I have a vhost configuration that has a directive to add a response header to every request, like this:
Header append X-MyHeader "Info Stuff in here"
If I run phpinfo() on this server, I see this header contained in the apache2handler section under the headline HTTP Headers Information as HTTP Response Headers. PHP seems to be able to access this info somehow.
I tried headers_list() and apache_response_headers() to get this information for my script, but it is missing.
A Google search did not come up with a solution, it seems like this to be a rare case. One other question here on SO got the answer to really query the server again and look at the headers, but I won't do this because I need the info on every request I serve - subrequests seem to be too much of a performance penalty.
How does phpinfo() know the values?
Update1: PHP does not show the value inside any of the superglobals like $_SERVER, $_ENV etc. The only place I see it on the phpinfo page is in the above mentioned section. Otherwise this would be a no-brainer.
You could do this, but make sure it's higher in the file than anything else that prints or you will get an error.
foreach($_SERVER as $h=>$v)
echo "<li>$h = $v</li>\n";
Do you have FastCGI enabled?
Try this link: $_SERVER headers are missing in PHP but present in Python
I have the following setup:
Some files are dynamically generated dependent on some (only a few) session parameters. Since they have not a great diversity, i allow caching in proxys/browsers. The files get an etag on their way, and the reaction of the whole web application at first glance seems correct: Files served in correct dependence from session situations, traffic saved.
And then this erroneous behavior:
But at closer inspection, i found that in his answer in case of a 304 for those dynamically generated files, apache wrongly sends a "Connection: close" Header instead of the normally sent "Connection: KeepAlive". What he should do is: Simply do not manipulate anything concerning "connection".
I cannot find any point where to pinpoint the cause of this behavior: Nowhere in the apache config files is anything written except one single line in one single file where it is instructed to send a keepalive - which it does - as long as it does not send a 304 response for a dynamically generated file. Nowhere in PHP do i instruct that guy to send anything other than keepalives (and the latter only to try to counter the connection:close).
The apache does not do this when it serves "normal" (non-dynamic) files (with 304 answers). So in some way i assume that maybe the PHP kernel is the one who interferes here without permission or being asked. But then, an added "Header set Connection 'Keep-Alive'" in the apache config, which i too added to counter the closing of the connection, does not work, too. Normally, when you put such a header set rule (not of "early" type) in the apache config, this rules takes action AFTER finalization of any subordered work on the requested document (thus AFTER finalization of the PHP output). But in my case, nothing happens - well: in case of a 304 response. In all other cases, everything works normal and correct.
Since there do some other files go over the line at a page request, i would appreciate to get the apache rid of those connection-closures.
Is there anybody who has an idea what to do with this behavior?
P.S.: One day (and a good sleep) later, things are clearing:
The culprit in this case was a shortsightedly (on my behalf) copied example snippet, which had "HTTP/1.>>>0<<< 304" (the Null!) in it.
This protocol version number gets (correctly) post-processed by apache (after everything otherwise - including any apache modules work - got finalized), in that it decides not to send a "Connection: Keep-Alive" over the wire, since that feature didn't exist in version HTTP/1.0.
The problem in this case was to get the focus on the fact that everything inside php and apache modules worked correctly and something in the outer environment of them must have been wrong, and thereafter to shift the view to anything in the code that could possibly influence that outer environment (e.g. the protocol version).
The URL in question : http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=149996624
When accessed in a browser, it will correctly download a file (which is an XML document). I wanted to get the file in php, and simply display its contents on a page.
$contents = file_get_contents("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=149996624");
The above is what I've tried using (as far as I know, the page does not expect any headers). I get a 500 HTTP error. However, in Python, the following code works and I receive the file.
r = requests.get("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=147781188")
I'm confused as to what the distinction is between how these two requests are sent. I am almost 100% it is not a header problem. I've also tried the cURL library in PHP to no avail. Nothing I've tried in PHP seems to succeed with the URL (with any valid id parameter); but Python is able to bring success nonchalantly.
Any insight as to why this issue may be happening would be great.
EDIT : I have already tried copying Python's headers into my PHP request.
EDIT2 : It also appears that there are two requests happening upon navigating to the link.
Is this on a linux/mac host by chance? If so you could use ngrep to see the differences on the request themselves on the wire. Something like the following should work
ngrep -t '^(GET) ' 'src host and tcp and dst port 80'
EDIT - The problem is that your server is responding with a 302 and the PHP library is not following it automatically. Cheers!
$output = file_get_contents("http://www.canadapost.ca/cpc2/addrm/hh/current/indexa/caONu-e.asp");
HTTP 505 Status means the webserver does not support the HTTP version used by the client (in this case, your PHP program).
What version of PHP are you running, and what HTTP/Web package(s) are you using in your PHP program?
Some servers deliberately block some browsers -- your code may "look like" a browser that the server is configured to ignore. I would particularly check the user agent string that your code is passing along to the server.
Check in your PHP installation (php.ini file) if the allow_url_fopen is enabled.
If not, any calls to file_get_contents will fail.
It works fine for me.
That site could be blocking the server that you're using to access it.
When you run the URL from your browser, your own ISP is used to get the information and display in your browser. But when you run from PHP, the ISP of your web host is used to get the information, then it passes it back to you.
Maybe you can do this to check and see what kind of headers its returning for you?
i just want to ask if do i need to set something to enable the cookies from my hosting?
i have this
it will function perfectly at my server which is xampp. but when i upload it to my hosting,
it will not function.. what should i do? or what will i add to the code?
It is also possible that the cookie is actually sent but the client doesn't sent the value back to the webserver in subsequent requests.
