I'm trying to convert and resize eps files into jpg. I use php imagick for this.
After converting the quality is very bad.
my eps you can download here:
my jpg-img
i use this code:
if ( extension_loaded('imagick') ) {
$imagePath = 'icon.eps';
$imagick = new Imagick();
$imagick->setResolution(300, 300);
$imagick->resizeImage(0, 1000, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$imagick->setImageResolution(72, 72);
} else {
echo 'not found';
same result with this settings without resize/only convert, but the quality is still bad:
if ( extension_loaded('imagick') ) {
$imagePath = 'icon.eps';
$imagick = new Imagick();
$imagick->setResolution(300, 300);
} else {
echo 'not found';
i use this version with php 7.2.33:
What is wrong?
As you obviously know ImageMagick uses Ghostscript to render EPS files to JPEG. I would suggest that, rather than use ImageMagick you use Ghostscript directly. This will give you more control over the process than using ImageMagick and will mean that you can post the Ghostscript command line instead of an IM one.
I'm afraid that I have no idea what ImageMagick sends to Ghostscript which makes it rather difficult to offer any suggestions.
In addition you really need to be much more explicit about your problem. What do you actually mean by 'the quality is very bad'. Is this purely subjective or is there some objective criteria you are using ?
The image you've posted doesn't look much like what I see, but since I don't know what command is being used to drive Ghostscript, it may simply be that I am not reproducing your setup exactly.
First note; the nature of your EPS is not really suitable for JPEG compression. JPEG performs best when applied to smoothly varying images, like photographs (JPEG = Joint Photographic Expert Group), it does not work well with large areas of flat colour with sharp edges (which is exactly what you have here), the high frequency component of the sharp edges gives rise to 'ringing' or 'fringing' effects.
When using Ghostscript directly it is possible to alter the JPEG quality. Setting -dJPEGQ=100 will produce the highest quality, trading off the compression (ie the output file will be larger).
In addition your EPS gives its BoundingBox as 20x20 points. So that's 20/72 inch in each dimension. Even at 300 dpi that's going to result in an image which is 84x84 pixels. Pretty small. At 72 dpi you'll get an image which is 20x20 pixels,
It looks to me like you have rendered the EPS at 72 dpi with the default JPEGQ value, the 'poor quality' appears to be nothing more than the well known artefacts produced by JPEG compression. Using that setup with Ghostscript produces something not entirely unlike your posted image (though without the sharp edged corner artefacts). Setting JPEGQ to 100 produces something more sensible. The file produced by the default settings is 3,564 bytes, while the higher quality file is 4,485 bytes.
If it were me I would render to a TIFF file at a decent resolution, say 1200 dpi to give an image 333x333 pixels. Then load that into ImageMagick and resize it to your desired dimensions. Finally export as a JPEG if you require it that way for some reason.
here's a comparison of the output from Ghostscript. On the left is a JPEG produced at 1200 dpi, in the middle is the default quality rendering at 72 dpi and on the right the 72 dpi rendering with JPEGQ set to 100.
I'm trying to write a PHP function to convert an SVG image without any antialiasing (so that the final PNG is blocky and contains only the colours specified in the SVG).
The command line equivalent is:
convert +antialias /path/to.svg /path/to.png
I'm assuming that I need to use PHP's Imagick::setOption method to pass in "+antialias", but the documentation is very sparse.
The following snippet will write a PNG file, but none of the options prevents antialiased pixels being rendered:
$image = new Imagick();
// None of these have any affect - output image is always antialiased.
$image->setOption('+antialias', true);
$image->setOption('-antialias', true);
$image->setOption('+antialias', 'true');
$image->setOption('-antialias', 'true');
$image->setOption('antialias', true);
$image->setOption('antialias', false);
$image->setOption('antialias', 'true');
$image->setOption('antialias', 'false');
Any help would be great, thanks.
That is not a good way to anti-alias a vector file such as SVG. The proper way in command line would be to set the desired density before reading the file and then resize back to compensate for a large magnification when using a large density. So for example
convert -density 288 image.svg -resize 25% image.png
Nominal density (default) is 72. So 288 = 72*4. Thus we resize afterwards by 1/4 = 25%, unless you want a larger output. Then resize by a larger value.
In PHP Imagick, you can create a new Imagick() instance. Then set the desired density. Then read the input SVG. Then resize. Then set the PNG format and save to disk. See setImageResolution for setting the density in Imagick. See https://www.php.net/manual/en/imagick.setimageresolution.php
I don't think what you want is possible, unfortunately. ImageMagick shells out to Inkscape to render SVGs, and Inkscape has no command-line option to disable antialiasing.
