Zip file in php - php

I'm using this code to backup my mysql database, and it works fine for my purposes.This script save my backup as .sql file how can I zip that sql file.Here's the code
$username = "***";
$password = "***";
$hostname = "***";
$database = "***";
$username =escapeshellcmd($username);
$password =escapeshellcmd($password);
$hostname =escapeshellcmd($hostname);
$database =escapeshellcmd($database);
$command = "mysqldump -u$username -p$password -h$hostname $database > $backupFile";
system($command, $result);
echo $result;

Just pipe the output to gzip or similar
mysqldump -uroot | gzip >

For a pure PHP solution, I believe this should do it: (from
$z = new ZipArchive();
$z->open("", ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);

You could use tar: tar -cf archive.tar yourfile.sql using exec()

Just change
or to any other zip file type. It is a shell command and can save in many different compressed formats.


Mysqldump is created after headers are sent [duplicate]

Here's the information I have:
I am working with a Linux based system using MySQL and PHP5. I need to be able to generate a mysqldump from within a .php file, and then have that dump be stored in a file on the server in a location I would specify.
As I'm a PHP nooblet, I'd like someone to give me some assistance, guidance, or code, that would do what I require. This would have to be run remotely from the Internet.
You can use the exec() function to execute an external command.
Note: between shell_exec() and exec(), I would choose the second one, which doesn't return the output to the PHP script -- no need for the PHP script to get the whole SQL dump as a string : you only need it written to a file, and this can be done by the command itself.
That external command will :
be a call to mysqldump, with the right parameters,
and redirect the output to a file.
For example :
mysqldump --user=... --password=... --host=... DB_NAME > /path/to/output/file.sql
Which means your PHP code would look like this :
exec('mysqldump --user=... --password=... --host=... DB_NAME > /path/to/output/file.sql');
Of course, up to you to use the right connection information, replacing the ... with those.
If you want to create a backup to download it via the browser, you also can do this without using a file.
The php function passthru() will directly redirect the output of mysqldump to the browser. In this example it also will be zipped.
Pro: You don't have to deal with temp files.
Con: Won't work on Windows. May have limits with huge datasets.
$filename = "backup-" . date("d-m-Y") . ".sql.gz";
$mime = "application/x-gzip";
header( "Content-Type: " . $mime );
header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"' );
$cmd = "mysqldump -u $DBUSER --password=$DBPASSWD $DATABASE | gzip --best";
passthru( $cmd );
Take a look here: ! It is a native solution written in php.
You can install it using composer, and it is as easy as doing:
use Ifsnop\Mysqldump as IMysqldump;
try {
$dump = new IMysqldump\Mysqldump('database', 'username', 'password');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo 'mysqldump-php error: ' . $e->getMessage();
It supports advanced users, with lots of options copied from the original mysqldump.
All the options are explained at the github page, but more or less are auto-explicative:
$dumpSettingsDefault = array(
'include-tables' => array(),
'exclude-tables' => array(),
'compress' => 'None',
'no-data' => false,
'add-drop-database' => false,
'add-drop-table' => false,
'single-transaction' => true,
'lock-tables' => false,
'add-locks' => true,
'extended-insert' => true,
'disable-foreign-keys-check' => false,
'where' => '',
'no-create-info' => false
For security reasons, it's recommended to specify the password in a configuration file and not in the command (a user can execute a ps aux | grep mysqldump and see the password).
//create a temporary file
$file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'mysqldump');
//store the configuration options
file_put_contents($file, "[mysqldump]
//execute the command and output the result
passthru("mysqldump --defaults-file=$file {$dbname}");
//delete the temporary file
Here you can find a comprehensive solution to dump mysql structure and data like in PMA (and without using exec, passthru etc.):
It is fork of dszymczuk project with my enhancements.
The usage is simple
//MySQL connection parameters
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'dbuser';
$dbpsw = 'pass';
$dbname = 'dbname';
//Connects to mysql server
$connessione = #mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpsw);
//Set encoding
mysql_query("SET CHARSET utf8");
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci'");
//Includes class
//Creates a new instance of FKMySQLDump: it exports without compress and base-16 file
$dumper = new FKMySQLDump($dbname,'fk_dump.sql',false,false);
$params = array(
//'skip_structure' => TRUE,
//'skip_data' => TRUE,
//Make dump
works like a charm :-)
MajorLeo's answer point me in the right direction but it didn't worked for me. I've found this site that follows the same approach and did work.
$dir = "path/to/file/";
$filename = "backup" . date("YmdHis") . ".sql.gz";
$db_host = "host";
$db_username = "username";
$db_password = "password";
$db_database = "database";
$cmd = "mysqldump -h {$db_host} -u {$db_username} --password={$db_password} {$db_database} | gzip > {$dir}{$filename}";
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
passthru("cat {$dir}{$filename}");
I hope it helps someone else!
As long as you are allowed to use exec(), you can execute shell commands through your PHP code.
So assuming you know how to write the mysqldump in the command line, i.e.
mysqldump -u [username] -p [database] > [database].sql
then you can use this as the parameter to exec() function.
exec("mysqldump -u mysqluser -p my_database > my_database_dump.sql");
Well, you can always use PHP's system function call.
That runs any command-line program from PHP.
exec('mysqldump --all-databases > /your/path/to/test.sql');
You can extend the command with any options mysqldump takes ofcourse. Use man mysqldump for more options (but I guess you knew that ;))
global $wpdb;
$export_posts = $wpdb->prefix . 'export_posts';
$backupFile = $_GET['targetDir'].'export-gallery.sql';
$path_to_mysqldump = "D:\xampp_5.6\mysql\bin";
$query= "D:\\xampp_5.6\mysql\bin\mysqldump.exe -u$dbuser -p$dbpass $db $export_posts> $backupFile";
echo $query;
To dump database using shell_exec(), below is the method :
shell_exec('mysqldump -h localhost -u username -ppassword databasename | gzip > dbname.sql.gz');
None of the above codes worked for me. I am using windows.
Below Code worked for me...
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableName WHERE yourclause";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
$myfile = fopen("daily_events_$district.sql", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$rowToString = implode("','",$row);
$writeToFile = "INSERT INTO $tableName VALUES('$rowToString');". PHP_EOL;
echo "File saved successfully";
} else {
echo "No result found";
This will save file in your project folder according to your query whatever data you want.
$toDay = date('d-m-Y');
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuser = "YOUR DB USER";
$dbpass = "USER PASSWORD";
$dbname = "DB NAME";
exec("mysqldump --user=$dbuser --password='$dbpass' --host=$dbhost $dbname > /home/....../public_html/".$toDay."_DB.sql");

