I'm retrieving data from MySql with php like this =>
while ($birthday_row = $birthday_r->fetch_row()){
$birthday_array[] = array(
'title' => $birthday_row[0],
'start' => $birthday_row[1] . "-" . $birthday_row[2]
var json_obj_birthday = <?php if (isset($birthday_array)){echo json_encode($birthday_array);} ?>;
var json_obj_birthday_len = json_obj_birthday.length;
var d = new Date();
var event = [];
for (var i=0;i<json_obj_birthday_len;i++){ // adding manually year
json_obj_birthday[i].start = d.getFullYear() + "-" + json_obj_birthday[i].start;
event = {
'title' : json_obj_birthday[i].title,
'start' : json_obj_birthday[i].start
In above JavaScript code into event array is stored only for first data , it only stores for json_obj_birthday[0], how can I store all information into event array ? thanks
PS. I want that array event be json encoded with full information
now I've tried like this
var events = <?php if (isset($birthday_array)){echo json_encode($birthday_array);} ?>;
var d = new Date();
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++){
events[i].start = d.getFullYear() + "-" + events[i].start;
and doesn't get desire result as well
Second Update
I need what I'm trying to do because want to pass this event variable into jQuery full calendar, here is script =>
jQuery("#calendar").fullCalendar({ // initialize full calendar
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,basicWeek,basicDay'
events: [
] // here was my fault , I must to have `events: event,`
After tying your code guys , information into calendar doesn't inserted , That's what I mean doesn't work
PS. If someone interested more deeply what I am doing and why , pls take a look at my previous question too add birthday events into jQuery full calendar each year
Why not assign the json directly to events, then correct the start entries?
var events = <?php echo isset($birthday_array) ? json_encode($birthday_array) : "[]" ?>;
var d = new Date();
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++){
events[i].start = d.getFullYear() + "-" + events[i].start;
Note that I added a clause to the PHP so that if $birthday_array is not set, javascript recieves an empty array, rather than a syntax error.
Your code doesn't work because the line event = { ... } replaces the array stored in event with a single javascript object.
while ($birthday_row = $birthday_r->fetch_row()){
$birthday_array[] = array(
'title' => $birthday_row[0],
'start' => $birthday_row[1] . "-" . $birthday_row[2]
var json_obj_birthday = <?php if (isset($birthday_array)){echo json_encode($birthday_array);} ?>;
var json_obj_birthday_len = json_obj_birthday.length;
var d = new Date();
var event = [];
for (var i=0;i<json_obj_birthday_len;i++){ // adding manually year
json_obj_birthday[i].start = d.getFullYear() + "-" + json_obj_birthday[i].start;
'title' : json_obj_birthday[i].title,
'start' : json_obj_birthday[i].start
I think your whole approach here is wrong. Here's how I would do it (additionally, it won't show up warnings/notices):
$birthday_array = array();
while ($birthday_row = $birthday_r->fetch_row()){
$birthday_array[] = array(
'title' => $birthday_row[0],
'start' => $birthday_row[1] . "-" . $birthday_row[2],
?><script type="text/javascript">
var json_obj_birthday = <?php echo json_encode($birthday_array); ?>;
var json_obj_birthday_len = json_obj_birthday.length;
var d = new Date();
var event = [];
for (var i=0; i < json_obj_birthday_len; i++){ // adding manually year
json_obj_birthday[i].start = d.getFullYear() + "-" + json_obj_birthday[i].start;
'title' : json_obj_birthday[i].title,
'start' : json_obj_birthday[i].start
My advice here is; always declare variables ... never just append/increment/etc to imaginary variables.
Finally, while there's nothing wrong with offloading some processing to client-side javascript, you might want to consider putting it inside the PHP / server-side. Just a small note, not really critical.
