How to deserialize Perl Data::Dumper output in PHP - php

I have a result of export variable in Perl like this string:
$VAR1 = {
'guard' => undef,
'work_hand' => undef,
'images' =>
{'1' =>
'mini_height' => 150,
'width' => 150,
'extension' => 'jpg',
'filename' => 'object_1.1330907414.96873.jpg',
'mini_width' => 150,
'class' => 'Ontico::Image',
'height' => 150,
'mini_filename' => '',
'size' => 26053,
'symname' => 'big_logo'
'2' =>
'width' => 48,
'extension' => 'jpg',
'alt' => 'Даниэле Галлоппа',
'height' => 48,
'mini_filename' => '',
'size' => 12809,
'symname' => 'logo',
'mini_height' => 150,
'filename' => 'object_91.1235312905.jpg',
'mini_width' => 150,
'class' => 'Ontico::Image'
'show_league_banner' => 0,
'back_hand' => undef,
'weight_category' => undef,
'stick_position' => undef
How can I deserialize this data in PHP?
P.S. I already have data in this format in DB, I cannot change it to json or another.

You've got a number of suggestions for trying to parse it one way or another, but the real question is why?
Why not just have a small Perl program that loads it, and spits out an equivalent JSON string.
You could then either call that Perl program from within your PHP to do the conversion; this would mean you are using Perl to read the Perl format, which would guarantee correct conversion.
Or (better yet) run it against your entire database in a batch, to get rid of the Perl-specific data format from the DB; then you can just use PHP's standard JSON functions.
That would then make life so much simpler in your PHP code (or in any other language you need to read the data with at a later date).

The obvious and only robust solution is to use Perl to deserialize and reserialize the input to a standard format. The Perl program that can accomplish this task does not need to be very large, either.
// receive input in Perl's Data::Dumper format and produce PHP object output
function perl_dd_to_php( $dd_output ) {
$process = proc_open( "perl -000 -MJSON -e 'print encode_json eval <>'",
array( array("pipe","r"), array("pipe","w") ),
$pipes );
fwrite($pipes[0], $dd_output );
$json_string = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
return json_decode($json_string);

Since it's not JSON but it looks like JSON, you could try to modify a JSON library to work with that format. I took this JSON library, replaced : with => and added undef as you can see here (lines 496, 671 and 681). It's pretty straightforward, really, and I assume you can work around other differences in a similar manner.
Result is:
stdClass Object
[guard] =>
[work_hand] =>
[images] => stdClass Object
[1] => stdClass Object
[mini_height] => 150
[width] => 150
[extension] => jpg
[filename] => object_1.1330907414.96873.jpg
[mini_width] => 150
[class] => Ontico::Image
[height] => 150
[mini_filename] =>
[size] => 26053
[symname] => big_logo
[2] => stdClass Object
[width] => 48
[extension] => jpg
[alt] => Даниэле Галлоппа
[height] => 48
[mini_filename] =>
[size] => 12809
[symname] => logo
[mini_height] => 150
[filename] => object_91.1235312905.jpg
[mini_width] => 150
[class] => Ontico::Image
[show_league_banner] => 0
[back_hand] =>
[weight_category] =>
[stick_position] =>
Is that what you're looking for?

use JSON;
(or any other data interchange format like XML)
JSON documentation and examples are available at CPAN

If you can change the Perl code, then do as amon suggests and use some standard serialization format like JSON or XML or YAML that you can deserialize in PHP.
You could even make Perl output PHP's native serialization format if you really wanted to, although I wouldn't generally recommend that. (What about when you next want to deserialize the same data in, say, Python?)
If you can't change the Perl code, you'll just have to bite the bullet and try to parse the Data::Dumper output in PHP. I couldn't find any existing code to do that, so it looks like you may have to write your own. This could be job for a parser generator, although the format is (usually) simple enough that you might be able to just hand-code it.
Edit: Since you say that you have this serialized data in a database, why not just write a Perl program to read the data and convert it to a more standard serialization format like JSON?

