a;});
i am not sure what exactly you are looking for, but what i get is, you want to pass object in a function which can be acheive by
Type Hinting in PHP.
class MyClass {
public $var = 'Hello World';
function myFunction(MyClass $foo) {
echo $foo->var;
$myclass = new MyClass;
OP, perhaps closures are what you're looking for?
It doesn't do EXACTLY what you're looking for (actually add function to class), but can be added to a class variable and executed like any normal anonymous function.
$myClass->addFunc(function($arg) { return 'test: ' . $arg });
class myClass {
protected $funcs;
public function addFunc(closure $func) {
$this->funcs[] = $func;
public function execFunc($index) { $this->funcs[$index](); } // obviously, do some checking here first.

Storing a Closure Function in a Class Property in PHP

ok I do have the code below
class foo{
public $bar = NULL;
public function boo(){
$mee = new foo();
//save a closure function on the property
$mee->bar = function(){
echo 'hahaha';
//invoke the closure function by using a class method
and you can see it running here
now what i want here is to store the closure function on the class method.
well closures are possible as i read the documentation about it here
is this possible? did i went to something wrong? please correct me
Your example code at does not work because uses PHP 5.2.5, and closure support was only added in 5.3.
However, your code will also not work in a PHP version that supports closures, although you will get a different error:
This is a limitation of PHP at present. $obj->member() looks for a method named member and will not look at properties to see if they are callable. It is, frankly, annoying.
The only way I am aware of to make this work without call_user_func()/call_user_func_array() is:
public function boo() {
$func = $this->bar;
You need to exploit some magic functionality of PHP (__call) to make use of that. Extend from Extendable for example:
class Extendable {
static function import($context) {
$self = new static();
while (is_callable($context)) $context = $context($self);
if (is_array($context) || is_object($context) || is_a($context, 'Traversable')) {
foreach($context as $key => $value)
$self->$key = &$value; # preserve keys if
return $self;
public function __call($name, $args) {
if (isset($this->$name) && is_callable($this->$name)) {
return call_user_func_array($this->$name, $args);
throw new BadFunctionCallException(sprintf('Undefined function %s.', $name));
And you can do the job. It's not that nice. Background and examples are in one of my blog posts:
PHP: Extending stdClass with Closures (plus Visitor)
You can naturally implement that magic functionality your own, too.
Use call_user_func() function:
class foo{
public $bar = NULL;
public function boo(){
$mee = new foo();
//save a closure function on the property
$mee->bar = function(){
echo 'hahaha';
//invoke the closure function by using a class method
This will display "ahahah"
Hope it helps.
You will not be able to do that.
Take for example this code:
class T {
function foo() {
echo 'T::foo';
$t = new T;
$t->foo = function() {
echo 'Closure::foo';
It works fine on PHP 5.4.6 and/or PHP 5.3.16, however it will result in T::foo getting printed.
This happens because methods, in PHP, are not modifiable class properties, as they are for example in javascript.
$foo = $t->foo;
will print Closure::foo as expected.
PHP is not a prototype based language hence you cannot redefine functions
Use __call to catch all non-defined methods and then look up the closure and invoke it. Take a look at my post on this SitePoint thread.
Starting at php 7, you can put round brackets around the instance and method to call the method like so: ($this->bar)();.
This appears to cause a syntax error on earlier versions however.

What's alternative of eval function?