var json_obj_birthday = <?php if (isset($birthday_array)){echo json_encode($birthday_array);} ?>;
var json_obj_birthday_len = json_obj_birthday.length;
var d = new Date();
var event = [];
for (var i=0;i<json_obj_birthday_len;i++){ // adding manually year
json_obj_birthday[i].start = d.getFullYear() + "-" + json_obj_birthday[i].start;
var event2 = {
'title' : json_obj_birthday[i].title,
'start' : json_obj_birthday[i].start
try this in javascript
This is my JSONP file:
header('Content-type: application/javascript;');
header("access-control-allow-origin: *");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET");
//db connection detils
$host = "localhost";
$user = "test";
$password = "test";
$database = "myradiostation1";
//make connection
$server = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password);
$connection = mysql_select_db($database, $server);
//query the database
$query = mysql_query("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(start, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS start,
DATE_FORMAT(end, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS end FROM radiostation1");
//loop through and return results
for ($x = 0, $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query); $x < $numrows; $x++) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$shows[$x] = array("id" => $row["id"], "startminutes" => $row["startminutes"], "start" => $row["start"], "endminutes" => $row["endminutes"],"end" => $row["end"],"mediumname" => $row["mediumname"], "longname" => $row["longname"], "description" => $row["description"],"short_id" => $row["short_id"],"promomessage" => $row["promomessage"],"email" => $row["email"],"phonenumber" => $row["phonenumber"],"textnumber" => $row["textnumber"],"textprefix" => $row["textprefix"],"showimage" => $row["showimage"],"longdescription" => $row["longdescription"],"facebooklink" => $row["facebooklink"],"otherlink" => $row["otherlink"],"websitelink" => $row["websitelink"],"keywords" => $row["keywords"] );
//echo JSON to page
$response = $_GET["callback"] . "(" . json_encode($shows) . ");";
echo $response;
It does work, up to a point, but getting the {"success":true,"error":"","data":{"schedule": as seen at this site before my json_encode is where I am.
However, I cannot get it to display any data in my table, although it DOES produce code on-screen when I view it at http://www.myradio1.localhost/onairschedule.php.
The actual code is stored at http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php
and the callback function works OK, one example being http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=Northern+FM and http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=Southern+FM but what do I need to do to make it change like in these examples:
this example and this example, and to generate an error message like this if no such file exists.
I'm halfway there, just need some advice on fixing my code!
Basically, what I'm trying to do... get a JSONP to work in my HTML table which will vary the content depending on the URL in my javascript file on my page, which is:
var doFades = true;
var LocalhostRadioStations = {
Schedule : {}
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show = function () {
_s = null;
_startDate = null;
_endDate = null;
this.days = LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days;
_selector = '';
this.setShow = function(s) {
this._s = s;
this._startDate = new Date( parseInt(s.startminutes, 10) * 1000);
this._endDate = new Date(parseInt(s.endminutes, 10) * 1000 );
this.getEndDate = function(){
return this._endDate;
this.getStartDate = function(){
return this._startDate;
this._getShowDay = function (){
return this.days[this.getStartDate().getDay()];
this._getShowUnitsTaken = function(){
// if it's the same day
return this._getEndUnits() - this._getStartUnits();
this._getEndUnits = function(){
if(this.getEndDate().getHours() == 0)
//console.log(this._s.longname +' ends at midnight');
return 48;
return this.getEndDate().getMinutes() !== 0 ? (this.getEndDate().getHours() * 2) : (this.getEndDate().getHours() * 2);
this._getStartUnits = function(){
if(this.getStartDate().getHours() == 0)
return 0;
return this.getStartDate().getMinutes() !== 0 ? (this.getStartDate().getHours() * 2) : (this.getStartDate().getHours() * 2);
this.getCellPositions = function() {
return {
'start' : this.getStartDate(),
'end' : this.getEndDate(),
'colIndex' : this.getStartDate().getDay() + 2,
'startUnits' : this._getStartUnits(),
'endUnits' : this._getEndUnits(),
'unitsTaken' : this._getShowUnitsTaken()
this.pad = function(number){
return number < 10 ? '0'+number : number;
// return the table cell html.
this.toHtml = function () {
var d = new Date();
var units = this._getStartUnits();
var rowspan = this._getShowUnitsTaken();
var desc = this._s.description;
var name = this._s.longname;
var starttime = this.pad(this.getStartDate().getHours()) + ':' + this.pad(this.getStartDate().getMinutes());
var endtime = this.pad(this.getEndDate().getHours()) + ':' + this.pad(this.getEndDate().getMinutes());
var site = this._s.websitelink;
var cls = this.isActive() ? 'current-program' : '';
var isToday = this.getStartDate().getDay() === d.getDay() ? 'active-program' : '';
var html = '<td class="schedule-show ' + isToday + ' ' + cls + '" rowspan="' + rowspan + '" data-start="' + this.getStartDate() + '" data-end="' + this.getEndDate() + '">';
html += '<div>';
html += '' + name + '';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="schedule_details clearfix" style="display:none;">';
html += '<img width="105px" height="105px" alt="' + desc + '" src="' + this._s.showimage + '">';
html += '<strong>' + name + '</strong>';
html += '<p>' + desc + '</p>';
html += '<span>' + starttime + ' - ' + endtime +'</span>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</td>';
return html;
this.setTableSelector = function(sel){
this._selector = sel;
// check if we should add the active class.
this.isActive = function(){
var t = new Date();
return t >= this.getStartDate() && t <= this.getEndDate();
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.ScheduleGen = function(){
return {
insertShow : function(show) {
var p = show.getCellPositions();
$('tr#units-' + p.startUnits).append(show.toHtml());
init : function (stationName){
var self = this;
// load the schedule.
