Replace text within brackets with thus-named variable in PHP - php

I want to replace all strings in square brackets ([]) with a randomly chosen item from an array that's named that string.
It's very similar to this issue, but with a twist, in that I want to replace different brackets' contents with strings from arrays named that.
An example should make this a bit clearer.
So say I've got the string
"This is a very [adjective] [noun], and this is a [adjective] [noun]."
And the variables:
$adjective = array("big","small","good","bad");
$noun = array("house","dog","car");
And we want it to return "This is a very big house, and this is a good dog." or whatever, by choosing randomly. That is, I want to write a PHP function that will replace each [string] with a randomly chosen item from the array named $string. For now it doesn't matter if by randomly choosing it ends up repeating choices, but it must make a fresh choice for each [] item.
I hope I've explained this clearly. If you get what I'm trying to achieve and can think of a better way to do it I'd be very grateful.

Match for this regex: (\[.*?\])
For each match group pick an item from the related array.
Replace in string by order.
$string = "This is a very [adjective] [noun], and this is a [adjective] [noun].";
$adjective = array("big","small","good","bad");
$noun = array("house","dog","car");
// find matches against the regex and replaces them the callback function.
$result = preg_replace_callback(
// Matches parts to be replaced: '[adjective]', '[noun]'
// Callback function. Use 'use()' or define arrays as 'global'
function($matches) use ($adjective, $noun) {
// Remove square brackets from the match
// then use it as variable name
$array = ${trim($matches[1],"[]")};
// Pick an item from the related array whichever.
return $array[array_rand($array)];
// Input string to search in.
print $result;
preg_replace_callback function performs a regular expression search and replace using provided callback function.
First parameter is regular expression to match (enclosed between slashes): /(\[.*?\])/
Second parameter is callback function to call for each match. Takes the current match as parameter.
We have to use use() here to access the arrays from inside the function, or define the arrays as global: global $adjective = .... Namely, we have to do one of the followings:
a) Define arrays as global:
global $adjective = array("big","small","good","bad");
global $noun = array("house","dog","car");
function($matches) {
b) Use use:
$adjective = array("big","small","good","bad");
$noun = array("house","dog","car");
function($matches) use ($adjective, $noun) {
First line of the callback function:
trim: Removes square brackets ([]) from the match using trim function.
${}: Creates a variable to use as array name with the match name. For example, if the $match is [noun] then trim($matches[1],"[]") returns noun (without brackets) and ${noun} becomes the array name: $noun. For more information on the topic, see variable variables.
Second line randomly picks an index number available for the $array and then returns the element at this position.
Third parameter is the input string.

The code below will do the work:
$string = "This is a very [adjective] [noun], and this is a [adjective] [noun]."
function replace_word ( $matches )
$replaces = array(
'[adjective]' => array("big", "small", "good", "bad"),
'[noun]' => array("house", "dog", "car")
return $replaces[$matches[0]][array_rand($replaces[ $matches[0] ])];
echo preg_replace_callback("(\[.*?\])", "replace_word", $string);
First, we regular expression match on the [something] parts of the word, and call the replace_word() callback function on it with preg_replace_callback(). This function has an internal $replaces two dimension deep array defined inside, each row defined in a [word type] => array('rep1', 'rep2', ...) format.
The tricky and a bit obfuscated line is the return $replaces[$matches[0]][array_rand($replaces[ $matches[0] ])];. If I chunk it down a bit, it'll be a lot more parsable for you:
$random = array_rand( $replaces[ $matches[0] ] );
$matches[0] is the word type, this is the key in the $replaces array we are searching for. This was found by regular expression in the original string. array_rand() basically selects one element of the array, and returns its numerical index. So $random right now is an integer somewhere between 0 and the (number of elements - 1) of the array containing the replaces.
return $replaces[ $matches[0] ][$random];
This will return the $randomth element from the replace array. In the code snippet, these two lines are put together into one line.
Showing one element only once
If you want disjunct elements (no two adjective or noun repeated twice), then you will need to do another trick. We will set the $replaces array to be defined not inside the replace_word() function, but outside it.
$GLOBALS['replaces'] = array(
'[adjective]' => array("big", "small", "good", "bad"),
'[noun]' => array("house", "dog", "car")
Inside the function, we will set the local $replaces variable to be a reference to the newly set array, with calling $replaces = &$GLOBALS['replaces'];. (The & operator sets it a reference, so everything we do with $replaces (remove and add elements, for example) modifies the original array too. Without it, it would only be a copy.)
And before arriving on the return line, we call unset() on the currently to-be-returned key.
unset($replaces[$matches[0]][array_rand($replaces[ $matches[0] ])]);
The function put together now looks like this:
function replace_word ( $matches )
$replaces = &$GLOBALS['replaces'];
unset($replaces[$matches[0]][array_rand($replaces[ $matches[0] ])]);
return $replaces[$matches[0]][array_rand($replaces[ $matches[0] ])];
And because $replaces is a reference to the global, the unset() updates the original array too. The next calling of replace_word() will not find the same replace again.
Be careful with the size of the array!
Strings containing more replace variables than the amount of replace values present will throw an Undefined index E_NOTICE. The following string won't work:
$string = "This is a very [adjective] [noun], and this is a [adjective] [noun]. This is also an [adjective] [noun] with an [adjective] [noun].";
One of the outputs look like the following, showing that we ran out of possible replaces:
This is a very big house, and this is a big house. This is also an small with an .

