Retrieve and display comments/queries from database - php

I'm developing in php/sql a web application where users will be able to post items that they'd like to sell ( kinda like ebay ). I want non-members to be able to comment on the items or ask queries about items.
My problem is I want to display each item as well as any comment/query made about that item, in a similar manner as the way Facebook wall works.
I want to "append comments"(if any) to each item. The comments table is linked to the items table via column item_id. And the items table is linked to users table via column user_id. I have left joined users table with items table to display item details, i tried to left join comments table as well so that there are 3 joined tables.
That fails because no comments are displayed and only one item is displayed, despite there being multiple entries in each table. Here is the code i,m using.
SELECT sale.*, query.*, AS userid, users.username as user
FROM sale
LEFT JOIN users ON sale.user_id =
LEFT JOIN query on = query.item_id
where category = "$category" ORDER BY DESC
$show = " "; //variable to hold items and comments
if ($database->count() == 0) {
// Show this message if there are no items
$show .= "<li class='noitems'>There are currently no items to display.</li>" ;
} else {
$show .= "<li>";
while ( $items = $database->statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) )
$show .= "
//show item details in html
while( $query = $database->statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) )
$show .= "
//show queries below item details
$show .= "</li>" ;

Welcome to Stackoverflow!
I recommend you taking a look at pdo. If you are already using mysql_ functions, then I recommend you switch. More on that can be found here.
Now that your pointed to the direction of to what functions to use when connecting/running queries, you now should create your tables. I use phpmyadmin for managing my database, I find it very good, but it's up to you what you use. Once you've decided on the service you use to manage your database, you should then learn how to use it by doing some google searches.
Now you need to set up your table and structure it correctly. If you say you're having items, then you should make a table called items. Next create the columns to the properties of the items. Also I recommend reading about Database Normalization, which is a key aspect of setting up your SQL tables Etc.
Once you have everything set up, you've connected to your database successfully Etc. You now need to set up the "Dynamic Page". What I mean by this is, there's only one page, say called 'dynamic', then a variable is passed to the url. These are called GET HTTP requests. Here's an example of what one would look like:
If you've noticed, you'll see the ? then the id variable defined to 345. You can GRAB this variable from the url by accessing the built in PHP array called $_GET[]. You can then type in your variable name you want to fetch into the []'s. Here's an example.
$data = $_GET['varname']; // get varname from the url
if(isnumeric($data)){ // is it totally made out of numbers?
$query = "SELECT fieldname FROM table WHERE id=:paramname";
$statement = $pdo->prepare($query); // prepare's the query
'paramname'=>$data // binds the parameter 'paramname' to the $data variable.
$result = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // grabs the result of the query
$result = $result['fieldname'];
echo 'varname was found in the database with the id equal to:'.$data.', and the result being: '.$result;
So now you can see how you can grab the variable from the url and dynamically change the content with-in the page from that!
Hope this helped :)


Wordpress Shortcode: Get data from 3 tables, compare and filter/show (PHP, MYSQL)

I have been trying everything to achieve this task, but it is rather difficult.
I am trying to do this in Wordpress as shortcode.
The shortcode itself is fine, I don't need any help with that, but just the output here which is giving me a difficult time. The Shortcode has an attribute that can be used to show the ID of the list using $listID
As an example, I have 3 database tables.
complete (variables: id, itemID, listID, userID)
item (variables: id, listID, description, creator)
list (id, name)
What I need to do is show a list from a shortcode variable, in this case database id 1 for the list. Then show the items in that list (using listID in item variable as well as wordpress user function to grab the ID of the logged in user and compare it to the creator variable of the item) -- and have the completed marked in there (using itemID, listID and the logged in user to wordpress to compare with the userID).
I tried this for SQL, but it returned nothing
global $wpdb;
$q_checked = $wpdb->prefix.'checked';
$q_item = $wpdb->prefix.'items';
$q_list = $wpdb->prefix.'list';
$q_results = $wpdb->get_results("
SELECT * FROM (($q_item INNER JOIN $q_list ON $q_item.listID = $listID)
INNER JOIN $q_checked ON $ = $q_checked.listID;
I also tried this with sql but it only shows from the two tables and not the third, and it will show all instead of excluding the completed.
$q_items = $wpdb->prefix.'items';
$q_checked = $wpdb->prefix.'checked';
$q_result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT $q_items.title, $q_checked.userID FROM $q_items INNER JOIN $q_checked ON $ = $q_checked.itemID");
I thought about using a foreach, but none of the above would work well with that would it? Since you can only use one result. Maybe if I could do 2 separate foreach, 1 for the items in the list but exclude them if the id of the item matches the itemID in the completed database? Then do another foreach that would show the completed items for that list.
<?php foreach($q_result as $i ) {
$userID = $i->userID;
$itemNAME = $i->title; ?>
<?php if($userID === ''.$current_user->ID.'') { ?> <?php echo $itemNAME; ?><?php }?>
<?php }; ?>
I honestly think I should rethink the entire thing. Maybe I am overcomplicating it?
This is a fairly standard MySQL query:
SELECT i.description, i.creator,
IF( IS NOT NULL, 'Completed', 'Not Completed') AS status
FROM item i
LEFT JOIN complete c
ON c.itemID = AND
c.listID = i.listID AND
c.userID = ?
WHERE i.listID = ?
The ? placeholders represent parameters that you would bind to the current user ID and list ID supplied by your shortcode.
This performs a left join from items to completed items, and checks for a match on all join conditions. If a match is found, then a row will exist in c, and we mark the item as completed. Otherwise, the will be NULL and we mark it as not completed.