$.getJSON('http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=', {
name: 'Northern FM'
}, function(json){
// loop each show and append to our giant table.
// this is well sick.
if(json.success === false)
$('.content-inner table').remove();
var currentDay = '';
var day = 0;
// highlight the current time..
var d = new Date();
var weekStart = new Date();
$.each(json.data.schedule, function(i, broadcast){
var dStart = new Date( parseInt(broadcast.startminutes, 10) * 1000);
var dEnd = new Date(parseInt(broadcast.endminutes, 10) * 1000 );
/*// transform to a show object defined above, if the show spans 2 days we create two show objects.
if(dStart.getHours() !== 0 && dEnd.getHours() !== 0 && dStart.getDate() != dEnd.getDate())
var showOne = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
// set to midnight
// append first half of show.
// handle second half.
var showTwo = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
showTwo.getStartDate().setDate(showTwo.getStartDate().getDate() + 1);
//console.log('2nd Half Start: ' + showTwo.getStartDate());
//console.log('2nd Half End: ' + showTwo.getEndDate());
var show = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
// add the show to the table. Thankfully the order these come out the API means they get added
// in the right place. So don't change the schedule builder code!
var days = LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days;
// apply the current day / time classes
$('th:contains('+ days[d.getDay()]+')').addClass('active');
$('td.time').each(function(i, cell){
// get the value, convert to int.
var hours = $(cell).html().split(':')[0];
// compare the hours with now, add class if matched.
if(parseInt(hours, 10) === d.getHours())
// apply events to show info fade in / out.
}, function(){
It should change the schedule according to the JSONP, but what do I do to fix it?
Basically, I am trying to make my own localhost version of http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=&name=Rock+FM and its JSON / JSONP (I am not sure exactly what type the original is, but then again the site is experimental and on a .localhost domain) for testing purposes where the content is taken from the database, and changes according to station name, e.g. http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=&name=Metro+Radio and http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=&name=Forth+One etc.
Edit: The full code for my page can be seen at http://pastebin.com/ENhR6Q9j
I'm not sure exactly what's missing, but from the code you gave so far, I made a jsfiddle:
I modified some things to make it work (mostly appending stuff), because I don't know your original HTML file. But I also made some changes based on what you say you wanted. First of all I modified your $.getJSON call to be something like:
$.getJSON('http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=?', {
name: stationName //stationName is from the argument passed
}, function(json){...})
Which should give back the station based on what is passed to
To make it more interesting, I also added a bit of code that reads from the url. In this case if you go to the page with a domain.htm/page?Northern FM it will read the text after the ? and put it in twittiName.
var twittiName="Rock FM"; //default station
twittiName=window.location.search.substring(1) //or window.location.hash
Tried to look for other stations that might be on your publics site, but so far I could only test with "?Rock+FM". But does mean you can show the errors, which your code can handle as it is.
?Random Name
So it seems that your code mostly works but do comment if I have missed anything.
This is my JSONP file:
header('Content-type: application/javascript;');
header("access-control-allow-origin: *");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET");
//db connection detils
$host = "localhost";
$user = "test";
$password = "test";
$database = "myradiostation1";
//make connection
$server = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password);
$connection = mysql_select_db($database, $server);
//query the database
$query = mysql_query("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(start, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS start,
DATE_FORMAT(end, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS end FROM radiostation1");
//loop through and return results
for ($x = 0, $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query); $x < $numrows; $x++) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$shows[$x] = array("id" => $row["id"], "startminutes" => $row["startminutes"], "start" => $row["start"], "endminutes" => $row["endminutes"],"end" => $row["end"],"mediumname" => $row["mediumname"], "longname" => $row["longname"], "description" => $row["description"],"short_id" => $row["short_id"],"promomessage" => $row["promomessage"],"email" => $row["email"],"phonenumber" => $row["phonenumber"],"textnumber" => $row["textnumber"],"textprefix" => $row["textprefix"],"showimage" => $row["showimage"],"longdescription" => $row["longdescription"],"facebooklink" => $row["facebooklink"],"otherlink" => $row["otherlink"],"websitelink" => $row["websitelink"],"keywords" => $row["keywords"] );
//echo JSON to page
$response = $_GET["callback"] . "(" . json_encode($shows) . ");";
echo $response;
It does work, up to a point, but getting the {"success":true,"error":"","data":{"schedule": as seen at this site before my json_encode is where I am.
