I have a problem with deleting files through unlink() function. When the file is with a cyrillic name the function doesn't work.
[24-Jul-2012 00:33:35 UTC] PHP Warning:
unlink(/home/gtsvetan/public_html/мениджър.doc) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory
in /home/gtsvetan/public_html/deleter.php on line 114
So how to delete the file when the name is cyrillized?
The code is:
$dir = is_array($dir) ? $dir : explode(',', $dir);
foreach($dir as $dirv) {
if(is_dir($dirv)) {
$objects = scandir($dirv);
foreach($objects as $object) {
if($object != "." && $object != "..") {
if(filetype($dirv."/".$object) == "dir") {
else {
else {
The solution:
public function delete($dir) {
$dir = is_array($dir) ? $dir : explode(',', $dir);
foreach($dir as $dirv) {
if(is_dir($dirv)) {
$d = #dir($dirv) or die();
while(false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
if($entry[0] == ".") {
if(is_dir($dirv.$entry.'/')) {
elseif(is_readable($dirv.$entry)) {
else {
And here is the ajax.php which make a instance of the class :)
case 'delete':
$location = $_POST['location'];
if(is_array($location)) {
foreach($location as $v) {
$loc[] = iconv('utf-8', 'cp1251', $v);
else {
$location = iconv('utf-8', 'cp1251', $location);
It works perfect for me :)
I'd suggest renaming it first if it not plays well.
i have found that sanitizing file names is always a good idea. personally i like to have my scripts name files itself, not users (esp if it's an uploaded file). create a cleaning function that converts cyrillic characters. take a look at convert_cyr_string :: http://php.net/manual/en/function.convert-cyr-string.php
another idea, does renaming the file have the same problem as deleting them? if not, rename it to something like tobedeleted.ext then unlink it.
unlink from PHP just forwards to the corresponding system call. The file name will be passed to that function as-is, since PHP strings are just opaque sequences of bytes. This means that the name needs to be in an encoding that the system call understands. In other words, it depends on your OS. You also need to know what is the current encoding of the file name; this depends on where the input is coming from.
If you know that the system call wants UTF-8 (which is true on Linux) and that currently the name is in ISO-8859-5, then a solution using iconv would look like
unlink(iconv('iso-8859-5', 'utf-8', $dirv."/".$object));
Of course you can do the same with mb_convert_encoding as well. The same treatment is also necessary for all the other filesystem-related calls.
Hmm, I made this, It might come in useful.
function delete($link) {
foreach($link as $u) {
if(is_dir($u)) {
delete(glob($u . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*"));
} else; unlink($u);
delete(glob(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*"));
I want to grab the first file in a directory, without touching/grabbing all the other files. The filename is unknown.
One very short way could be this, using glob:
$file = array_slice(glob('/directory/*.jpg'), 0, 1);
But if there are a lot of files in that directory, there will be some overhead.
Other ways are answers to this question - but all involve a loop and are also longer then the glob example:
PHP: How can I grab a single file from a directory without scanning entire directory?
Is there a very short and efficient way to solve this?
Probably not totally efficient, but if you only want the FIRST jpg that appears, then
$dh = opendir('directory/');
while($filename = readdir($dh)) {
if (substr($filename, -4) == '.jpg')) {
Well this is not totally a one-liner, but it is a way to go I believe:
$result = null;
foreach(new FilesystemIterator('directory/') as $file)
if($file->isFile() && $file->getExtension() == 'jpg') {
$result = $file->getPathname();
but why don't you wrap it in a function and use it like get_first_file('directory/') ? It will be a nice and short!
This function will get the first filename of any type.
function get_first_filename ($dir) {
$d = dir($dir);
while ($f = $d->read()){
if (is_file($dir . '/' . $f)) {
return $f;
IS there a file that I can upload onto my website (my website is a website that contains very very very sensitive information) that when navigated to in the browser (www.example.com/script.php) can be executed to delete all files from the folder it is uplaoded into/ I want to be able to delete this information easy as that. Kind of like a Self Destruct Button. MY website is used for testing sensitive equiptment commands for diamond blade cutters. We got almost the perfect cut for a diamond which makes ours very valuable. Our site was hacked and there was nothn gi could do in the backend because the password was changed on us so i want to put a secret file in there that does this.
i would not recommend that as a solution,
why don't you secure the script instead ?
anyway just for the fun of it here is a function that will delete a folder
function deleteAll($directory, $empty = false) {
$t= time(); // you can also use it to delete old files by subtracting from this
if(substr($directory,-1) == "/") {
$directory = substr($directory,0,-1);
if(!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory)) {
return false;
} elseif(!is_readable($directory)) {
return false;
} else {
$directoryHandle = opendir($directory);
while ($contents = readdir($directoryHandle)) {
if($contents != '.' && $contents != '..') {
if(filemtime($directory . "/" . $contents) < $t) {
$path = $directory . "/" . $contents;
if(is_dir($path)) {
} else {
if($empty == false) {
if(!#rmdir($directory)) {
return false;
return true;
(!) be careful when you use it it will DELETE everything you can call it like this deleteAll(".", true);
but this is not a solution look into securing your script
I want to make my site hack-proof so this is why I do:
Text: mysql_real_escape_string($myVar);
Number: (int)$myVar;
Should I use something similar to file array that is given by $myVar = $_FILE['myFile']; ?
sanitizing file names is very important.
