Zend-Framework -Forms and Translation - php

Hi I have a form element error and it keeps breaking it when I wrap it in the translation function. I am using gettext for the translation.
I understand that if I have it set in the registry and Zend_Form it should pick it up automatically but how does poedit see it if at all?
My Bootstrap (Relevant Part):
// Set the instance of Zend_Translate in the registry
$registry->set('Zend_Translate', $translate);
// Set an instance of Zend Translate object for validators
My Error Form:
public function formErrors(Zend_Form $form)
$registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
$translate = $registry->get('Zend_Translate');
if ($form->getMessages()) {
$error = '<p class="errorBox">Error text here</p>';
return $error;
return '';
$this->translate('string to translate'); or $this->getView()->translate('string');
works everywhere else but not here

The usage within a form which I used on the last project was
$this->getTranslator()->translate('text to translate')
This was only used minorly as we had auto-detect resource paths so we did not need to call it. The way you want to use it does seem slightly different. I would recommend adding the extra call after getView() though as it could be the solution.


Symfony2 Translation Add Html

I want to add some HTML to Symfony 2 Translation. This way I will know which phrases in my application are translated and which not.
I found in "Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator.php" function "trans". Now i want to add something in function return, for example "< /br>":
* {#inheritdoc}
* #api
public function trans($id, array $parameters = array(), $domain = null, $locale = null)
if (null === $locale) {
$locale = $this->getLocale();
} else {
if (null === $domain) {
$domain = 'messages';
if (!isset($this->catalogues[$locale])) {
return strtr($this->catalogues[$locale]->get((string) $id, $domain)."</br>", $parameters);
The issue is that when I run my application I'm getting for example "Tag< / b r>" (I have add spaces because in normal way it doesn't show here. HTML doesn't interprate this as HTML code but as a string. Is there any way to achieve what I want ? Maybe it is but in the other way ?
This happens because you have the Twig Escaper extension active. That extension adds automatic output escaping to Twig, it defines the autoescape tag and the raw filter.
So I think the best option you got here is to define a new twig extension to let you translate your html strings without having to repeat myvar|raw each time.
To see how it is possible to create a new Twig extension please check the docs here.
Use the same extension when escaping for JS and there should be no need to use anything else especially in your PHP controllers. That's because the escaping is done at the Twig level. Just remember to declare your new Twig filter as safe to avoid automatic escaping again:
$filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('nl2br', 'nl2br', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
If you need to do some extra processing with the requested data so that you can track what strings are being requested and what not then just declare a new service as a proxy to the Symfony translation one. Your Twig extension can use the same service. This way you can converge all the requests to one single service.
Here a few useful links for you:
I'll suggest you simply to use Markdown in your translation.
Then you can parse your translated message with a Markdown parser.
Example in Twig: 'my.message'|trans|markdown (I suppose you have a Markdown filter, there is KnpMarkdownBundle)
I have achieved what I wanted in few steps:
Override Translator.php and change translator.class in parameters.yml
public function trans($id, $parameters, $domain, $locale)
$return = parent::trans($id, $parameters, $domain, $locale);
return "".$return.'');
Set translation class in your css.
Set autoescape option to false in parameters.yml
autoescape: false

