Compare a symbol from multibyte string with one in ASCII - php

I want to detect a space or a hyphen in a multibyte string.
At first I splitting a string into array of chars
$chrArray = preg_split('//u', $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
Then I try to compare those symbols with a hyphen or a space
foreach ($chrArray as $char) {
if ($char == '-' || $char == ' ') {
// Do something
Oh, this one doesn't work. Ok, why? Maybe because those symbols in ASCII?
echo mb_detect_encoding('-'); // ASCII
Okay, I'll try to handle it.
$encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str); // UTF-8
$dash = mb_convert_encoding('-', $encoding);
$space = mb_convert_encoding(' ', $encoding);
Oh, but it doesn't work too. Wait a second...
echo mb_detect_encoding($dash); // ASCII
!!! What's happening??? How could I do what I want?

I've come to using regexes. This one
"/(?<=-| |^)([\w]*)/u"
finds all words in unicode that have either a hyphen, or a space, or nothing (first in a line) at previous position. Instead of iterating chars array I'm using the preg_replace_callback (in PHP >= 5.4.1 the mb_ereg_replace_callback can be used).


Splitting digits and latin letters from a string

Currently I have an array something like this
[0] => IS-001 開花した才能「篠ノ之 箒」
From this, I would like to extract only the IS-001 part and leave the Japanese character behind to something like this
[0] => 開花した才能「篠ノ之 箒」
Normal preg_split I am using currently only for white space but it seems like having some issue on the 箒」 character to fall into next array. So I decided if only I can split those non Japanese characters out?
Try this
echo preg_replace('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+/u','','IS-001 開花した才能「篠ノ之 箒」');
^ assert position at start of the string
[a-zA-Z0-9\-_] match a single character present in the list
+ Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed
u modifier unicode: Pattern strings are treated as UTF-16.
A solution to this is by using multibyte string functions.
So $char = substr($str, $i, 1); will become $char = mb_substr($str, $i, 1, 'UTF-8'); and strlen($str) will become mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-8').
$str="IS-001 開花した才能「篠ノ之 箒」";
$japanese = preg_replace(array('/[^\p{Han}?]/u', '/(\s)+/'), array('', '$1'), $str);
echo $japanese;
Remove latin letters and digits from string
$res = preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/', '', $str);
echo $res;
If your string is the same in all your cases, you can use explode with limit parameter :
$string = 'IS-001 開花した才能「篠ノ之 箒」';
$array = explode(' ', $string, 2);
echo $array[1];

ucwords not capitalizing accented letters

I have a string with all letters capitalized. I'm using the ucwords() and the mb_strtolower() functions to capitalize only the first letter of a string. But I'm having some problems when the first letter of a word have a accent. For example:
ucwords(mb_strtolower('GRANDE ÁRVORE')); //outputs 'Grande árvore'
Why the first letter of the second word is not being capitalized? What can I do to solve this?
ucwords is one of the core PHP functions which is blissfully oblivious to non-ASCII or non-Latin-1 encodings.* For handling multibyte strings and/or non-ASCII strings, you should use the multibyte aware mb_convert_case:
mb_convert_case($str, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8')
// your string encoding here --------^^^^^^^
* I'm not entirely sure whether it works only with ASCII or at least with Latin-1, but I wouldn't even bother to find out.
If you're looking to only capitalize the first letter only, here's a way to achieve it :
$s = "économie collégiale"
mb_strtoupper( mb_substr( $s, 0, 1 )) . mb_substr( $s, 1 )
// output : Économie collégiale
ucwords doesn't recognize the accented character. Try using mb_convert_case.
function ucwords_accent($string)
if (mb_detect_encoding($string) != 'UTF-8') {
$string = mb_convert_case(utf8_encode($string), MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8');
} else {
$string = mb_convert_case($string, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8');
return $string;
echo ucwords_accent($str);

Regex to match string with and without special/accented characters?

