I ran a php script, let's use "mytestscript.php" for example.
It will run continuously for a few hours. How can I stop it from the Terminal (UNIX) command line?
Assuming it's running in the background, under your user id: use ps to find the command's PID. Then use kill [PID] to stop it. If kill by itself doesn't do the job, do kill -9 [PID].
If it's running in the foreground, Ctrl-C (Control C) should stop it.
Read the documentation on the ps command and familiarize yourself with its options. It's a very useful command.
You can try using ps -e | grep php to find all processes that have 'php' in their name. After that, you can do kill <PID>, replacing <PID> with the number the ps command gave you.
If you want an automated solution try this -
1.Create a new shell script - vi killer.sh
2.Add the following
while true
sleep $1
ps -ef | grep mytestscript.php | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
3.Grant executable permissions chmod +x killer.sh
4.Execute your script as nohup ./killer.sh <time to sleep before killing> &
5.Leave it and go to the beach!
You can always find the process id of the running process. "ps -ef | grep mytestscript.php". Look at the output and note down pid of the process. use kill pid to kill the process.
I have the task to run a daemon in the background on a production server. However, I do want to be sure that this daemon always runs. The daemon is PHP process.
I tried to approach this by checking if the daemon is running, and if not: start it. So I have a command like:
if [ $(ps ax | grep -c "akeneo:batch:job-queue-consumer-daemon") -lt 3 ]; then php /home/sibo/www/bin/console akeneo:batch:job-queue-consumer-daemon & fi
I first do an if with ps and grep -c to check if there are processes running with a given name, and if not: I start the command ending with an &, forcing it to start.
The above command works, if I execute it from the command line the process gets started and I can see that is is running when I execute a simple ps ax-command.
However, as soon as I try to do this using the crontab it doesn't get started:
* * * * * if [ $(ps ax | grep -c "akeneo:batch:job-queue-consumer-daemon") -lt 3 ]; then php /home/sibo/www/bin/console akeneo:batch:job-queue-consumer-daemon & fi
I also set the MAILTO-header in the crontab, but I'm not getting any e-mails as well.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my approach? And how I can get it started?
An easy and old-style one is to create a bash file where you basically check if the process is running, otherwise you start it.
Here the content of the bash file:
if [ $(ps -efa | grep -v grep | grep job-queue-consumer-daemon -c) -gt 0 ] ;
echo "Process running ...";
php /home/sibo/www/bin/console akeneo:batch:job-queue-consumer-daemon
Then in the crontab file you run the bash file.
There are special services for such tasks. For example http://supervisord.org/
Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems.
And you can manage it via f.e https://github.com/supervisorphp/supervisor
A command working on command line and not working in CRON, this happened to me and here is what solved my problem.
Run echo $PATH in your terminal, copy entire output.
Then type crontab -e and at top of file, write this
PS: (more suggestions)
I think you need to install apt-get install postfix on Ubuntu to be able to send emails.
You should also see CRON logs by
grep CRON /var/log/syslog
i would recommend you to use supervisord, it handles these kinds of issues with automatic restart on failed services, additionaly, you can try to set the akeneo commands as a service.
Otherwise, if you would like to do it using cronjobs, you may have an issue with the php binary, you need to setup the absolute path :
e.g : /usr/bin/php
I would also recommend if you use cronjob:
Check the logs of the cronjob for additional issues
grep CRON /var/log/syslog
Clean it up using a standalone bash script (don't forget to chmod +x)
I use the following code to download a file from a remote server using wget
shell_exec("wget -O {FILENAME} {FILE_URL}");
if I was using the terminal I could pause the download by hitting ctrl+c
how can I pause wget in php?
What you can do is to get ID of the process. You can do that by running
ps -uax | grep wget | awk '{print $2}'
After that you can get a list of PID of processes that match to grep request.
Then use kill command to send your signal to process. Here is some signals descriptions used by kill, you can read more regarding unix signals.
