I am having some problem with my apache server when handling big amount of traffic. after some optimizations I did. I still have the same problem. I check my log file and it turned out that I have a lot of php processing. The following code is getting processed about 800 times a minute (when I have high traffic) and casing my server to crash.
1) is there any parts of the code that I need to rewrite that would make it take less php processing ?
2) is it a good idea to have all of this code before the html starts ?
mysql_connect('', '', '');
if(empty($_GET['i']) == false){
$get_image = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['i']);
$check_if_image = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `image_name`, `image_type`, `image_caption`, `image_voteup`, `image_votedown`, `image_views`, `fb_userid` FROM images_new WHERE image_name = '$get_image'");
if(mysql_num_rows($check_if_image) == 1){
$result = mysql_fetch_assoc($check_if_image);
$image_id = $result['id'];
$image_name = $result['image_name'];
$image_type = $result['image_type'];
$image_caption = stripslashes($result['image_caption']);
$image_voteup = $result['image_voteup'];
$image_votedown = $result['image_votedown'];
//$image_date = $result['image_date'];
$image_views = $result['image_views'];
$fb_username = $result['fb_username'];
$fb_userid = $result['fb_userid'];
//next image
$next_image_id = $image_id + 1;
$check_next_image = mysql_query("SELECT `image_name` FROM images_new WHERE id = '$next_image_id'");
if(mysql_num_rows($check_next_image) == 1){
$next_image_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($check_next_image);
$next_image_name = $next_image_result['image_name'];
// pre image
$pre_image_id = $image_id - 1;
$check_pre_image = mysql_query("SELECT `image_name` FROM images_new WHERE id = '$pre_image_id'");
if(mysql_num_rows($check_pre_image) == 1){
$pre_image_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($check_pre_image);
$pre_image_name = $pre_image_result['image_name'];
//shares, comments, and likes
$fb_page_url = "http://www.xxx.com/images.php?i=".$get_image;
$fb_url = "http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?method=links.getStats&urls=".urlencode($fb_page_url);
$fb_xml = file_get_contents($fb_url);
$fb_xml = simplexml_load_string($fb_xml);
$fb_shares = $fb_xml->link_stat->share_count;
$fb_likes = $fb_xml->link_stat->like_count;
$fb_likes_and_shares = $fb_likes + $fb_shares;
$fb_comments = $fb_xml->link_stat->commentsbox_count;
$config = array('appId' => '','secret' => '');
$params = array('scope'=>'user_likes,publish_actions,email,offline_access,user_birthday');
$facebook = new Facebook($config);
$user = $facebook->getUser();
$user_profile = $facebook->api('/me','GET');
$user_id = $user_profile['username'];
$expire_time = time() + 30758400;
//insert cookie id
if (!isset($_COOKIE['id'])){
$cookie_id = $user_profile['username'];
setcookie("id", $cookie_id, $expire_time, '/');
//insert cookie name
if (!isset($_COOKIE['name'])){
$user_name = $user_profile['first_name'];
setcookie("name", $user_name, $expire_time, '/');
//check if the user like the fan page
$isFan = $facebook->api(array(
"method" => "pages.isFan",
"page_id" => ''
}catch(FacebookApiException $e) {
}else{//if no user
$user_name = $user_profile['first_name'];
setcookie("name", $user_name, time() - 30758400, '/');
//increase views
mysql_query("UPDATE images_main SET image_views = image_views + 1 WHERE image_name='$image_name'");
mysql_query("UPDATE images_new SET image_views = image_views + 1 WHERE image_name='$image_name'");
}else{//image was not found in the database.
header('Location: index.php');
}else{//redirect if get is empty
header('Location: index.php');
I would say the key factor is your call to the Facebook API, such things are always expensive and easily cacheable, put that code in a separate page/include and cache it as you like.
Also as a side note, you should consider reducing the number of db queries and you may wish to update your db driver... as invariably everyone points out #Madara Uchiha
I see a few items right off the bat.
First query:
$check_if_image = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `image_name`, `image_type`, `image_caption`, `image_voteup`, `image_votedown`, `image_views`, `fb_userid` FROM images_new WHERE image_name = '$get_image'");
If you only need one result back, put a 'LIMIT 1' at then end (unless this field has a UNIQUE index, in which case this shouldn't matter). Also make sure this field is indexed and preferably a VARCHAR field instead of TEXT or BLOB.