You could render at high resolution and then do nearest-neighbour downsampling. It would reduce the visible antialiasing, but you would still get some colours not in the SVG file.
I'm using PHP Imagick to convert PNG images generated in PhantomJS to TIF CMYK,
for print purposes I need a flat Black (cmyk - 0,0,0,100) - the conversion generates blacks like (cmyk - 58,49,44,89).
I'm converting the images using color profile (section of my code below) -> the code is based on Convert image from RGB to CMYK with Imagick
is it possible to force a flat black with Imagick ? do you know any other tools that might help ?
if ($has_icc_profile === false) {
$icc_rgb = file_get_contents( '/srgb_profiles' . '/sRGB.icc');
$image->profileImage('icc', $icc_rgb);
// then we add an CMYK profile
$icc_cmyk = file_get_contents( '/cmyk_profiles'.'/JapanColor2002Newspaper.icc');
$image->profileImage('icc', $icc_cmyk);
after checking online I think I'm looking for a UCR en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Under_color_removal method for ImageMagick - I found that convert old versions supported under color removal
-undercolor <undercolor factor>x<black-generation factor>
control undercolor removal and black generation on CMYK images.
This option enables you to perform undercolor removal and black generation on CMYK images-- images to be printed on a four-color printing system. You can con- trol how much cyan, magenta, and yellow to remove from your image and how much black to add to it. The standard undercolor removal is 1.0x1.0. You'll frequently get better results, though, if the percentage of black you add to your image is slightly higher than the percentage of C, M, and Y you remove from it. For example you might try 0.5x0.7. (http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemnet/use/suppl/imagemagick/www/convert.html) -
apparently the option is not supported anymore, I'm interested if anyone knows if UCR is the solution I'm looking for and if anyone knows if it's supported or if I'm supposed to use a different method to get the same result.
If you use ImageMagick's convert at the command line like this to generate a grayscale ramp, 1 pixel wide and 256 pixels tall, going from white to black and convert it to CMYK colorspace and then show it as text, you get what you want:
convert -size 1x256 'gradient:rgb(255,255,255)-rgb(0,0,0)' -colorspace cmyk txt:
# ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 1,256,65535,cmyk
0,0: (0%,0%,0%,0%) #0000000000000000 cmyk(0,0,0,0)
0,1: (0%,0%,0%,0.392157%) #0000000000000101 cmyk(0,0,0,1)
0,2: (0%,0%,0%,0.784314%) #0000000000000202 cmyk(0,0,0,2)
0,3: (0%,0%,0%,1.17647%) #0000000000000303 cmyk(0,0,0,3)
0,4: (0%,0%,0%,1.56863%) #0000000000000404 cmyk(0,0,0,4)
0,5: (0%,0%,0%,1.96078%) #0000000000000505 cmyk(0,0,0,5)
0,6: (0%,0%,0%,2.35294%) #0000000000000606 cmyk(0,0,0,6)
0,7: (0%,0%,0%,2.7451%) #0000000000000707 cmyk(0,0,0,7)
0,8: (0%,0%,0%,3.13725%) #0000000000000808 cmyk(0,0,0,8)
0,9: (0%,0%,0%,3.52941%) #0000000000000909 cmyk(0,0,0,9)
0,10: (0%,0%,0%,3.92157%) #0000000000000A0A cmyk(0,0,0,10)
0,249: (0%,0%,0%,97.6471%) #000000000000F9F9 cmyk(0,0,0,249)
0,250: (0%,0%,0%,98.0392%) #000000000000FAFA cmyk(0,0,0,250)
0,251: (0%,0%,0%,98.4314%) #000000000000FBFB cmyk(0,0,0,251)
0,252: (0%,0%,0%,98.8235%) #000000000000FCFC cmyk(0,0,0,252)
0,253: (0%,0%,0%,99.2157%) #000000000000FDFD cmyk(0,0,0,253)
0,254: (0%,0%,0%,99.6078%) #000000000000FEFE cmyk(0,0,0,254)
0,255: (0%,0%,0%,100%) #000000000000FFFF cmyk(0,0,0,255)
You must be doing something different - maybe this will help you work it out. I am guessing it is your ICC profiles but you can experiment with the above command.
