Our server does not have the latest PHP versions, thus I cannot use json_decode. I tried to use the PEAR one: http://mike.teczno.com/JSON/JSON.phps, but the dataset is huge and it got the 30 seconds time out error - 30 seconds is unacceptable run time anyways.
I stumbled across this: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.json-decode.php#108552
It almost works.
My JSON is in this form:
[{"number1":3,"number2":5,"time":"Jul 30, 2012 1:05:07 PM","value1":"aa","value2":"bb"}]
As you can see, the "number1" and "number2" fields have values that aren't enclosed by double quotations, which breaks the custom json_decode.
Does anyone know how to modify or provide a json_decode that can overcome this?
As suggested in the comments, I used http://include-once.org/p/upgradephp which seems to work as a good json_decode() fallback.
Add in your PHP:
header("Content-type: application/json");
In the your javascript, use:
// Fetch the JSON text
var jsonFetch = $.ajax({
// Parse it so it will more formatted the right way
jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonFetch);
I have a json_encoded array which is fine.
I need to strip the double-quotes on all of the keys of the json string on returning it from a function call.
How would I go about doing this and returning it successfully?
I do apologise, here is a snippet of the json code:
{"start_date":"2011-01-01 09:00","end_date":"2011-01-01 10:00","text":"test"}
Just to add a little more info:
I will be retrieving the JSON via an AJAX request, so if it would be easier, I am open to ideas in how to do this on the javascript side.
EDITED as per anubhava's comment
$str = '{"start_date":"2011-01-01 09:00","end_date":"2011-01-01 10:00","text":"test"}';
$str = preg_replace('/"([^"]+)"\s*:\s*/', '$1:', $str);
echo $str;
This certainly works for the above string, although there maybe some edge cases that I haven't thought of for which this will not work. Whether this will suit your purposes depends on how static the format of the string and the elements/values it contains will be.
TL;DR: Missing quotes is how Chrome shows it is a JSON object instead of a string. Ensure that you have Header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF8'); in PHP's AJAX response to solve the real problem.
A common reason for wanting to solve this problem is due to finding this difference while debugging the processing of returned AJAX data.
In my case I saw the difference using Chrome's debugging tools. When connected to the legacy system, upon success, Chrome showed that there were no quotes shown around keys in the response according to the debugger. This allowed the object to be immediately treated as an object without using a JSON.parse() call. Debugging my new AJAX destination, there were quotes shown in the response and variable was a string and not an object.
I finally realized the true issue when I tested the AJAX response externally saw the legacy system actually DID have quotes around the keys. This was not what the Chrome dev tools showed.
The only difference was that on the legacy system there was a header specifying the content type. I added this to the new (WordPress) system and the calls were now fully compatible with the original script and the success function could handle the response as an object without any parsing required. Now I can switch between the legacy and new system without any changes except the destination URL.
For some reason json_decode is returning NULL with valid JSON.
The json is located here: http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/scorestrip/scorestrip.json
I am getting the file contents of the page (file_get_contents) and then running json_decode on it.
Also tried stripslashes b/c of magic quotes.
Thanks in advance,
$json = file_get_contents('http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/scorestrip/scorestrip.json');
The empty array elements are invalid JSON, ie the multiple commas with no values between
^ Here ^ Here ^Here
You could try inserting empty strings between multiple commas (thanks hakre), ie
$json = preg_replace('/,(?=,)/m', ',""', $json);
// I'm dubious about this working, don't have PHP to test but it works in JS
I don't know if this messes up your ability to continue using the data though
I came the same conclusion as Phil, but it took me about 5 minutes longer. : )
However, I noticed a problem in his output... it is dropping a field.
I don't like doing this kind of pattern detection in RegEx, only because I think it is harder to maintain. In this case, I just run it through a while loop.
while (strpos($json,',,'))
$json = str_replace(',,',',"",', $json);
I'm sure Phil can come up with a proper RegEx, but this solution will maintain the right # of entries & their ordinal positions.
For anyone looking in 2014. The new feed data link should be:
Due to the nature of my project. I am pulling data from my db and outputting to javascript. Things were working just fine till I got to the main content. It has strings like (;, :, - ''). How do I ensure that these are displayed without crushing my script coz as for now nothing seems to work.
If all you have is a single string value then see answer by Tomalak Geret'kal.
If there is any chance of getting something more than a single value from your database, like an array, object, null, or anything more complex, then I would suggest using json_encode. By using something like this:
var your_JavaScript_variable = <?php echo json_encode(your_PHP_variable); ?>;
you can pass complex data structures, arrays, or even single strings from PHP to JavaScript with all of your backslash escaping done automatically.
Additionally when you use JSON for moving your data from PHP to JavaScript it will be easy to make your application get the data from your server asynchronously without page refreshes using AJAX in the future.
You can use the PHP addslashes function for inserting into Javascript, and htmlspecialchars for inserting into HTML.
You should be encoding that data into json. PHP has a handy function to do this, json_encode.
Be sure to use the JSON_HEX_QUOTE option or the quotes in your data will break your js.
Read this: http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php
I have a set of data that looks like this when using print_r($var):
cbfunc({"query":{"count":"12","created":"2010-06-11T01:20:19Z","lang":"en-US"},"results":["\n 238.l.739089.t.4<\/team_key>\n 4<\/team_id>\n CHEE-HOO!!!<\/name>"]});
It looks like JSON to me, so I've tried to use json_decode but can't get it right. My goal is to print the xml data found in "results".
Any helpful pointers would be greatly appreciated.
It looks like it is wrapped in a callback cbfunc. so you need to strip that out before you can run json_decode on it.
$decode_this = substr($var, 6, -1);
You don't show the end of the responseText but the snippet above should give you everything between the start of the callback 'cbfunc(' and the last char, exclusive. You may have to change it to -2 if there is also a ; etc.
Thanks to ZZ Coder's response, I figured out the solution.
According to a comment on the json function at PHP. The JSONP needs to be converted to JSON (without padding) via a handy preg_replace...
Then, the JSON can be parsed to print the results data:
$obj = json_decode($var, true);
print $obj["results"][0];
I'm playing with the flickr api and php. I want to pass some information from PHP to Javascript through Ajax. I have the following code:
which results in the following example JSON string:
[{"id":"4363603591","title":"blue, white and red...another seattle view","date_faved":"1266379499"},{"id":"4004908219","title":"\u201cI just told you my dreams and you made me see that I could walk into the sun and I could still be me and now I can't deny nothing lasts forever.\u201d","date_faved":"1259987670"}]
Javascript has problems with this, however, due to the unescaped single-quote in the second item ("can't deny").
I want to use the function json_encode with the options parameter to make it strip the quotes, but that's only available in PHP 5.3, and I'm running 5.2 (not my server). Is there a fast way to run through the entire array and escape everything before encoding it in Json? I looked for a way to do this, but it all seems to deal with encoding it as the data is generated, something I cannot do as I'm not the one generating the data.
If it helps, I'm currently using the following javascript after the ajax request:
var photos = eval('(' + resptxt + ')');
Have you considered using JSON2 instead of eval()? Details here.
str_replace('\'', '\\'', json_encode($pics))
You'll have to do a (recursive) foreach to walk through the array and manipulate them manually. You can do a str_replace, but addslashes works just as fine (and addcslashes is even better.)