PHP search function clarification - php

I found this function in another question on Stack Overflow, but I would like a clarification on something:
function sort_comments($ar)
$comments = array();
foreach($ar as $item)
if(is_null($item['parent_id'])) $comments[] = $item;
$parent_array = array_search_key($item['parent_id'],$comments,'id');
if($parent_array !== false) $comments[$parent_array]['replies'][] = $item;
return $comments;
Could someone explain the arguments passed to array_searched_key() ? I searched for this function in but did not find it. Again, I'm a bit confused about the arguments, specially why the $comment array is passed to it.

First, this is not a PHP core function. It's a Wordpress function built specialy to sort comment when displaying them.
But there's a simple explanations as I understand it:
First argument: the ID to search (the query)
Second argument: array to search in (the datas)
Third argument: the column to search in (in the array)
As I understand it, it's this.

If you linked the relevant StackOverflow thread it would put things in context. My guess is that it's this implementation, or similar. The function is not native to PHP and without knowing it's source it's impossible to answer.

I don't think it is the WordPress function being used in this case - the only place I can find this function in the WordPress codebase only accepts two parameters.
I rather think that they are referring to this other function I found on pastebin. Unfortunately, the author hasn't provided comments describing the parameters but we have:
$needle - a value to match inside the array of arrays being searched
$haystack - an array of arrays being searched
$haystackKey - the key within the inner arrays which we want to find in the array of arrays
$strict - if set to true (default false) then type matching is enforced
So, the function returns true if the key and data pair can be located in at least one of the inner arrays, and false if not.


PHP: Why should only variables be passed by reference?

If you are a PHP developer you most probably have seen the following notice:
Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in /somefile.php
on line xxx
(Problem extensivley treated in Only variables should be passed by reference)
Example throwing notice:
$string = "hi-dude";
echo end(explode('-', $string));
Working example:
$string = "hi-dude";
$strings = explode('-', $string);
echo end($strings);
Only real variables may be passed by reference, not functions which are returning the correct variable.
However I can not think of a good reason why this notice is happening. It feels unecessary and requires me to write a lot of extra lines of code sometimes. What is the reason for PHP having this strange restriction? Why does this problem even exist?
end() or array_pop() will return the E_NOTICE with message
Only variables should be passed by reference
The reason is that end() requires a reference, because it makes the current element pointer point to the last element.
You can do it with one line,
$string = "this-is-a-sample-text";
echo substr(strrchr($string, '-'), 1);
Finally I found a great explanation which helped me to understand this: What's the difference between passing by reference vs. passing by value?
As Daniel Pryden states:
In simplest terms:
call by value means that you pass values as function arguments
call by reference means that you pass variables as function arguments
In metaphoric terms:
Call by value is where I write down something on a piece of paper and hand it to you. Maybe it's a URL, maybe it's a complete copy of
War and Peace. No matter what it is, it's on a piece of paper which
I've given to you, and so now it is effectively your piece of paper.
You are now free to scribble on that piece of paper, or use that piece
of paper to find something somewhere else and fiddle with it,
Call by reference is when I give you my notebook which has something written down in it. You may scribble in my notebook (maybe I
want you to, maybe I don't), and afterwards I keep my notebook, with
whatever scribbles you've put there. Also, if what either you or I
wrote there is information about how to find something somewhere else,
either you or I can go there and fiddle with that information.
In this case the notice "Only variables should be passed by reference" is still unjustified as we are only interested in retrieving the last value of the array. However the function end() is defined like
mixed end ( array &$array )
The & sign which states passing by reference is there for a certain reason: end() is not just returning the last element of an array, it also changes its internal pointer to the end. Therefore the array is modified.
If we only would return the last element of an array without touching the array there would be no need to pass the array by reference and we would not get this notice. But end() is somehow the wrong function for that.
What if there is no justification for me getting this notice?
Note that also the function to be called might be defined wrong. In my case I hade a function defined like this:
* Flatten an array by one level if only needing a certain key value from a sub array.
* Example: [["foo"=>"bar","foo"=>"cheese"]]
* Result: ["bar","cheese"]
* #param $array: The input array.
* #param $key: The key to flatupshift. Default is 0.
* #return $array: The result
private function array_flatupshift(&$array, $key = 0) {
$a = [];
foreach ($array as $item) {
if (is_object($item)) {
array_push($a, $item->$key);
} else if (is_array($item)) {
array_push($a, $item[$key]);
return $a;
This is simply a wrong function definition. So if you also get notices like this: Check if the function you call is defined correctly. Passing by reference does not make sense here as the array being passed is not touched in any way. Therefore the function definition should be without the "reference &/":
private function array_flatupshift($array, $key = 0) {
There are some cases where you MIGHT use the error control operator if you know what you are doing. Therefore:
$string = "hi-dude";
echo #end(explode('-', $string));
... would be o.k. I guess is the result of explode is not needed anymore. However notice the drawbacks of suppressing all possible errors. Please correct me if I go wrong here.