If you just want to experiment with spot values, you can just have IM translate a single pixel like this:
convert -size 1x1 xc:#000000 -colorspace cmyk txt:
# ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 1,1,65535,cmyk
0,0: (0%,0%,0%,100%) #000000000000FFFF cmyk(0,0,0,255)
or maybe more simply like this:
convert -size 1x1 xc:#000000 -depth 8 -colorspace cmyk txt:
# ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 1,1,255,cmyk
0,0: (0,0,0,255) #000000FF cmyk(0,0,0,255)
Note the following though:
You must put profiles between input image and output image names on the command line.
If your image has no embedded profile, the first profile you give is applied to the input image and the second to the output image. If your input image does have a profile, the first profile you give is applied to the output image.
I am trying to add round corners to a jpeg file, but the problem is that after adding round corners, I am getting a black background color. Somehow I am not able to change it to any other color (white, transparent, red). It just simply shows black background where the image has rounded corners.
The code that I am using is:
$image = new Imagick('example.jpg');
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
echo $image;
I cannot use png as the jpeg files are huge, about 5 MB, so if I used png, the file size would go up to 26 MB, even though the png adds transparent round corners.
Also the IMagick version that i am using is:
ImageMagick 6.6.2-10 2010-06-29 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Also the output(image generated) will get printed so I don't know if css will work over here.
Sorry, I am trying to actually create a new jpeg file with rounded corners from an already existing jpeg file that doesn't have round corners this is actually a photograph taken from a camera, so there are multiple/too many colors so I can't use gif as well.
Also my site will only just generate the round corner image then afterwards it will get downloaded using a FTP program by the admin of the site and then using a system software will get printed, so in short my website will not be printing the image but rather just generate it
Try this:
$input = 'example.jpg';
$size = getimagesize($input);
$background = new Imagick();
$background->newImage($size[0], $size[1], new ImagickPixel('red'));
$image = new Imagick($input);
$image->compositeImage($background, imagick::COMPOSITE_DSTATOP, 0, 0);
I may get downvoted, but I say let css deal with the corners and take some load off of your server :)
CSS rounded corners.
JPG doesn't have a transparent color(s) (alpha channels) in its palette.
The output image must use either PNG or GIF (or another image format that supports alpha channels).
setImageBackgroundColor is another option if you want an opaque background.
Your comment reminds me that you could try to use the command line; shell_exec() will run a command line argument from PHP. The command in the ImageMagick API you'll need to start with is convert example.jpg, and then you can pass flags with the various parameters you want.
Since ImageMagick is already installed, it will work right away. You may need to point your system PATH to the ImageMagick directory where all of the executables are.
There's plenty of questions and forums dedicated to rounded corners with this method so I'll leave that up to you.
Here's a helpful tip though - there is a silly confusion with the convert command, since Windows also has a convert.exe that is rarely used, but will confuse your command line, so make sure you're calling the right convert. ;) To test if it's working, try convert example.jpg example.gif (which should convert your example to a gif).
To get output from your command line, finish all commands with 2>&1 which will pipe cmd output back into PHP.
I'm trying to convert a RGB .gif to a CMYK .gif using IMagick PHP module.
I've wrote this piece of code
$i = new Imagick('mosaique.gif');
But the resultant "mosaique-cmyk.gif" still a RGB... but with inverted colors (O_O)
What am I doing wrong?
I've tried with a .jpg and the image is converted to CMYK but it stills in negative.
I've tried to run my script making a .pdf on another server and it works fine.
Are there any known bug in IMagick?
Are there some options to set in the php5 library?
The version that returns me the inverted image is newer than the one that works correctly
PHP 5.3.3
IMagick 3.0.0RC1
ImageMagick 6.6.2
PHP 5.2.10
IMagick 2.1.1
ImageMagick 6.5.1
The error in fact it's a bug ;)
I reported it, some other has confirmed my fear and now it's assigned to a developer for a fix: http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=22184
At this moment the solution it's to use a different version of the libraries.
GIF is 256-color format aka "indexed." I do not think one can save a gif as cmyk. Each of the 256 colors is an RGB value, but it is not capable of storing the full RGB gamut.
Try this:
$icc_cmyk = file_get_contents($icc_cmyk_profile_path);
$im->profileImage('icc', $icc_cmyk);
if ($colorspace==12) {
echo "CMYK";
see here http://imagemagick.org/Usage/formats/#color_profile
convert cmyk_image.jpg -colorspace
rgb rgb_image.jpg