solr data can not be sent before solrcommit - php

What my problem is that I can not send array to solr machine in order to update. I am using codeigniter as a framework and here is my code:
$solrData = array();
$solrData['id'] = $this->data['profil_data']['id'];
$solrData['site'] = $this->data['profil_data']['site'];
$solrData['url_Domain'] = $this->data['profil_data']['url_Domain'];
$solrData['url_Page'] = $this->data['profil_data']['url_Page'];
$solrData['url_Profil'] = $this->data['profil_data']['url_Profil'];
$solrData['scr_Kobi_Rank'] = $this->data['profil_data']['scr_Kobi_Rank'];
$solrData['scr_A'] = $this->data['profil_data']['scr_A'];
$solrData['scr_B'] = $this->data['profil_data']['scr_B'];
$solrData['scr_C'] = $this->data['profil_data']['scr_C'];
$solrData['scr_D'] = $this->data['profil_data']['scr_D'];
$solrData['loc_City'] = $this->input->post('plakano');
$solrData['loc_Lat_Lon'] = $this->input->post('loc_Lat_Lon');
$solrData['com_Category'] = explode(',', $this->input->post('category'));
$urunData = $this->input->post('urun_list');
foreach($urunData as $row)
$ontoData = $this->m_onto->getOntoDataByOntoDataId($row);
$solrData['com_Products'][] = $ontoData['baslik'];
$hizmetData = $this->input->post('hizmet_list');
foreach($hizmetData as $row)
$ontoData = $this->m_onto->getOntoDataByOntoDataId($row);
$solrData['com_Services'][] = $ontoData['baslik'];
$solrData['com_Type'] = $this->input->post('sirketturu');
$solrData['com_Description'] = $this->input->post('description');
$solrData['com_Title_Selected'] = $this->input->post('title');
$solrData['com_Title_Long'] = $this->data['profil_data']['com_Title_Long'];
$solrData['crm_Tel'] = $this->input->post('tel');
$solrData['crm_Fax'] = $this->input->post('fax');
$solrData['crm_Email'] = $this->input->post('email');
And solr process:
public function updateSolrProfilData($arrData)
if(count($arrData) == 0)
return FALSE;
$solrClientOptions = $this->solrClientOptionsYazProfil;
$solrClientOptionsCommit = $this->solrClientOptionsYazProfilCommit;
$solrClient = new SolrClient($solrClientOptions);
$solrDoc = new SolrInputDocument();
foreach($arrData as $firmaField => $firmaValue)
if(! is_array($firmaValue))
$solrDoc->addField($firmaField, $firmaValue);
foreach($firmaValue as $firmaField2 => $firmaValue2)
if($firmaValue2 != '')
$solrDoc->addField($firmaField, $firmaValue2);
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Solr Commit function:
private function _solrCommit($solrArr)
$urlCommit = 'http://' . $solrArr['hostname'] . ":" . $solrArr['port'] . '/' . $solrArr['path'] . "/update?stream.body=%3Ccommit/%3E&wt=json";
$output = file_get_contents($urlCommit);
$outputArr = json_decode($output, TRUE);
if ($outputArr['responseHeader']['status'] === 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
And that is the options:
private $solrClientOptionsYazProfilCommit = array(
'hostname' => SOLR_HOST_YAZ,
'login' => '',
'password' => '',
'port' => SOLR_PORT,
'path' => 'solr/collection1'
Altough try-catch returns no error, the data can not be updated. Moreover, code sends solr commit succesfully. I checked the url but it is in correct form. What is wrong in here?

