Get attribute from Soap Response Header in PHP - php

I am using PHP to connect to a Web Service.
I need to connect to the web service with some login details so I can generate a Ticket to start using the methods available.
Here is some code:
//Connect To WebCrm API
$client = new SoapClient("", array('trace' => 1));
$ticket = $client->Authenticate(array('code' => 'rhgkhgk','user' =>'myusername','password' =>'apass'));
From this in the response soap header a ticket will be generated. This is generated under Ticket Header Then GUID. (See Below)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<TicketHeader xmlns="">
<AuthenticateResponse xmlns="">
<Message />
I need this ticket ID to perform any other tasks using the web service but how can access it and use it within my code?
I have tried using below:
$response = $client->__getLastResponse();
However this outputs like below:
6d5933d3-46ff-4690-893d-2af04806668c->>>>>>>>0<<<<<ZERO ON THE END
A zero is always on the end when it shouldn't be?
Any help on why this is happening on the best way i can achieve accessing the ticket from Soap Header is greatly appreciated!

As per the manual:
$soapclient->__soapCall("soapmethod", array(parameters), null, $input_headers, &$output_headers);
$output_headers should then contain the headers from the response message.
$client->__getLastResponse() returns the XML of the last response. You are viewing this in your browser, and your browser is trying to interpret this as HTML. Because of this, it will not show any XML tags and only show text. That is why the 0 is displayed. You can view the whole XML in several ways:
View the source of the PHP page
Wrap the echo statement in <xmp></xmp> tags.
Call htmlentities() on the XML before echoing it.


eBay API GeteBayDetails request returns 'no password and no token' error

I am trying to make a GeteBayDetails request to the Trading API so that I can find the acceptable values fields in an bulk AddFixedPriceItem call using the lms. I am doing a HTTP Post request using curl.
So I am sending the request to the following URL
Headers that I am using are :
X-EBAY-API-DEV-NAME: dev_key_here
X-EBAY-API-APP-NAME: App_key_here
X-EBAY-API-CERT-NAME: Cert_name_here
Request body
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GeteBayDetailsRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GeteBayDetailsResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<Errors><ShortMessage>No password and no token.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>No XML <RequestPassword> or <RequestToken> was found in XML Request.</LongMessage>
I dont understand why its asking for a RequestPassword and RequestToken. I added these into the body, but the API seems to ignore them.
Also API's documentation doesn't seem to suggest that I need to use them and I'm not asking for user specific details. Anyone know what's going on? Any suggestions are welcome.
Thank you
You want to enclose your sandbox token in eBayAuthToken tags within the RequesterCredentials XML tags. So like this
<eBayAuthToken> Your token here </eBayAuthToken>
That should fix your problem. Make sure you remove the authorisation tags you have that are not working
I believe you can also omit the
<eBayAuthToken> Your token here </eBayAuthToken>
from the body/content of the request and instead put
in the request header.

How to read incoming SOAP request in php

I want to read the SOAP request which is coming from a .NET WinForms application.
The request is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<HotelPricesRQ xmlns="">
<Requestor Login="ZLS" Password="DE52F10D5089096E5D83CA559153D64824AAB0B4" />
<Condition CityID="0" CountryID="0" HotelID="0" AccommodationID="0" RoomCategoryID="0" RoomTypeID="0">
<Created Begin="2013-10-31T00:00:00" End="2013-10-31T23:59:00+04:00" />
So how to get the Requestor's Login, Password and the Creattion Begin Date?
I have actually build the response, we've test it and when they send me the request they got the response. I'm just sending the responce without reading the request, but I have to read it and log in diffrent users and send different response. So a real example with the request I've posted above will be much much appreciated.
I don't know why I didn't write the solution I got back then for reading the request,
but here it is, in case someone needs it:
$soap_request = file_get_contents("php://input");
Then I just parse it with the PHP XML Parser Functions like so:
Now you have the data in the $request_array as an array.
You can also use The SimpleXMLElement class to get the data from the request.

getting pure xml detail from soap xml response

i have a .net service i am consuming from php and the result comes in the format below.
i wish to have only the contents without the soap:envelope.
How do i achieve this?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope
xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body><VAccResponse xmlns=""><VAccResult><VAccountSummary><Id>C0000005</Id><AccountNo>5100000014</AccountNo><AccountName>xyz HOSPITAL LTD</AccountName><SchemeCode>abc</SchemeCode><SchemeDescription>abc records</SchemeDescription><Balance>6627282</Balance><CurrencyCode>DOLLARS</CurrencyCode><AccountManagerId>F05</AccountManagerId><Debit>0</Debit><Credit>0</Credit><Tran>NO TRANSACTION DONE</Tran></VAccountSummary></VAccResult></VAccResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
How do i get the xml result without the soap:body, soap envelope etc...

Sage Web Services Using PHP SOAP

I am using php SOAP to post lead data to my client's SAGE CRM, the record get created (with crmid returned) but contains empty values. For some unknown reason my xml packet is being ignored.
The SAGE documentation does not give an xml example for adding record (addrecord) to the CRM. Can someone please help?
What is the right xml format for addrecord function?
I know this was a question back in 2013 but better have it answered in case someone else comes looking for a solution.
The following is a sample for the upload of a new opportunity into Sage CRM. I have not seen the xml you are generating but I would start by using add instead of addrecord. I have not used addrecord before so I can't help you understanding this format for uploading data.
Please note the *Specified fields as they are important. Any field to be populated which has a related *Specified field must have it set to true. Otherwise the field might not be populated.
Most of the values on the sample bellow must be replaced by actual values. The SID being the most important one.
You may enter multiple <records> within the <add> tags.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd=''>
<SessionHeader xmlns=''>
<add xmlns=''>
<records xsi:type='opportunity'>
You can find the web services documentation at
Download the wsdl file to get more details about each field and entity available.

PHP SOAP client send XML

I am trying to create a web service with PHP. The following is my code -
Web Server -
require 'inventory_functions.php';
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0"); // disabling WSDL cache
$server = new SoapServer("inventory.wsdl");
Inventory_functions.php -
function getItemCount($upc){
//in reality, this data would be coming from a database
$items = array('12345'=>5,'19283'=>100,'23489'=>'234');
return $items[$upc];
My Client Test -
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0"); // disabling WSDL cache
$client = new SoapClient("");
$return = $client->getItemName('12345');
When I run this everythign is OK. the number "5" will output in my browser. WhatI really need is some help in how to go about sending data via XML to the SOAP server, from their I will add this data to MySQL.
How would I send the XML vie the client test?
I'm not sure I understand your question. You want to know what XML input you should give your web-service in order to send for instance the value "5"?
In order to do that you should first analyse the wsdl file that is generated, then, depending on your programming language of choice for the client, you may generate a client Stub to interact with the Web-Service itself.
Alternatively, you may issue an HTTP POST with the XML directly to the web-service (should look something like this):
POST /service/mywebservice.php HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: "<your.webservice.namespace>/getItemCount"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<getItemCount xmlns="<your.webservice.namespace>">