I use eval() in my current project like this:
if (class_exists($class_name)) //$class_name depends on user input
eval() is executed if and only if class with the name $class_name exists so it's kinda safe, but I still don't think that this is the best solution.
Can I do the same what code above does without eval()?
I have recently answered this question. The last part of my answer perfectly answers this question and is much more useful for future readers than answers provided here. That's why I am answering my own question.
PHP has features that gives possibility to avoid using eval in most cases:
PHP is very dynamic language. It has ability to do following stuff with strings:
Define and/or get variable (supported from PHP 4.3). For example:
$variableName = 'MyVariable';
// Create new variable with the name defined in variable $variableName
${$variableName} = 'MyValue';
//Outputs: string(7) "MyValue"
//Outputs: string(7) "MyValue"
Call function (supported from PHP 4.3). For example:
// Create function with the name defined in variable $functionName
function MyFunction($argument) {
return 'Argument passed is: '.$argument;
$functionName = 'MyFunction';
// Outputs:
// string(48) "Argument passed is: Calling MyFunction directly."
var_dump(MyFunction('Calling MyFunction directly.'));
// Outputs:
// string(51) "Argument passed is: Calling MyFunction with string."
var_dump($functionName('Calling MyFunction with string.'));
Create instance of class (supported from PHP 5.0). For example:
class MyClass {
public function __construct() {
echo 'Constructing MyClass'."\n";
$className = 'MyClass';
$objFromString = new $className();
// Outputs: object(MyClass)#1 (0) {}
Call static method (supported from PHP 5.0). For example:
class MyClass {
public static function staticMethod() {
return 'MyClass::staticMethod called';
$staticMethodName = 'staticMethod';
// Outputs: string(28) "MyClass::staticMethod called"
And from PHP 5.3 class name can also be defined by string. Example:
class MyClass {
public static function staticMethod() {
return 'MyClass::staticMethod called';
$className = 'MyClass';
$staticMethodName = 'staticMethod';
Call instance method of object (supported from PHP 5.0). For example:
class MyClass {
public function instanceMethod() {
return 'MyClass::instanceMethod called';
$methodName = 'instanceMethod';
$obj = new MyClass();
// Outputs: string(30) "MyClass::instanceMethod called"
Access static and instance properties of object (supported from PHP 5.0). For example:
class MyClass {
public static $myStaticProperty;
public $myInstanceProperty;
$staticPropertyName = 'myStaticProperty';
$instancePropertyName = 'myInstanceProperty';
MyClass::${$staticPropertyName} = 'my static value';
$obj = new MyClass();
$obj->{$instancePropertyName} = 'my instance value';
PHP has two functions: call_user_func and call_user_func_array for dynamic function/method calls. Both are perfectly documented so I won't go in details here.
Even if everything above is not enough PHP 5 comes with great Reflection API. Unfortunately, documentation has few examples but reflection is quite large topic to cover here. Basically, It's not a big deal to use reflection after reading how it works.
I'd suggest call_user_func.
An alternative to call_user_func() would be calling it like this:
$class_and_method = 'Class::MyStaticMethod()';
call_user_func(array($class_name, 'MyStaticMethod'));
As of PHP 5.3+,
userinput + eval = security hole;
Also eval is an expensive operation requiring parsing the string into an actionable format (parse tree, abstract syntax tree, etc.) and executing the new found logic.
You don't want to eval every little tidbit of code. Use eval if you have something for it to chew on or rather put that logic somewhere where it's reusable and parametrized such as a function.
Also as of php 5.4
$method = array('class_name', 'method_name');
$method(); // calls class_name::method_name()

PHP syntax to call methods on temporary objects

Is there a way to call a method on a temporary declared object without being forced to assign 1st the object to a variable?
See below:
class Test
private $i = 7;
public function get() {return $this->i;}
$temp = new Test();
echo $temp->get(); //ok
echo new Test()->get(); //invalid syntax
echo {new Test()}->get(); //invalid syntax
echo ${new Test()}->get(); //invalid syntax
I use the following workaround when I want to have this behaviour.
I declare this function (in the global scope) :
function take($that) { return $that; }
Then I use it this way :
echo take(new Test())->get();
What you can do is
class Test
private $i = 7;
public function get() {return $this->i;}
public static function getNew() { return new self(); }
echo Test::getNew()->get();
Why not just do this:
class Test
private static $i = 7;
public static function get() {return self::$i;}
$value = Test::get();
Unfortunately, you can't do that. It's just the way PHP is, I'm afraid.
No. This is a limitation in PHP's parser.
i often use this handy little function
function make($klass) {
$_ = func_get_args();
if(count($_) < 2)
return new $klass;
$c = new ReflectionClass($klass);
return $c->newInstanceArgs(array_slice($_, 1));
make('SomeClass', arg1, arg2)->foobar();
Impossible and why would you create an object this way at all?
The point of an object is to encapsulate unique state. In the example you gave, $i will always be 7, so there is no point in creating the object, then getting $i from it and then losing the object to the Garbage collector because there is no reference to the object after $i was returned. A static class, like shown elsewhere, makes much more sense for this purpose. Or a closure.
Related topic:
This is an old question: I'm just providing an updated answer.
In all supported versions of PHP (since 5.4.0, in 2012) you can do this:
(new Test())->get();
See ("Class member access on instantiation").
This has come up very recently on php-internals, and unfortunately some influential people (e. g. sniper) active in development of PHP oppose the feature. Drop an email to, let them know you're a grownup programmer.