Since you stated you cannot change format:
I don't like using eval, but because your syntax is so close to the expected PHP array syntax, I think we can let it slide.
Set $string equal to the contents from your database that fits the format below. See below for a working example using the data you provided. At the end of the day, PHP will set the variable at the beginning of your perl var to the new parsed array.
Since it is going to be a textblock/large string, do:
$string = "\$VAR1 = {
'guard' => undef,
'work_hand' => undef,
'images' =>
{'1' =>
'mini_height' => 150,
... // truncated for readability
$res = str_replace(array("{", "}", 'undef'), array("array(", ")", "''"), $string);
Your result is:
[guard] =>
[work_hand] =>
[images] => Array
[1] => Array
[mini_height] => 150 ...
Note: I would suggest you take the time now to retrofit and upgrade your database content to a more standard format simply for the fact that it will be easier to maintain in the future.
You can loop through your database, grab all the contents row by row, at which point you run the data into the function above, and wrap it in json_encode() and update your database row with the new JSON string. This will save you a headache in the future and allow you to update all your data for the new standard.


How to convert Perl generated string(Object) into JSON using PHP?

I created a REST API using Laravel (Lumen). Basically I'm taking some values from database and need to do some functions. Here's the problem.
There's a field called web_data in my result set. It's Perl code. This is how it looks when I query the database using normal SQL editor like phpmyadmin and workbench.
{"caption" => "Genes (Comprehensive set from GENCODE 26)","colour_key" => "[biotype]","default" => {"MultiBottom" => "collapsed_label","MultiTop" => "gene_label","alignsliceviewbottom" => "as_collapsed_label","contigviewbottom" => "transcript_label","contigviewtop" => "gene_label","cytoview" => "gene_label"},"key" => "ensembl","label_key" => "[biotype]","multi_name" => "GENCODE 26 Comprehensive gene set","name" => "Comprehensive Gene Annotations from GENCODE 26"}
It's very clear and nothing wrong. But when I get the same result via my REST API, I'm getting the following output. It has many "\" symbols. Here's that output.
{\"caption\" => \"Genes (Comprehensive set from GENCODE 26)\",\"colour_key\" => \"[biotype]\",\"default\" => {\"MultiBottom\" => \"collapsed_label\",\"MultiTop\" => \"gene_label\",\"alignsliceviewbottom\" => \"as_collapsed_label\",\"contigviewbottom\" => \"transcript_label\",\"contigviewtop\" => \"gene_label\",\"cytoview\" => \"gene_label\"},\"key\" => \"ensembl\",\"label_key\" => \"[biotype]\",\"multi_name\" => \"GENCODE 26 Comprehensive gene set\",\"name\" => \"Comprehensive Gene Annotations from GENCODE 26\"}
Can you please tell me what's the reason for this? Is this an issue with PHP or something like that ?
And also I have another issue. This is Perl code containing "=>" symbols to seperate values. I need to convert this into a JSON object using PHP. Is that possible ?
Need to convert like following object.
{ "caption" : "Genes (Comprehensive set from GENCODE 26)", "colour_key" : "[biotype]", "default" : { "MultiBottom" : "collapsed_label" ...
This is the php code i'm using to create the REST output using SQL data.
public function testDualDatabaseConnection()
$testGene = DB::connection('mysql2')->select('select a.analysis_id, logic_name, ad.description, ad.display_label, ad.web_data FROM ( select distinct(analysis_id) as analysis_id from gene ) as a join analysis on (a.analysis_id = analysis.analysis_id) join analysis_description as ad on (analysis.analysis_id = ad.analysis_id) where ad.displayable = :wow1', ['wow1' => "1"]);
return response()->json($testGene);
And also this is the full JSON output i'm getting via REST API.
In this response, you can see "web_data", that's also the part I need to convert to JSON again.
If on the off chance you really do have
{\"caption\" => \"Genes ...\", ...}
Then you have a JSON fragment, and the first you thing you need to do is turn it into a complete JSON document so it can be decoded.
$json_fragment_from_api = '{\"caption\" => \"Genes ...\", ...}';
$json_from_api = '{"result":"' . $json_fragment_from_api . '"}';
$response = json_decode($json_from_api, true);
$perl_code = $response["result"];
That said, I think it's far more likely that you only showed a portion of your actual input. You're far more likely to have received something that looks more like
{ "result": "{\"caption\" => \"Genes ...\", ...}" }
Since you already have a complete JSON document, simply start by decoding it.
$json_from_api = '{ "result": "{\"caption\" => \"Genes ...\", ...}" }';
$response = json_decode($json_from_api, true);
$perl_code = $response["result"];
At this point, you have the value from the database.
{"caption" => "Genes ...", ...}
That value is Perl code. More specifically, it's surely Perl code that was produced by Data::Dumper. This is going to be hard to convert into JSON.
You could use the following, but it won't handle everything:
$desired_json = str_replace(' =>', ':', $perl_code);
Here are some things it won't handle:
Undefined values
Strings containing =>
Strings containing $
Strings containing #
Strings containing non-ASCII or some non-printable characters.
As shown here:
$ perl -e'
use feature qw( say );
use Data::Dumper qw( Dumper );
local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
say(Dumper({ x => undef }));
say(Dumper({ x => " => " }));
say(Dumper({ x => q{$} }));
say(Dumper({ x => q{#} }));
say(Dumper({ x => "\x7F" }));
{"x" => undef} # Gives {"x": undef} instead of {"x": null}
{"x" => " => "} # Gives {"x": ": "} instead of {"x": " => "}
{"x" => "\$"} # Gives {"x": "\$"} instead of {"x": "$"}
{"x" => "\#"} # Gives {"x": "\#"} instead of {"x": "#"}
{"x" => "\177"} # Gives {"x": "\177"} instead of {"x": "\u007f"}
Not sure where that escaping happens (if you can, give some more details)
But, try to replace => with : and \" with " and you'll have yourself a valid json.
$string = '{\"caption\" => \"Genes (Comprehensive set from GENCODE 26)\",\"colour_key\" => \"[biotype]\",\"default\" => {\"MultiBottom\" => \"collapsed_label\",\"MultiTop\" => \"gene_label\",\"alignsliceviewbottom\" => \"as_collapsed_label\",\"contigviewbottom\" => \"transcript_label\",\"contigviewtop\" => \"gene_label\",\"cytoview\" => \"gene_label\"},\"key\" => \"ensembl\",\"label_key\" => \"[biotype]\",\"multi_name\" => \"GENCODE 26 Comprehensive gene set\",\"name\" => \"Comprehensive Gene Annotations from GENCODE 26\"}';
$string = str_replace('\"','"', $string);
$string = str_replace('=>',':', $string);
$json = json_decode($string, true);
You can check it out here:
Apparently this answer got more hate than i'd expect. Nevertheless, it did help OP and i'm sticking by it. In the end, this is what SO stands for.
I would like to know though... why so many downvotes? I do take constructive criticism well and would like to know how to improve future answers.