Another good (easier) method of doing this (not my solution)
Using a foreach to check on which variables you want to replace and replacing them with

You can use preg_match and str_replace function to achive this goal.
First find the matches using preg_match function and then create search & replace array from the result.
Call str_replace function by passing the previous arrays as parameters.

This is my minor update to mmdemirbas' answer above. It lets you set the variables outside of the function (i.e. use globals, as said).
$result = preg_replace_callback(
// Matches parts to be replaced: '[adjective]', '[noun]'
// Callback function. Use 'use()' or define arrays as 'global'
function($matches) use ($adjective, $noun) {
// Remove square brackets from the match
// then use it as variable name
$arrayname = trim($matches[1],"[]");
$array = $GLOBALS[$arrayname];
// Pick an item from the related array whichever.
return $array[array_rand($array)];
// Input string to search in.
print $result;


How to implode a multi-dimensional array?

I have an array of arrays like:
$array = [["1.","COTV_LITE(1800)"],["2.","COTV_PREMIUM(2200)"]]
Now, I want to implode this array such that it would return something like this:
How do I achieve this? Calling just the implode() function did not work:
implode ('<br>', $array);
You can call array_map() to implode the nested arrays:
echo implode('<br>', array_map(function($a) { return implode(' ', $a); }, $array));
1. COTV_LITE(1800)<br>2. COTV_PREMIUM(2200)
You can use variable length arguments variadic in PHP >= 5.6
$items = [["1.","COTV_LITE(1800)"],["2.","COTV_PREMIUM(2200)"]];
echo implode(' ',array_merge(...$items));
1. COTV_LITE(1800) 2. COTV_PREMIUM(2200)
This is more of a precursor for the next option.
If you want to get a bit more creative you can use preg_replace too:
$items = [["1.","COTV_LITE(1800)"],["2.","COTV_PREMIUM(2200)"]];
$replace = [
'/^(\d+\.)$/' => '<li>\1 ',
'/^(\w+\(\d+\))$/' => '\1</li>'
echo '<ul>'.implode(preg_replace(array_keys($replace),$replace,array_merge(...$items))).'</ul>';
<ul><li>1. COTV_LITE(1800)</li><li>2. COTV_PREMIUM(2200)</li></ul>
And lastly using an olordered list, which does the numbers for you. In this case we only need the second item from the array (index 1):
$items = [["1.","COTV_LITE(1800)"],["2.","COTV_PREMIUM(2200)"]];
echo '<ol><li>'.implode('</li><li>',array_column($items,1)).'</li></ol>';
Personally, I would put it in the ol that way you don't have to worry about the order of the numbers, you can let HTML + CSS handle them. Also it's probably the easiest and most semantically correct way, But I don't know if the numbering in the array has any special meaning or not.
In any case I would most definitely put this into a list to render it to HTML. This will give you a lot more options for styling it, later.
want to use option 1. But how do I put each option on a different line using <br>
That one will put the <br> between each array element:
echo implode('<br>',array_merge(...$items));
The only way to easily fix that (while keeping the array_merge) is with preg_replace, which is the second one. So I will call this:
Option 1.2
$items = [["1.","COTV_LITE(1800)"],["2.","COTV_PREMIUM(2200)"]];
echo implode(preg_replace('/^(\w+\(\d+\))$/',' \1<br>',array_merge(...$items)));
1. COTV_LITE(1800)<br>2. COTV_PREMIUM(2200)<br>
Basically there is no way to tell where the end item is after merging them. That operation effectively flattens the array out and gives us something like this:
So that Regex does this 'COTV_PREMIUM(2200)' becomes ' COTV_PREMIUM(2200)<br>'. This is just a way of changing that without having to dip into the array with some logic or something. WE wind up with this modification to the array:
["1."," COTV_LITE(1800)<br>","2."," COTV_PREMIUM(2200)<br>"]
Then with implode we just flatten it again into a string:
"1. COTV_LITE(1800)<br>2. COTV_PREMIUM(2200)<br>"
The Regex ^(\w+\(\d+\))$
^ - Match start of string
(...) - capture group 1
\w+ - match any working character a-zA-Z0-9_ one or more, eg. COTV_PREMIUM
\( - match the ( literally
\d+ - match digits 0-9 one or more, eg 2200
\) - match the ) literally
$ - match end of string
So this matches the pattern of the second (or even) items in the array, then we replace that with this:
The Replacement ' \1<br>'
{space} - adds a leading space
\1 - the value of capture group 1 (from above)
<br> - append a line break
Hope that makes sense. This should work as long as they meet that pattern. Obviously we can adjust the pattern, but with such a small sample size it's hard for me to know what variations will be there.
For example something as simple as (.+\))$ will work TestIt. This one just looks for the ending ). We just need somethng to capture all of the even ones, while not matching the odd. Regular expressions can be very confusing the first few times you see them, but they are extremely powerful.
PS - I added a few links to the function names, these go the the PHP documentation page for them.
Try this
$items = [["1.","COTV_LITE(1800)"],["2.","COTV_PREMIUM(2200)"]];
$imploded = [];
foreach($items as $item) {
$item_entry = implode(' ', $item);
echo $item_entry . '<br/>'; // display items
$imploded[] = $item_entry;
// your desired result is in $imploded variable for further use

