Whenever a user posts a comment, I'd like to basically have a copy of the post sent to another database for a separate site. The database part is simple, but I can't seem to find the right action hook for this. (I did my testing with a simple echo statement, a failure being it not displaying at all) 'comment_save_pre' would only work when updating a comment, 'wp_set_comment_status' only works when the comment is approved, and 'comment_post' didn't seem to work at all. Does the hook exist?
add_action('...?...', 'on_comment_post');
function on_comment_post($comment){
echo "Test";
You can use comment_post :
Runs just after a comment is saved in the database. Action function
arguments: comment ID, approval status ("spam", or 0/1 for
I want to trigger an event when a category is added or deleted.
So I think the add_action i look for are these
(got them from here source)
In the Event I want to have a function where the ID and the name of the category is sent to me.
At the moment I am struggling with the delete operation. The Id seems to delivered properly. The category "name" unfortunately not.
My guess is at the moment that the database no longer contains the name of the category. Probably because the delete_category is invoked after the job is already done. Therefore "get_cat_name()" might not work. Unfortunately I could not find some kind of "pre_delte_category" action.
Here are the functions i placed as hooks in my functions.php of my theme:
function event_by_add_cat($category_id){
$name = get_cat_name($category_id);
send_me_mail_add($name, $category_id);
add_action('create_category', 'event_by_add_cat');
function event_by_del_cat($category_id){
$name = get_cat_name($category_id); // is name already to far gone?
send_me_mail_del($name, category_id);
add_action('delete_category', 'event_by_del_cat');
The function send_me_mail_add(name, id) does work.
It seems that the function is send_me_mail_del(name, id); is not called correct. Unfortunately WP shows me no Errors.
Thank you for your help :)
Unfortunately it's not possible to get the name that way, as you guessed, the name is already deleted and there is no 'pre' hook.
You could work arround that by hooking a function to the creation of categories, that adds the name to a different table in the database, togehter with the ID.
And then, if the category gets deleted, you can look the name up there and then also delete it afterwards.
I am trying to add a custom link to a custom page using the vtiger_link table, with 2 parameters; 1 is the trouble ticket id which works fine:
This is in the URL field in the database:
and 2 is the id of the logged in user ($current_user) but it doesn't work:
It shows the page just as it should, but the variable $user gets the value '$current_user':
I wanted to post a picture of the table, but I don't have enough reputation for that.
I have tried many things, but I am clearly doing something wrong.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I did not need to put the variable in the URL,
the reason I could not use the $current_user variable is because it didn't exist in "detailview.php" which is where the link ends up.
I used:
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
to view all globals, there I found the authenticated_user_id
Knowing I could use this I was able to access the global from my file without the URL:
$current_user = $_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"];
I would like to thank STT LCU for his advice, as he was the only one who helped me through this problem, which took me a full week in total.
I am trying to set a custom cookie when a visitor submits a comment, but I can not seem to get this working. Here's what I have in functions.php:
add_action('comment_post', 'ipro_set_comment_cookie');
function ipro_set_comment_cookie($comment) {
setcookie("visitor_name", $comment->comment_author, time()+86400);
setcookie("visitor_email", $comment->comment_author_email, time()+86400);
I've also tried changing comment_post to wp_insert_comment- neither have seemed to work. I am working off of WP's action references:
...any ideas?
Check out the Database writes in the Filter Reference
Try something like comment_save_pre
applied to the comment data just prior to updating/editing comment data. Function arguments: comment data array, with indices "comment_post_ID", "comment_author", "comment_author_email", "comment_author_url", "comment_content", "comment_type", and "user_ID".
That way it sets on submit (so it calls after your error handling kicks in)
If I understand your question correctly, this should work:
add_action('comment_save_pre', 'ipro_set_comment_cookie');
function ipro_set_comment_cookie($comment) {
setcookie("visitor_name", $comment->comment_author, time()+86400);
setcookie("visitor_email", $comment->comment_author_email, time()+86400);
I have some questions concering routing with Codeigniter. What I´m doing now is the following:
$route['articles/(:num)'] = 'articles/view/$1'; // $1 will contain an ID
This means that example.com/articles/123 will work perfectly and load an article with an ID of 123. But I also want to have the possiblilty to add the aticle´s title to the URL (for SEO). Example: example.com/articles/123/article-title
What I want is pretty much the same thing as Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/questions/123/the-title
How can I do that?
I´m also wondering how Stack Overflow works. If I go to stackoverflow/questions/111 the title will automatically be added to the url. Is that done with php redirect()?
