What is AuthComponent::getModel() alternative in cakePHP2x? - php

I am using a Remember Me Component. Actually, migrating a CakePHP 1.3 app to CakePHP 2x. I am stuck with this LAST PIECE of code that is RememberMeComponent.
The script which I see here to SET the cookie is :
function make( ) {
$data = array(
$this->ident_field => $this->_create_token( ),
$this->token_field => $this->_create_token( ),
$this->Cookie->name = $this->cookie_name;
$this->Cookie->time = $this->period;
$this->Cookie->key = base64url_encode(implode('::', $data));
$this->Cookie->secure = true;
$this->Auth->getModel()->save(array($this->Auth->userModel => array_merge(array('id' => $this->Auth->user('id')), $data)), false);
and checks with :
function check( ) {
$cookie = $this->Cookie->read($this->cookie_name);
if (empty($cookie)) {
return false;
$data = explode('::', base64url_decode($cookie));
$user = $this->Auth->getModel( )->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
$this->Auth->userModel.'.ident' => $data[0],
if ( ! $user) {
return false;
function base64url_encode is defined in bootstrap - so, it is valid function.
Now there is line:
$this->Auth->getModel()->save(array($this->Auth->userModel => array_merge(array('id' => $this->Auth->user('id')), $data)), false);
That is giving me an error:
Error: Call to undefined method AuthComponent::getModel()
File: /var/www/FlintStones/Controller/Component/RememberMeComponent.php
I checked Auth Component documentation but, it did not have any option where I could find the model for auth.
Thanks in advance.
PS: We cannot directly move to Auto Login (as you might have that in mind) or if you can also refer to a quick-step-by-step, please share. I might even consider that but, so far it is just to get the Auth model.

I had the same issue in the same component.
How to get $settings data out of CakePHP 2.0 FormAuthenticate object
Use $this->Auth->userModel to get the model. If the value is null, it will default to 'User'.


Use register_rest_field inside a custom route

I'm currently trying to create an API which will be used to create an app
To do this I need a custom endpoint which should be accessed only from a logged user, which is currently done using this code:
register_rest_route( 'wp/v2', 'private/me',array(
'methods' => WP_REST_Server::READABLE,
'callback' => 'get_private'
function get_private($request) {
$user = (array) wp_get_current_user();
$user["data"] = (array) $user["data"];
// $user = get_user_by('id', 13);
if (empty($user)) {
return new WP_Error( 'empty_category', 'there is no post in this category', array('status' => 404) );
$response = new WP_REST_Response($user['data']);
return $response;
Currently it return an user object without 'user_pass'
Then when I use the 'register_rest_field' function, I get nothing (the function work if set on any default api user endpoint
'get_callback' => 'get_rank_number',
'update_callback' => null,
'schema' => null
function get_rank_number ( $user ) {
return (int) get_user_meta($user['id'], 'ck_user_ranking_score_number', true);
The thing is, I don't know how to make the route read the list of the registered rest fields nor if it's supposed to be done like that
Currently, I'm trying to make it by extending the WP_REST_Controller class since it looks like it could work
Can someone help me understand how the API work or how it is supposed to be used ? :/
In case anyone have the same problem, a wordpress user answered my post on their forum,
The var $wp_rest_additional_fields, I can't find anything about it in the documentation, but at least the var really exist in the global scope
So with this code everything's ok
global $wp_rest_additional_fields;
foreach($wp_rest_additional_fields['private/me'] as $key => $value){
$user_data[$key] = call_user_func($value['get_callback'], $user['data']);