Can you get value from an array without getting the array first?

Bear with me, I'm learning.
I often see snippets like the one below:
$imageArray = get_field('image_field');
$imageAlt = $imageArray['alt'];
$imageURL = $imageArray['url'];
It is pedagogical and clear and organized. But is it necessary to get the entire array before querying the array for values? Can I not define the variable in just a single line? Something like the below (which doesn't work, neither the other variants I have tried):
$imageAlt = get_field('image_field', ['alt']);
$imageURL = get_field('image_field', ['url']);
Yes, you can.
As of PHP 5.4 it is possible to array dereference the result of a function or method call directly. Before it was only possible using a temporary variable. - Source
$imageAlt = get_field('image_field')['alt'];
The question you are asking can be answered by asking 2 questions:
Is it doable ?
Is it a good idea to do it that way ?
Is it doable ?
Yes! You do not have to store the array in a variable and re-use it later.
For instance, you could do:
$imageAlt = get_field('image_field')['alt'];
Note: This will work in PHP 5.4+ and is called: Array dereferencing.
But that is not the only consideration...
Is it a good idea to do it that way ?
No. It's not a good idea in many cases. The get_field() function, depending on your context, is probably doing a lot of work and, each time you call it, the same work is don multiple times.
Let's say you use the count() function. It will count the number of items in an array. To do that, it must iterate through all items to get the value.
If you use the count() function each time you need to validate number of items in an array, you are doing the task of counting each and every time. If you have 10 items in your array, you probably won't notice. But if you have thousands of items in your array, this may cause a delay problem to compute your code (a.k.a. it will be slow).
That is why you would want to do something like: $count = count($myArray); and use a variable instead of calling the function.
The same applies to your question.
While PHP 5.4+ allows you to directly dereference a function return value like this:
get_field('image_field')['alt'] this particular case I would not suggest you do so, since you're using two values from the resulting array. A function call has a certain overhead just in itself, and additionally you don't know what the function does behind the scenes before it returns a result. If you call the function twice, you may incur a ton of unnecessary work, where a single function call would have done just as well.
This is not to mention keeping your code DRY; if you need to change the particulars of the function call, you now need to change it twice...
PHP allows you to play around quite a bit:
function foo(){
return array('foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2);
Option 1
echo foo()['foo']; // 1
# Better do this if you plan to reuse the array value.
echo ($tmp = foo())['foo']; // 1
echo $tmp['bar']; // 2
It is not recommended to call a function that returns an array, to specifically fetch 1 key and on the next line doing the same thing.
So it is better to store the result of the function in a variable so you can use it afterwards.
Option 2
list($foo, $bar) = array_values(foo());
#foo is the first element of the array, and sets in $foo.
#bar is the second element, and will be set in $bar.
#This behavior is in PHP 7, previously it was ordered from right to left.
echo $foo, $bar; // 12
Option 3
extract(foo()); // Creates variable from the array keys.
echo $foo, $bar;
echo $alt, $url;
Find more information on the list constructor and extract function.

PHP key => value array to method arguments (order?)