How to internationalize a PHP third-party library

Consider writing a PHP library, that will get published through Packagist or Pear. It is addressed to peer developers using it in arbitrary settings.
This library will contain some status messages determined for the client. How do I internationalize this code, so that the developers using the library have the highest possible freedom to plug in their own localization method? I don't want to assume anything, especially not forcing the dev to use gettext.
To work on an example, let's take this class:
class Example {
protected $message = "I'd like to be translated in your client's language.";
public function callMe() {
return $this->message;
public function callMeToo($user) {
return sprintf('Hi %s, nice to meet you!', $user);
There are two problems here: How do I mark the private $message for translation, and how do I allow the developer to localize the string inside callMeToo()?
One (highly inconvenient) option would be, to ask for some i18n method in the constructor, like so:
public function __construct($i18n) {
$this->i18n = $i18n;
$this->message = $this->i18n($this->message);
public function callMeToo($user) {
return sprintf($this->i18n('Hi %s, nice to meet you!'), $user);
but I dearly hope for a more elegant solution.
Edit 1: Apart from simple string substitution the field of i18n is a wide one. The premise is, that I don't want to pack any i18n solution with my library or force the user to choose one specifically to cater for my code.
Then, how can I structure my code to allow best and most flexible localization for different aspects: string translation, number and currency formatting, dates and times, ...? Assume one or the other appears as output from my library. At which position or interface can the consuming developer plug in her localization solution?
The most often used solution is a strings file. E.g. like following:
# library
class Foo {
public function __construct($lang = 'en') {
$this->strings = require('path/to/langfile.' . $lang . '.php');
$this->message = $this->strings['callMeToo'];
public function callMeToo($user) {
return sprintf($this->strings['callMeToo'], $user);
# strings file
return Array(
'callMeToo' => 'Hi %s, nice to meet you!'
You can, to avoid the $this->message assignment, also work with magic getters:
# library again
class Foo {
# … code from above
function __get($name) {
if(!empty($this->strings[$name])) {
return $this->strings[$name];
return null;
You can even add a loadStrings method which takes an array of strings from the user and merge it with your internal strings table.
Edit 1: To achieve more flexibility I would change the above approach a little bit. I would add a translation function as object attribute and always call this when I want to localize a string. The default function just looks up the string in the strings table and returns the value itself if it can't find a localized string, just like gettext. The developer using your library could then change the function to his own provided to do a completely different approach of localization.
Date localization is not a problem. Setting the locale is a matter of the software your library is used in. The format itself is a localized string, e.g. $this->translate('%Y-%m-%d') would return a localized version of the date format string.
Number localization is done by setting the right locale and using functions like sprintf().
Currency localization is a problem, though. I think the best approach would be to add a currency translation function (and, maybe for better flexibility, another number formatting function, too) which a developer could overwrite if he wants to change the currency format. Alternatively you could implement format strings for currencies, too. For example %CUR %.02f – in this example you would replace %CUR with the currency symbol. Currency symbols itself are localized strings, too.
Edit 2: If you don't want to use setlocale you have to do a lot of work… basically you have to rewrite strftime() and sprintf() to achieve localized dates and numbers. Of course possible, but a lot of work.
There's a main problem here. You don't want to make the code as it is right now in your question for internationalization.
Let me explain. The main translator is probably a programmer. The second and third might be, but then you want to translate it to any language, even for non-programmers. This ought to be easy for non-programmers. Hunting through classes, functions, etc for non-programmers is definitely not okay.
So I propose this: keep your source sentences (english) in an agnostic format, that it's easy to understand for everyone. This might be an xml file, a database or any other form you see it fits. Then use your translations where you need them. You can do it like:
class Example {
// Fetch them as you prefer and store them in $messages.
protected $messages = array(
'en' => array(
"message" => "I'd like to be translated in your client's language.",
"greeting" => "Hi %s, nice to meet you!"
public function __construct($lang = 'en') {
$this->lang = $lang;
protected function get($key, $args = null) {
// Store the string
$message = $this->messages[$this->lang][$key];
if ($args == null)
return $this->translator($message);
else {
$string = $this->translator($message);
// Merge the two arrays so they can be passed as values
$sprintf_args = array_merge(array($string), $args);
return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $sprintf_args);
public function callMe() {
return $this->get("message");
public function callMeToo($user) {
return $this->get("greeting", $user);
Furthermore, if you want to use a small translation script I did, you can simplify it furthermore. It uses a database, so it might not have so much flexibility as you're looking for. You need to inject it and the language is set in the initialization. Note that the text is automatically added to database if not present.
class Example {
protected $translator;
// Translator already knows the language to translate the text to
public function __construct($Translator) {
$this->translator = $Translator;
public function callMe() {
return $this->translator("I'd like to be translated in your client's language.");
public function callMeToo($user) {
return sprintf($this->translator("Hi %s, nice to meet you!"), $user));
It could be easily modified to use a xml file or any other source for translated strings.
Notes for the second method:
This is different than your proposed solution since it is doing the work in the output, rather than in the initialization, so no need to keep track of every string.
You only need to write your sentences once, in English. The class I wrote will put it in the database provided it's correctly initialized, making your code extremely DRY. That's exactly why I started it, instead of just using gettext (and the ridiculous size of gettext for my simple requirements).
Con: it's an old class. I didn't know a lot back then. Now I'd change a couple of things: making a language field, rather than en, es, etc, throwing some exceptions here and there and uploading some of the tests I did.
The basic approach is to provide the consumer with some method to define a mapping. It can take any form, as long as the user can define a bijective mapping.
For example, Mantis Bug Tracker uses a simple globals file:
require_once "strings_$language.txt";
echo $s_actiongroup_menu_move;
Their method is basic but works just fine. Wrap it in a class if you prefer:
$translator = new Translator(Translator::ENGLISH); // or make it a singleton
echo $translator->translate('actiongroup_menu_move');
Use an XML file instead, or an INI file, or a CSV file... whatever format of your liking, in fact.
Answering your later edits/comments
Yes, the above does not differ much from other solutions. But I believe there is little else to be said:
translation can only be achieved through string substitution (the mapping may take an infinite number of forms)
formatting number and dates is none of your concern. It is the presentation layer's responsibility, and you should just return raw numbers (or DateTimes or timestamps), (unless your library's very purpose is localisation ;)