However, I cannot get it to display any data in my table, although it DOES produce code on-screen when I view it at http://www.myradio1.localhost/onairschedule.php.
The actual code is stored at http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php
and the callback function works OK, one example being http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=Northern+FM and http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=Southern+FM but what do I need to do to make it change like in these examples:
this example and this example, and to generate an error message like this if no such file exists.
I'm halfway there, just need some advice on fixing my code!
Basically, what I'm trying to do... get a JSONP to work in my HTML table which will vary the content depending on the URL in my javascript file on my page, which is:
var doFades = true;
var LocalhostRadioStations = {
Schedule : {}
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show = function () {
_s = null;
_startDate = null;
_endDate = null;
this.days = LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days;
_selector = '';
this.setShow = function(s) {
this._s = s;
this._startDate = new Date( parseInt(s.startminutes, 10) * 1000);
this._endDate = new Date(parseInt(s.endminutes, 10) * 1000 );
this.getEndDate = function(){
return this._endDate;
this.getStartDate = function(){
return this._startDate;
this._getShowDay = function (){
return this.days[this.getStartDate().getDay()];
this._getShowUnitsTaken = function(){
// if it's the same day
return this._getEndUnits() - this._getStartUnits();
this._getEndUnits = function(){
if(this.getEndDate().getHours() == 0)
//console.log(this._s.longname +' ends at midnight');
return 48;
return this.getEndDate().getMinutes() !== 0 ? (this.getEndDate().getHours() * 2) : (this.getEndDate().getHours() * 2);
this._getStartUnits = function(){
if(this.getStartDate().getHours() == 0)
return 0;
return this.getStartDate().getMinutes() !== 0 ? (this.getStartDate().getHours() * 2) : (this.getStartDate().getHours() * 2);
this.getCellPositions = function() {
return {
'start' : this.getStartDate(),
'end' : this.getEndDate(),
'colIndex' : this.getStartDate().getDay() + 2,
'startUnits' : this._getStartUnits(),
'endUnits' : this._getEndUnits(),
'unitsTaken' : this._getShowUnitsTaken()
this.pad = function(number){
return number < 10 ? '0'+number : number;
// return the table cell html.
this.toHtml = function () {
var d = new Date();
var units = this._getStartUnits();
var rowspan = this._getShowUnitsTaken();
var desc = this._s.description;
var name = this._s.longname;
var starttime = this.pad(this.getStartDate().getHours()) + ':' + this.pad(this.getStartDate().getMinutes());
var endtime = this.pad(this.getEndDate().getHours()) + ':' + this.pad(this.getEndDate().getMinutes());
var site = this._s.websitelink;
var cls = this.isActive() ? 'current-program' : '';
var isToday = this.getStartDate().getDay() === d.getDay() ? 'active-program' : '';
var html = '<td class="schedule-show ' + isToday + ' ' + cls + '" rowspan="' + rowspan + '" data-start="' + this.getStartDate() + '" data-end="' + this.getEndDate() + '">';
html += '<div>';
html += '' + name + '';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="schedule_details clearfix" style="display:none;">';
html += '<img width="105px" height="105px" alt="' + desc + '" src="' + this._s.showimage + '">';
html += '<strong>' + name + '</strong>';
html += '<p>' + desc + '</p>';
html += '<span>' + starttime + ' - ' + endtime +'</span>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</td>';
return html;
this.setTableSelector = function(sel){
this._selector = sel;
// check if we should add the active class.
this.isActive = function(){
var t = new Date();
return t >= this.getStartDate() && t <= this.getEndDate();
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.ScheduleGen = function(){
return {
insertShow : function(show) {
var p = show.getCellPositions();
$('tr#units-' + p.startUnits).append(show.toHtml());
init : function (stationName){
var self = this;
// load the schedule.
