PHP explode multidimensional array - php

I am using file_get_contents() to import a text file.
In the text file, the format goes as below (example):
and so forth... basically it follows the pattern: integer, comma to split it, second integer, another comma to split it, third integer, then a new line begins. I need to get this into a table with the format following accordingly. So in other words, I would have a 3 column table and each new line in the text file would be a new row in the table.
This must be transcoded into a simple html table with <table> <tr> and <td>
I have never worked with multidimensional arrays and splitting text with that. This is why I'm seeking assistance. I really appreciate it! :)

You can do following :
$filename = 'abc.txt';
$content = file_get_contents($filename);
$explodedByBr = explode('<br/>', $content);
$table = "<table border='1'>";
foreach ($explodedByBr as $brExplode) {
$explodedByComma = explode(',', $brExplode);
$table .= "<tr>";
foreach ($explodedByComma as $commaExploded) {
$table .= "<td>" .$commaExploded. "</td>";
$table .= "<tr/>";
$table .= "</table>";
echo $table;
abc.txt has data in following format :

$file = 'path/to/file.txt';
echo '<table>';
while(!feof($file)) {
$line = fgets($file);
echo '<tr><td>' . implode('</td><td>',explode(',',$line)) . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';

Try this:
Read the file into an array and then column'ize it by processing each line of the array by passing it through array_walk.
function addElements( &$v, $k ) {
$v1 = explode( ',', $v ); // break it into array
$v2 = '';
foreach( $v1 as $element ) {
$v2 .= '<td>'.$element.'</td>';
// convert each comma separated value into a column
$v = '<tr>'.$v2.'</tr>'; // add these columns to a row and return
// read the whole file into an array using php's file method.
$file = file( '1.txt' );
// now parse each line of the array so that we convert each line into 3 columns.
// For this, i use array_walk function which calls a function, addElements,
// in this case to process each element in the array.
array_walk( $file, 'addElements' );
<table border="0">
<?php echo implode('',$file);?>
Hope it helps. See the php doc for file and array_walk. These are simple and convenient functions.


annoying array tags.. want a pretty output

What i'm trying to do is make my output usable for a spreadsheet.
I want each item in the output without array tags or not mashed together but starting with an asterisk and ending with a % sign.
$file = file_get_contents('aaa.txt'); //get file to string
$row_array = explode("\n",$file); //cut string to rows by new line
$row_array = array_count_values(array_filter($row_array));
foreach ($row_array as $key=>$counts) {
if ($counts==1)
$no_duplicates[] = $key;
//do what You want
echo '<pre>';
//write to file. If file don't exist. Create it
Maybe this would give you what you want:
$str = "*" . implode("% *", $no_duplicates) . "%";
echo '<pre>';
echo $str;
echo '</pre>';

PHP foreach loop read files, create array and print file name

Could someone help me with this?
I have a folder with some files (without extention)
With these files:
I want to first loop and read the file names (test and test2) and print them to my html form as dropdown items. This works (the rest of the form html tags are above and under the code below, and omitted here).
But I also want to read each files content and assign the content to a var $content and place it in an array I can use later.
This is how I try to achieve this, without luck:
foreach (glob("module/mail/templates/*") as $templateName)
$content = file_get_contents($templateName, r); // This is not working
echo "<p>" . $content . "</p>"; // this is not working
$tpl = str_replace('module/mail/templates/', '', $templatName);
$tplarray = array($tpl => $content); // not working
echo "<option id=\"".$i."\">". $tpl . "</option>";
print_r($tplarray);//not working
This code worked for me:
$tplarray = array();
$i = 0;
echo '<select>';
foreach(glob('module/mail/templates/*') as $templateName) {
$content = file_get_contents($templateName);
if ($content !== false) {
$tpl = str_replace('module/mail/templates/', '', $templateName);
$tplarray[$tpl] = $content;
echo "<option id=\"$i\">$tpl</option>" . PHP_EOL;
} else {
trigger_error("Cannot read $templateName");
echo '</select>';
Initialize the array outside of the loop. Then assign it values inside the loop. Don't try to print the array until you are outside of the loop.
The r in the call to file_get_contents is wrong. Take it out. The second argument to file_get_contents is optional and should be a boolean if it is used.
Check that file_get_contents() doesn't return FALSE which is what it returns if there is an error trying to read the file.
You have a typo where you are referring to $templatName rather than $templateName.
$tplarray = array();
foreach (glob("module/mail/templates/*") as $templateName) {
$content = file_get_contents($templateName);
if ($content !== FALSE) {
echo "<p>" . $content . "</p>";
} else {
trigger_error("file_get_contents() failed for file $templateName");
$tpl = str_replace('module/mail/templates/', '', $templateName);
$tplarray[$tpl] = $content;
echo "<option id=\"".$i."\">". $tpl . "</option>";

