Calling a php function via ajax [duplicate] - php

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Creating jQuery AJAX requests to a PHP function
I am trying to run a really simple formula,
Call a web page, and every few seconds or so Ajax calls a php function to echo "Hello World"
function test(){
echo "Hello World";
<script type="text/javascript">
function testingTimer()
All I need is the code that calls the already declared php function.

You cannot call that directly. Write code of AJAX and call URL like myfile.php?action=test and in file myfile.php write if action GET variable is equal to test then call that function and don't forget to exit code to prevent any other output.

Google on how to do ajax calls. It's basic knowledge explained in too many tutorials, and varies depending on if you are using a framework or not, and which.

You can post something for example :
function testingTimer()
foo : 'foo'
and in php check post:
if (isset($_POST['foo']))

AJAX does not have the ability to call an arbitrary php function on its own. AJAX allows you to connect to a given page and request data. That being said, you can use AJAX to load a given page and all that page does is call your test function:

Based on your example code I assume you're trying to do this all within a single file. The issue you have is that PHP is run server side before/as the page loads. Once loaded it cannot be re-executed without a refresh.
You need to have your PHP in a separate file so that it can be called over HTTP by AJAX and return a response.
So something like this (if using jQuery):
$.ajax('helloworld.php', function(data){
}, 'html');
Should popup with hello world if implemented correctly.

You should use jQuery to use the ajax function.
You should not use a setInterval, but a setTimeout after the response of server because if the server take more than 5000 seconds to respond, then you'll have two requests at the same time.
If you want to put a timeout, you can always see the abort function on the jqXHR Object.
For example, you could do:
function refresh() {
type: 'GET', // can be POST or GET
url: 'page.php' // php script to call
// when the server responds
}).done(function(response) {
// call your function automatically
setTimeout(refresh, 5000);


Refresh PHP functions with JavaScript

i need a a script that will refresh the functions:
$ping, $ms
every 30 seconds, with a timer shown,
i basicly got this script:
var timer = {
interval: null,
seconds: 30,
start: function () {
var self = this,
el = document.getElementById('time-to-update');
el.innerText = this.seconds;
this.interval = setInterval(function () {
if (self.seconds == 0)
el.innerText = self.seconds;
}, 1000);
stop: function () {
but it refreshes the whole page, not the functions i want it to refresh, so, any help will be appriciated, thanks!
I forgot to mention that the script has to loop infinatly
This here reloads the whole page:
Now what you seem to want to do is reload portions of the page, those portions having been generated by php functions. Unfortunately php is server side so that means you cant get the client browser to run php. Your server runs the php to generate stuff that browsers can understand. In a web browser open a page you made using php and choose to view source and you'll see what I mean.
Here's what you'll need to do:
Make your two functions ping and ms accessable via ajax
Instead of window.location.reload() do a call to jQuery.ajax. on success write to your page
Here's what I think would be the ideal way of dealing with this... I haven't seen the php side of your problem but anyway:
make a file called ping.php and put all your ping function code in there. ditto for ms
in your original php file that called those functions, make a div at each point where you wanted a function call. Give them appropriate ids. Eg: "ping_contents" and "ms_contents"
You can populate these with some initial data if you want.
In your js put in something like this:
url : url_of_ping_function,
data : {anything you need},
type : 'POST', //or 'GET'
dataType: 'html',
success : function(data)
document.getElementById("ping_contents").innerHTML = data;
do another one for the other function
What you want is AJAX, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
You can use jQuery for that.
I can put an example here, but there is a lot of information to be found on the internet. In the past I wrote my own AJAX code, but since I started using jQuery, it's all a lot easier. Look at the jQuery link I provided. There is some usefull information. This example code might be the easiest to explain.
url: "test.php"
}).done(function() {
A some moment, for example on a click on a button, the file test.php is executed. When it's done, a alert box with the text "done" is shown. That's the basic.