PHP - using substr_replace to replace an occurrence of a word with a string

I am trying to replace three occurrences of the word "NOUN" with the contents of three different strings. I am new to PHP and would appreciate being pointed in the right direction!
Also worth noting, I don't have to use substr_replace, but to my knowledge, is it the best way to do it?
Below is what I have been trying, and it doesn't produce any changes when I echo $sentenceBx1's new contents:
$numAdjectSentence = substr_count($sentenceBx1, "ADJECTIVE");
$numVerbSentence = substr_count($sentenceBx1, "VERB");
$numNounSentence = substr_count($sentenceBx1, "NOUN");
substr_replace(string, replacement, start)
$nounPos1 = strpos($sentenceBx1, "NOUN");
substr_replace($sentenceBx1, $nounBx1, "test", $nounLength);
$nounPos2 = strpos($sentenceBx1, "NOUN");
substr_replace($sentenceBx1, $nounBx2, $nounPos2, $nounLength);
$nounPos3 = strpos($sentenceBx1, "NOUN");
substr_replace($sentenceBx1, $nounBx3, $nounPos3, $nounLength);
substr_replace returns its result. So you need to use a structure like:
$result = substr_replace($sentenceBx1, $nounBx2, $nounPos2, $nounLength);
$sentenceBx1 = substr_replace($sentenceBx1, $nounBx1, $nounPos1, $nounLength);
Looking at the specification of substr_replace, you can see that the description of substr_replace is:
mixed substr_replace ( mixed $string , mixed $replacement , mixed $start [, mixed $length ] )
This tells a lot of things. First is that it does not change any of the variables passed to it. The reason we can tell is because none of the parameters are passed by reference. You can always tell if a parameter is passed by reference by looking at the specification of the function and look for an ampersand (&) like this:
string &$string
In short, when you pass a variable to a function as a standard parameter, you only pass along a copy of the variable, meaning that the function you call cannot really change its content. (Actually, it is a bit more complicated than that, as PHP will only copy the value if needed, and internally use a reference if not needed, but you don't need to worry about that right now I presume.) But when you pass a variable by reference, you pass not a copy of the value, but a reference to its memory location. So when the function you are calling is trying to change the content of the parameter, it follows the reference and changes the content of the original variable you sent.
A minimal example would be as follows:
$lorem = 'ipsum';
function foo($lorem) { $lorem = 'dolor'; echo $lorem, PHP_EOL; }
function bar(&$lorem) { $lorem = 'tenet'; echo $lorem, PHP_EOL; }
echo $lorem, PHP_EOL;
echo $lorem, PHP_EOL;
echo $lorem, PHP_EOL;
It will print:
dolor // (inside foo)
ipsum // after foo, your original variable remains unchanged
tenet // (inside bar)
tenet // after barm your original variable is updated
So, back to the specification of substr_replace, how do you get the resulting string?
Return Values
The result string is returned. If string is an array then array is returned.
So, you want to do
$sentenceBx1 = substr_replace($sentenceBx1, $nounBx1, $nounPos1, $nounLength);
$sentenceBx1 = substr_replace($sentenceBx1, $nounBx2, $nounPos2, $nounLength);
$sentenceBx1 = substr_replace($sentenceBx1, $nounBx3, $nounPos3, $nounLength);