Reading text file and checkboxes - PHP

Basically the code below reads in a text file and diplays it on the screen with checkboxes near each line. But now I want the user to be able to check any box and then display the selected results in a new PHP file - I thought I would have to read in the text file again and somehow refer it to the array, but I'm still stuck, so any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
First php file
$filename = "file.txt";
$myarray = file($filename);
print "<form action='file2.php' method='post'>\n";
// get number of elements in array with count
$count = 0; // Foreach with counter is probably best here
foreach ($myarray as $line) {
$count++; // increment the counter
$par = getvalue($line);
if ($par[1] <= 200) {
// Note the [] after the input name
print "<input type='checkbox' name='test[$count]' /> ";
print $par[0]." ";
print $par[1]." ";
print $par[2]." ";
print $par[3]."<br />\n";
print "</form>";
Second php file which should display the selected results
$filename = "file.txt";
$myarray = file($filename);
I think you're over complicating the problem. You can just give the checkboxes a value atribute and read the array from the second page. Start with kus print_r ($_POST) on the second page to help you see what you have to work with.
1) Think of format of your text file (could be something like "Name1-Value 1-true\nName1-Value2-false")
2) Learn this function
3) Create a file with the default options
4) Make a PHP script that opens the file, makes an array and prints the resoult - for example:
$handle = fopen('./file.txt','r');
$fileString = fread($handle,filesize('./file.txt'));
$handle = null; //Similar to unset($handle);
$array = explode($fileString, "\n");
echo '<form action="./script2.php">';
foreach ($array as $value) {
$value = explode($value, "-");
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$value[1].'" value="'.$value[2].'" checked="';
if ($value[3]==true) {
echo 'checked" /><br />';
} else {
echo '" /><br />';
5) Make the second script that edits the file - for example:
if ($_GET == null;) {exit("He's dead, Jim!");}
$handle = fopen('./file.txt','r');
$fileString = fread($handle,filesize('./file.txt'));
//Do something with the string :D
$handle = fopen('./file.txt','w');