Dont use PHP/Pecl solr libs. If you can access solr via a URL then you should just use PHP and CURL:
static function doCurl($url, $username = null, $password = null) {
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
// throw error
$ch = curl_init();
$opts = array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
if ($password != null && $username != null) {
$opts[CURLOPT_USERPWD] = "$username:$password";
curl_setopt_array($ch, $opts);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
return $response;
usage is:
doCurl("http://hostNameHere:8983/solr/select/?q=solr&start=0&rows=10&indent=on", "user", "pass");

Your issue is that you are never issuing a command to Solr to add the document that you have built to your index. You are only issuing the commit command, which is executing successfully.
Since you are using PHP, I would recommend using the PHP SolrClient. This will save you from having to manually write all of the functions (add, delete, commit, etc.) yourself. In this case, you would need to call the addDocument function.


how to use dreamscape api in nodejs for check domain name

I have already work this in php. Here is my working code:
$request = array(
'DomainNames' => $domain_names
$response = dreamScapeAPI('DomainCheck', $request);
$available = false;
$alt_domains = array(); // Alternative to user's expected domain names
if (!is_soap_fault($response)) {
// Successfully checked the availability of the domains
if (isset($response->APIResponse->AvailabilityList)) {
$availabilityList = $response->APIResponse->AvailabilityList;
foreach ($availabilityList as $list) {
if ($list->Available){
if ($domain == $list->Item) {
$available = true; // user prefered domain found
else {
$alt_domains[] = $list->Item;
else {
$error = $response->APIResponse->Errors;
foreach ($error as $e) {
$api_error = $e->Message;
//echo $e->Item . ' - ' . $e->Message . '<br />';
function dreamScapeAPI($method, $data = null) {
$reseller_api_soap_client = "";
$soap_location = '';
$wsdl_location = '';
$authenticate = array();
$authenticate['AuthenticateRequest'] = array();
$authenticate['AuthenticateRequest']['ResellerID'] = '**';
$authenticate['AuthenticateRequest']['APIKey'] = '**';
//convert $authenticate to a soap variable
$authenticate['AuthenticateRequest'] = new SoapVar($authenticate['AuthenticateRequest'], SOAP_ENC_OBJECT);
$authenticate = new SoapVar($authenticate, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT);
$header = new SoapHeader($soap_location, 'Authenticate', $authenticate, false);
$reseller_api_soap_client = new SoapClient($wsdl_location, array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE));
$prepared_data = $data != null ? array($data) : array();
try {
$response = $reseller_api_soap_client->__soapCall($method, $prepared_data);
} catch (SoapFault $response) { }
return $response;
I tried with this :
But domain search can not work properly. Mainly, I want it on nodejs using nodejs dreamscape api but this method is not available on nodejs.
Here is my working demo: click here

List Azure files and folders from File share snapshots with php

To list the files and folders from Azure Files can be done with this code:
function ListFolder($shareName, $path)
global $fileRestProxy;
$vMaxResultados = 5000;
$vNextMarker = "";
$listResult = null;
$options = new ListDirectoriesAndFilesOptions();
$listResult = $fileRestProxy->ListDirectoriesAndFiles($shareName,$path,$options);
$vNextMarker = $listResult->getNextMarker();
} while ($vNextMarker != "");
catch (Exception $e)
$code = $e->getCode();
$error_message = $e->getMessage();
return "ERROR:$code:$error_message";
return $listResult;
But how is the sintaxis or method to the same with a snapshot from these Share?
This doesn't work:
function ListSnapshotFolder($shareName, $path, $snapshot)
global $fileRestProxy;
$vMaxResultados = 5000;
$vNextMarker = "";
$listResult = null;
$options = new ListDirectoriesAndFilesOptions();
$shareFull = $shareName . "?snapshot=" . $snapshot;
$listResult = $fileRestProxy->ListDirectoriesAndFiles($shareFull,$path,$options);
$vNextMarker = $listResult->getNextMarker();
} while ($vNextMarker != "");
catch (Exception $e)
$code = $e->getCode();
$error_message = $e->getMessage();
return "ERROR:$code:$error_message";
return $listResult;
Is there any parameter in the $option object to add?
Or maybe the $shareFull must be created in some format?
$shareFull = $shareName . "?snapshot=" . $snapshot;
Thanks in advance.
I believe you have found a bug in the SDK. I looked up the source code here and there's no provision to provide sharesnapshot query string parameter in the options as well as the code does not even handle it.
public function listDirectoriesAndFilesAsync(
$path = '',
ListDirectoriesAndFilesOptions $options = null
) {
Validate::notNull($share, 'share');
Validate::canCastAsString($share, 'share');
Validate::canCastAsString($path, 'path');
$method = Resources::HTTP_GET;
$headers = array();
$postParams = array();
$queryParams = array();
$path = $this->createPath($share, $path);
if (is_null($options)) {
$options = new ListDirectoriesAndFilesOptions();
$dataSerializer = $this->dataSerializer;
return $this->sendAsync(
)->then(function ($response) use ($dataSerializer) {
$parsed = $dataSerializer->unserialize($response->getBody());
return ListDirectoriesAndFilesResult::create(
}, null);
You may want to open up an issue here: and bring this to SDK team's attention.

