Ampersands in database - php

I am trying to write a php function that goes to my database and pulls a list of URLS and arranges them into an xml structure and creates an xml file.
Problem is, Some of these urls will contain an ampersand that ARE HTML encoded. So, the database is good, but currently, when my function tries to grab these URLS, the script will stop at the ampersands and not finish.
One example link from database:
function buildXML($con) {
//build xml file
$sql = "SELECT * FROM url_links";
$res = mysql_query($sql,$con);
$gameArray = array ();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><channel>';
foreach ($gameArray as $link)
$xml .= "<item><link>".$link."</link></item>";
$xml .= '</channel>';
If i need to alter the links in the database, that can be done.

You can use PHP's html_entity_decode() on the $link to convert & back to &.
In your XML, you could also wrap the link in <![CDATA[]]> to allow it to contain the characters.
$xml .= "<item><link><![CDATA[" . html_entity_decode($link) . "]]></link></item>";
Just noticed you're actually not putting anything into the $gameArray:
$gameArray[] = $row['form_link'];
* #Musa looks to have noticed it first, for due credit.

Look at this line
you never put anything in the $gameArray array, it should be
array_push($gameArray, $row['form_link']);

You need to use htmlspecialchars_decode. It will decode any encoded special characters in string passed to it.

This is most likely what you are looking for:
Read the documentation, there are examples at the bottom of the page...
'&' in oracleSQL and MySQL are used in queries as a logical operator which is why it is tossing an error.
You may also want to decode the HTML...


PHP: Converting xml to array

I have an xml string. That xml string has to be converted into PHP array in order to be processed by other parts of software my team is working on.
For xml -> array conversion i'm using something like this:
if(get_class($xmlString) != 'SimpleXMLElement') {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlString);
if(!$xml) {
return false;
It works fine - most of the time :) The problem arises when my "xmlString" contains something like this:
<Line0 User="-5" ID="7436194"><Node0 Key="<1" Value="0"></Node0></Line0>
Then, simplexml_load_string won't do it's job (and i know that's because of character "<").
As i can't influence any other part of the code (i can't open up a module that's generating XML string and tell it "encode special characters, please!") i need your suggestions on how to fix that problem BEFORE calling "simplexml_load_string".
Do you have some ideas? I've tried
but, that simply ruins entire "xmlString"... :(
Well, then you can just replace the special characters in the $xmlString to the HTML entity counterparts using htmlspecialchars() and preg_replace_callback().
I know this is not performance friendly, but it does the job :)
$xmlString = '<Line0 User="-5" ID="7436194"><Node0 Key="<1" Value="0"></Node0></Line0>';
$xmlString = preg_replace_callback('~(?:").*?(?:")~',
function ($matches) {
return htmlspecialchars($matches[0], ENT_NOQUOTES);
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
echo $xmlString; // you will see the special characters are converted to HTML entities :)
echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; // tidy :)
$xmlobj = simplexml_load_string($xmlString);

How to use loop in comment section

I have used foreach loop to extract multiple value of user_phone between tab but it will produce error.I dont what is exact formate.
$result = $Admin->select($Admin->newsletter_subscribers,'',"");
foreach($result as $row)
<text>hi test message 1</text>
Try this:
$result = $Admin->select($Admin->newsletter_subscribers,'',"");
$data = "<message-submit-request>
foreach($result as $row)
$data .= "<to>".$row['user_phone']."</to>";
$data .= "<MType></MType>
<text>hi test message 1</text>
The exact format for string concatenation is shown in the PHP manual under string operators. However I won't elaborate on these directly becasue cerating XML by concatenating strings is a bad idea. For example having characters like <, > and & in your input, you'll run into many problems.
For your use-case SimpleXMLElement is a handy object that allows you to do the same in a much more consisted manner:
// create XML document based on boilerplate
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('
<text>hi test message 1</text>
// add elements where appropriate
foreach($result as $row)
$xml->addChild('to', $row['user_phone']);
This will ensure that all values are properly encoded. Additionally this can have a magnitude on benefits when you further process the data, e.g. outputting it.
However you haven't shown in your question what follows up with $data so you need to know how to obtain the XML from the SimpleXMLElement as string to make the example complete. Here it is:
$data = $xml->asXML();
See as well the SimpleXML Basic Usage guide in the manual if you'd like to learn more.