I think this is quite interesting!!! :).
What I've got?
In the application that I'm using on some level in some objects (doesn't really matter) I get an array, for example:
$array = array(
'argument_label' => 'value_label',
'argument_name' => 'value_name',
'argument_id' => 'value_id'
I don't have any impact on how and when this array is created. Next, I've got a method:
public function arrayArgument($array) {
$label = isset($array['argument_label']) ? $array['argument_label'] : 'default_label';
$name = isset($array['argument_name']) ? $array['argument_name'] : 'default_name';
$id = isset($array['argument_id']) ? $array['argument_id'] : 'default_id';
// Do something
return 'something';
I really hate it. There is no way of proper documentation for the method arguments (as PHPDocumentator work not so well with arrays), and those issets are driving me crazy. Additionally it is a nightmare for someone who will work with this code in the future, when I will already be a "retired nerd".
What I want?
I want to have a function like that:
public function notArrayArgument(
) {
// Do something
return 'something';
What I can do?
When I get array, I can change some code, and make my own method run. So I need some kind of solution to get from here:
$array = array(
'argument_label' => 'value_label',
'argument_name' => 'value_name',
'argument_id' => 'value_id'
To here:
notArrayArgument('value_id', 'value_label', 'value_name');
Or here:
notArrayArgument($array['argument_id'], $array['argument_label'], $array['argument_name']);
What are the problems?
This is not template like. The number of variables is always different, the names are always different, and sometimes some of them are passed, sometimes not.
It should work really fast...
Calling the method arguments in the right order. Array can be sorted, not sorted or random sorted, while the arguments inside method are always in the same order. The array should be reordered to match the method arguments order, and after that the method should be called.
What I came with?
I've got an idea using reflectionClass. I can check the names of method arguments, get them in order, reorder the array and try to call this method. But this is quite resource eating solution, as reflectionClass is not so fast I think.
Solution using extract? This would be great. But after extract, I need to use exact variables names in code. And I don't know them as every time they are different, and I need an universal approach.
NEW (thx to comment): call_user_func_array(). It is great, but it only works with indexed arrays, so this will be the last but not least step of the possible solution. As the order of arguments is still unknown...
Does this problem have a nice semantic, pragmatic solution?
I read my question once more, and I hope it is clear to understand. If not, please post a comment and I will do my best to describe the problem better.
Kudos for thinking about the maintainer, but I'd argue simplicity is just as important as nice semantics and pragmatism. Consider this: if you had to ask how to write such a pattern, what are the chances that it will be obvious to the reader? I'd much rather come across code where I can just think "Yep, that's clear" than "Oh cool that's a really intricate and clever way of setting array defaults".
With this in mind, it seems to me that an array is being used in a situation more suited to a class. You have an id, a label and a name, which surely represents an entity - exactly what classes are for! Classes make it easy to set defaults and provide PHPDoc on each of their properties. You could have a constructor that simply takes one of your existing arrays and array_merge()s it with an array of defaults. For the reverse conversion, conveniently, casting an object to an array in PHP results in an associative array of its properties.
Try to use classes as George Brighton mentioned.
If you can't for some legacy or library constraint, you will have to use reflection. Don't worry too much about the performance of reflection classes, a lot of frameworks use them to do the request routing.
You can use a function like:
function arrayArgument($object, $method, $array)
$arguments = [];
$reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod(get_class($object), $method);
foreach ($reflectionMethod->getParameters() as $parameter)
$arguments[] = isset($array[$parameter->name]) ? $array[$parameter->name] : $parameter->getDefaultValue();
call_user_func_array(array($object, $method), $arguments);
So you can do
$instance = new MyClass();
arrayArgument($instance, 'notArrayArgument', ['name' => 'myname']);

Return Array Element without Creating Variable

I feel stupid for asking this cause it seems so basic but it's really bugging me.
I have a method that returns an array with a single element. I just want it to return the element not wrapped in an array. I tried this.
return $f->getValue()[0];
and it gives an error but if I save it to a variable, it works fine.
$v = $f->getValue();
return $v[0];
I can't figure it out....
It's available only since PHP 5.4:
What you are trying to do, is called array dereferencing, and is only possible in PHP as of version 5.4 (if you scroll up a few lines in the documentation article I linked to, you'll see it mentioned).
Use reset().
<?php return reset( $f->getValue() ); ?>
Edit: reset() is probably superior to current() as it also makes sure that the internal pointer is reset, despite it not making much difference if the array only contains one element.
As far as I know since you are returning an array you only can get an array. You can instead save the array to a variable in the class (accessible by $f->myArray) and then return just the string portion. Or the other option is to do what your second example is and return the array and retrieve the string from it.
have you tried this
return array_shift(array_values($array));
Get the first element of an array

Prefix filtering in php

How can I write a php program to find all arrays which share at least a single element in their prefixes. Let the prefixes are one fourth of the total elements in each array. Can anyone help me to code for that? I am a fresher in php. I need this to do a project regarding near duplicate detection.
You can use PHP's built in array function array_intersect
if(array_intersect($firstArray, $secondArray) == null)
//do not have any element common
//have at least one element common
you can create function of this code and pass all array's pairs to get result.
