I am getting same IP for every system - How to get IP Address via PHP coding - php

Hello i am using this function to get IP Address of different systems..but everytime it returns the same value:
function getRealIpAddr()
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) //check ip from share internet
elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) //to check ip is pass from proxy
return $ip;

EDIT: (The answer changed radically after some clarifications in the comments)
You could edit the User-Agent setting of the user's browsers. To see how to change the setting in various browsers follow this link. Then you should modify your PHP script to read User-Agent of the browser.
In PHP,$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] returns the browser's User-Agent setting. Eg. you can define as User-Agent something like Company/System/1.02 Bla bla bla. Then when you receive that same string you can assume it is coming from a known host.
Attention that the User-Agent can be easily spoofed. So this method is not secure. The secure solution would be to implement a VPN solution. is an external IP address. If all the systems that connect to the PHP server are behind the same external IP address, all of them will be notet as the same IP address.
Your script doesn't take the local IP. Don't think it's even possible. The IP you are seeing, is the IP of the firewall of your company.


how to get server ip4 *and* ip6 using php [duplicate]

I have a script which sends a request to another server but problem is that IPv6 does not supported so if I send IPv6 then give error so i need this one of two:
Get IPv4 address all time
Get both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
I use this code to get the IP address
function getRealIP()
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) {
} elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {
} elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED"])) {
} elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {
} elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_FORWARDED"])) {
} else {
// Strip any secondary IP etc from the IP address
if (strpos($ip, ',') > 0) {
$ip = substr($ip, 0, strpos($ip, ','));
return $ip;
But this function only returns one IPv address. How can I get all time IPv4 or get both addresses?
A client will send a request to your server using only one protocol. It doesn't send the request using both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time, and there's no way to interleave both protocols, and IPv4 addresses also don't translate into equivalent IPv6 addresses. If the client sent the request using IPv4, then you'll get the IPv4 address. If they sent the request using IPv6, you'll get the IPv6 address. Period. End of story.
If you require an IPv4 address, then you have to disable IPv6 support on your server/DNS entry, so all clients are forced to use IPv4 as the only available protocol. But that would also be a terrible step backwards in this day and age.
You can't.
Only the IP address the request came from is available.
There's no reliable way to identify other IP addresses (my laptop currently has 12 IP addresses) that route to the same computer.
This is just a thought but maybe the trick is how said client queries the server.
Its what I use to gain my Public WAN_IPv4 & Public WAN_IPv6 with a simple Cron job to fire every xx mins and update one of my DNS records
Why not go up a layer and query the hostname NS A and AAAA records itself?
$ dig dom.domain -A | grep "ip ..." [with some some regex to extract specific pattern.]
Or a combination of approaches, maybe even employ curl to grab the -ipv4 address and then use a direct call to "ping" the myip6.php script for IPv6 return.?
Or keep it simple via dns resolving on interface with cURL
$ curl --help all
--dns-interface <interface> Interface to use for DNS requests
--dns-ipv4-addr <address> IPv4 address to use for DNS requests
--dns-ipv6-addr <address> IPv6 address to use for DNS requests
--dns-servers <addresses> DNS server addrs to use
--interface <name> Use network INTERFACE (or address)
-4, --ipv4 Resolve names to IPv`enter code here`4 addresses
-6, --ipv6 Resolve names to IPv6 addresses
if using curl you can specify option -4 and -6 to indicate which IP stack to return its result
$ curl -4 dom.domain
The same can be done for IPv6 by using -6
$ curl -6 dom.domin
> 20a1:efef:ffff::0
Above can then of course can be piped out to either console or stored inside a _VAR for later use.
I mean this is not a direct method to answer your specific question BUT it does give you options when managing dual-ipstack machines and its what I do.
There is also a very good example on how you could use curl for this exact job [name-resolve-tricks-with-c-ares][1]
[1]: https://everything.curl.dev/usingcurl/connections/name#name-resolve-tricks-with-c-ares

Get user ip address for geolock (not 192.168 address)

Im geo locking our program, we have a service that returns the country code for us. But if someone is behind a router, they have a local 192.168.x.x address, and this tells me nothing. Is there a way to find out their address at the router? I could do a trace, but then i need to program logic myself about which ip is useful and which are not. I'm doing this code fromt he server in php, and our client web app is in javascript. Please advise.
function get_real_ip() {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARED_FOR']))
$client_ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARED_FOR'];
elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
$client_ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
$client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
return $client_ip;
For server based software the PHP variable $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] will give the address of the client. For clients behind a router their address will be translated by the router firmware, so the server will see the router's public IP address, not the client's local private address.
All this is further confused by the possible presence of intervening proxy servers which may or may not tell you what their client address is. You can look at $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWRDED_FOR'] or $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'], if they're present. If not, you'll have to make do with the proxy address.

PHP code used in website returns network IP of user and not public IP

I have PHP code that is supposed to detect a user's IP address. The code below returns an IP address, but the IP address is sometimes a local network IP (e.g. and not a public IP. How can I ensure that I always get the public IP? Thanks. BTW, this code is from another StackOverflow post. Also, this code is used in a website that is being accessed over the internet from a completely separate network than that of my Apache web server.
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])){
} elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])){
} elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED"])){
} elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR"])){
} elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_FORWARDED"])){
} else {
Eliminate all the if(){} else{} code, and just request the REMOTE_ADDR:
It's the only reliable source of a user's remote IP address as all the other _SERVER keys can be masked by the client.
If the IP address is still local (and youre SURE that you're dealing with clients not in the networks or on a local VPN) the you may be dealing with either a server caching system (Squid Proxy eg). Have a look at http://www.nineteenlabs.com/2007/08/24/high-anonymous-proxy-squid-25/

i want know system system localhost IP address in PHP?

here i am using $_SERVER['remote_addr'] i am getting the IP address INTERNET providers. please help me out.
function getRealIpAddr()
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) //check ip from share internet
elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) //to check ip is pass from proxy
return $ip;
It would seem that the question is looking for the server's IP address, and the problem is that the supplied code is returning the remote IP. If you want the IP address of the server, try $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . See $_SERVER for more details, or clearly define what you mean by "system IP".
You will not be able to get the client's local IP address from PHP like this, you will only ever get the
common gateway IP address
as you put it. This is because the request will appear to be coming from the router or whatever is between your client and the web server

How To Track the Real IP Address Behind the Proxy

How can we track the Real IP address behind the proxy using PHP?I mean a pure PHP implementation.Because they can turn off the js of their browsers.BTW when the JS is turn on I may use HTML 5 geolocation so I don't need the IP address to locate the user.
You can look at the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header if one is sent, but there is no guaranteed way to know.
This PHP code will work, and is useful for forward and reverse proxies. For reverse proxies, note that the X_FORWARDED_FOR header information, if available at all, can be forged and should not be trusted at all.
$proxy = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$host = #gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]);
$proxy = "No proxy detected";
$host = #gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
The user who is behind a proxy does not have a globally routable IP address. If you want to maintain session state, you're better off having a session key you generate, and setting it as a cookie, or keeping it in the URL (there are tradeoffs with that approach).
If you really want to find out what their IP address is on their own network, you could probably use javascript in the page to find it out, and then send it back to your server.