Using PHP array retrieved from REST service

Im looking to use a PHP array obtained from a RESTful service.
They array is just a simple array outputted as follows,
array (
0 =>
'id' => '375',
'primary_name' => 'Beaufort 3',
'price' => '',
'sqft' => '2435',
'bdrm' => '3',
'bthm' => '2.5',
'display_title' => 'Traditional A1',
'full_img_path' => '',
'thumb_path' => '',
'available_in' => 'a:2:{i:0;s:1:"2";i:1;s:1:"5";}',
'display_first' => '',
I'm obtaining the data using file_get_contents but of course its no longer an array at this point. What is the best way to convert this back to a usable array?
I have never seen a service that provides this, probably because it is something people would avoid using, but it does look like it could be something they intend for you to be able to use with eval(). I suppose this could be intended as a convenience. I think they have made an error, though. If you use var_export, (which I assume is how this was generated) on an array like this:
$example = array (
'id' => '375',
'primary_name' => 'Beaufort 3',
'price' => '',
'sqft' => '2435',
'bdrm' => '3',
'bthm' => '2.5',
'display_title' => 'Traditional A1',
'full_img_path' => '',
'thumb_path' => '',
'available_in' => 'a:2:{i:0;s:1:"2";i:1;s:1:"5";}',
'display_first' => '',
then you would get something you could eval into a variable and use in your code. However, if you var_export an array of anonymous objects instead of an array of associative arrays, you will get the type of response you are getting, which I don't know of any way to use. I would guess they are var_exporting the results of a query and they are using FETCH_OBJ instead of FETCH_ASSOC for the fetch style.
I was looking through the comments on var_export after writing this and came across this way of doing it that should work.
$str = str_replace("stdClass::__set_state", "(object)", $str);
eval('$array=' . $str . ';');
But just because something is possible doesn't mean we should do it.
You can convert it back into an array with eval().
However, this can be dangerous, because eval will take any PHP code given it - if the service is compromised, your code would execute anything passed to it. JSON, if the service supports it, is much safer and natively supported in PHP since 5.2 via json_decode().