Breaking foreach at certain string/ Reading through text file and generating XML

I don't know if this is the right way to go about it, but right now I am dealing with a very large text file of membership details. It is really inconsistent though, but typically conforming to this format:
&&^ (indicating the end of the individual record)
What I want to do with this information is read through it, and then format it into XML.
So right now I have a foreach reading through the long file like this:
$textline = file("asrlist.txt");
foreach($textline as $showline){
echo $showline . "<br>";
And that's where I don't know how to continue. Can anybody give me some hints on how I could organize these records into XML?
Here a straightforward solution using simplexml:
$members = explode('&&^', $textline); // building array $members
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><members></members>");
$fieldnames = array('name','school','department','address','phone','email');
// set $fieldsep to character(s) that seperate fields from each other in your textfile
$fieldsep = '\p\n'; // a wild guess...
foreach ($members as $member) {
$m = explode($fieldsep, $member); // build array $m; $m[0] would contain "name" etc.
$xmlmember = $xml->addChild('member');
foreach ($m as $key => $data)
} // foreach $members
For reading and parsing the text-file, CSV-related functions could be a good alternative, as mentioned by other users.
To read big files you can use fgetcsv
If && works as a delimiter for records in that file, you could start with replacing it with </member><member>. Prepend whole file with <member> and append </member> at the end. You will have something XML alike.
How to replace?
You might find unix tools like sed useful.
sed 's/&&/\<\/member\>\<member\>/' <input.txt >output.xml
You can also accomplish it with PHP, using str_replace():
foreach($textline as $showline){
echo str_replace( '&&', '</member><member>', $showline ) . "<br>";

Parsing XML with PHP (simplexml)

Firstly, may I point out that I am a newcomer to all things PHP so apologies if anything here is unclear and I'm afraid the more layman the response the better. I've been having real trouble parsing an xml file in to php to then populate an HTML table for my website. At the moment, I have been able to get the full xml feed in to a string which I can then echo and view and all seems well. I then thought I would be able to use simplexml to pick out specific elements and print their content but have been unable to do this.
The xml feed will be constantly changing (structure remaining the same) and is in compressed format. From various sources I've identified the following commands to get my feed in to the right format within a string although I am still unable to print specific elements. I've tried every combination without any luck and suspect I may be barking up the wrong tree. Could someone please point me in the right direction?!
$file = fopen("compress.zlib://$url", 'r');
$xmlstr = file_get_contents($url);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($url,null,true);
foreach($xml as $name) {
echo "{$name->awCat}\r\n";
Many, many thanks in advance,
PS The actual feed
Since no one followed my closevote, I think I can just as well put my own comments as an answer:
First of all, SimpleXml can load URIs directly and it can do so with stream wrappers, so your three calls in the beginning can be shortened to (note that you are not using $file at all)
$merchantProductFeed = new SimpleXMLElement("compress.zlib://$url", null, TRUE);
To get the values you can either use the implicit SimpleXml API and drill down to the wanted elements (like shown multiple times elsewhere on the site):
foreach ($merchantProductFeed->merchant->prod as $prod) {
echo $prod->cat->awCat , PHP_EOL;
or you can use an XPath query to get at the wanted elements directly
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("compress.zlib://$url", null, TRUE);
foreach ($xml->xpath('/merchantProductFeed/merchant/prod/cat/awCat') as $awCat) {
echo $awCat, PHP_EOL;
Live Demo
Note that fetching all $awCat elements from the source XML is rather pointless though, because all of them have "Bodycare & Fitness" for value. Of course you can also mix XPath and the implict API and just fetch the prod elements and then drill down to the various children of them.
Using XPath should be somewhat faster than iterating over the SimpleXmlElement object graph. Though it should be noted that the difference is in an neglectable area (read 0.000x vs 0.000y) for your feed. Still, if you plan to do more XML work, it pays off to familiarize yourself with XPath, because it's quite powerful. Think of it as SQL for XML.
For additional examples see
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file and
PHP Manual - SimpleXml Basic Examples
Try this...
$url = ",98,142,144,146,129,595,539,147,149,613,626,135,163,168,159,169,161,167,170,137,171,548,174,183,178,179,175,172,623,139,614,189,194,141,205,198,206,203,208,199,204,201,61,62,72,73,71,74,75,76,77,78,79,63,80,82,64,83,84,85,65,86,87,88,90,89,91,67,92,94,33,54,53,57,58,52,603,60,56,66,128,130,133,212,207,209,210,211,68,69,213,216,217,218,219,220,221,223,70,224,225,226,227,228,229,4,5,10,11,537,13,19,15,14,18,6,551,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,7,30,29,32,619,34,8,35,618,40,38,42,43,9,45,46,651,47,49,50,634,230,231,538,235,550,240,239,241,556,245,244,242,521,576,575,577,579,281,283,554,285,555,303,304,286,282,287,288,173,193,637,639,640,642,643,644,641,650,177,379,648,181,645,384,387,646,598,611,391,393,647,395,631,602,570,600,405,187,411,412,413,414,415,416,649,418,419,420,99,100,101,107,110,111,113,114,115,116,118,121,122,127,581,624,123,594,125,421,604,599,422,530,434,532,428,474,475,476,477,423,608,437,438,440,441,442,444,446,447,607,424,451,448,453,449,452,450,425,455,457,459,460,456,458,426,616,463,464,465,466,467,427,625,597,473,469,617,470,429,430,615,483,484,485,487,488,529,596,431,432,489,490,361,633,362,366,367,368,371,369,363,372,373,374,377,375,536,535,364,378,380,381,365,383,385,386,390,392,394,396,397,399,402,404,406,407,540,542,544,546,547,246,558,247,252,559,255,248,256,265,259,632,260,261,262,557,249,266,267,268,269,612,251,277,250,272,270,271,273,561,560,347,348,354,350,352,349,355,356,357,358,359,360,586,590,592,588,591,589,328,629,330,338,493,635,495,507,563,564,567,569,568/mid/2891/columns/merchant_id,merchant_name,aw_product_id,merchant_product_id,product_name,description,category_id,category_name,merchant_category,aw_deep_link,aw_image_url,search_price,delivery_cost,merchant_deep_link,merchant_image_url/format/xml/compression/gzip/";
$zd = gzopen($url, "r");
$data = gzread($zd, 1000000);
if ($data !== false) {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
foreach ($xml->merchant->prod as $pr) {
echo $pr->cat->awCat . "<br>";
$xmlstr = file_get_contents("compress.zlib://$url");
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstr);
// you can transverse the xml tree however you want
foreach ($xml->merchant->prod as $line) {
// $line->cat->awCat -> you can use this
more information here
Use print_r($xml) to see the structure of the parsed XML feed.
Then it becomes obvious how you would traverse it:
foreach ($xml->merchant->prod as $prod) {
print $prod->pId;
print $prod->text->name;
print $prod->cat->awCat; # <-- which is what you wanted
print $prod->price->buynow;
$url = 'you url here';
$f = gzopen ($url, 'r');
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement (fread ($f, 1000000));
foreach($xml->xpath ('//prod') as $name)
echo (string) $name->cat->awCatId, "\r\n";