MediaWiki $wgUser to $this->getUser() and $context->getUser() not working

I am learning Mediawiki and looking at some of the extensions.
Manual:$wgUser on mediawiki.org states the global variable $wgUser should not be used for new code.
Manual:RequestContext.php says the context object should be used instead, by using either $this->getUser() or $context->getUser().
However, when I try to use $this->getUser()->getName() in the extension for Who's Online I get the following error:
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/ghsfhaco/public_html/wiki/extensions/WhosOnline/WhosOnlineHooks.php on line 19
And when I change it to $context->getUser()->getName() I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getUser() on null in /home/ghsfhaco/public_html/wiki/extensions/WhosOnline/WhosOnlineHooks.php on line 19
The full Extension:WhosOnline can be found at Mediawiki, but here's the specific page:
class WhosOnlineHooks {
// update online data
public static function onBeforePageDisplay() {
global $wgUser;
// write to DB (use master)
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$now = gmdate( 'YmdHis', time() );
// row to insert to table
$row = array(
'userid' => $wgUser->getId(),
'username' => $wgUser->getName(),
'timestamp' => $now
$method = __METHOD__;
$dbw->onTransactionIdle( function() use ( $dbw, $method, $row ) {
array( array( 'userid', 'username' ) ),
array( 'timestamp' => $row['timestamp'] ),
} );
return true;
public static function onLoadExtensionSchemaUpdates( $updater ) {
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'online',
__DIR__ . '/whosonline.sql', true ) );
return true;
How exactly should it be done?
BTW, I'm using Mediawiki 1.28.0.
From the page you linked (Working with Request Contexts > When using hooks): If your hook provides an OutputPage as an argument make use of the context provided by it. BeforePageDisplay does provide an OutputPage, so just use its getUser() method.

CakePHP 3 - call object from other helper

I'm actually working on a Helper for CakePHP3 that include BsHelper and then the BsFormHelper.
Actually everything looks good, no problem with Bootstrap formats.
I try now to create a ckEditor instance, but I meet some several problems.
If i try to call my ckEditor like this :
I just have some problems because the function ckEditor is in my BsFormHelper, and load function is in BsHelper. So when i try to access private var to know if i had to load ckEditor i got that issue :
Error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object
File C:\wamp3\www\wac_lucien\BsHelpersCakePHP3\3.2\plugins\BsHelpers\src\View\Helper\BsFormHelper.php
So in fact I know where is the issue :
In BsFormHelper my fonction looks like :
public function ckEditor($fieldName, $options = array(), $ckEditorOptions = array()) {
$options['type'] = 'textarea';
$out = $this->input($fieldName, $options);
// If there is a point in the fieldName
if (strpos($fieldName, '.') !== false) {
$nameForReplace = Inflector::camelize(Inflector::slug($fieldName));
} else {
$nameForReplace = $this->_modelForm . Inflector::camelize($fieldName);
$this->Bs->loadJS('CKEDITOR.replace("' . $nameForReplace . '", ' . json_encode($ckEditorOptions) . ');', true);
return $out;
And in my BsHelper i got :
public function load($key) {
if (!$this->__extensions[$key]['loaded']) {
foreach ($this->__extensions[$key]['css'] as $css) {
foreach ($this->__extensions[$key]['js'] as $js) {
$this->__extensions[$key]['loaded'] = true;
return $this->__extensions[$key]['loaded'];
Values are in declaration like this
public $__extensions = array(
'jasny' => array(
'css' => array(
'js' => array(
'loaded' => true
'ckeditor' => array(
'css' => array(),
'js' => array(
'loaded' => true
Can someone help me to find out ? It looks like load function called in BsFormHelper can't access privates vars from BsHelper ...
seems you are just trying to use a helper in another helper
The manual says
You may wish to use some functionality already existing in another
helper. To do so, you can specify helpers you wish to use with a
$helpers array, formatted just as you would in a controller:
So in your BsFormHelper just do
public $helpers = ['Bs'];
and you're done