Next, you are running 2 queries to get the previous and next images. I would combine this into 1 query like this:
SELECT `image_name` FROM images_new WHERE id IN ('$next_image_id', '$pre_image_id')
Also, you can apply the first optimization I mentioned to these 2 queries:
mysql_query("UPDATE images_main SET image_views = image_views + 1 WHERE image_name='$image_name'");
mysql_query("UPDATE images_new SET image_views = image_views + 1 WHERE image_name='$image_name'");
Lastly, going through the Facebook API is going to add load time that you cannot do much about. Hopefully this gets you started down the right path.
A user will request a file by number via a URL like script.php?userid=222. This example would show the record of file #222.
Now I want to limit the number of files per (remote IP) user to a maximum of 5 different records in a minute. However, the user should be able to access the same id record any number of time.
So the user could access file #222 any number of times, but if the (remote IP) user accesses more than 5 other different records in a minute, then it should show an error.
For example, suppose within a minute the following requests are made:
then at the last request it should show the error message.
Here is the basic code:
$id = $_GET['userid'];
if (!isset($_GET['userid']) || empty($_GET['userid'])) {
echo "Please enter the userid";
if (file_exists($userid.".txt") &&
(filemtime($userid.".txt") > (time() - 3600 * $ttime ))) {
$ffile = file_get_contents($userid.".txt");} else {
$dcurl = curl_init();
$ffile = fopen($userid.".txt", "w+");
curl_setopt($dcurl, CURLOPT_URL,"http://remoteserver.com/data/$userid");
curl_setopt($dcurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
curl_setopt($dcurl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 50);
curl_setopt($dcurl, CURLOPT_FILE, $ffile);
$ffile = curl_exec($dcurl);
if(curl_errno($dcurl)) // check for execution errors
echo 'Script error: ' . curl_error($dcurl);
$ffile = file_get_contents($userid.".txt");
Instead of relying on the IP address, you could use the session mechanism. You can create a session scope via session_start(), and then store information that sticks with the same user session.
I would then suggest to keep in this session scope the list of unique IDs used in previous requests that user made, together with the time of the request, ignoring any repeated requests, which are always allowed. As soon as this list contains 5 elements with a time stamp within the last minute and a new ID is requested, you show the error and refuse the lookup.
Here is the code that does this. You should place it right after you have checked the presence of the userid argument, and before the retrieval of the file contents:
// set the variables that define the limits:
$min_time = 60; // seconds
$max_requests = 5;
// Make sure we have a session scope
// Create our requests array in session scope if it does not yet exist
if (!isset($_SESSION['requests'])) {
$_SESSION['requests'] = [];
// Create a shortcut variable for this array (just for shorter & faster code)
$requests = &$_SESSION['requests'];
$countRecent = 0;
$repeat = false;
foreach($requests as $request) {
// See if the current request was made before
if ($request["userid"] == $id) {
$repeat = true;
// Count (only) new requests made in last minute
if ($request["time"] >= time() - $min_time) {
// Only if this is a new request...
if (!$repeat) {
// Check if limit is crossed.
// NB: Refused requests are not added to the log.
if ($countRecent >= $max_requests) {
die("Too many new ID requests in a short time");
// Add current request to the log.
$requests[] = ["time" => time(), "userid" => $id];
// Debugging code, can be removed later:
echo count($requests) . " unique ID requests, of which $countRecent in last minute.<br>";
// if execution gets here, then proceed with file content lookup as you have it.
Deleted session cookies...
Sessions are maintained by cookies on the client. The user may delete such cookies, an so get a new session, which would allow the user to make new requests without regard of what was previously requested.
One way to get around this is to introduce a cool-down period for each new session. For instance, you could have them wait for 10 seconds before a first request can be made. To do that, replace in above code:
if (!isset($_SESSION['requests'])) {
$_SESSION['requests'] = [];
$initial_delay = 10; // 10 seconds delay for new sessions
if (!isset($_SESSION['requests'])) {
$_SESSION['requests'] = array_fill(0, $max_requests,
["userid" => 0, "time" => time()-$min_time+$initial_delay]
This is of course less user friendly as it affects any new session, also of users who are not trying to cheat by deleting cookies.
The better way is to only allow the lookup services to registered users. For this you must provide a user database and authentication system (for example password based). The requests should be logged in the database, keyed by the user's ID. If then a new session starts, the user must first authenticate again, and once authenticated the request history is retrieved from the database. This way the user cannot cheat around it by changing something on their client configuration (IP address, cookies, employing multiple devices in parallel, ...)