how to properly execute mysqldump through php

After a database is successfully inserted with data, I want now to backup the database. Since this is a script done in codeigniter, I created this function below.
This is bugging me for a while. I want to execute a php script that contains command line.
Here is my code:
public function backupDb()
log_message('debug', 'Preparing to Back-up Database...');
$dbuser = "root";
$dbpass = "root#111";
$dbname = "listingdb";
$dumpfile = $dbname . "_" . date("Ymd") . ".sql";
$command = "mysqldump -u $dbuser -p$dbpass $dbname > $dumpfile";
I tried manually doing this code;
mysqldump -u root -proot#111 listingdb > listingdb_20171013.sql
and it Successfully creates a .sql file
But my function seems to not work. How can I do it right?

MysqlDump Return a Empty database backup file

I use this code for download a backup of MySql database but it download a empty file.
Please also guide for restore this backup.
//connect to database
$backupFile = $dbname . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.sql';
$command = "mysqldump -h$hostname -u$username -p$password $dbname > $backupFile";
Replace system with echo to show the generated command, and execute it on the command line manually. Errors are usually shown on STDERR, which isn't caught by the system call, and if you get an empty output that means it couldn't output anything. Fix the error and then fix your code. I'd also use passthru instead of system.
To restore the backup afterwards use (from the commandline):
mysql -u<user> -p <database> < myfile.sql
Your variables are sticked to the options. Try to change this:
$command = "mysqldump -h$hostname -u$username -p$password $dbname > $backupFile";
To this:
$command = "mysqldump -h $hostname -u $username -p $password $dbname > $backupFile";

i want to export a single table from the database witout using phpmyadmin

i have only ftp credentials in which i am using this script
$r="mysqldump $dbuser $dbpass $dbname wp_posts > table1.sql";
but unfortunatly m getting a blank result in table1.sql
You need to add the option switches to your command, see the mysqldump manual, like this
$r="mysqldump -u $dbuser -p $dbpass $dbname wp_posts > table1.sql";
finally i got the solution, here is my code:
$username = "abc";
$password = "xyz";
$hostname = "";
$database = "test_db";
$username =escapeshellcmd($username);
$password =escapeshellcmd($password);
$hostname =escapeshellcmd($hostname);
$database =escapeshellcmd($database);
$command = "mysqldump -u$username -p$password -h$hostname $database wp_posts > $backupFile";
system($command, $result);
echo $result;
thnx for your support, really appreciate it.
if the user has the permissions try this:
mysqldump -u$dbuser -p$dbpass $dbname wp_posts > table1.sql
to specify the parameters (which is the user and which is the password)
I think it's
mysqldump -u $dbuser -p $dbpass $dbname wp_posts
Apache user needs to have the permission to write table1.sql and also execute mysqldump command. If on shared hosting, this is doubtful.