$.getJSON('http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=', {
name: 'Northern FM'
}, function(json){
// loop each show and append to our giant table.
// this is well sick.
if(json.success === false)
$('.content-inner table').remove();
var currentDay = '';
var day = 0;
// highlight the current time..
var d = new Date();
var weekStart = new Date();
$.each(json.data.schedule, function(i, broadcast){
var dStart = new Date( parseInt(broadcast.startminutes, 10) * 1000);
var dEnd = new Date(parseInt(broadcast.endminutes, 10) * 1000 );
/*// transform to a show object defined above, if the show spans 2 days we create two show objects.
if(dStart.getHours() !== 0 && dEnd.getHours() !== 0 && dStart.getDate() != dEnd.getDate())
var showOne = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
// set to midnight
// append first half of show.
// handle second half.
var showTwo = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
showTwo.getStartDate().setDate(showTwo.getStartDate().getDate() + 1);
//console.log('2nd Half Start: ' + showTwo.getStartDate());
//console.log('2nd Half End: ' + showTwo.getEndDate());
var show = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
// add the show to the table. Thankfully the order these come out the API means they get added
// in the right place. So don't change the schedule builder code!
var days = LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days;
// apply the current day / time classes
$('th:contains('+ days[d.getDay()]+')').addClass('active');
$('td.time').each(function(i, cell){
// get the value, convert to int.
var hours = $(cell).html().split(':')[0];
// compare the hours with now, add class if matched.
if(parseInt(hours, 10) === d.getHours())
// apply events to show info fade in / out.
}, function(){
It should change the schedule according to the JSONP, but what do I do to fix it?
Basically, I am trying to make my own localhost version of http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=&name=Rock+FM and its JSON / JSONP (I am not sure exactly what type the original is, but then again the site is experimental and on a .localhost domain) for testing purposes where the content is taken from the database, and changes according to station name, e.g. http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=&name=Metro+Radio and http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=&name=Forth+One etc.
Edit: The full code for my page can be seen at http://pastebin.com/ENhR6Q9j
I'm not sure exactly what's missing, but from the code you gave so far, I made a jsfiddle:
I modified some things to make it work (mostly appending stuff), because I don't know your original HTML file. But I also made some changes based on what you say you wanted. First of all I modified your $.getJSON call to be something like:
$.getJSON('http://radioplayer.bauerradio.com/schedule.php?callback=?', {
name: stationName //stationName is from the argument passed
}, function(json){...})
Which should give back the station based on what is passed to
To make it more interesting, I also added a bit of code that reads from the url. In this case if you go to the page with a domain.htm/page?Northern FM it will read the text after the ? and put it in twittiName.
var twittiName="Rock FM"; //default station
twittiName=window.location.search.substring(1) //or window.location.hash
Tried to look for other stations that might be on your publics site, but so far I could only test with "?Rock+FM". But does mean you can show the errors, which your code can handle as it is.
?Random Name
So it seems that your code mostly works but do comment if I have missed anything.
I have a simple array from a php file (the reason for not using a json file is cause this info comes from a mysql database)
$array[0] = array('id' => 1,'price' => '325');
$array[1] = array('id' => 2,'price' => '486');
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($array);
and it echos as:
now what I want to do is take the id and add it to a variable called counterval so that JavaScript will read it as
counterval1 = 325;
counterval2 = 486;
but I can't seem to get it to read that way. Here is the script at the current moment.
$.getJSON('test.php',function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i) {
counterval + data[i].id = data[i].price;
console.log (counterval2);
var counterval1 = 0;
var counterval2 = 0;
any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
you can't do that... but you can do this...
var counterval = [];
$.getJSON('test.php',function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i) {
counterval[data[i].id] = data[i].price;
console.log (counterval[2]);
counterval[1] = 0;
counterval[2] = 0;
See my comment on your post. If you really want the vars to look like you explained:
eval("counterval" + data[i].id + " = data[i]..price");
I'm creating a pricing array jQuery and for this project the amount of different products I need is going to be +200 so the easiest option I could research would be listing from a SQL table.