PHP - Solving problems with Closures and Reflection

I needed to create dynamic breadCrumbs that must be realized automatically by the application. So I have the following structure in the URL for navagation:
then i could have a function-file whose sole purpose would be to define the user.listPMs.readPM function itself:
file: nav/user.listPMs.readPM.php
function readPM($msgId)
/*code here*/
Of course this ends up cluttering the global scope since i'm not wrapping the function withing a class or using namespaces. The best solution here seems to be namespacing it, no doubt right? But I also thought of another one:
file: nav/user.listPMs.readPM.php
return function($msgId)
/*code here*/
Yep, that simple, the file is simply returning an anonymous function. I think this is amazing because i don't need to care about naming it - since i've already properly named the file that contains it, creating a user function and yet having to name it would seem just redundant. Then in the index I would have this little dirty trick:
file: index.php
if($closure = #(include 'nav/'.$_GET['nav']))
if($closure instanceof Closure)
$obj = new ReflectionFunction($closure);
$args = explode(',',#$_GET['args']);
die('Arguments not matching or something...');
} else {
die('Bad call or something...');
} else {
die('Bad request etc.');
Don't even need to mention that the breadCrumbs can be nicely built latter just by parsing the value within the $_GET['nav'] variable.
So, what do you think, is there a better solution to this problem? Have you found another way to explore Closures and/or Reflection?
I like the basic idea. But the implementation is pretty much terrible. Imagine that I set nav=../../../../../../etc/passwd. That would (depending on your server configuration) allow me to access your password file, which certainly is no good.

Add Zend_Navigation to the View with old legacy bootstrap

I've been struggling with Zend_Navigation all weekend, and now I have another problem, which I believe has been the cause of a lot of my issues.
I am trying to add Zend_Navigation to a legacy 1.7.6 Zend Framework application, i've updated the Zend Library to 1.9.0 and updated the bootstrap to allow this library update.
The problem is that I don't know how, and the examples show the new bootstrap method of how to add the Navigation object to the view, I've tried this:
//initialise the application layouts with the MVC helpers
$layout = Zend_Layout::startMvc(array('layoutPath' => '../application/layouts'));
$view = $layout->getView();
$configNav = new Zend_Config_Xml('../application/config/navigation.xml', 'navigation');
$navigation = new Zend_Navigation($configNav);
$viewRenderer = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer();
This seems to run through fine, but when I go to use the breadcrumb view helper in my layout, it errors with: Strict Standards: Creating default object from empty value in C:\www\moobia\development\website\application\modules\employers\controllers\IndexController.php on line 27
This is caused by the following code in the init() function of my controller.
$uri = $this->_request->getPathInfo();
$activeNav = $this->view->navigation()->findByUri($uri); <- this is null when called
$activeNav->active = true;
I believe it's because the Zend_Navigation object is not in the view.
I would look at migrating the bootstrap to the current method, but at present I am running out of time for a release.
First you need to work out whether your suspicion that Zend_Navigation is not in the view is correct. Easiest way to do this would be to add:
to your controller init(). This should return the Zend_Navigation object if it's there.
If it's not there, an alternative way of supplying the Zend_Navigation object is to use the registry, which might be easier. To do this you'd remove the view stuff from your bootstrap and just do this:
$configNav = new Zend_Config_Xml('../application/config/navigation.xml', 'navigation');
$navigation = new Zend_Navigation($configNav);
Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Navigation', $navigation);
your controller init() stuff would remain the same as the view object will look in the registry if it doesn't already have a Zend Navigation object.
However, I'm not sure that your controller init() code will quite work the way that you want. I don't think findByUri() will work on Mvc pages (but I could be wrong), and from your previous question it looked like most of the pages in your XML file are Mvc ones. The Mvc class has an 'href' property which appears to be the equivalent. If your XML file contains both page types, you might need to check both, so I'd suggest something like this:
$uri = $this->_request->getPathInfo();
if (($activeNav = $this->view->navigation()->findByHref($uri)) !== null) {
$activeNav->active = true;
} else if (($activeNav = $this->view->navigation()->findByUri($uri)) !== null) {
$activeNav->active = true;