Output CSV to array

I am using WP Alchemy to create a meta box with multiple check boxes.
The trouble I'm having is, I have a csv list of academic courses that I want to create the check box options from. So I'm taking the csv turning it into an array that the boxes are made from. However with the code I have now, only the LAST line is created in the array.
$file_handle = fopen('curriculum.csv', 'r');
while (!feof($file_handle) ) {
$line_of_text = fgets($file_handle);
$parts = explode(',', $line_of_text);
$items = array ($parts[2] .$parts[3], );
<?php foreach ($items as $i => $item): ?>
<?php $mb->the_field('cb_ex3'); ?>
<!-- similar to test #2, the same thing can be accomplished by simply
adding array brackets "[]" to the name -->
<input type="checkbox" name="<?php $mb->the_name(); ?>[]" value="<?php echo $item; ?>"<?php $mb->the_checkbox_state($item); ?>/> <?php echo $item; ?><br/>
<?php endforeach; ?>
So out of the few hundred lines of code, all I get is the last line.
Here is the actually file I'm working with:
In each iteration of the loop you replace $items when you want to add to it, thus it only having the last value.
Also might be of some use to you.
You should be using the fgetcsv() (docs) function rather than trying to make sense of the CSV data yourself. Also, you should build the $items array (rather than overwriting it) as you loop over the file, adding a new item each time.
$file_handle = fopen('curriculum.csv', 'r');
fgets($file_handle); // this skips the csv header line
while (($parts = fgetcsv($file_handle)) !== FALSE) {
$items[] = $parts[2] . ' ' . $parts[3];
foreach ($items as $item) {
// Your HTML code goes here
echo $item . PHP_EOL;
Bonus points (you'll look cooler, using objects and iterators!)
$file = new SplFileObject('curriculum.csv');
foreach (new LimitIterator($file, 1) as $parts) {
$items[] = $parts[2] . ' ' . $parts[3];
foreach ($items as $item) {
// Your HTML code goes here
echo $item . PHP_EOL;
items should be an array in your case. Initialize it outside the while loop
$items = array();
And then inside the while loop
$items[] = array ($parts[2] .$parts[3], );
should work.
Also look at fgetcsv as well as suggested.
You need an extra dimenson to your array.
$items= new array(); // i think you need this for some fun reason
while (!feof($file_handle) ) {
$line_of_text = fgets($file_handle);
$parts = explode(',', $line_of_text);
$items[$i] = array ($parts[2] .$parts[3], );
You are overwriting the $items array. I would like to suggest a much simpler method to
// in one step, load the datafile as an array, and loop over each line
// then explode the line by comma, and add to $lines array
foreach(file('curriculum.csv') as $line)
$lines[] = explode(',',$line);
// display the structure of the captured data
I think once you understand the structure of the captured data here, you can use the values as you wish in your output loop.
code, pre and php tags added for convenience

Problem with loop printing csv contents in php

This snippet just about works :|
I can spit out all of the array data, but what I want is to be able to print out the data column by column.
function processCSV()
global $uploadFile;
$loadLocationCsvUrl = fopen($uploadFile,"r");
if ($loadLocationCsvUrl <> false)
while ($locationFile = fgetcsv($loadLocationCsvUrl, ','))
$csvCols = array(
'country' => $locationFile[9],
'open' => $locationFile[4],
'officeid' => $locationFile[2]
foreach($csvCols as $locationData)
if ($locationData == '') {
echo "<p>" . "blank" . "</p>";
echo "<p>" . $locationData . "</p>";
I thought this would work:
echo "<p>" . $locationData['country'] . "</p>";
But if I do that I see a incorrectly formatted page, like the below (uploaded screenshot).
I managed to work this out with a different implementation, I switched to a 2d array, the table rendering was never the issue it was obtaining the data.
function processCSV()
global $uploadFile;
$loadLocationCsvUrl = fopen($uploadFile,"r");
if ($loadLocationCsvUrl <> false)
while ($locationFile = fgetcsv($loadLocationCsvUrl, ','))
$officeId = $locationFile[2];
$country = $locationFile[9];
$open = $locationFile[4];
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>$officeId</td>";
echo "<td>$country</td>";
echo "<td>$open</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
Thank you for responding and sorry if I wasted anybodies time.
It sounds like you want to display the output colum-wise. In that case a <table> is the intended markup. But I would first simplify your code:
// read in
$csv = array_map("str_getcsv", file($uploadFile));
// output
print "<table>";
foreach ($csv as $row) {
print <<<HTML
If you don't use the associative array keys for the columns, then there's no point in creating them.
<p> is a block element, so each successive one goes to a new line by design. You can set 'display: inline;' in your css if you want, but then why use <p>?
You could use an inline element like <span> or use 'float: left' to make a block element behave as you want.
That's assuming the data isn't appropriate for tabulation.
make a parent table then tr and td,
now, inside this td, make a table and print a column of td-trs
then close this table
print a new td in parent
repeat a table of one column trs