Using a .php file to generate a MySQL dump

Here's the information I have:
I am working with a Linux based system using MySQL and PHP5. I need to be able to generate a mysqldump from within a .php file, and then have that dump be stored in a file on the server in a location I would specify.
As I'm a PHP nooblet, I'd like someone to give me some assistance, guidance, or code, that would do what I require. This would have to be run remotely from the Internet.
You can use the exec() function to execute an external command.
Note: between shell_exec() and exec(), I would choose the second one, which doesn't return the output to the PHP script -- no need for the PHP script to get the whole SQL dump as a string : you only need it written to a file, and this can be done by the command itself.
That external command will :
be a call to mysqldump, with the right parameters,
and redirect the output to a file.
For example :
mysqldump --user=... --password=... --host=... DB_NAME > /path/to/output/file.sql
Which means your PHP code would look like this :
exec('mysqldump --user=... --password=... --host=... DB_NAME > /path/to/output/file.sql');
Of course, up to you to use the right connection information, replacing the ... with those.
If you want to create a backup to download it via the browser, you also can do this without using a file.
The php function passthru() will directly redirect the output of mysqldump to the browser. In this example it also will be zipped.
Pro: You don't have to deal with temp files.
Con: Won't work on Windows. May have limits with huge datasets.
$filename = "backup-" . date("d-m-Y") . ".sql.gz";
$mime = "application/x-gzip";
header( "Content-Type: " . $mime );
header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"' );
$cmd = "mysqldump -u $DBUSER --password=$DBPASSWD $DATABASE | gzip --best";
passthru( $cmd );
Take a look here: ! It is a native solution written in php.
You can install it using composer, and it is as easy as doing:
use Ifsnop\Mysqldump as IMysqldump;
try {
$dump = new IMysqldump\Mysqldump('database', 'username', 'password');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo 'mysqldump-php error: ' . $e->getMessage();
It supports advanced users, with lots of options copied from the original mysqldump.
All the options are explained at the github page, but more or less are auto-explicative:
$dumpSettingsDefault = array(
'include-tables' => array(),
'exclude-tables' => array(),
'compress' => 'None',
'no-data' => false,
'add-drop-database' => false,
'add-drop-table' => false,
'single-transaction' => true,
'lock-tables' => false,
'add-locks' => true,
'extended-insert' => true,
'disable-foreign-keys-check' => false,
'where' => '',
'no-create-info' => false
For security reasons, it's recommended to specify the password in a configuration file and not in the command (a user can execute a ps aux | grep mysqldump and see the password).
//create a temporary file
$file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'mysqldump');
//store the configuration options
file_put_contents($file, "[mysqldump]
//execute the command and output the result
passthru("mysqldump --defaults-file=$file {$dbname}");
//delete the temporary file
Here you can find a comprehensive solution to dump mysql structure and data like in PMA (and without using exec, passthru etc.):
It is fork of dszymczuk project with my enhancements.
The usage is simple
//MySQL connection parameters
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'dbuser';
$dbpsw = 'pass';
$dbname = 'dbname';
//Connects to mysql server
$connessione = #mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpsw);
//Set encoding
mysql_query("SET CHARSET utf8");
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci'");
//Includes class
//Creates a new instance of FKMySQLDump: it exports without compress and base-16 file
$dumper = new FKMySQLDump($dbname,'fk_dump.sql',false,false);
$params = array(
//'skip_structure' => TRUE,
//'skip_data' => TRUE,
//Make dump
works like a charm :-)
MajorLeo's answer point me in the right direction but it didn't worked for me. I've found this site that follows the same approach and did work.
$dir = "path/to/file/";
$filename = "backup" . date("YmdHis") . ".sql.gz";
$db_host = "host";
$db_username = "username";
$db_password = "password";
$db_database = "database";
$cmd = "mysqldump -h {$db_host} -u {$db_username} --password={$db_password} {$db_database} | gzip > {$dir}{$filename}";
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
passthru("cat {$dir}{$filename}");
I hope it helps someone else!
As long as you are allowed to use exec(), you can execute shell commands through your PHP code.
So assuming you know how to write the mysqldump in the command line, i.e.
mysqldump -u [username] -p [database] > [database].sql
then you can use this as the parameter to exec() function.
exec("mysqldump -u mysqluser -p my_database > my_database_dump.sql");
Well, you can always use PHP's system function call.
That runs any command-line program from PHP.
exec('mysqldump --all-databases > /your/path/to/test.sql');
You can extend the command with any options mysqldump takes ofcourse. Use man mysqldump for more options (but I guess you knew that ;))
global $wpdb;
$export_posts = $wpdb->prefix . 'export_posts';
$backupFile = $_GET['targetDir'].'export-gallery.sql';
$path_to_mysqldump = "D:\xampp_5.6\mysql\bin";
$query= "D:\\xampp_5.6\mysql\bin\mysqldump.exe -u$dbuser -p$dbpass $db $export_posts> $backupFile";
echo $query;
To dump database using shell_exec(), below is the method :
shell_exec('mysqldump -h localhost -u username -ppassword databasename | gzip > dbname.sql.gz');
None of the above codes worked for me. I am using windows.
Below Code worked for me...
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableName WHERE yourclause";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
$myfile = fopen("daily_events_$district.sql", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$rowToString = implode("','",$row);
$writeToFile = "INSERT INTO $tableName VALUES('$rowToString');". PHP_EOL;
echo "File saved successfully";
} else {
echo "No result found";
This will save file in your project folder according to your query whatever data you want.
$toDay = date('d-m-Y');
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuser = "YOUR DB USER";
$dbpass = "USER PASSWORD";
$dbname = "DB NAME";
exec("mysqldump --user=$dbuser --password='$dbpass' --host=$dbhost $dbname > /home/....../public_html/".$toDay."_DB.sql");
