TinyMVC always shows 'default' controller - php

I was following documentaion till the end, tested one html template with smarty and then cut it. Then I found out that controllers do not work as expected – whatever name I create in myapp/conrollers, 'hello.php' for example, that contains class described in docs, i. e.
class Hello_Controller extends TinyMVC_Controller
function index()
echo "Hello World.";
function time()
echo "The time is now.";
I can’t show it. So the name of the file is a prefix for the controller class name, all seems to be ok here, but going to /index.php/hello returns what is in 'default.php'. I’ve even tried to change default controller to 'hello' in myapp/configs/application.php by setting $config['default_controller'], but the framework behaves like if it’s always work with the 'default.php'. There is no errors on screen or in logs (I checked twice every option in configs of my web server and interpreter), I totally don’t know what to do with that goddamn piece of crap, I can’t even write on its forum because waiting for ‘administration approval’ for several days.

I had to dig inside of the framework to find an answer. And it is when it checks for a controller file it uses file_exists() which do not respect include path. Googling ‘TinyMVC+file_exists’ gave me link to that topic, where is written that they had fixed it in SVN version.


CakePHP Controller could not be found

I am trying to create a simple Hello World program on cakephp before laying my hands on the popular forum application example but after going through the guidelines of one AndrewPerk on Youtube, I'm being told by the debugger to create "Create the class HellosController below in file: app\Controller\HellosController.php".
I am familiar with CakePHP conventions and principles, that is why I am surprised at this error. I will provide my codes and the file path below:
class Hello extends AppModel {
var $name='Hello';
class HellosController extends AppController {
var $name='Hellos';
public function hello_world() {
<h3> Hello World </h3>
<p> This is just to test cakephp functionalities</p>
Based on the comments on the Youtube video, I was able to discover that many other people have the same error. I have tried to contact the author of the video but he isn't active on Twitter.
I don't see any error here, can someone please help?
It looks like everything is correct as far as the code is concerned.
If/when everything else seems correct but you're still having problems, start looking for the oddballs. (The ones you rarely catch without having someone else look at your code).
Common oddball problems:
If you're using PHP short tags, are they turned on on the server?
Are there any spaces after you close your PHP tag? (shouldn't be closing PHP tags at all on class files)
If working remotely, was the file uploaded (and into the correct directory)
Does your file/folder have the correct permissions?
In my case it was an accidental namespace App\Controller\Admin; instead of namespace App\Controller;.
There must be an error because, You didn't provide the route for it. Unless it there will be no execution of the code to view.

PHP Functions from included files don't execute on Web Server

I am in the process of migrating a site from my personal dev server onto Windstream's business hosting server. I've already run into the issue of having developed using PHP 5.4 only to find out that my static functions won't work on WS's 5.1.4 installation. I've since fixed those issues and am not facing one that I can't seem to find any help for on the internet.
All of the static functions I was using have been rewritten as functions outside the class scope. Instead of having
class Product{
public static function myFunction(){}
I now have
function myFunction(){}
class Product{...}
in my included Product.php file.
However, when I try to call myFunction() from my code, nothing happens. I know the nothingness comes from WS's error handling, but the point is, the function isn't working. To verify this, I have taken the following steps:
Inserted the line echo "entered included"; immediately following the <?php in Product.php. This prints "entered included" on the index page, indicating that my include is working. I have done the same thing before the final ?> with the same results, so I don't think it's getting hung up inside the included file.
I have changed myFunction() in the included file to be simply
function myFunction(){echo "myFunction works";}
A call to myFunction() still makes nothing happen.
I have moved myFunction() to the including file (myFunction() now lives in index.php instead of Product.php; index includes Product.php). This time, myFunction() executes without issue.
To my 'hack it til it does what it should' sensibilities, this tells me that the server is having a problem with functions that are declared in files that are included; honestly, though, I have absolutely no clue what's going on, and any help would be appreciated. Their website is currently down, and they were expecting it to only be offline for a day, so I'll try pretty much anything short of sacrificing a fatted calf.
I know I should be posting more specific code, but since this is a customer's actual website, I'm trying to put as little of the actual code out here as is possible. I'm happy to append specific sections of code to this entry as they are requested for clarification.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
#Rottingham: First, thanks for the 3v4l link. Second, my assumption about static methods in 5.4 vs 5.1.4 came from this line of php.net's page on static members and methods:
"As of PHP 5.3.0, it's possible to reference the class using a variable. The variable's value can not be a keyword (e.g. self, parent and static)."
src - http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.static.php
Since my version and the server version were on different sides of the 5.3 mark mentioned, I incorrectly assumed that this was my problem.
Third, when I get in from my day job, I'll update my code to show errors and update this post if a solution has not yet been found.
Ultimately, my problem isn't with using static methods (since I don't have them anymore) but with using any function that is declared in an included .php file.