I have done something similar in the past; I can't find it know but IIRC (it was months ago) You can use a route like you did, and also add a more specific one, like
$route['articles/(:num)/(:any)'] = 'articles/view/$1/$2';
$route['articles/(:num)'] = 'articles/view/$1';
As you can see, both map to the same method, which is kind of "overloaded"; you can make up for a missing parameter by using a default value:
function articles($id,$slug = FALSE)
{ }
and simply ignore the second parameter in your article retrieval.
As for adding the title you can:
have a "slug" field in your database, created when the article is saved. You can use the comfortable url_title($title,'dash',TRUE) function (in the url helper), which takes the $title, uses the dash as separator, and make it all lowercase;
use the above function and convert the title of the article (after you retrieved it from the database) "on-the-fly"; just check on the article() method if the 2nd parameter isn't false and you'll know if you need to create the slug or not;
As for how to show the slug even when using an url without it you can make, as you guessed, a redirect, but since both routes point to the same method it won't change anything for you.
Oh, uhm, beware of loops while calling the redirect, check carefully ;)
I suggest you to create a slug field into your table and complete it with the url you want to use as id.
Let me explain.
You have this table
when you save an article into your db you can dinamically create a slug, for example:
id: 1
title: My first post
slug: 1-my-first-post
then you can use the slug (in this case 1-my-first-post) ad id for the page, you can call it:
obviusly you need to handle it in your db slect
As we discussed on the comments.
You can create a route several times and with different parameters each, like:
I would create a function with a redirect, adding or not the title to it.
Hope it helps.
I'd like to use a custom post type archive as a site's front page, so that
is a custom post type archive displayed according to my archive-{post-type}.php file.
Ideally I would like to alter the query using is_front_page() in my functions.php file. I tried the following, with a page called "Home" as my front page:
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'my_get_posts');
function my_get_posts($query){
global $wp_the_query;
return $query;
but the front page is returning the content of "Home" and seems to be ignoring the custom query.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way, in general, of going about this?
Note: I did post this in WordPress Answers but that community is comparatively tiny.
Posting the final solution as an answer (Isaac placed it as a comment) just for anyone still looking.
Isaac was on the right track with adding a filter via functions.php. What he did wrong was call is_front_page(), which doesn't work yet because we're in pre_get_posts and the query hasn't been executed yet.
We do have the current page ID however. So we can still solve this, by looking into the WordPress option register for an option called page_on_front, which returns the ID of the page the user set as frontpage.
(For an overview of all WordPress options, just visit <yourwordpressinstallation>/wp-admin/options.php in your browser.)
Which makes for the following solution as suggested by Ijaas:
add_action("pre_get_posts", "custom_front_page");
function custom_front_page($wp_query) {
// Compare queried page ID to front page ID.
if(!is_admin() && $wp_query->get("page_id") == get_option("page_on_front")) {
// Set custom parameters (values based on Isaacs question).
$wp_query->set("post_type", "album");
$wp_query->set("posts_per_page", -1);
// WP_Query shouldn't actually fetch the page in our case.
$wp_query->set("page_id", "");
You might have to alter a few conditional tags to make sure all plugins still work, depending on how heavily the query gets altered.
Hope this helps someone.
Update: as noted below, add !is_admin() to the if-statement to make sure the function only runs on the frontend. If you only want this action to run for the initial query, you could also add the main query check $wp_query->is_main_query().
In response to Robberts solution:
answered May 6 '13 at 12:04
adding && !isAdmin() to the if function other wise it replaces the post type query for all admin pages as well.
Just in case anyone has issues with this.
also adding && $wp_query->is_main_query() to the if statement stops it affecting widgets and the menu
so total code I have
if($wp_query->get("page_id") == get_option("page_on_front") && !isAdmin() && $wp_query->is_main_query()) {}
In order to get that query to work, you're going to have to add that code to a page template, create a page, set your template as the template for the page you just created, and then set that page as the home page in Settings => Reading in the admin area.
By the way, the is_front_page() function only returns true if you're on a page that's been set as the home page from the admin menu.
The other option would be to modify index.php, but if you did that, is_front_page() would always return false. In that case, you'd want to use is_home() instead.
I hope that helps.
Isaac, you are correct, I didn't thoroughly read your question and I made the assumption that you were looking to do this the "easy" way.
Anyway, I put your code on my test site and, indeed, it didn't work. I looked at my SQL log and it turns out that your code produces this in the query wp_posts.post_status = 'private'.
So, I tried adding the line $query->set('post_status', 'public'); to your function, and it worked just fine.
In summary, try this:
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'my_get_posts');
function my_get_posts($query){
global $wp_the_query;
$query->set('post_status', 'public');
return $query;