I'm using this URL to retrieve facebook feed of certain user:
and then getting all the photos by searching for type "photo"
and searching for type "status" or "link" and take the "message" of them.
the problem is that some of the result are posts that the user posts on closed group or something else that is private and not shows on the user public wall. it also return posts that other users wrote on his wall.
and the question is:
what i need to change there so that the returned results will include only(!) pictures that the user uploaded or taged on then, links that the user posted and statuses that the user posted on his public wall... and nothing else...???
this is part on my code that handle all of this:
$graph_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/" . $facebook_id . "/feed?access_token=" . $facebook_at;
$facebook_feeds = json_decode(file_get_contents($graph_url),true);
$facebook_feeds = $facebook_feeds['data'];
$fbIndex = 0;
foreach ($facebook_feeds as $facebook_feed)
$feed = new Feed();
$feed->network = 'facebook';
$feed->type = $facebook_feed['type'];
$feed->timestamp = strtotime($facebook_feed['created_time']);
if ( $feed->type == 'photo')
$feed->content = str_replace("_s.jpg", "_b.jpg", $facebook_feed['picture']);
else if (($feed->type == 'status' || $feed->type == 'link') && !empty($facebook_feed['message']))
$feed->content = $facebook_feed['message'];
$feeds[] = $feed;
if (++$fbIndex == 10)
and the question is: what i need to change there so that the returned results will include only(!) pictures that the user uploaded or taged on then, links that the user posted and statuses that the user posted on his public wall... and nothing else...???
You could see if the newly introduced feature of Field Expansion can help you with that;
Otherwise, the API does not allow much “filtering” – if you want more control in this regard, you might have to switch to FQL to get the data.
Currently I am working on a webpage where certain data from a database is being fetched and displayed to the user. This information is about certain project information and the lead partners of those projects. I want to implement a functionality where the user can click on a lead partner (link) and the link will redirect this user to another page (where the database information of all the organisations is on) BUT with a predefined search for only the organisations that are equal to the clicked lead partner link.
I found a solution on how to do this but the problem is that the solution (which i describe further below) isn't that good/efficient for multiple (128) organisations.. So the question is, do you know a better/more efficient solution to achieve this. To answer this question you probably also need some background information:
In the outputted database information (which is done in a table) there are several information columns/titles such as:
Project name
Organisations involved
Leader partner
Project website
And so on...
The fetching of the data is being done with a simple query where certain database columns have a specific identifier. For example, the project website columns is obviously a link, so in the query it is being done as follows: $SomeQueryVar = ("SELECT project_website as LINK FROM xxxx WHERE project_website ('$some_website') "); -- Just a short example to clarify things.
For the displaying, the data is being 'catched' like so:
echo "<tr>";
foreach($SomeQueryVar[$i] as $key=>$value){
echo "<td>";
if($key =='LINK' && $value != NULL){
$first = true;
foreach($b as $y){
echo ''."Project website".'';
$first = false;
if(!$first) break;
} else {
echo $value;
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
As you can see in the above code, certain database columns need other displaying as the rest. For example, links must be clickable instead of just being plain text. These 'exceptions' are being catched with the if $key ==, for the data that just needs regular displaying (plain text) there is the last else inserted that just echo's the $value.
So regarding the question, i found out that i can create redirection links using the ?SomePage on the projects page and using this 'added link value' on the organisations page to compare it. If the link is equal, then do the specific query. But it is probably easier to paste the code here:
The 'CATCHING' part
To catch a specific lead partner is also used an identifier in my query called ORG (which stands for organisation). So here is the code where i catch the organisations table:
if($key =='ORG' && $value != NULL){
$needle = array('Brainport','Development','BRAINPORT',
$needle2 = array('Casa','CASA', 'casa');
if (strpos_arr($value,$needle) !== false) {
echo '<a href="http://portal.e-ucare.eu/database/organisations/?a=brainport" >'.$value.'</a>';
if (strpos_arr($value,$needle2) !== false) {
echo '<a href="http://portal.e-ucare.eu/database/organisations/?a=casa" >'.$value.'</a>';
In the above code i just created it for 2 organisations (brainport and casa). For this solution i used a function called strpos_arr which searches for the needle in the haystack;) So in the code above i set the needles to the names in the database where it has to create a link for. So if for example a company with the word Brainport exists in the database, this 'catcher' will see this and display the organisation and make the name clickable.