There are also some issues that you might want to cover, for instance not all the allowed chars in Windows are allowed in *nix, and vice versa. A filename may also contain a relative path and could potentially overwrite other non-uploaded files.
This upload function taken from here
function Upload($source, $destination, $chmod = null)
$result = array();
$destination = self::Path($destination);
if ((is_dir($destination) === true) && (array_key_exists($source, $_FILES) === true))
if (count($_FILES[$source], COUNT_RECURSIVE) == 5)
foreach ($_FILES[$source] as $key => $value)
$_FILES[$source][$key] = array($value);
foreach (array_map('basename', $_FILES[$source]['name']) as $key => $value)
$result[$value] = false;
if ($_FILES[$source]['error'][$key] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
$file = ph()->Text->Slug($value, '_', '.');
if (file_exists($destination . $file) === true)
$file = substr_replace($file, '_' . md5_file($_FILES[$source]['tmp_name'][$key]), strrpos($value, '.'), 0);
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$source]['tmp_name'][$key], $destination . $file) === true)
if (self::Chmod($destination . $file, $chmod) === true)
$result[$value] = $destination . $file;
return $result;
The important parts are:
1)make sure that the file doesn't contain any relative paths.
2)ph()->Text->Slug(), this makes sure only .0-9a-zA-Z are allowed in the filename, all the other chars are replaced by underscores (_)
3)md5_file(), this is added to the filename iff another file with the same name already exists
see how well its explained here
depends on use case. For example, if you save filename to DB, you should escape it as string. Also, you should protect from uploading and executing a PHP script.
The following code loads all .php files found in the specified folder (defined separately). Is there a way to put this into an array to simplify the code?
Only a couple of variables change but essentially the code repeats several times.
// The General Files
$the_general = opendir(FRAMEWORK_GENERAL);
while (($the_general_files = readdir($the_general)) !== false) {
if(strpos($the_general_files,'.php')) {
include_once(FRAMEWORK_GENERAL . $the_general_files);
// The Plugin Files
$the_plugins = opendir(FRAMEWORK_PLUGINS);
while (($the_plugins_files = readdir($the_plugins)) !== false) {
if(strpos($the_plugins_files,'.php')) {
include_once(FRAMEWORK_PLUGINS . $the_plugins_files);
There are several more sections which call different folders.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I nicer way to do this would to use glob(). And make it into a function.
function includeAllInDirectory($directory)
if (!is_dir($directory)) {
return false;
// Make sure to add a trailing slash
$directory = rtrim($directory, '/\\') . '/';
foreach (glob("{$directory}*.php") as $filename) {
require_once($directory . $filename);
return true;
This is fairly simple. See arrays and foreach.
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
$d = opendir($dir);
while (($file = readdir($d)) !== false) {
if(strpos($file,'.php')) {
include_once($dir . $file);
A better idea might be lazy loading via __autoload or spl_autoload_register, including all the .php files in a directory might seem like a good idea now, but not when your codebase gets bigger.
Your code should be layed out in an easy to understand heirarchy, rather than putting them all in one directory so they can be included easily. Also, if you dont need all of the code in the files in every request you are wasting resources.
Check http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.autoload.php for an easy example.
This can be done pretty tightly:
foreach($dirs as $dir) {
if (!is_dir($dir)) { continue; }
foreach (glob("$dir/*.php") as $filename) {
Put that in a function where $dirs comes in as a param and use freely.