Hi everyone I need help with this problem. I am programming an application using php with laravel framework. My current laravel framework version is 4.2.11
I have this route to handle POST & GET actions
Route::any("/myaccount2/ausersave/{code?}", array("as" => "ausersave",
"uses" => "PrivateController#ausersave"))->before('auth_admin');
When I use Get action with mydomain/myaccount2/ausersave/90
I get list all data ok. But when I post all data to save the url change to mydomain/myaccount2/ausersave (parameter 90 is missing)
I guest this change is before the data is saved because the {code?} or 90 parameter is missing.
So I was looking for a function that allowed my application to post data and keeps the old url (mydomain/myaccount2/ausersave/90)
I find this function Redirect::back() but some post don't recommend to use it
I will apreciate your help. Thanks
My controller function is:
public function ausersave($code = 'null') {
$messg = null;
if(Input::get("userid") != null && Input::get("personid") != null) {
return View::make('PrivateController.ausersave', array('message' =>'Ok',
'user' => null, 'children' => null));
else if(isset($code)) {
return View::make('PrivateController.ausersave',
$this->ausersaveGet($code) );
return View::make('PrivateController.ausersave',
array('message' => '', 'user' => null,
'children' => null));
$this->ausersaveGet($code) -> this function bring me data form database and return me an array with thosse values array('message' => '', 'user' => $user, 'children' => $children); where user has info about user and children is an array of data. All this data return ok.
I would try taking the the ? out of the route parameter. i.e. change this:
Route::any("/myaccount2/ausersave/{code?}", array(......
to this:
Route::any("/myaccount2/ausersave/{code}", array(......