Possible causes:
your server's clock is misconfigured and therefore time()+3600 is in the past from the client's perspective => the client will delete the cookie immediately.
the cookie failed the general tail match check, search for "tail match" in http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html
the client is configured not to accept those cookies
There are many addons for different browsers that let you see the http headers the client actually received. E.g. Firebug for Firefox. Use them to check if there is a Set-cookie header in the response. If there is the client for some reasons rejected it. If there is no such header you have to check why the server didn't sent it.
Cookies are sent as http response headers. Those headers can only be sent before anything from the response body has been sent.
Make sure no output happens before setcookie():
no echo, printf, readfile
nothing outside the <?php ?> tags, not a single white-space or BOM in any of the scripts that have been included and executed for the same request before setcookie()
increase the error_reporting level and check for warnings/notices. Those messages are usually logged in a file (e.g. error.log). You can set display_errors to true to see them in the output.
PHP can be configured to use output buffers. In this case output is not sent directly to the client but held in a buffer until either it's full, the buffer is flushed or the script ends (implicit flush). So until the content of the buffer is actually sent to the client you can set/modify/delete http headers like cookies. see http://docs.php.net/outcontrol.configuration
Use web developer toolbar to view cookie.
My problem days in practicing PHP reminds me:
there may be new line ahead of <?php [this occurred to me when I use some proxies to upload]
free hosting providers include("top_ads.php") that is put on top of your php file [this occurred to me when I used free hosting]
If I'm not mistaken... Cookies are not accessible on the same page - has to be on the next page. Once cookies are set, you need to forward to another page via a header(); function, and THEN the $_COOKIE vars become accessible. It's not meant to work on the same page.
I know in PHP, it sends the X-Powered-By header to have the PHP version.
I also know by appending some checksums, you can get access to PHP's credits, and some random images (more info here).
I also know in php.ini you can turn expose_php = off.
But here is something I have done on a few sites, and that is use
header('X-Powered-By: Alex');
When I view the headers, I can see that it is now 'Alex' instead of the PHP version. My question is, will this send the previous PHP header first (before it reaches my header(), and is it detectable by any sniffer program? Or are headers 'collected' by PHP, before being sent back to the browser?
By the way, this is not for security by obscurity, just curious how headers work in PHP.
You can set expose_php = Off in your php.ini if you don't want it to send X-Powered-By header.
PHP first compiles everything (including which headers have which values ) and then start the output, not vice-versa.
PHP is also detectable with its own easter eggs, you can read about this topic here : PHP Easter Eggs
See Apache Tips & Tricks: Hide PHP version (X-Powered-By)
Ups… As we can see PHP adds its own
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.1.2-1+b1…
Let’s see how we can disable it. In
order to prevent PHP from exposing the
fact that it is installed on the
server, by adding its signature to the
web server header we need to locate in
php.ini the variable expose_php and turn it off.
By default expose_php is set to On.
In your php.ini (based on your Linux
distribution this can be found in
various places, like /etc/php.ini,
/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, etc.)
locate the line containing expose_php
On and set it to Off:
expose_php = Off
After making this change PHP will no
longer add it’s signature to the web
server header. Doing this, will
not make your server more secure… it will just prevent remote hosts to
easily see that you have PHP installed
on the system and what version you are
In PHP, headers aren't sent until PHP encounters its first output statement.
This includes anything before the first <?php.
This is also why setcookie sends throws a warning if you try to use it after something has been output:
Warning: Cannot modify header
information - headers already sent by
(output started at
/path/to/php/file.php:100) in
/path/to/php/file.php on line 150
Note that none of this applies if output buffering is in use, as the output will not be sent until the appropriate output buffering command is run.
To get rid of the X-Powered-By header without having access to php.ini, simply add an empty header.
<?php header('X-Powered-By:'); ?>
This overwrites the default X-Powered-By header with an empty value an though most clients and applications act like this header was not sent at all.
As noticed before, this must be inserted into the code before any output is sent.
And to answer your question:
Only your X-Powered-By header will be sent because it gets replaced by your header with the same name. So it can't be detected by a 'sniffer'.
Headers are "collected" by PHP before being sent back to the browser, so that you can override things like the status header. The way to test it is go to a command prompt, and type:
telnet www.yoursite.com 80
GET /index.php HTTP/1.1
And you'll see the headers that are sent in the response (replace /index.php with the URL of your PHP page after the domain.)
To hide X-Powered-By: PHP/7.x.x , if you are using Share Hosting then add the following code in .htaccess file
Header always unset X-Powered-By
Header unset X-Powered-By
Then reload the browser or clear the cache using the LiteSpeed Cache plugin: https://en.wordpress.org/plugins/litespeed-cache/
My question is, will this send the previous PHP header first (before it reaches my header(), and is it detectable by any sniffer program? Or are headers 'collected' by PHP, before being sent back to the browser?
No, it does not send the previous PHP header first. Headers are either sent or not sent (in complete, as one batch) in PHP. By default your headerDocs call replaces a previous header with the same name (unless you specify something different with the second parameter).
Note: If PHP would not collect the headers, it would not be able to replace one.
As it does not sent it earlier, it is not detectable with a sniffer program.
So yes, headers are collected by PHP and are send the moment "the real" output starts (HTTP response body).
See as well headers_sentDocs.
PHP has a built-in function to remove headers: header_remove().
To remove the X-Powered-By header, you can use:
name: 'X-Powered-By'
As you can see, you only have to pass the header name as a string as parameter, and you are done.
Note that name parameter is parsed not case-sensitive, so you are fine calling it with x-powered-by as well.
Since PHP 8.0.0 when calling the function without the name parameter, all previously set headers will be unset.