Is there a regular expression to match a specific string with and without special characters? Special characters-insensitive, so to speak.
Like céra will match cera, and vice versa.
Any ideas?
Edit: I want to match specific strings with and without special/accented characters. Not just any string/character.
Test example:
$clientName = 'céra';
$this->search = 'cera';
$compareClientName = strtolower(iconv('utf-8', 'ascii//TRANSLIT', $clientName));
$this->search = strtolower($this->search);
if (strpos($compareClientName, $this->search) !== false)
$clientName = preg_replace('/(.*?)('.$this->search.')(.*?)/iu', '$1<span class="highlight">$2</span>$3', $clientName);
Output: <span class="highlight">céra</span>
As you can see, I want to highlight the specific search string. However, I still want to display the original (accented) characters of the matched string.
I'll have to combine this with Michael Sivolobov's answer somehow, I guess.
I think I'll have to work with a separate preg_match() and preg_replace(), right?
You can use the \p{L} pattern to match any letter.
You have to use the u modifier after the regular expression to enable unicode mode.
Example : /\p{L}+/u
Edit :
Try something like this. It should replace every letter with an accent to a search pattern containing the accented letter (both single character and unicode dual) and the unaccented letter. You can then use the corrected search pattern to highlight your text.
function mbStringToArray($string)
$strlen = mb_strlen($string);
$array[] = mb_substr($string, 0, 1, "UTF-8");
$string = mb_substr($string, 1, $strlen, "UTF-8");
$strlen = mb_strlen($string);
return $array;
// I had to use this ugly function to remove accents as iconv didn't work properly on my test server.
function stripAccents($stripAccents){
return utf8_encode(strtr(utf8_decode($stripAccents),utf8_decode('àáâãäçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöùúûüýÿÀÁÂÃÄÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝ'),'aaaaaceeeeiiiinooooouuuuyyAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOUUUUY'));
$clientName = 'céra';
$clientNameNoAccent = stripAccents($clientName);
$clientNameArray = mbStringToArray($clientName);
foreach($clientNameArray as $pos => &$char)
$charNA =$clientNameNoAccent[$pos];
if($char != $charNA)
$char = "(?:$char|$charNA|$charNA\p{M})";
$clientSearchPattern = implode($clientNameArray); // c(?:é|e|e\p{M})ra
$text = 'the client name is Céra but it could be Cera or céra too.';
$search = preg_replace('/(.*?)(' . $clientSearchPattern . ')(.*?)/iu', '$1<span class="highlight">$2</span>$3', $text);
echo $search; // the client name is <span class="highlight">Céra</span> but it could be <span class="highlight">Cera</span> or <span class="highlight">céra</span> too.
If you want to know is there some accent or another mark on some letter you can check it by matching pattern \p{M}
You need to convert all your accented letters in pattern to group of alternatives:
E.g. céra -> c(?:é|e|e\p{M})ra
Why did I add e\p{M}? Because your letter é can be one character in Unicode and can be combination of two characters (e and grave accent). e\p{M} matches e with grave accents (two separate Unicode characters)
As you convert your pattern to match all characters you can use it in your preg_match
As you marked in one of the comments, you don't need a regular expression for that as the goal is to find specific strings. Why don't you use explode? Like that:
$clientName = 'céra';
$this->search = 'cera';
$compareClientName = strtolower(iconv('utf-8', 'ascii//TRANSLIT', $clientName));
$this->search = strtolower($this->search);
$pieces = explode($compareClientName, $this->search);
if (count($pieces) > 1)
$clientName = implode('<span class="highlight">'.$clientName.'</span>', $pieces);
If your $search variable may contain special characters too, why don'y you translit it, and use mb_strpos with $offset? like this:
$offset = 0;
$highlighted = '';
$len = mb_strlen($compareClientName, 'UTF-8');
while(($pos = mb_strpos($this->search, $compareClientName, $offset, 'UTF-8')) !== -1) {
$highlighted .= mb_substr($this->search, $offset, $pos-$offset, 'UTF-8').
'<span class="highlight">'.
mb_substr($this->search, $pos, $len, 'UTF-8').'</span>';
$offset = $pos + $len;
$highlighted .= mb_substr($this->search, $offset, 'UTF-8');
Update 2:
It is important to use mb_ functions with instead of simple strlen etc. This is because accented characters are stored using two or more bytes; Also always make sure that you use the right encoding, take a look at this for example:
echo strlen('é');
> 2
echo mb_strlen('é');
> 2
echo mb_internal_encoding();
> ISO-8859-1
echo mb_strlen('é', 'UTF-8');
> 1
echo mb_strlen('é');
> 1
As you can see here, POSIX equivalence class is for matching characters with the same collating order that can be done by below regex:
This will match á and ä as well as a depending on your locale.

