I have some files with names of tables and names of tables which are referenced by the current table like this:
table2, table3
table 2
table 4
This means table1 references to tables table2 and table3, and table2 references to table4.
How can I to build the tree of tables, where keys are "parent" tables and children are referenced tables like this:
[table4] => array(
[table2] => array([table1] => null),
[table3] => array([table1] => null)
So, my problem is I know how to parse to tree records in file like this:
name | parent
table 1 | table 2
table 2 | table 4
But I don't know the best way how to parse to tree the structure, when ONE node has MULTIPLE parents.
Correct me if I'm wrong but that's not enough to have just the table you need also a table design. Hence you need a field value and a field id. That field id is most likely an unique id and can reference to the same table or to another table. For example table 1 has a field title and a field id. If the id reference to the same table you can use a self join. This model is called adjacency list model but I'm not sure what's the direction of the reference.
I have 4 tables, and I want to fetch data from all the tables, I can do this by fetching data one by one from each table but I want to do it by using JOIN.
Main Table (which contains ids of other table data)
2, 3, 4 tables
now I want to fetch these fields.
from Table 1 (Main Table) - franchise_name, franchise_phone
from Table 2 (State Table) - state_name
from Table 3 (City Table) - city_name
from Table 4 (Area Table) - area_name
the first table contains ids of everything which I need to fetch from other tables.
but area_id in the main table is inserted as a string in the same row separated by (,) in field franchise_area.
I tried using FIND_IN_SET but did not work.
Read all 1-1 referred data using Join, cycle through data exploding area_id column
area_id -------> ($value = explode($row->area_id, ',')
then read data from database and insert into response array (or object).
Of course all of this operation must be done into the model...
I have the following tables (Have only included necessary columns) which I'm looking to perform a query on. Some notes:
1) Table 1 has a one-one relationship with Tables 2 & 3, with the common key being menu_id.
Tables 4-6 are a little more complicated:
2) Table 1 has a one to many with table 4, so one menu can have many categories.
3) Table 4 has a one to many with table 5, so one category (Out of multiple above) can have many items.
4) Table 5 has again a one to many with table 6, so one item can have many subitems.
Table 1: -- user_menu --
Table 2: -- menu_details --
Table 3: -- menu_times --
Table 4: -- menu_categories --
Table 5: -- menu_items --
Table 6: -- menu_subitems--
Question: I need a sql query which will fetch the all associated data from the tables (All columns, I haven't included them here, just the primary key rows) for a specific menu_id on table 1. That seems simple enough, but I'm struggling a little on the one to many part and getting that data in the same query.
I'm expecting something like this. Where menu_id = 2, it will fetch the associated row data (all columns). I've shortened the key names to fit.
user_menu | menu_details | menu_times | menu_categories | menu_items | menu_subitems
menu_id=2 - menu_id=2 - menu_id=2 -< cat_id=1 -< item_id=1 subitem_id=1
cat_id=2 -< item_id=2 -< subitem_id=2
cat_id=3 item_id=3 subitem_id=3
item_id=4 -< subitem_id=4
item_id=5 -< subitem_id=5
(I've shortened above. The proper names are in the first list, so please use those).
The ID's refer to the primary key rows I need the associated column data for. To clarify again If I were to query for menu_id = 2, I will get the menu_id = 2 row from table 2 & 3. I will also get the categories WHERE menu_id = 2 in the menu_categories table, the item_id rows where menu_category_id = x in the menu_item table, and the subitem rows where item_id = x from the menu_item table, in the subitem table.
I plan on copying the result to an array and passing that back. Just need the query bit (I'm assuming join but I'm not sure which is relevant here).