This is what I have so far:
$(document).ready(function() {
/*** CONSTANTS ***/
var KEY = 0;
var VALUE = 1;
var POINTS = [ ["250", 46.5 ], ["500", 53.5], ["1000", 67], ["2500", 107.5], ["5000", 175], ["10000", 310] ];
var SHIPPING_COSTS = [ ["Pickup", 0], ["Next Day Delivery", 30], ["Same Day Print/Same Day Delivery", 65] ];
for (var i = 0; i < POINTS.length; i++) {
$("#quantity").append("<option value='" + POINTS[i][VALUE] + "'>" + POINTS[i][KEY] + "</option>");
for (var i = 0; i < SHIPPING_COSTS.length; i++) {
$("#shipping").append("<option value='" + SHIPPING_COSTS[i][VALUE] + "'>" + SHIPPING_COSTS[i][KEY] + "</option>");
$("select.autoUpdatePrice, input.autoUpdatePrice").bind("mousedown click change", function(event) {
function Calculate() {
var net = parseFloat($("#quantity").val());
/* Calculate the magical # by adding the form fields*/
var designFee = $("#abcDesignFee").attr("checked") ? $("#abcDesignFee").val() : 0.0;
var proofFee = $("#abcProofFee").attr("checked") ? $("#abcProofFee").val() : 0.0;
var MyPrice;
MyPrice = parseFloat( parseFloat(proofFee) + parseFloat(designFee) + net + parseFloat($("#shipping").val()));
$("#DumpHere").html("Your Price: $" + formatNumber(MyPrice));
$("#abcName").val($("#quantity").find(":selected").text() + " " + ProductNamePlural);
Create a PHP file and read the data from SQL into an array. Print that array after json_encode(). Then use jQuery.getJSON() on document ready to fetch it and process it.
I have a project where I've created JSON data for Project Prices/Prices I've gotten this far and pretty much ran into a wall, any help at all would help! I've checked all over the web and on jQuery.getJSON but I wound up getting super confused.
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM xxx")
or die(mysql_error());
$arr = array();
$rs = mysql_query("SELECT product, price FROM products");
while($obj = mysql_fetch_object($rs)) {
$arr[] = $obj;
echo '{"products":'.json_encode($arr).'}';
I need to get the product price and product name into this jquery script
$(document).ready(function() {
/*** CONSTANTS ***/
var KEY = 0;
var VALUE = 1;
var POINTS = [ ["$productA", $PRICE ], ["$productB", $PRICE], ["$productC", $PRICE], ["$productD", $PRICE], ["$productE", $PRICE], ["$productF", $PRICE] ];
var SHIPPING_COSTS = [ ["Pickup", 0], ["Next Day Delivery", 30], ["Same Day Print/Same Day Delivery", 65] ];
for (var i = 0; i < POINTS.length; i++) {
$("#quantity").append("<option value='" + POINTS[i][VALUE] + "'>" + POINTS[i][KEY] + "</option>");
for (var i = 0; i < SHIPPING_COSTS.length; i++) {
$("#shipping").append("<option value='" + SHIPPING_COSTS[i][VALUE] + "'>" + SHIPPING_COSTS[i][KEY] + "</option>");
$("select.autoUpdatePrice, input.autoUpdatePrice").bind("mousedown click change", function(event) {
function Calculate() {
var net = parseFloat($("#quantity").val());
/* Calculate the magical # by adding the form fields*/
var designFee = $("#abcDesignFee").attr("checked") ? $("#abcDesignFee").val() : 0.0;
var proofFee = $("#abcProofFee").attr("checked") ? $("#abcProofFee").val() : 0.0;
var MyPrice;
MyPrice = parseFloat( parseFloat(proofFee) + parseFloat(designFee) + net + parseFloat($("#shipping").val()));
$("#DumpHere").html("Your Price: $" + formatNumber(MyPrice));
$("#abcName").val($("#quantity").find(":selected").text() + " " + ProductNamePlural);
In your PHP script, can you just json_encode() your array of objects without wrapping it in the string? And instead encode the JSON object like so:
// your script ...
echo json_encode($arr);
This creates an array of JSON encoded objects:
[{"name":"item 1","price":4.99},{"name":"item 2","price":9.99}]
Make an AJAX request in your JS to query your PHP script, and use jQuery's $.each() and $.parseJSON() methods to iterate over the returned JSON data:
$.post('get_products.php', { data: foo }, function(json) {
$.each($.parseJSON(json), function(key, product) {
console.log(product.name + ' ' + product.price);
Hope this helps :)
When I was learning - I had exactly the same problem - but it got answered here
What I didn't realise at the time was that you can use object notation (which is the ON of json) to access the data you sent.
If you look at my question and the answer I selected, once you have sent the data back to javascriot you can access it easily. In my example it would be as straitforward as using data.catagory_desc in javascript to find the data that was encoded.