Unicode (UTF8) string word count in PHP

I need to have the word count of the following unicode string. Using str_word_count:
$input = 'Hello, chào buổi sáng';
$count = str_word_count($input);
echo $count;
the result is
which is aparentley wrong.
How to get the desired result (4)?
$tags = 'Hello, chào buổi sáng';
$word = explode(' ', $tags);
echo count($word);
Here's a demo:
Here is a quick and dirty regex-based (using Unicode) word counting function:
function mb_count_words($string) {
preg_match_all('/[\pL\pN\pPd]+/u', $string, $matches);
return count($matches[0]);
A "word" is anything that contains one or more of:
Any alphabetic letter
Any digit
Any hyphen/dash
This would mean that the following contains 5 "words" (4 normal, 1 hyphenated):
echo mb_count_words('Hello, chào buổi sáng, chào-sáng');
Now, this function is not well suited for very large texts; though it should be able to handle most of what counts as a block of text on the internet. This is because preg_match_all needs to build and populate a big array only to throw it away once counted (it is very inefficient). A more efficient way of counting would be to go through the text character by character, identifying unicode whitespace sequences, and incrementing an auxiliary variable. It would not be that difficult, but it is tedious and takes time.
You may use this function to count unicode words in given string:
function count_unicode_words( $unicode_string ){
// First remove all the punctuation marks & digits
$unicode_string = preg_replace('/[[:punct:][:digit:]]/', '', $unicode_string);
// Now replace all the whitespaces (tabs, new lines, multiple spaces) by single space
$unicode_string = preg_replace('/[[:space:]]/', ' ', $unicode_string);
// The words are now separated by single spaces and can be splitted to an array
// I have included \n\r\t here as well, but only space will also suffice
$words_array = preg_split( "/[\n\r\t ]+/", $unicode_string, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
// Now we can get the word count by counting array elments
return count($words_array);
All credits go to the author.
I'm using this code to count word. You can try this
$s = 'Hello, chào buổi sáng';
$s1 = array_map('trim', explode(' ', $s));
$s2 = array_filter($s1, function($value) { return $value !== ''; });
echo count($s2);

Condensed function to strip double letters away from a string (PHP)

I need to take every double letter occurrence away from a word. (I.E. "attached" have to become: "aached".)
I wrote this function:
function strip_doubles($string, $positions) {
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
$stripped_word[] = $string[$i];
foreach($positions['word'] as $position) {
unset($stripped_word[$position], $stripped_word[$position + 1]);
$returned_string= "";
foreach($stripped_words $key => $value) {
$returned_string.= $stripped_words[$key];
return $returned_string;
where $string is the word to be stripped and $positions is an array containing the positions of any first double letter.
It perfectly works but how would a real programmer write the same function... in a more condensed way? I have a feeling it could be possible to do the same thing without three loops and so much code.
Non-regex solution, tested:
$string = 'attached';
$stripped = '';
for ($i=0,$l=strlen($string);$i<$l;$i++) {
$matched = '';
// if current char is the same as the next, skip it
while (substr($string, $i, 1)==substr($string, $i+1, 1)) {
$matched = substr($string, $i, 1);
// if current char is NOT the same as the matched char, append it
if (substr($string, $i, 1) != $matched) {
$stripped .= substr($string, $i, 1);
echo $stripped;
You should use a regular expression. It matches on certain characteristics and can replace the matched occurences with some other string(s).
Something like
$result = preg_replace('#([a-zA-Z]{1})\1#i', '', $string);
Should work. It tells the regexp to match one character from a-z followed by the match itself, thus effectively two identical characters after each other. The # mark the start and end of the regexp. If you want more characters than just a-z and A-Z, you could use other identifiers like [a-ZA-Z0-9]{1} or for any character .{1} or for only Unicode characters (including combined characters), use \p{L}\p{M}*
The i flag after the last # means 'case insensitive' and will instruct the regexp to also match combinations with different cases, like 'tT'. If you want only combinations in the same case, so 'tt' and 'TT', then remove the 'i' from the flags.
The '' tells the regexp to replace the matched occurences (the two identical characters) with an empty string.
See and