// session_start();
// session_destroy();
// exit;
echo index();
function index()
$id = rand(000,020);
$min_time = 60;
$max_requests = 5;
// $id = 0;
$repeat = false;
if(!isset($_SESSION["countRecent"]) && !isset($_SESSION["countRecent"]) && !isset($_SESSION["countRecent"])){
$_SESSION["countRecent"] = 1;
$_SESSION["time"] = time();
$_SESSION['userid'][] = $id;
if ($_SESSION["countRecent"] >= $max_requests) {
if ($_SESSION["time"] <= time() - $min_time) {
$_SESSION["countRecent"] = 1;
$_SESSION["time"] = time();
return("Too many requests in a short time wait ". ( $_SESSION["time"] - (time() - $min_time) )). " Seconds";
$_SESSION["countRecent"] = $_SESSION["countRecent"] + 1;
$_SESSION['userid'][] = $id;
return "Your Result goes here.. id: $id Counts: ". $_SESSION["countRecent"];
Try this. Fast , low memory usage
But not secure;
also use database
$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "","db_name") or die("Could not connect database");
$id = rand(0,99);
// $id = 100;
echo index($id);
function index($id,$user=1,$ip='',$max_requests = 5,$min_time = 20)
global $conn;
$time = time();
$req = "INSERT INTO `limit_api_by_ip2`(`id`, `ip`, `time`, `user`, `req`)
VALUES (null,INET_ATON('$ip'),'$time','$user',1)
$req2 = "INSERT INTO `limit_api_by_ip2`(`id`, `ip`, `time`, `user`, `req`)
VALUES (null,INET_ATON('$ip'),'$time','$user',1)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE req=1,`time`='".time()."' ;";
$reqid = "INSERT INTO `limit_api_by_ip2_count`(`id`, `user`, `ids`) VALUES (null,'$user',$id)";
$getid = "SELECT `ids` FROM `limit_api_by_ip2_count` WHERE user = $user and ids = $id limit 1;";
$gettime = "SELECT `time`,`req` FROM `limit_api_by_ip2` WHERE user = $user and ip = INET_ATON('$ip') limit 1;";
// $id = 0;
$q = mysqli_query($conn,$getid);
$c = mysqli_num_rows($q);
$get_time = mysqli_query($conn,$gettime);
$c1 = mysqli_num_rows($get_time);
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($get_time);
if ($row[1] >= $max_requests) {
if ($row[0] <= (time() - $min_time)) {
return "Too many requests in a short time wait ".($row[0]-(time() - $min_time))." Seconds";
$cc = "Counts: ".$row[1];
$dd = "new id: $id";
$cc = '';
$dd = "old id: $id";
return "Your Result goes here.. $dd ".$cc;
I've got a function on my website so that when people click on a link, they are supposed to have 5 points added to their profile, but that doesn't seem to be working, instead their points just stick to 5.
The following code is what I have used to set up a function:
$points = $user_data['points'];
function pointAdd($user_id, $points) {
$user_id = (int)$user_id;
$pointsPlus = $points += 5;
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `points` = '$pointsPlus' WHERE `user_id` = $user_id");
And I have added this to the page, so that when they enter it, the code is put into play:
$target = $_GET['target'];
if(logged_in() === true){
pointAdd($session_user_id, $pointsPlus);
header('Location: ' . $target);
But, when they enter the page, the function doesn't work and the user is just set to 5 points instead of having 5 extra added to their profile.
Your pointsPlus variable that you pass into your function is empty. I don't know where user_data comes from, but the solution is something like this. And also the name 'pointsPlus' is logically incorrect, because there are the base points that the user already has.
$target = $_GET['target'];
if(logged_in() === true){
$points = $user_data['points'];
pointAdd($session_user_id, $points);
header('Location: ' . $target);
I want to add a counter in my webpage which counts the number of visitors.
But my problem is that when i refresh my page ,counter increases by 1..i want that counter increases only when a new visitor with another ip reaches to my webpage.
here are my codes..
Sorry for my weak english
$_SESSION['current_user'] = $ip;
$count = file_get_contents("counter.txt");
$count = trim($count);
$fl = fopen("counter.txt","w+");
$count = file_get_contents("counter.txt");
$count = trim($count);
$count = $count + 1;
$fl = fopen("counter.txt","w+");
As database based solution is not preferred, You can try the following file based solution for counting unique visitor. You already have used counter.txt file in your code.