Execute php from javascript

I'm having some trouble getting some php code working in my app.
The setup is rather easy: 1 button, 1 function and 1 php file.
$(document).ready(function ()
function testConnectie()
echo "It works!";
According to this post, it should work (How do I run PHP code when a user clicks on a link?)
Some sources claim that it is impossible to execute php via javascript, so I don't know what to believe.
If I'm wrong, can somebody point me to a method that does work (to connect from a javascript/jQuery script to a mySQL database)?
$.get('script/SQL/testConnection.php', function(data) {
You need to process Ajax result
You need to do something with the response that your php script is echoing out.
$.get("script/SQL/testConnection.php", function(data){
If you are using chrome of firefox you can bring up the console, enable xhr request logging and view the raw headers and responses.
Javascript is run by the browser (client) and php is run on the remote server so you cannot just run php code from js. However, you can call server to run it for you and give the result back without reloading of the page. Such approach is called AJAX - read about it for a while.
I see you are using jQuery - it has pretty nice API for such calls. It is documented: here
In your case the js should be rather like:
$(document).ready(function ()
url: '/testConnection.php',
success: function(data) {
//do something
Let's say you have simple script on the server that serves data from database based on id given in GET (like In the easiest approach server will run userInfo.php script and pass superglobal array $_GET with key id ($_GET['id']=1 to be exact). In a normal call you would prepare some query, render some html and echo it so that the browser could display a new page.
In AJAX call it's pretty much the same: server gets some call, runs a script and return it's result. All the difference is that the browser does not reload page but pass this response to the javascript function and let you do whatever you want with it. Usually you'll probably send only a data encoded (I prefer JSON) and render some proper html on the client side.
You may have a look on the load() of jQuery
You should place all of your functions in the document ready handler:
function testConnectie() {
$("#btnTestConnectie").click(function(e) {
You will have to have your browser's console open to see the result as a response from the server. Please make sure that you change the closing PHP bracket to ?> in testConnection.php.
One other note, if you're testing AJAX functions you must test them on a webserver. Otherwise you may not get any result or the results may not be what you expect.

JSON return undefined from JQuery request [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to return AJAX response Text?
I'm trying to put together a JQuery timeout function for a form submit action. I have something similar in place via PHP for a page reload, and have the time of the initial page load stored in $_SESSION['pageLoad']. What I'm now trying to do is grab that value and use it in some JQuery math.
After searching around SO, I have arrived at the following:
//filename: getsession.php
echo json_encode($_SESSION['pageLoad']);
$("#sms-creator").submit(function() {
var session;
$.ajaxSetup({cache: false})
$.get('sms_includes/getsession.php', function(data) {
session = data;
//at this point I just want to see what I'm getting, hence the next 2 lines...
return false;
The path to the PHP file is relative to the form page, not the .js file.
My alert only returns 'undefined'. I'm inexperienced with Javascript and its libraries, so the fault is not apparent to me. Any help appreciated.
ajax call is done asynchronously. so when $.get is executed, request is sent to server for response, however, the javascript program will not wait for the response because it is done asynchronously. when you alert(session), variable session hasn't been set to data returned by server. Try do ajax synchronously, or put alert session in the ajax callback.

How to send data to a php script page during jQuery load and accept the data

I have a php function that builds a list of items for me. Im not sure but i read that you cant call a php function explicitly though jQuery/js.
So i saw that you can still call php pages like this:
If i can call a php page like that, is there also a way to send it a URL when that page is loaded like this?
$("#div").load("script.php", '');
also another problem comes up that how do i make the script accept that string through from jQuery?
normally when you call a function you pass parameter with the call like so:
<?php makeList( '' ); ?>
//on the function-side
function makeList( $feedURL )
//...stuff that uses $feedURL...
Since i will make the function a script that runs upon being called how would i pass it a parameter?
I have no idea if this is possible or not and i would understand if this creates tons of security issues which makes it not acceptable.
You have the $.get and $.post methods in jQuery.
$.post('script.php', { url: '' }, function(data) {
//data will hold the output of your script.php
The url is posted to your PHP script and you can access it through $_POST['url'].
See jQuery.ajax(), the 'sending data to the server' example.

An equivalent of javascript unload for PHP

For javascript there is an unload function, when a page closes, do something. Is there the same for php?
PHP is server side, so by the time your user sees the page, the PHP thread is already done. You could of course put an ajax call in your javascript unload though that calls a PHP script.
PHP is a server-side technology. It has no idea that the page is closing unless you use JavaScript to send a message to a PHP script. Then it's just as any other php page.
If you want to execute something at the end of your request, you can use register_shutdown_function:
function my_func() {
// perform some cleanup
// my_func will be called after the rest of your script has executed
Since PHP is a server side language it's not possible to do something like this without using some sort of browser based scripting language.
short answer NO!
the reason for this is that PHP just creates a page, ones it has built up the page it sends the html to Apache to serve, when this is done, the PHP script is already finished.
A possible hack is using javascript.
so heres and example, Requires jQuery¬
$.fn.unloadping = function(url,params,callback)
this.onbeforeunload = function()
type : 'GET',
data : params,
success : function(response)
callback(this) //Send window context back
return false;
return $(this); //keep the chain
and can use like so
this.close(); //Needs to be checked
can i ask why you would like to do this? what's your motives etc. ?
PHP is not event-oriented, the best way to know if a page finished is in the last line.
If you need to know when a class is "unloaded" you can use the function __destroy