preg_replace passing the matched group to a function weired result

I have the following preg_replace not preg_replace_callback which uses arrays for search patterns and replacement not only a single value and it works fine:
preg_replace(['/\{/','/\}/','/"(.*?)"/'],['<span class=\'olive\'>{','}</span>','<span class=\'olive\'>${0}</span>'],FoxText::insertBr($model->TafseerText));
However, when I try to pass ${0} to function something like:
preg_replace(['/\{/','/\}/','/"(.*?)"/'],['<span class=\'olive\'>{','}</span>',FoxText::pattern2VerseId("\$0")],FoxText::insertBr($model->TafseerText));
In the FoxText::pattern2VerseId function I try print_r as follows:
public static function pattern2VerseId($txt, $pattern = '/\(((\d+)-(\w+))\)/u')
$parts = array_map('trim',explode('-', $txt));
print_r(explode('-', $parts[0]));
return $parts[0].' *'.$parts[0].'|';
It prints Array ( [0] => $0 ) while the return value is matched string from the previous call!
In other words, how could it able to return $parts[0] as a string and It could not able to explode this string. Or how could I pass the value correctly to the function to be processed there?
By the way, the string is something like (125-Verse)
Because when you call the function pattern2VerseId you call it with the string $0. And since string $0 doesn't contain any hyphen, the explode just returns an array with single element containing the string.
explode('-', '$0') // will return Array([0] => $0)
By "\$0" are you actually trying to get the first part of the matched regex, i.e. 125 in this case? Because you're not doing it right.
Since I have PHP < 7. i.e there is no preg_replace_callback_array, the only solution that I have able to use is replacing the first pattern(s) using preg_replace then passing the output to one preg_replace_callback
$p = preg_replace(['/\{/','/«/','/\(/','/\}/','/»/','/\)/','/"(.*?)"/'],['<span class=\'olive\'>{','<span class=\'olive\'>«','<span class=\'olive\'>(','}</span>','»</span>',')</span>','<span class=\'olive\'>${0}</span>'],FoxText::insertBr($model->TafseerText));
$callback = function($m){return FoxText::pattern2VerseId($m);};
echo preg_replace_callback('/\(((\d+)-(\w+))\)/u', $callback, $p);

PHP str_replace with function

Is it possible use str_replace() and use function in replace?
$value = "gal($data)";
$replace = str_replace($dat, $value, $string);
gal($data) is a function and I need replace one code for this function and show, but the script only give me finally this gal($data), and the function no show nothing
Is it possible use str_replace() for replace code and replace by the function or some similar method?
PHP has a function called preg_replace_callback that does this. When you pass it a callback function, it will pass each match through your function. You can choose to replace, based upon the matched value, or ignore it.
As an example, suppose I have a pattern that matches various strings, such as [a-z]+. I may not want to replace every instance with the same value, so I can call a function upon eat match found, and determine how I ought to respond:
function callback ($match) {
if ($match[0] === "Jonathan")
return "Superman";
return $match[0];
$subject = "This is about Jonathan.";
$pattern = "/[a-z]+/i";
$results = preg_replace_callback($pattern, "callback", $subject);
// This is about Superman.
echo $results;
Note in our callback function how I am able to return special values for certain matches, and not all matches.
Expanding Abbreviations
Another example would be a lookup. Suppose we wanted to find abbreviations of programming languages, and replace them with their full titles. We may have an array that has abbreviations as keys, with long-names as values. We could then use our callback ability to lookup the full-length names:
function lookup ($match) {
$langs = Array(
"JS" => "JavaScript",
"CSS" => "Cascading Style Sheets",
"JSP" => "Java Server Pages"
return $langs[$match[0]] ?: $match[0];
$subject = "Does anybody know JS? Or CSS maybe? What about PHP?";
$pattern = "/(js|css|jsp)/i";
$results = preg_replace_callback($pattern, "lookup", $subject);
// Does anybody know JavaScript? Or Cascading Style Sheets maybe? What about PHP?
echo $results;
So every time our regular expression finds a match, it passes the match through lookup, and we can return the appropriate value, or the original value.