Difference between Controller and Model in MVC

I'm little confused about controller and model in MVC framework (codeIgniter). Its clear to me that controller methods calls the views and Model methods interact with database.
However, I'm little confused about the following types of methods, which are called by methods in a controller.
hash_password //returns hash password.
valid_email //validates email format and return true or false
is_logged //check if session has a variable, returns true or false
generate_random_string //generates and hashes a random string
Should they be placed in controller or in a model?
Currently I place all of the above functions in a controller. Is it correct?
I think the is_logged should be placed in the Model for User. Note that the User might be a customer in your case or any class that you have made to model a user of your service.
The valid_email and generate_random_string are more or less utility functions, which you can place in a Utility or Utilities model, so that these are reusable in various controllers in your application.
The hash_password, can be placed in either the User model or Utility model. I am more tempted to place it in Utility model, since its a hashing function and there is nothing the user cares about. However, I can imagine there can be argument(s) otherwise.
The following SO question (though for a different framework) can also serve as a rule of thumb:
Where to put custom functions in Zend Framework 1.10
generally controllers are used to determine how to handle the http requests made..
There's nothing wrong in creating some functions which directly respond to the http requests.
but if it has anything to do with the DB, its better to place those function in the model, and call them from the controller.
Controller should combine view with model, so every validation shoulde be placed in model
this is my example from kohana
* User Controller
class Controller_Admin_User extends Controller_Admin_Template {
public function action_index()
$this->template->body = View::factory('admin/user/index')
->set('i', 0)
->bind('users', $users)
->bind('groups', $groups)
->bind('id_user_group', $id_user_group);
$model_user = new Model_Admin_User;
$users = $model_user->get_users(Arr::get($_GET, 'sort'), Arr::get($_GET, 'order'));
$model_usergroup = new Model_Admin_Usergroup;
$groups = $model_usergroup->get_user_group();
public function action_add()
$this->template->body = View::factory('admin/user/form_add')
->bind('error', $error)
->bind('groups', $groups)
->bind('post', $post);
$model_usergroup = new Model_Admin_Usergroup;
$groups = $model_usergroup->get_user_group();
$model_user = new Model_Admin_User;
if($model_user->save($_POST) == false)
$error = $model_user->error;
$post = $_POST;
class Model_Back_User extends Model {
private $qb;
public $aliases = array(
'id'=> 'id_user'
public $error = array(
'name' => null,
'surname' => null,
'login' => null,
'password' => null,
'id_user_group' => null,
'old_password' => null,
'new_password' => null,
'confirm' => null,
'email' => null,
'phone' => null,
private $rules = array(
'name' => array('not_empty' => null, 'alpha' => null),
'surname' => array('not_empty' => null, 'alpha' => null),
'login' => array('not_empty' => null),
'password' => array('not_empty' => null),
'id_user_group' => array('not_empty' => null),
'email' => array('not_empty' => null, 'email' => null),
'phone' => array('not_empty' => null),
'old_password' => array('not_empty' => null),
'new_password' => array('not_empty' => null),
'confirm' => array('matches' => array('new_password'))
public function __construct()
$this->qb = new Querybuilder;
public function change_password($data)
$validate = Validate::factory($data)
->filter(true, 'trim')
->rules('old_password', $this->rules['old_password'])
->rules('new_password', $this->rules['new_password'])
->rules('confirm', $this->rules['confirm'])
->callback('old_password', array($this, 'password_exists'), array('id_user'=> $data['id_user']));
if($validate->check() == false)
$this->error = array_merge($this->error, $validate->errors('user'));
return false;
$u = Session::instance()->get('user');
$this->edit(array('password'=> $this->password($data['new_password'])), array('id_user'=> $u['id_user']));
return true;
public function password_exists(Validate $valid, $field, $param)
if($this->user_exists(array('password'=> $this->password($valid[$field]), 'id_user'=> $param['id_user'])) == false)
$valid->error($field, 'old password is incorrect', array($valid[$field]));
public function save($data)
$validate = Validate::factory($data)
->filter(true, 'trim')
->rules('name', $this->rules['name'])
->rules('surname', $this->rules['surname'])
->rules('user_group_id', $this->rules['id_user_group'])
->rules('email', $this->rules['email'])
->rules('phone', $this->rules['phone']);
$edit = false;
if(isset($data['id_user']) AND Validate::not_empty($data['id_user']))
$edit = true;
$validate->rules('login', $this->rules['login'])
->rules('password', $this->rules['password']);
if($validate->check() == false)
$this->error = array_merge($this->error, $validate->errors('user'));
return false;
if($edit == true)
'name' => $data['name'],
'user_group_id' => $data['user_group_id']
'id_user'=> $data['id_user']
return true;
return $this->add(
'name' => $data['name'],
'login' => $data['login'],
'password' => $data['password'],
'user_group_id' => $data['user_group_id']
protected function add($data)
$data['password'] = $this->password($data['password']);
return $this->_db->query(Database::INSERT,
View is not so important thats why i dont put this here.
Generally speaking - a model should know stuff about it's own data. So anything related purely to a model's own data - should go in the model.
Eg the hash_password and email-validation methods - a model should know how to validate or update it's own data-fields, so those should go in the model.
However a controller should know about how to direct user actions appropriately and to load the correct models for views etc.
EG the session-related method should go in the controller, because the session is used for storing the user's state (based on past actions).
The "generate random string" method is very vague and may be used everywhere. I'd put that in a separate library possibly included in the model/controller as appropriate.
I've been using Codeigniter for a long time and I'd do the following with your functions as far as placement goes:
hash_password //returns hash password.
I'd put something like a password hasher in a library or helper file so I could call it from my controller like:
// pretend library I'd make for tasks like hashing etc
// transform posted password into it's hashed version
$password = $this->password_library->hash_password($this->input->post('password'));
I'm assuming you want to hash/salt the password and store it in your database in that example
valid_email //validates email format and return true or false
This is already in form_validation, so...
is_logged //check if session has a variable, returns true or false
This should also connect to a authentication library
generate_random_string //generates and hashes a random string
Again, this would come from a library or helper.
Me, I use models exclusively for in/out on the database. All my queries go in there. I usually have my model's functions return data objects so I can loop through them in my views.
Controllers call your data from your models, then dump everything into your views. Outside functionality always goes into libraries and helpers. I like to do the "MY_library" and extend Codeigniter's own stuff - especially with forms and the html helper etc.