Symfony Model Callback Equivalent

I'm working on a Symfony project (my first) where I have to retrieve, from my Widget class, a set of widgets that belong to a Page. Before returning the results, though, I need to verify--against an external service--that the user is authorized to view each widget. If not, of course, I need to remove the widget from the result set.
Using CakePHP or Rails, I'd use callbacks, but I haven't found anything similar for Symfony. I see events, but those seem more relevant to controllers/actions if I'm reading things correctly (which is always up for discussion). My fallback solution is to override the various retrieval methods in the WidgetPeer class, divert them through a custom method that does the authorization and modifies the result set appropriately. That feels like massive overkill, though, since I'd have to override every selection method to ensure that authorization was done without future developers having to think about it.
It looks like behaviors could be useful for this (especially since it's conceivable that I might need to authorize other class instances in the future), but I can't find any decent documentation on them to make a qualified evaluation.
Am I missing something? It seems like there must be a better way, but I haven't found it.
First of all, I think behavior-based approach is wrong, since it increases model layer coupling level.
There's sfEventDispatcher::filter() method which allows you to, respectively, filter parameters passed to it.
So, draft code will look like:
public function executeBlabla(sfWebRequest $request)
$widgets = WidgetPeer::getWidgetsYouNeedTo();
$widgets = $this->getEventDispatcher()->filter(new sfEvent($this, 'widgets.filter'), $widgets));
public function configure()
public function registerHandlers()
$this->getEventDispatcher()->connect('widgets.filter', array('WidgetFilter', 'filter'));
class WidgetFilter
public static function filter(sfEvent $evt, $value)
$result = array();
foreach ($value as $v)
if (!Something::isWrong($v))
$result[] = $v;
Hope you got an idea.
Here's some documentation on Symfony 1.2 Propel behaviors: http://www.symfony-project.org/cookbook/1_2/en/behaviors.
Why not just have a 'getAllowedWidgets' method on your Page object that does the checks you're looking for? Something like:
public function getAllowedWidgets($criteria = null, PropelPDO $con = null) {
$widgets = $this->getWidgets($criteria, $con);
$allowed = array();
// get access rights from remote service
foreach($widgets as $widget) {
// widget allowed?
$allowed[] = $widget;
return $allowed;
However, if you always want this check to be performed when selecting a Page's Widgets then Propel's behaviours are your best bet.
Although, at least in theory, I still think that a behavior is the right approach, I can't find a sufficient level of documentation about their implementation in Symfony 1.4.x to give me a warm and fuzzy that it can be accomplished without a lot of heartburn, if at all. Even looking at Propel's own documentation for behaviors, I see no pre- or post-retrieval hook on which to trigger the action I need to take.
As a result, I took my fallback path. After some source code sifting, though, I realized that it wasn't quite as laborious as I'd first thought. Every retrieval method goes through the BasePeer model's doSelect() method, so I just overrode that one in the customizable Peer model:
static public function doSelect( Criteria $criteria, PropelPDO $con = null ) {
$all_widgets = parent::doSelect( $criteria, $con );
$widgets = array();
foreach ( $widgets as $i => $widget ) {
#if( authorized ) {
# array_push( $widgets, $widget );
return $widgets;
I haven't wired up the service call for authorization yet, but this appears to work as expected for modifying result sets. When and if I have to provide authorization for additional model instances, I'll have to revisit behaviors to remain DRY, but it looks like this will suffice nicely until then.