How to execute a specific php script method giving parameters from url

I have this php script:
class Curl_Class {
private $endpointUrl;
private $userName;
private $userKey;
public $token;
public $errorMsg = '';
private $defaults = array(
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Expect:'),
//constructor saves the values
function __construct($url, $name, $key) {
private function getChallenge() {
$curl_handler = curl_init();
$params = array("operation" => "getchallenge", "username" => $this->userName);
$options = array(CURLOPT_URL => $this->endpointUrl."?".http_build_query($params));
curl_setopt_array($curl_handler, ($this->defaults + $options));
$result = curl_exec($curl_handler);
if (!$result) {
$this->errorMsg = curl_error($curl_handler);
return false;
$jsonResponse = json_decode($result, true);
if($jsonResponse["success"]==false) {
$this->errorMsg = "getChallenge failed: ".$jsonResponse["error"]["message"]."<br>";
return false;
$challengeToken = $jsonResponse["result"]["token"];
return $challengeToken;
function login() {
$curl_handler = curl_init();
$token = $this->getChallenge();
//create md5 string containing user access key from my preference menu
//and the challenge token obtained from get challenge result
$generatedKey = md5($token.$this->userKey);
$params = array("operation" => "login", "username" => $this->userName, "accessKey" => $generatedKey);
$options = array(CURLOPT_URL => $this->endpointUrl, CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($params));
curl_setopt_array($curl_handler, ($this->defaults + $options));
$result = curl_exec($curl_handler);
if (!$result) {
$this->errorMsg = curl_error($curl_handler);
return false;
$jsonResponse = json_decode($result, true);
if($jsonResponse["success"]==false) {
$this->errorMsg = "Login failed: ".$jsonResponse["error"]["message"]."<br>";
return false;
$sessionId = $jsonResponse["result"]["sessionName"];
//save session id
return true;
private function handleReturn($result, $name, $curl_handler) {
if (!$result) {
$this->errorMsg = curl_error($curl_handler);
return false;
$jsonResponse = json_decode($result, true);
if (!$jsonResponse) {
$this->errorMsg = "$name failed: ".$result."<br>";
return false;
if($jsonResponse["success"]==false) {
$this->errorMsg = "$name failed: ".$jsonResponse["error"]["message"]."<br>";
return false;
return $jsonResponse["result"];
public function operation($name, $params, $type = "GET", $filepath = '') {
$params = array_merge(array("operation" => $name, "sessionName" => $this->token), $params);
if (strtolower($type) == "post") {
$options = array(CURLOPT_URL => $this->endpointUrl, CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($params));
else {
$options = array(CURLOPT_URL => $this->endpointUrl."?".http_build_query($params));
if ($filepath != '' && strtolower($type) == "post") {
$element = $params['element'];
if (!empty($element)) {
$element = json_decode($element, true);
if (isset($element['filename'])) {
$filename = $element['filename'];
else {
$filename = pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
$size = filesize($filepath);
$add_options = array(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("Content-Type: multipart/form-data"), CURLOPT_INFILESIZE => $size);
if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) {
$type = mime_content_type($filepath);
elseif (isset($element['filetype'])) {
$type = $element['filetype'];
else {
$type = '';
if (!function_exists('curl_file_create')) {
$add_params = array("filename" => "#$filepath;type=$type;filename=$filename");
else {
$cfile = curl_file_create($filepath, $type, $filename);
$add_params = array('filename' => $cfile);
$options += $add_options;
$options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $params + $add_params;
$curl_handler = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl_handler, ($this->defaults + $options));
$result = curl_exec($curl_handler);
return $this->handleReturn($result, $name, $curl_handler);
I'm learning programming so i'm in no way good at this.. I need to execute the function login() of this class from a url, giving in input the parameters (private $endpointUrl,private $userName,private $userKey) and receiving in output the $sessionId.
So, for example, i'll write in the url endpointUrl=1&username=2&userKey=3
and receiving in output the $sessionId.
Is it possible? How? Thanks!
Here's some example;
if(isset($_GET["endpointUrl"], $_GET["username"], $_GET["userKey"])){
$x = new Curl_Class($_GET["endpointUrl"], $_GET["username"], $_GET["userKey"]);
echo $x->token;
Better if serialize the GET input for security purposes. But in this example, just a simple call of login.
Since the login() method returning boolean, so from there we can know if the token created or not.