The strpos_arr function for the $needle is as follows:
function strpos_arr($value, $needle) {
if(!is_array($needle)) $needle = array($needle);
foreach($needle as $what) {
if(($pos = strpos($value, $what))!==false) return $pos;
return false;
In the redirection page the code will also catch certain links to make queries for that link -- so for the brainport link this is http://portal.e-ucare.eu/database/organisations/?a=brainport -- in the second page code this link is catched like so:
if($host == 'portal.e-ucare.eu/database/organisations/?a=brainport')
$link_word = "Brainport";
$tmp = $wpdb->get_results("
name_of_company__organization, company_location,
company_website as LINK, organisation_type,
organisation_active_in_, organisation_scope,
organisation_files as DOC
name_of_company__organization REGEXP ('$link_word')
name_of_company__organization ASC
With this solution i can do what i want, BUT like i said in the beginning, i need this for not just 2 organisations but 128!! This would mean i have to copy the catching code blocks on both pages 128 times!! This is obviously not very efficient..
So is there any more efficient way to achieve this? Sorry if it is a bit unclear but i found it quite hard to easily wright this down;)
Anyway, thank you in advance!
The firts part you can rewrite to
if($key =='ORG' && $value != NULL){
$needles = array(
'casa'=>array('Casa','CASA', 'casa')
foreach($needles AS $nkey => $needle){
if(strpos_arr($value,$needle) !== false) {
echo "<a href='http://portal.e-ucare.eu/database/organisations/?a={$nkey}' >{$value}</a>";
For the second part make an array like
$link_words = array(
then you can use
$link_word = $link_words[$host];
$tmp = $wpdb->get_results("
name_of_company__organization, company_location, company_website as LINK, organisation_type, organisation_active_in_, organisation_scope, organisation_files as DOC
name_of_company__organization REGEXP ('$link_word')
name_of_company__organization ASC
I'm having a hard time using the "link shortening" service in the twitter API
I'm under the impression that a standard type of link should automatically become shortened and clickable when it passes through the API. Yet regardless of how I send the link through, its always as non-clickable text...never shortened, and always counting against the 140 limit.
When using the 1.1 api, how do we direct twitter to deal with URLs?
//this here is simply binary stuff uploaded and posted, using twitteroath library
$media = ss_get_image_binary($file_attachment_path);
$params = array(
'media[]' => "{$media};type=image/jpeg;filename={$file_attachment_path}",
$resource_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update_with_media.json';
the link part:
//I'm making my own hashtags, and counting post length stuff myself...
//the backlink variable here is just a typical http: link
$hashtags = ss_make_hastags($tags, $id);
$title = ss_twitter_status_format($image->post_title, $hashtags);
$backlink = get_permalink($id);
$params['status'] = $backlink . ' ' . $hashtags;
//lastly, everything is posted to twitter
$connection = ss_twitter_communication_setup();
$tweet = $connection->post($resource_url, $params);
The image and status are posting fine. The links never become "active" or clickable. And they count against the 140 limit.
one more thing --
This is the class that everything leads back to, setting up communication
$connection = new TwitterOAuth($cons_key, $cons_secret, $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
Found the problem:
LOCALHOST does not work.
I'm working on a small and simple code which basically does some tweets filtering. The problem is that I'm hitting the request limit of Twitter API and I would like to know if there is a workaround or if what I want to do just cannot be done.
First, I type a twitter username to retrieve the ID's of people this user follows.
$user_id = $_GET["username"];
$url_post = "http://api.twitter.com/1/friends/ids.json?cursor=-1&screen_name=" . urlencode($user_id);
$following = file_get_contents($url_post, true);
$json = json_decode($following);
$ids = $json->ids;
Twitter API responds with a list of ID's.
Here comes the problem. The next step is to make a request to find out username, profile picture and description for each one of those ID's.
$following = array();
foreach ($ids as $value)
$build_url = 'http://api.twitter.com/1/users/lookup.json?user_id=' . $value . '';
$following[] = $build_url;
foreach ($following as $url)
$data_names = file_get_contents($url, true); //getting the file content
$json_names = json_decode($data_names);
foreach ($json_names as $tweet) {
$name = $tweet->name;
$description = $tweet->description;
echo '<p>';
echo $name . '<br>';
echo $description;
echo '</p>';
If the user follows 50 people it works. But if he follows, let's say, 600 hundred, that would be 600 hundred request (for username, description and profile pic) to Twitter API which exceeds the limit.
Is there any way to workaround this o it just cannot be done?
Thank you!
You can and should request users/lookup API endPoint with 100 userIds at a time, instead of doing one request per twitter ID. cf. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/users/lookup
You have to replace your forEach loop (foreach ($following as $url)) by a recursive function.