I tried to use the same file that you have used. In my case I am storing IP address in that file. I have used base64 encoding function just to hide the IP address. It is always good to keep that file in a safe place. If that file is lost then the unique visitor IPs will be lost. See the function below:
Function definition
function getUniqueVisitorCount($ip)
$file = 'counter.txt';
if(!$data = #file_get_contents($file))
file_put_contents($file, base64_encode($ip));
$_SESSION['visitor_count'] = 1;
$decodedData = base64_decode($data);
$ipList = explode(';', $decodedData);
if(!in_array($ip, $ipList)){
array_push($ipList, $ip);
file_put_contents($file, base64_encode(implode(';', $ipList)));
$_SESSION['visitor_count'] = count($ipList);
$_SESSION['current_user'] = $ip;
Function call
$ip = ''; // $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
echo 'Unique visitor count: ' . $_SESSION['visitor_count'];
Unique visitor count: 2
if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $_SESSION['current_user'])
And, surely you dont need to get $count from a file, and then write the same value back to the file...? If the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] matches the SESSION['current_user'] then do nothing..
try to store the user IP in database and check for unique user,
if (!$_SESSION['status']) {
$connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "password");
mysql_select_db("ip_log", $connection);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `database`.`table` (IP) VALUES ('$ip')");
$_SESSION['status'] = true;
Best And Easy Code
Try to store the user IP in database and check for unique user
$`servername` = "";
$username = "";
$password = "";
$`dbname` = "";
$`conn` = new `mysqli`($`servername`, $username, $password, $`dbname`);
if ($`conn`->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $`conn`->connect_error);
$address = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$name = `gethostname`();
$re = "select * from visitor where name='$name'";
$call = `mysqli_fetch_array`($re);
$as = `mysqli_num_rows`($call);
if($as == 0){
$`sql` = "UPDATE visitor SET visits = visits+1 WHERE name = '$name'";
$`sql` = "INSERT INTO visitor(visits,name,address) VALUE(1,'$name','$address')";
$`sql` = "SELECT visits FROM visitor WHERE id = 1";
$result = $`conn`->query($`sql`);
if ($result->`num_rows` > 0) {
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$visits = $row["visits"];
} else {
$visits = "";
//echo $visits;
don't know why it happens, here is the sample of the code
$uid = Yii::$app->user->identity->ID;
if($id != null){
$model = self::findOne($id);
$model = self::find()->select('ID, connection_uri, version, username, password')->where('
enabled = :en AND user_id = :userid
' ,[':en' => 1, ':userid' => $uid])->one();
When this line is being processed $uid = Yii::$app->user->identity->ID;
the whole server is getting very slower and I cannot do any other thing only to wait while the function is being finished. When I delete that line and for example type this : $uid = 1; then everything is ok. Do you have any ideas why it might happen?
Try with :
$uid = Yii::$app->user->identity->id;
I'm still learning more interesting details about PHP. Example: Moving from MySQL to MySQLi. What I am currently doing is trying enter something like this: http://music.daum.net/artist/main?artist_id=2289
From what I learned from pagination by dicing the url:
How can I be able to make a page like that? I have 2 sections available and will make the others when figuring this out.
artist information (available as testhub-artist.php)
album (available as testhub-artistalbum.php)
music video
photo section
I want to make it easier when making pages instead of making separate folders for each person.
My url would be: "../artist/detail?artist_id=#"
This is at the top of the artist page.
//Connect to ...