when moving one file from one location to another i use
rename('path/filename', 'newpath/filename');
how do you move all files in a folder to another folder? tried this one without result:
rename('path/*', 'newpath/*');
A slightly verbose solution:
// Get array of all source files
$files = scandir("source");
// Identify directories
$source = "source/";
$destination = "destination/";
// Cycle through all source files
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (in_array($file, array(".",".."))) continue;
// If we copied this successfully, mark it for deletion
if (copy($source.$file, $destination.$file)) {
$delete[] = $source.$file;
// Delete all successfully-copied files
foreach ($delete as $file) {
Please try this solution, it's tested successfully ::
$files = scandir("f1");
$oldfolder = "f1/";
$newfolder = "f2/";
foreach($files as $fname) {
if($fname != '.' && $fname != '..') {
rename($oldfolder.$fname, $newfolder.$fname);
An alternate using rename() and with some error checking:
$srcDir = 'dir1';
$destDir = 'dir2';
if (file_exists($destDir)) {
if (is_dir($destDir)) {
if (is_writable($destDir)) {
if ($handle = opendir($srcDir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (is_file($srcDir . '/' . $file)) {
rename($srcDir . '/' . $file, $destDir . '/' . $file);
} else {
echo "$srcDir could not be opened.\n";
} else {
echo "$destDir is not writable!\n";
} else {
echo "$destDir is not a directory!\n";
} else {
echo "$destDir does not exist\n";
tried this one?:
$oldfolderpath = "old/folder";
$newfolderpath = "new/folder";
So I tried to use the rename() function as described and I kept getting the error back that there was no such file or directory. I placed the code within an if else statement in order to ensure that I really did have the directories created. It looked like this:
$tempDir = '/home/site/images/tmp/';
$permanentDir = '/home/site/images/' . $claimid; // this was stored above
echo $permanentDir . ' is a directory';
echo $tempDir . ' is a directory';
echo $tempDir . ' is not a directory';
echo $permanentDir . ' is not a directory';
rename($tempDir . "*", $permanentDir);
So when I ran the code again, it spit out that both paths were directories. I was stumped. I talked with a coworker and he suggested, "Why not just rename the temp directory to the new directory, since you want to move all the files anyway?"
Turns out, this is what I ended up doing. I gave up trying to use the wildcard with the rename() function and instead just use the rename() to rename the temp directory to the permanent one.
so it looks like this.
$tempDir = '/home/site/images/tmp/';
$permanentDir = '/home/site/images/' . $claimid; // this was stored above
rename($tempDir, $permanentDir);
This worked beautifully for my purposes since I don't need the old tmp directory to remain there after the files have been uploaded and "moved".
Hope this helps. If anyone knows why the wildcard doesn't work in the rename() function and why I was getting the error stating above, please, let me know.
Move or copy the way I use it
function copyfiles($source_folder, $target_folder, $move=false) {
$source_folder=trim($source_folder, '/').'/';
$target_folder=trim($target_folder, '/').'/';
$files = scandir($source_folder);
foreach($files as $file) {
if($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
if ($move) {
rename($source_folder.$file, $target_folder.$file);
} else {
copy($source_folder.$file, $target_folder.$file);
function movefiles($source_folder, $target_folder) {
copyfiles($source_folder, $target_folder, $move=true);
try this:
rename('path/*', 'newpath/');
I do not see a point in having an asterisk in the destination
If the target directory doesn't exist, you'll need to create it first:
rename('path/*', 'newpath/');
As a side note; when you copy files to another folder, their last changed time becomes current timestamp. So you should touch() the new files.
... (some codes for directory looping) ...
if (copy($source.$file, $destination.$file)) {
$delete[] = $source.$file;
$filetimestamp = filemtime($source.$file);
... (some codes) ...
Not sure if this helps anyone or not, but thought I'd post anyway. Had a challenge where I has heaps of movies I'd purchased and downloaded through various online stores all stored in one folder, but all in their own subfolders and all with different naming conventions. I wanted to move all of them into the parent folder and rename them all to look pretty. all of the subfolders I'd managed to rename with a bulk renaming tool and conditional name formatting. the subfolders had other files in them i didn't want. so i wrote the following php script to, 1. rename/move all files with extension mp4 to their parent directory while giving them the same name as their containing folder, 2. delete contents of subfolders and look for directories inside them to empty and then rmdir, 3. rmdir the subfolders.
$handle = opendir("D:/Movies/");
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir($file)) {
$newhandle = opendir("D:/Movies/".$file);
while($newfile = readdir($newhandle)) {
if ($newfile != "." && $newfile != ".." && is_file("D:/Movies/".$file."/".$newfile)) {
$parts = explode(".",$newfile);
if (end($parts) == "mp4") {
if (!file_exists("D:/Movies/".$file.".mp4")) {
else {
else { unlink("D:/Movies/".$file."/".$newfile); }
else if ($newfile != "." && $newfile != ".." && is_dir("D:/Movies/".$file."/".$newfile)) {
$dirhandle = opendir("D:/Movies/".$file."/".$newfile);
while ($dirfile = readdir($dirhandle)){
if ($dirfile != "." && $dirfile != ".."){
i move all my .json files from root folder to json folder with this
foreach (glob("*.json") as $filename) {
pd: someone 2020?