How to send variable value from one function to other function in a different page

I'm new to php oop and I wanted to send the variable value from one function to another in a different page. So, currently I have this one function in one page that I want to send the data to the other function in a different page. Is that even possible perhaps?
Here's the first function in sendData.php
public function main($data) {
$settings = new Settings();
$hash_code = md5('standard' . '10068' . '08f94110d5697a2497511594c31704d0' .'3.00');
$std_post = array(
'apitype'=>'standard', //fix value
'apiid'=>'10068', //your api id from ibill
'apiorderid'=>'OPC0001#00000282', //your order id
'apihashcode'=>$hash_code, //generate hash code as above
'apiamount'=>'3.00', //your customer transaction amount
'apiemail'=>''); //your customer email
$callbackJSON = json_encode($std_post);
$url = ''; //link need to send data
$ch = curl_init($url); // where to post
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $callbackJSON);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$headers = array();
$headers[] = "Cache-Control: no-cache";
$headers[] = "Content-Type: application/json";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
$results = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);
//echo $results;
$objJSON = json_decode($results); //decode json result
//should return 'SUCCESS'
$callback_status = $objJSON->{'callback_status'}; //callback Status
$message = $objJSON->{'message'}; //callback Message
//Refer on statuspage.php
$std_status_code = $objJSON->{'std_status_code'}; //payment status code
$std_status = $objJSON->{'std_status'}; //payment status
$std_order_id = $objJSON->{'std_order_id'}; //your order id
$std_purchase_code = $objJSON->{'std_purchase_code'}; //ibill transaction id
$std_amount = $objJSON->{'std_amount'}; //transaction amount
$std_datepaid = $objJSON->{'std_datepaid'}; //transaction date time
//Hash code for security
$std_hash_code = $objJSON->{'std_hash_code'}; //Hash code
$hash_code = md5('08f94110d5697a2497511594c31704d0'.'10068'.$std_order_id.$std_amount); //hash code format
$data = [
'callback_status' => $callback_status,
'message' => $message,
'std_status_code' => $std_status_code,
'std_status' => $std_status,
'std_order_id' => $std_order_id,
'std_purchase_code' => $std_purchase_code,
'std_amount' => $std_amount,
'std_datepaid' => $std_datepaid,
'std_hash_code' => $std_hash_code,
'hash_code' => $hash_code
Here's the second function in a different that I wanted the data in the first page to be send to which is test.php
public function processPayment($data)
if (!isset($data['std_status_code'])) return false;
if (!isset($data['std_hash_code'])) return false;
$settings = new Settings();
$sale_id = (int) substr($data['std_order_id'], 8);
$sale = Sales::get($sale_id);
if (empty($sale)) return false;
if ($sale['status'] == 1) return $sale;
if ($sale['payment_method'] !== 'ibill' || $sale['status'] != 0) return false;
$sale_uid = $sale['uid'];
$sale_method = $sale['method'];
$paid_amount = bcadd($sale['total_amount'], $sale['handling_charge'], 2);
// Verify the data integrity sent by iBill
$hash = md5($settings->ibill_secret_key . $settings->ibill_merchant_id . $data['std_order_id'] . $data['std_amount']);
$payment_processor_status = -1;
$sale_status = 0;
// Check provided hash and status
if ($hash === $data['std_hash_code'] && $data['std_status_code'] == 00) {
$payment_processor_status = 1;
$sale_status = 1;
if ($sale_status === 0) {
if ($data['std_status_code'] != 00) {
$data['std_status'] = '<span style="color: red">' . $data['std_status'] . '</span>';
if ($data['std_hash_code'] !== $hash) {
$data['std_hash_code'] = '<span style="color: red">' . $data['std_hash_code'] . '</span>';
// Prepare updated sale data
$now = new DateTime();
$sale = [
'payment_processor_status' => $payment_processor_status,
'payment_processor_data' => $data,
'payment_time' => $now->format('g:i:s A'),
'payment_date' => $now->format('d-m-Y')
Sales::update($sale_id, $sale);
if ($sale_status === 1) {
Sales::confirmSale($sale_id, false);
return ['uid' => $sale_uid, 'method' => $sale_method];
Those functions are class methods, not only functions.
you can use them (or pass data from one to another) by creating instances of their classes. for example something like this:
class one {
public function f1($data) {
// do something
$instance = new two();
class two {
public function f2($data) {
// do something else
I hope it would work for you.