Mongodb php compound query returns nothing

I have the following array:
[] => 44
[data.xp] => Array
[$gte] => 100
[$lte] => 500
[] => Array
[$gte] => 200
[$lte] => 1000
When issuing this array to find it returns NULL.
Am I doing something wrong, I formated it according to this page, here:
So basically, if I have
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE = 44 AND data.xp >= 100 AND data.xp <= 500 AND >= 200 AND <= 1000
This query when run in the console gives exactly 4 results.
Here is the query:
{$and:[{"":44}, {"data.xp": {$gt:100, $lt:500}}, {"": {$gt:200, $lt:1000}}]}
My array should work, but hey, it does not, please point me to what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you!
The query on MongoDB PHP should be formatted like this:
'' => 44,
'data.xp' => array(
'$gt' => 100,
'$lt' => 500
'' => array(
'$gt' => 200,
'$lt' => 1000
By doing json_encode() on two version of arrays, both at first sight seem identical, but as you will see, they are not, I discovered the "bug".
Both array's look like so:
'' => 44,
'data.xp' => array(
'$gt' => 100,
'$lt' => 500
'' => array(
'$gt' => 200,
'$lt' => 1000
One was hardcoded the other was dynamically built, but both json encoded were different, here they are:
The first array had the values as string, but couldn't see that on a regular print_r or a var_dump, so what I did was a force cast on the values and ... it WORKED :)
Thank you all guys for your effort and interest!
First of all it is really bad to use . or $ symbols in a keys name (and I actually thought that this is illegal ). This is because dot operator is used to access subdocuments.
So the first thing is to change that. The second thing is that you do not need $and there. So if you want to find the document, which has a = 1 and b = 2, then you do not need to do {$and : .... } all you need to do is {a : 1, b : 2}

DynamoDB query using search key conditions throwing an odd exception (using PHP)

I'm querying a DynamoDB table using the method described here in the AWS PHP developer guide.
The array that I pass to the Dynamo connection looks like the following:
[ConsistentRead] => false
[TableName] => bbq_lol_test
[KeyConditions] => Array(
[stinky_cheese] => Array(
[ComparisonOperator] => EQ
[AttributeValueList] => Array(
[S] => camembert)
As you can see, it's in the exact format that the example uses, with the exception of the Type enum (which is just a string).
When executing $connection->query with the above array as an argument, I get the following exception:
Validation errors: [KeyConditions][stinky_cheese][AttributeValueList][S][AttributeValue] must be of type object
Which is odd, because the array in the stack trace appears to be fine:
Aws/Common/Client/AbstractClient.php(103): Guzzle\Service\Client->__call("Query", array(array("ConsistentRead" => false, "TableName" => "bbq_lol_test", "KeyConditions" => array("stinky_cheese" => array("ComparisonOperator" => "EQ", "AttributeValueList" => array("S" => "camembert"))))))
I DO have an index on the stinky_cheese field (since I'm using query). I'm probably doing something daft, but I can't seem to figure it out now. Any help would be appreciated - thanks!
There were two problems.
First, AttributeValueList should be an array of arrays, not a single array, going from this:
[AttributeValueList] => Array([S] => camembert)
To this:
[AttributeValueList] => Array(Array([S] => camembert))
Since it's possible to add more stuff in there, like so:
[AttributeValueList] => Array(Array([S] => camembert), Array([S] => bleu))
The second problem was that I always have to query using the primary hash key, which I was not doing.

how to bring txt file with array() in it into flash as an array?

I have a file I am saving out in php that is just a txt file that has an array in it like this:
array (
0 =>
array (
'key' => 0,
'cropBounds' =>
array (
'x' => 73,
'y' => 111,
'bottom' => 269,
'width' => 176,
'height' => 158,
'top' => 111,
'topLeft' =>
array (
'cropBounds' => 73,
'x' => 111,
'bottomRight' =>
array (
'cropBounds' => 249,
'x' => 269,
'size' =>
array (
'cropBounds' => 176,
'x' => 158,
'left' => 73,
'right' => 249,
Then I am trying to bring it back into flash as an array. I have tried things like "as array" but that doesn't work. Can someone point me in the right direction for converting this "string" from a txt file into an array in flash?
You're making this a bigger task then it needs to be. There is not a "simple" way to do what you are asking. Basically you would need to parse the string and build the arrays in AS3 yourself. Probably more complicated then you want to tackle.
An alternative solution is to use a separate data-interchange format that both PHP and AS3 can use. The two best examples are XML or JSON. Both AS3 and PHP have native XML support, PHP has native JSON support too, and this library makes it easy in AS3. I would highly recommend going either of these two routes.
In PHP, you could easily convert the array from your text file to JSON which AS3 could read and use. I'd recommend this. A simple PHP script could even do it dynamically for you.
Good luck!