Building XML with PHP - Performance in mind

When building XML in PHP, is it quicker to build a string, then echo out the string or to use the XML functions that php gives you? Currently I'm doing the following:
UPDATED to better code snippet:
$searchParam = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['s']);
$search = new Search($searchParam);
$xmlRes = $search->buildXML();
else {
$xmlRes = '<status>no results</status>';
$xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
header ("content-type: text/xml");
header ("content-length: ".strlen($xml));
class Search {
private $num;
private $q;
function __construct($s){
$this->q = mysql_query('select * from foo_table where name = "'.$s.'"');
$this->num = mysql_num_rows($this->q);
function retResult(){
return $this->num;
function buildXML(){
$xml ='<status>success</status>';
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($this->q)){
$desTag = '<info><![CDATA[';
foreach ($row as $key => $current){
//do something with current
$b = mysql_query('select blah from dddd where id ='.$current);
$a = mysql_fetch_array($b);
else if($key =='this' || $key=='that'){
$desTag = ' '.$current;
else {
$desTag.= ']]></info>';
return $xml;
Is there a faster way of building the xml? I get to about 2000 items and it starts to slow down..
Thanks in advance!
Use the xml parser. Remember when you concatenate a string, you have to reallocate the WHOLE STRING on every concatenation.
For small strings, string is is probably faster, but in your case definitely use the XML functions.
I don't see that you're making no attempt to escape the text before concatenating it. Which means that sooner or later you're going to generate something that is almost-but-not-quite XML, and which will be rejected by any conforming parser.
Use a library (XMLWriter is probably more performant than others, but I haven't done XML with PHP).
You have a SQL query inside of a loop, which is usually quite a bad idea. Even if each query takes half a millisecond to complete, it's still a whole second just to execute those 2000 queries.
What you need to do is post the two queries in a new question so that someone can show you how to turn them into a single query using a JOIN.
Database stuff usually largely outweighs any kind of micro-optimization. Whether you use string concatenation or XMLWriter doesn't matter when you're executing several thousand queries.
try to echo in each iteration (put the echo $xml before the while loop ends, and reset $xml at the beggining), should be quicker
That code snippet doesn't make a lot of sense, please post some actual code, reduced for readability.
A faster version of the code you posted would be
$xml = '';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$xml .= '<items><test>' . implode('</test><test>', $row) . '</test></items>';
In general, using mysql_fetch_object() is slightly slower than the other options.
Perhaps what you were trying to do was something like this:
$xml = '<items>';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$xml .= '<item>';
foreach ($row as $k => $v)
$xml .= '<' . $k . '>' . htmlspecialchars($v) . '</' . $v . '>';
$xml .= '</item>';
$xml .= '</items>';
As mentionned elsewhere, you have to escape the values unless you're 100% sure there will never be any special character such as "<" ">" or "&". This also applies to $k actually. In that kind of script, it is also generally more performant to use XML attributes instead of nodes.
With so little information about your goal, all we can do is micro-optimize. Perhaps you should work on the principles behind your script instead? For instance, do you really have to generate 2000 items. Can you cache the result, can you cache anything? Can't you paginate the result, etc...
Quick word about using PHP's XML libraries, XMLWriter will generally be slightly slower than using string manipulation. Everything else will be noticeably slower than strings.