1 HUP (hang up)
2 INT (interrupt)
3 QUIT (quit)
6 ABRT (abort)
9 KILL (non-catchable, non-ignorable kill)
14 ALRM (alarm clock)
15 TERM (software termination signal)
ps ax | grep -i 'php complete.php'
exec("ps ax | grep -i 'php complete.php'", $pids);
if(!empty($pids)) {
die("already running");
I went to check my ps ax, but din't saw the complete.php , and I went check a folder which will output something if complete.php is running, but nothing output.
It giving me a false positive. how do I check if the script complete.php is currently running.
Reason is because I want it to run synchronously and I had a endless loop execute complete.php every 2 minutes acting like a cron job.
You'd only see the php process running. My approach for seeing a php process running is to alias the php binary and run it with that.
ln -s /usr/bin/php longrunningphp
longrunningphp /path/to/your/script
Then check with ps ax | grep longrunningphp
I had the same problem. When running in the console, you will get the result, but when the same command is used in the PHP, nothing would be returned. The problem lies somewhere in terminal width that is allowed for PHP. Simple solution would be to increase it. Example:
exec("export COLUMNS=1000; ps ax | grep -i 'php complete.php'", $pids);
Used by the select command to determine the terminal width when printing
selection lists. Automatically set upon receipt of a SIGWINCH.
I am developing some PHP scripts on a Namecheap shared server. I accidentally made a loop which seems to go on indefinitely (or for a very long time), so now I am trying to kill it using SSH.
I have viewed a list of running processes with top, found the misbehaving PHP script, and tried to kill it with kill. However, after I kill it with this command, when I try using the ps, it is still running!
The result of the ps:
819520 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/php /my/php/file.php
I have tried killing the process over and over, but it just won't die!
The SSH is limited, so I can't use commands like killall. What do I do??!
To kill the process you can do the following:
Get the PID with ps -ef
kill it with kill -9 <pid>
A nice reference: When should I use kill -9?
Just for fun, an example:
$ sleep 100 &
[1] 4156
$ ps -ef | grep slee[p]
me 4156 3501 0 10:34 pts/5 00:00:00 sleep 100
$ kill 4156
[1]+ Terminated sleep 100
$ ps -ef | grep slee[p]
You can use 'ps' (process status) to get the ID and then use 'kill' to stop it.
try this command. this will stop file from executing.
pkill -f /my/php/file.php
From PHP pages of my apache server, I run some commands using a line like :
exec("{$command} >> /tmp/test.log 2>&1 & echo -n \$!");
You can see an explaination of the arguments here.
But I don't understand something : if I restart or stop my apache server, my command dies too.
root#web2:/sx/temp# ps ax | grep 0ff | grep -v grep
15957 ? S 0:38 /usr/bin/php /sx/site_web_php/fr_FR/app/console task:exec /sx/temp/task_inventaire/ 0ff79bf690dcfdf788fff26c259882e2d07426df 10800
root#web2:/sx/temp# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting ..
root#web2:/sx/temp# ps ax | grep 0ff | grep -v grep
After some researches, I read some things about parent pids, but using a & inside my command-line, I thought I was really detaching my child process from his parent.
I am using apache2 with libapache2-mod-php5 and apache2-mpm-prefork.
How can I really detach my children programs from apache?
You can reproduce it on a Linux/Mac this way :
a) create a executed_script.php file that contains :
b) create a execute_from_http.php file that contains :
exec("php executed_script.php > /tmp/test.log 2>&1 & echo -n \$!");
c) run http://localhost/path/execute_from_http.php
d) on a terminal, run the command :
ps axjf | grep execute | grep -v grep ; sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart ; ps axjf | grep execute | grep -v grep
If you run the command during the 10 secs of the execute_from_http.php script, you'll get the output :
php#beast:/var/www/xxx/$ ps axjf | grep execute | grep -v grep ; sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart ; ps axjf | grep execute | grep -v grep
1 5257 5245 5245 ? -1 S 33 0:00 php executed_script.php
* Restarting web server apache2
... waiting ...done.