codeigniter+HMVC cross module call controller->method

I am pulling all my hair off... Have been searching every thread, would appreciate if someone can point me to a working example.
Accroding to the doc: https://bitbucket.org/wiredesignz/codeigniter-modular-extensions-hmvc
I can call another module->controller using
modules::run('module/controller/method', $params);
modules::load('module/controller/method', $params);
Problem: the "method()" is never called. only constructor of the controller is called every time.
The objective is to build self-contained MVCs as module and use by other controllers.
But no matter what I do, it only calls the constructor, method is not called.
I started using HMVC a few weeks ago, did I miss something in the doc or it is not used this way?
Here is the setup:
| |--controller/c1.php
class C1 extends MX_Controller {
function __construct() {
function index () {
class C2 extends MX_Controller {
function __construct() {
echo __FILE__." // ".__CLASS__."/".__FUNCTION__.PHP_EOL;
function testc2(){
echo __FILE__." // ".__CLASS__."/".__FUNCTION__.PHP_EOL;
/app/modules/ztest2/controllers/c2.php // C2/__construct
additional note: no error or warning with the script. It just quietly calls the constructor.
Thanks for MC's tip, I finally figured out the cause. HMVC doc indeed lacks some examples for beginner.
For anyone who may find this thread in the future, correct usage here:
to call module01/controller01/method00:
//method 1 CORRECT:
$ctlObj = modules::load('module01/controller01/');
//or you could use chaining:
//method 1 WRONG:
modules::load('module01/controller01/method00'); //this will only load contructor
//method 2 CORRECT:
modules::run('module01/controller01/method00'); //no trailing slash!
//method 2 WRONG:
//method 3 CORRECT:
I don't understand why method 3 failed when I first try... maybe because I restarted HTTPD?
This HMVC works well for me. I'm working on a project using this HMVC now.
Just edit third_party/MX/Modules.php as shown in this link below and tell me the response.
I ran into the same issue. Make sure you check capitalization of your directories and and controllers. It's not case sensitive for differing between the module and controller name.
//In my case the below did not work
After some attempts to achieve call a controller that is not located within any module.
I am new at CI as well, and I thought I was having the same issue. Script seemed not to be running. (no html output).
//This did NOT work (did not produce output)
// but this DID work??? didn't know why
// turns out you need the echo for output
echo modules::run('templates/login_template',$data);
This may be obvious to many of you- but I wasted two hours searching for an answer.
so According to the documentation they says copy the controller in default controller folder and move to modules controller.
So now how do I run the controller that has been moved to modules when I run its running from the default controller file if removed does not work so how to make it run the controller inside module as a default controller to run.
So Do I need to mention the modules name too in the route
/*echo Modules::run("controller name of a module which you want to call/and its.. function name");*/
echo Modules::run("Second/callit");
But.. the controller name shold be different .. from one module to another module..
**(parameter passing)**
echo "<hr>";
//echo Modules::run("controller name of a module which you want to call/and its.. function name");
echo Modules::run("Second/callit",$data);
echo "<hr>";
echo "<hr>";

Codeigniter app returns blank output in CLI

I'm setting up my cron job controller that will only run within the CLI, I've not started with anything built, just in the testing phase with CI's examples. However, when running it I get no output or anything else, just a new line, this is the command I ran:
root#serv$ php /var/www/ci/index.php tools message
As you can see in the second line, I get no output, just a new line to run an command but I don't understand why and I cannot debug it. The code contains this:
class Tools extends CI_Controller {
public function message($to = 'World')
echo "Hello {$to}!".PHP_EOL;
In my configuration file, the $config['uri_protocol'] is set to AUTO so this does not seem to be the problem.
How can I debug this? What are the options that I may need to deal with?
I also have display_errors on and error_reporting on to E_ALL.
I found the problem, it was a problem with a redirect('domain.com'); exit; I had on an autoloaded library, because it was matching against the domain in a database, that way CLI doesn't serve a domain when it detects, hence I included a redirect('domain.com') with an exit which is why I'm not seeing any output.
I also encountered this while i was playing w/ cli for codeigniter. It took me a while to troubleshoot the issue and found out that I forgot to except my controller on my login model which runs a redirect function.
This may be a silly suggestion, but might as well give it a shot... #lolwut, what if instead of using "echo", maybe you have to "return" the output?
I have an application following this guide: http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Category:Advanced::CronScript running (and producing output). CI was only 1.7.2 when I did so, but it might still hold
(CodeIgniter 2.2.0)
Add a route in /application/config/routes.php
class Cron extends CI_Controller
public function process_dumps()
echo "Processing dumps..." . PHP_EOL;
$route['cron/process_dumps'] = 'cron/process_dumps'
Without this line there was no output on the CLI!
I think you can find the answer in the Codeigniter Wiki.
By calling to the cron.php with parameters controller and function, and then define CRON_CI_INDEX to the refer to the file path of your main index.php.
For example,
php /var/www/ci/cron.php --run=/tools/message

CodeIgniter: Can't Get My New Controller/View To Show

I am learning how to use codeIgniter as my php framework. I am reading through the documentation and watching the intro video and just generally following along with the first tutorial, but it's not working for me.
I have created a controller called "test.php" and a view called "test_view". The controller for this class is exactly like "welcome.php" and the view file just has some static html. However, when I go to index.php/test I get a 404 error.
I have also tried manipulating the original welcome files so that instead of calling a view it just echos "testing", yet I still see the original welcome message! I've tried clearing my browsing cash and refreshing, but to no avail.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Edit: Here's the code for controllers/test.php
class Test extends Controller {
//Just trying to get it to echo test
public function index()
echo "test";
Try looking at this page in the documentation - this might solve your problem.
This basically means you should try typing index.php?/test/ instead (notice the question-mark).
First of all, check the above link. Might be useful.
If not, then...
Try changing the default controller in the config file ('routes.php') to something else (probably, to 'test'), then try loading index.php. Just to test whether the whole system works (or not).
Check whether mod_rewrite is loaded (in your server .conf-file, if you're using Apache).
Try using the latest build of the framework. AFAIK, the name of the controller class for now is "CI_Controller".
Finally, try removing the word 'public' before the declaration of the function. AFAIR, CI enable you to make private functions in controllers just by using prefix (which is set in the config file) at the beginning of the name of the function (thus making all the other functions public).
But most certainly the problem is with the mod_rewrite. If not, try debugging with die('Page found'); instead of echo - this will allow you to track possible redirects on the page.