add one (+1) to a field in mysql database using php

I have a php script that displays records from a database. It's probably not the best script, as I'm very new to php.
I've added an additional column in my table and would like to keep a count in that column to show me how many times each of the records have been viewed.
Heres the part of the code I think i need to add the code to... if i need to post the entire page i will, but i just figured i could add the line to this part.
//Get the details from previous page
$SelectedCounty = $_POST["result"];
//set variable for next SEARCH
$option = '';
// Get the county names from database - no duplicates - Order A-Z
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT tradingCounty FROM offers ORDER BY tradingCounty ASC";
// execute the query, $result will hold all of the Counties in an array
$result = mysqli_query($con,$query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$option .="<option>" . $row['tradingCounty'] . "</option>";
the new column name is 'views' and i just want to add 1 to it each time a record from the database is viewed.
any help greatly appreciated.
Add a new field views to the table.
When, user views the page, fire the SQL.
$query = "UPDATE offers SET views = views + 1";
mysqli_query($con,"update offers set views = views + 1");
If you have added the column, it probably has a NULL value. Either set the value to 0, by doing:
update offers
set views = 0;
Or use:
update offers
set views = coalesce(views, 0) + 1;
You can change your code with this rewritten code assuming that your Table has a column views (datatype int).
//Get the details from previous page
$SelectedCounty = $_POST["result"];
//set variable for next SEARCH
$option = '';
// Get the county names from database - no duplicates - Order A-Z
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT tradingCounty FROM offers ORDER BY tradingCounty ASC";
// execute the query, $result will hold all of the Counties in an array
$result = mysqli_query($con,$query);
$query2 = "UPDATE offers SET views=views+1;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$option .="<option>" . $row['tradingCounty'] . "</option>";
Or if you need to track the view counts for individual records, you need to modify your code a bit. And probably you need to add one more field in the database for eg. id (datatype int) which can distinguish between different records.
Please clear your problem properly.
As far as i have analysed your code it brings out the following case.
There are different records for tradingConty, and whenever a user views that particular record(one of the tradingCounty record) by clicking that or any other action specified, the php script is set to increament the view count for that particular entry(we can get that by id) in the database.
If thats the scenario, we can easily generate a code accordingly.

Left join MySql/PHP

Whilst populating a table based on ids and labels from different tables, it appeared apparent there must potentially be a better way of achieving the same result with less code and a more direct approach using LEFT JOIN but i am puzzled after trying to work out if its actually capable of achieving the desired result.
Am i correct in thinking a LEFT JOIN is usable in this instance?
Referencing two tables against one another where one lists id's related to another table and that other table has the titles allocated for each reference?
I know full well that if theres independent information for each row LEFT JOIN is suitable, but where theres in this case only several ids to reference for many rows, i just am not clicking with how i could get it to work...
The current way i am achieving my desired result in PHP/MySQL
$itemid = $row['item_id'];
$secid = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM item_groups WHERE item_id='$itemid' ");
while ($secidrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($secid)) {
//echo $secidrow["section_id"]; //testing
$id = $secidrow["section_id"];
$secnameget = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM items_section_list WHERE item_sec_id='$id' ");
while ($secname = mysql_fetch_assoc($secnameget)) {
echo $secname["section_name"];
Example of the data
Item groups
Item List
itemId, groupId
Group List
groupId, groupTitle
The idea so outputting data to a table instead of outputting "Item & Id Number, in place of the ID Number the title actually appears.
I have achieved the desired result but i am always interested in seeking better ways to achieve the desired result.
If I've deciphered your code properly, you should be able to use the following query to get both values at the same time.
$itemid = $row['item_id'];
$secid = mysql_query("
FROM item_groups
LEFT JOIN items_section_list
ON items_section_list.item_sec_id = item_groups.section_id
WHERE item_id='$itemid'
while ($secidrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($secid)) {
//$id = $secidrow["section_id"];
echo $secidrow["section_name"];