Yes, you can just use join, joining them using the key references should output it like that:
select A.menu_id, B.menu_id, C.menu_id, D.menu_category_id, E.menu_item_id,
from user_menu A
join menu_details B on A.menuid = B.menuid
join menu_times C on B.menuid = C.menuid
join menu_categories D on C.menuid = D.menuid
join menu_items E on D.menu_category_id = E.menu_category_id
join menu_subitems F on E.menu_item_id = F.menu_item_id
where A.menu_id = 2
1 |00123 | 00213 |XXXXX|XXX|
2 |00124 | 00213 |XXXXX|XXX|
owner_id (fk) owners.id (owners[id,name,etc])
work_id (fk) work.id (work[id,name,etc])
question is can I set codeigniter that when I
select(table.*,work.name as work,owners.name as owner) from table
it automatically handle joins since that table already contain the fk-ref ? or I must include join('owner','owner.id=table.owner_id) ?
actually all what I want is that when I select a table that contains a fk this fk column is replaced with one column from ref row by just passing the column name on ref table without having to worry about creating a specific function in my module for that each query.
My current solution:
was to create a view for each table that contain a relation and replace all fk columns with desired ref value, but since i have 6 tables 5 of them with fk,i now have 6 tables and 5 view (11 tables)in db which is really kind confusing for me, so any smarter way to do this ?
I think you are making some confusion on what FK is and what it does within a table.
FK constraint grants data integrity when it's present and relates data within tables. It doesn't join anything.
If you want to select records across related tables, you either use a
SELECT * FROM table1,table2 WHERE table1.K1 = table2.FK1
SELECT * FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.K1 = table2.FK1
AND YES, you need to tell CodeIgniter to do those queries
I have a DB with several tables that contain basic, static ID-to-name data. 2 Columns only in each of these reference tables.
I then have another table that will be receiving data input by users. Each instance of user input will have it's own row with a timestamp, but the important columns here will contain either one, or several of the ID's related to names in one of the other tables. For the ease of submitting and retrieving this information I opted to input it as text, in json format.
Everything was going great until I realized I'm going to need to Join the big table with the little tables to reference the names to the ID's. I need to return the IDs in the results as well.
An example of what a few rows in this table might look like:
Column 1 | Column 2 | Timestamp
["715835199","91158582","90516801"] | ["11987","11987","22474"] | 2012-08-28 21:18:48
["715835199"] | ["0"] | 2012-08-28 21:22:48
["91158582","90516801"] | ["11987"] | 2012-08-28 21:25:48
There WILL be repeats of the ID#'s input in this table, but not necessarily in the same groupings, hence why I put the ID to name pairings in a separate table.
Is it possible to do a WHERE name='any-of-these-json-values'? Am I best off doing a ghetto join in php after I query the main table to pull the IDs for the names I need to include? Or do I just need to redo the design of the data input table entirely?
First of all:
Never, ever put more than one information into one field, if you want to access them seperately. Never.
That said, I think you will need to create a full N:M relation, which includes a join table: One row in your example table will need to be replaced by 1-N rows in the join table.
A tricky join with string matching will perform acceptably only for a very small number of rows, and the WHERE name='any-of-these-json-values' is impossible in your construct: MySQL doesn't "understand", that this is a JSON array - it sees it as unstructured text. On a join table, this clause comes quite naturally as WHERE somecolumn IN (1234,5678,8012)
Assuming your Column 1 contains arrays of IDs in table1 and Column 2 carries arrays of IDs in table2 you would have to do something like
CREATE TABLE t1t2join (
PRIMARY KEY (t1id,t2id,`Timestamp`) ,
KEY (t2id)
(you might want to sanity-check the keys)
And on an insert do the following (in pseudo-code)
Remember timestamp
Cycle all permutations of (Column1,Column2) given by user
Create row
So for your third example row, the SQL would be:
SELECT #now:=NOW();
I have two tables:
I want to join Table1 with Table2 on fk1 and fk2. How can I do this two joins and after that get both name attributes from Table2.
I would like to do it with Table1Query rather than Table1Peer.
Take a look at my answer to this question: Naming Generated Functions in Propel
Since you have two foreign keys that point to the same table, you need to utilize the "phpName" attribute on the "foreign-key" element.