At the end of the function, check the number of hits remaining before calling it again (cf. this link to see how to know the time remining until you get rate limited).
If there is no hit left, sleep 15 minutes before calling the function again, otherwise do the call again.
There is plenty of information on how to do this, use Google and search existing stackOverflow questions.
I'm having some problem understanding how to resolve this loop:
I'm developing a small scraper for myself and I'm trying to figure out how to loop within 2 methods until all the links are retrieved from the website.
I'm already retrieving the links from the first page but the problem is that I can't make a loop to verify the new links already extracted:
Here is my code:
$scrape->fetchlinks($url);//I scrape the links from the first page from a website
//for each one found I insert the url in the DB with status = "n"
foreach ($scrape->results as $result) {
if ($result) {
echo "$result \n";
//I select all the links with status = "n" to perform a scrape the stored links
$urlStatusNList = $crawler->selectUrlByStatus("n");
while (sizeof($urlStatusNList > 1)){
foreach($urlStatusNList as $sl){
$scrape->fetchlinks($sl->url); // I suppose it would retrieve all the new sublinks
$crawler->insertUrl($sl->url); // insert the sublinks in the db
$crawler->updateUrlByIdStatus($sl->id, "s"); //update the link scraped with status = "s", so I will not check these links again
//here I would like to return the loop for each new link in the db with status='n' until the system can not retrieve more links and stops with the script execution
Any type of help is very welcome. Thanks in advance !
In pseudo-code you're looking for something like this
grab new links and add them to database
} while( select all not yet extracted from database > 0 )
Will keep going on and on without recursion...
I have a web application where I'm having the user log into youtube to authorize my web application to access their account. However, I need their youtube user name to actually list their uploaded videos, and I want to ensure that the youtube username they provide matches up with the account they used to authorize with. In other words, I only want the user to be able to share videos that they've uploaded, and not someone else's. Is there a way to do this?
I had done this before with C# .Net with the following code:
YouTubeRequestSettings yt_settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(<devID name>, devKey, auth);
YouTubeRequest yt_request = new YouTubeRequest(yt_settings);
Uri uri = new Uri("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/default/uploads/?start-index=1&max-results=1");
Feed<Video> videoFeed = yt_request.Get<Video>(uri);
string uploader = "";
if (videoFeed.Entries.Count() > 0)
uploader = videoFeed.Entries.ElementAt(0).Uploader;
But when I try something similar with php I get what appears to be a standard feed:
$yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube($http_client,<devID name>,null,$_yt_dev_key);
$feed_url = urlencode("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/default/uploads/?start-index=1&max-results=1");
$videoFeed = $yt->getVideoFeed();
if(count($videoFeed) > 0)
$videoEntry = $videoFeed[0];
echo var_dump($videoEntry);
Anyone have any idea if I'm doing something wrong?
------------------ UPDATE ----------------------
I have the solution to getting youtube video feed for the user in the authenticated session. $videoFeed = $yt->getuserFeed("default");
Though, I'm still looking at how to get the uploader name from this so that I can perform further video listings directly from javascript (like I had done with my old C#/Asp .Net web app).
----------- A RATHER ROUGH SOLUTION ------------
Well, this isn't exactly an elegant solution, but it's what I have working.
The following will extract the youtube username from a VideoEntry object...
$videoFeed = $yt->getuserUploads("default");
if(count($videoFeed) > 0)
$videoEntry = $videoFeed[0];
$v_dump = var_export($videoEntry, true);
$check_for = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/";
$pos = strpos($v_dump,$check_for);
$start_pos = $pos + strlen($check_for);
$user_name = "";
for($i = $start_pos; $i < strlen($v_dump); $i++)
if(($v_dump[$i] == '/') or ($v_dump[$i] == '?'))
$user_name .= $v_dump[$i];
echo $user_name;
Basically, I'm parsing through the entire video entry variable string representation for the first generic part of the feed url, then getting the next token in the url which is the username. In other words, I'm locating this url in the var dump and parsing the username out:
If anyone can find a better and cleaner way to do it, that'd be awesome. Parsing a large string like this seems to be a very dirty way of doing this.
See http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_php.html#Enabling_user_interaction
It says,
Note: Using the string default instead of a username retrieves the profile of the currently authenticated user.
So you can get all the user data about the currently authenticated user using this.
Hope it helps!
Try this:
$user = $yt->getUserProfile('default');
$username = $user->getUserName();