mongodb update exception 'document fragment is too large'

Updating my collection record field with 'MongoBinData', exception is triggered:
"document fragment is too large: 21216456, max: 16777216"
I find some web discussion about 'allowDiskUse:true' for aggregate, but nothing ubout 'update'.
Here a part of code in PHP:
try {
$criteria = array( '_id' => $intReleaseId);
$fileData = file_get_contents( $_FILES[ $fileKey]["tmp_name"]);
$mongoBinData = new MongoBinData( $fileData, MongoBinData::GENERIC)
$docItem['data'] = $mongoBinData;
$docItem['fileType'] = $strFileType;
$docItem['fileSize'] = $intFileSize;
$docItem['fileExtension'] = $strFileExtension;
$docItem['fileName'] = $strFileName;
$options = array( "upsert" => true,
'safe' => true, 'fsync' => true,
'allowDiskUse' => true ); // this option doesn't change anything
$reportJson = self::GetCollection('releases')->update( $criteria, $docItem, $options);
MongoDb release is db version v3.0.6
Some idea ?
Self resolved.
Use gridFS is immediate and simple.
$_mongo = new MongoClient();
$_db = $_mongo->selectDB($_mDbName);
$_gridFS = $_db->getGridFS();
/* */
function saveFileData($intReleaseId, $binData) {
$criteria = array( '_id' => $intReleaseId);
// if exist or not, remove previous value
try {
$_gridFS->remove( $criteria);
catch(Exception $e) {}
// store new file content
$storeByteCompleted = false;
try {
$reportId = $_gridFS->storeBytes(
array("_id" => $intReleaseId));
if ($reportId == $intReleaseId) {
$storeByteCompleted = true;
catch(Exception $e) {}
return $storeByteCompleted;
function loadFileData($intReleaseId) {
$gridfsFile = null;
$binData = null;
try {
$gridfsFile = $_gridFS->get($intReleaseId);
catch(Exception $e) {}
if ($gridfsFile != null) {
$binData = $gridfsFile->getBytes()
return $binData;
That's all.