include "testhub-artist.php";
include "testhub-artistalbum.php";
//Connect to database
include "mysqli_connect.php";
// Construct our join query
$sql = "SELECT * FROM individuals WHERE soloID = 1";
// Create results
$result = mysqli_query($link, $sql);
// Checking if query is successful
// Print out the contents of each row into a table
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_BOTH)){
// If else states on each variable
if ($profilepic = $row['profilepic']){
$profilepic = $row['profilepic'];
$profilepic = "DamjuNoImage";
if ($engname = $row['engname']){
$engname = $row['engname'];
$engname = "Unknown";
if ($korname = $row['korname']){
$korname = $row['korname'];
$korname = "Unknown";
if ($engbn = $row['engbn']){
$engbn = $row['engbn'];
$engbn = "Unknown";
if ($korbn = $row['korbn']){
$korbn = $row['korbn'];
$korbn = "Unknown";
if ($dateofbirth = $row['dateofbirth']){
$dateofbirth = $row['dateofbirth'];
$dateofbirth = "Unknown";
if ($occupation = $row['occupation']){
$occupation = $row['occupation'];
$occupation = "Unknown";
if ($debut = $row['debut']){
$debut = $row['debut'];
$debut = "Unknown";
if ($recordlabel = $row['recordlabel']){
$recordlabel = $row['recordlabel'];
$recordlabel = "Unknown";
if ($officialsite = $row['officialsite']){
$officialsite = $row['officialsite'];
$officialsite = "#";
if ($sitename = $row['sitename']){
$sitename = $row['sitename'];
$sitename = "Unknown";
} // End of while statement
$engname = "Unknown";
$korname = "Unknown";
$engbn = "Unknown";
$korbn = "Unknown";
$dateofbirth = "Unknown";
$occupation = "Unknown";
$debut = "Unknown";
$recordlabel = "Unknown";
$officialsite = "#";
$sitename = "Unknown";
} // End of If statement
// Free result set
//connect to db
include "mysqli_connect.php";
//check for a page number. If not, set it to page 1
if (!(isset($_GET['albumpage']))){
$albumpage = 1;
$albumpage = $_GET['albumpage'];
//query for record count to setup pagination
$sqli = "SELECT * FROM albums WHERE soloID = 3";
$album_data = mysqli_query($link, $sqli);
$album_rows = mysqli_num_rows($album_data);
//number of photos per page
$album_pagerows = 4;
//get the last page number
$last_album = ceil($album_rows/$album_pagerows);
//make sure the page number isn't below one, or more than last page num
if ($albumpage < 1){
$albumpage = 1;
}elseif ($albumpage > $last_album){
$albumpage = $last_album;
//Set the range to display in query
$max_album = 'limit ' .($albumpage - 1) * $album_pagerows .',' .$album_pagerows;
//get all of the photos
$albumList = "";
$sqli2 = "SELECT * FROM albums WHERE soloID = 3 ORDER BY releasedate DESC $max_album";
$album_sql = mysqli_query($link, $sqli2);
//check for photos
$albumCount = mysqli_num_rows($album_sql);
if ($albumCount > 0){
while($album_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($album_sql)){
$albumID = $album_rows["albumID"];
$albumpic = $album_rows["albumpic"];
$title = $album_rows["albumTitle"];
$releasedate = $album_rows["releasedate"];
$page = $album_rows["page"];
$albumList .= '
<li class="albumthumb">
<img class="profile" src="../albums/album_th/' . $albumpic . '.jpg" alt="' . $albumpic . '" width="120" height="120" border="0" /><p class="datatitle">' . $title . '</p><p class="data-releasedate">' . $releasedate . '</p>
$albumList = "There are no available albums at this time!";
Sorry for not explaining clearly. I want to be able to use pagination when making a profile page like the url. I want to use the number in the url to change the id (soloID) in the sql code.
Good idea in saving time, right? MySQLi getting easier every time I see it.
Thank you.
Changed 5/31/2012 5:44PM CT
$artist = $_GET['artist_id']
$artist = $_GET['artist_id'];
$artist = 1;
You would use detail as the page, (probably have a detail folder with a index) and on the detail page, have a $_GET[] variable somewhere that gets the artist_id. So your code could look something like this:
$artist = $_GET['artist_id']; // Filter this variable
$sql = "SELECT * FROM individuals WHERE soloID = '{$artist}'";
* Verify if the ID exists
* Display query results, etc.
So everytime you change the artist_id variable in the URL, the page should change accordingly.
Welcome to my second favorite language! I love php.
Someone already answered your question, but I have some suggestions.
The code you have isn't vulnerable as is cause the user provided data is passed through math... but inlining variables is a good way to leave yourself open to SQL Injection attacks. Look up bind_param() and prepared statements and get in the habit of using them. Always. Well almost always..
Unfortunately SQL doesn't allow you to bind things like the values you use for LIMIT,ORDER BY,GROUP BY so you have to handle those yourself.
Never trust anything derived from a user, so do the work and check it.
Sort columns should always be column names. Check them.
if ( ! in_array($sort_column,array('column1','column2','column3') ) ) $sort_column = 'column1';
Limits should always be integers. Cast them as such.
$safe_limit = (int) $user_limit;
There is no need to copy the array values into another variable. Just use them directly.
You need to escape your values going into html. Lookup urlencode() and htmlentities().
My IE is up to a gig of memory so I'll have to finish this up later.