php: "sscanf" to 'consume' a string but allows a missing parameter

This is for an osCommerce contribution called
("Automatically add multiple products with attribute to cart from external source")
This existing code uses sscanf to 'explode' a string that represents a
- product ID,
- a productOption,
- and quantity:
sscanf('28{8}17[1]', '%d{%d}%d[%f]',
$productID, // 28
$productOptionID, $optionValueID, //{8}17 <--- Product Options!!!
$productQuantity //[1]
This works great if there is only 1 'set' of Product Options (e.g. {8}17).
But this procedure needs to be adapted so that it can handle multiple Product Options, and put them into an array, e.g.:
'28{8}17{7}15{9}19[1]' //array(8=>17, 7=>15, 9=>19)
'28{8}17{7}15[1]' //array(8=>17, 7=>15)
'28{8}17[1]' //array(8=>17)
Thanks in advance. (I'm a pascal programmer)
You should not try to do complex recursive parses with one sscanf. Stick it in a loop. Something like:
$str = "28{8}17{7}15{9}19[1]";
#$str = "28{8}17{7}15[1]";
#$str = "28{8}17[1]";
printf("Got prod %d\n", $prod);
while (sscanf($rest,"{%d}%d%s",$opt,$id,$rest))
printf("opt=%d id=%d\n",$opt,$id);
printf("Got qty %d\n",$quantity);
Maybe regular expressions may be interesting
$a = '28{8}17{7}15{9}19[1]';
$matches = null;
preg_match_all('~\\{[0-9]{1,3}\\}[0-9]{1,3}~', $a, $matches);
To get the other things
$id = (int) $a; // ;)
$quantity = substr($a, strrpos($a, '[')+ 1, -1);
According the comment a little update
$a = '28{8}17{7}15{9}19[1]';
$matches = null;
preg_match_all('~\\{([0-9]{1,3})\\}([0-9]{1,3})~', $a, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$result = array();
foreach ($matches as $entry) {
$result[$entry[1]] = $entry[2];
sscanf() is not the ideal tool for this task because it doesn't handle recurring patterns and I don't see any real benefit in type casting or formatting the matched subexpressions.
If this was purely a text extraction task (in other words your incoming data was guaranteed to be perfectly formatted and valid), then I could have recommended a cute solution that used strtr() and parse_str() to quickly generate a completely associative multi-dimensional output array.
However, when you commented "with sscanf I had an infinite loop if there is a missing bracket in the string (because it looks for open and closing {}s). Or if I leave out a value. But with your regex solution, if I drop a bracket or leave out a value", then this means that validation is an integral component of this process.
For that reason, I'll recommend a regex pattern that both validates the string and breaks the string into its meaningful parts. There are several logical aspects to the pattern but the hero here is the \G metacharacter that allows the pattern to "continue" matching where the pattern last finished matching in the string. This way we have an array of continuous fullstring matches to pull data from when creating your desired multidimensional output.
The pattern ^\d+(?=.+\[\d+]$)|\G(?!^)(?:{\K\d+}\d+|\[\K\d(?=]$)) in preg_match_all() generates the following type of output in the fullstring element ([0]):
[id], [option0, option1, ...](optional), [quantity]
The first branch in the pattern (^\d+(?=.+\[\d+]$)) validates the string to start with the id number and ends with a square brace wrapped number representing the quantity.
The second branch begins with the "continue" character and contains two logical branches itself. The first matches an option expression (and forgets the leading { thanks to \K) and the second matches the number in the quantity expression.
To create the associative array of options, target the "middle" elements (if there are any), then split the strings on the lingering } and assign these values as key-value pairs.
This is a direct solution because it only uses one preg_ call and it does an excellent job of validating and parsing the variable length data.
Code: (Demo with a battery of test cases)
if (!preg_match_all('~^\d+(?=.+\[\d+]$)|\G(?!^)(?:{\K\d+}\d+|\[\K\d(?=]$))~', $test, $m)) {
echo "invalid input";
} else {
'id' => array_shift($m[0]),
'quantity' => array_pop($m[0]),
'options' => array_reduce(
function($result, $string) {
[$key, $result[$key]] = explode('}', $string, 2);
return $result;