Joining multiple tables using PHP relating to a member id

I'm really hoping that you can clear things up for me regarding JOIN using php as I'm really struggling to come to terms with how it works.
Basically I have 2 tables, one for premium members and another for fans of these members. So I want to get certain information from the "premium" table where a member ($memberid) is a fan.
Premium = id, name, avatar, town, etc, etc
Fans = fan($memberid), fanee(Premium ID)
So I have this code at the moment:
$get_connections_sql = "SELECT id, name, avatar, town FROM premium LEFT JOIN fans ON WHERE$memberid LIMIT 18";
$get_connections_res = mysqli_query($con, $get_connections_sql);
while ($connections = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_connections_res)){
$connectionid = $connections['id'];
$connectionname = $connections['name'];
$connectiontown = $connections['town'];
$connectionavatar = $connections['avatar'];
$connections .= "
<div class=\"connectionHolder\"><img class=\"connection\" src=\"uploads/avatars/pro/$connectionavatar\" /></div>
$connections = "
<div class=\"noContent\">There are no connections to be shown</div>
This is returning the else condition so there must be something wrong with my JOIN row - Can anyone please point me in the right direction.
You've said that the column 'id' is ambiguous, this is because you have two tables referenced in your query both with 'id' columns and MySQL does not know which to choose. You can be specific by adding the table name like this:
Additionally, you'll want mysqli_num_rows() instead of mysqli_affected_rows(). Since your query does not affect any rows (like update, delete, insert), instead it's returning a set of rows.
mysql_num_rows() takes the result of a query as its parameter (in your case $get_connections_res) rather than the connection. To make sure that the result is valid first check the value of $get_connections_res before the if... if it's falsey then there's an error in the query. Use mysqli_error() to report the error.

PHP Select List To Drive Table Display

I'm having a tough time figuring out how to have a select list drive what is returned in a table. Scenario, there are a list of projects, pending what project your user has access to a subset of items are returned.
Here is some code:
$q = "SELECT DISTINCT projectid, projectname FROM projects where active=1";
select list construction:
//variable for projects list select list name
$dropdown = "Projects Lists \n <select name=\"ProjectsLists\">";
//loop results
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$dropdown .= "\r\n<option value='{$row['projectid']}'>{$row['projectname']}</option>";
}//end while
$dropdown .= "\r\n</select>";
echo $dropdown;
Then what i'd like to do is display items returned from a query that needs to be run when the select list is select:
$s_query = "SELECT contentname, contentlocation FROM projectscontent WHERE projectname=<select list value>";
I'm having trouble figuring out if i can capture the selected value. If so, how? I thought i could maybe do $_GET['selectlistname']; but i don't think that is right.
you have to use jquery event .change() this will help you for what you want.
For example:
Add an id in you select options
like $dropdown = "Projects Lists \n <select id=\"mylist\" name=\"ProjectsLists\">";
now with jquery use something like this:
//provide you selected value
var proName = $(this).val();
//call ajax
url: 'queryPage.php',
data: 'proName=' + proName,
success: function(data){
//$_REQUEST['proName'] provide you select product name
$productname = mysql_real_escape_string( $_REQUEST['proName'] );
// Now start your query
$s_query = "SELECT contentname, contentlocation FROM projectscontent
WHERE projectname='$productname' ";
now start to run the query and echo the result here on the same page, this will return the data to the page from where you call queryPage.php.
I personally use jQuery DataTables for this type of functionality. I generate a dropdown or group of dropdowns, then on click of a button I update my DataTable element. There are several tutorials on how to do this on the website.
I'm a little concerned, though, that your tables are a bit wonky. This should be very straightforward, and might require more tables than you're telling us about. I'd personally link my two tables on projectid if I was using the structure you're showing above. Then, I'd add an additional table (via inner join on userid) that links users.userid, permissions, and projectid. This would be queried into the second query in your example above to handle permissions.
When I'm generating my dropdown, I'm keeping that simple too. Each <option> would have a value = projectid and the display value would be the project name. On change of the select element listing the projects, I'd run a query (ajax preferrably) to get myself all the project details joined with permissions with where clauses to limit my results to the user, based on permissions. No need to do exotic "merged" values, etc.