As you can see, the ps command outputs only once, this tells you that the executed script died when apache restarted.
The "at" method
I found a working solution but I don't know if that's ok if we speak performance and security. It uses the at command, a kind of cron working only once.
Instead of :
exec("php executed_script.php > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n \$!");
Use :
exec("echo 'php executed_script.php > /dev/null 2>&1' | at now -M");
The key is that executed_script.php will be run by an external daemon (atd), so executed_script.php will be a child of atd and not an apache's one.
php#beast:/var/www/xxx$ ps axjf | grep execute | grep -v grep ; sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart ; ps axjf | grep execute | grep -v grep
7032 7033 973 973 ? -1 SN 33 0:00 \_ php executed_script.php
* Restarting web server apache2
... waiting ...done.
7032 7033 973 973 ? -1 SN 33 0:00 \_ php executed_script.php
php#beast:/var/www/xxx$ ps ax | grep 973
973 ? Ss 0:00 atd
Note several things :
you can't access the pid of your ran app, if you get $! like on my previous pieces of code, you'll get the pid of at.
you need to remove www-data which is by default in /etc/at.deny (it is probably there with reasons, so take care)
i have serious doubts about performance : I think that at write on a file read by atd to communicate
The fork / setsid method
As #hek2mgl wrote in its own answer, we can use a pcntl_fork(), but that's not as simple as that. First, you can't run pcntl_fork() behind apache, because if we look at the PHP Manual, Introduction of the Process Control, we can see:
Process Control should not be enabled within a web server environment
and unexpected results may happen if any Process Control functions are
used within a web server environment.
When a fork is made, you get two exact copy of the parent process in memory. And because PHP behind apache is run as a module, at the end of the PHP execution (even after a die()), you come back to the apache's module wrapper, and you can't control what's going on.
So here is the scenario with an intermediate command that will daemonize your execution:
1) From Apache, you run the intermediate command that will create your daemonized command :
$command = escapeshellarg("php executed_script.php");
exec("php run_as_daemon.php {$command} >> /dev/null 2>&1 &");
2) The intermediate command fork and use posix_setsid to really detach your command.
if (!isset($argv[1]))
$command = $argv[1];
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid < 0) // error
else if ($pid) // parent
else // child
$sid = posix_setsid(); // creates a daemon
if ($sid < 0)
exec("{$command} >> /dev/null 2>&1 &");
3) Your executed command, of course, doesn't change :
Result :
php#beast:/var/www/xxx/$ wget -qO- http://localhost/xxx/execute_from_http.php && sleep 1 && ps axjf | grep execute | grep -v grep ; sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart ; ps axjf | grep execute | grep -v grep
1 19958 19956 19956 ? -1 S 33 0:00 php executed_script.php
* Restarting web server apache2 ......done.
1 19958 19956 19956 ? -1 S 33 0:00 php executed_script.php
First note, that the '&' in your example is just a boolean AND that concats the command and the echo. If you want to start the command in background, meaning that exec will return immediately, use the & at the very end of the command line:
exec("{$command} >> /tmp/test.log 2>&1 & echo -n \$! &");
If you want the process running after apache has finished you'll have to daemonize the process using pcntl_fork()
Here comes an example:
$pid = pcntl_fork();
switch($pid) {
case -1 : die ('Error while forking');
case 0: // daemon code
posix_setsid(); // create new process group
exec("{$command} >> /tmp/test.log 2>&1 & echo -n \$!");
echo 'daemon started';
Now there is no code in the starting PHP scripts that handles the return value of exec nor its output. So the current process can finish before exec has finished. The worker process will be owned by init after this.
Also you can have a look at the PEAR package System_Daemon. This can help to daemonize a script.