separate one link into multi-links (php) - php

I have result php page with a html table. Inside row[3] i have spoilers. if i click on a text value i can see hidden content. Inside hidden content i have links on different linesTo make this:
- I insert text inside mysql textarea, so:
- Then I add javascript code in <head>section
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$(".spoiler-label").click(function() {
- and then php code:
echo '<td><span class="spoiler-label">'.$row[1].'</span><div class="spoiler-content" style="display: none"><br><a href='.$row[3].'<a/></div><td>';
- To break the text in new lines i use this php code:
$row['3']=str_replace('<br />',"newline",$row['3']);
i obtain this final result:
but you can see the problems:
- formatting is missing because the <th> of row X is black and not orange
- the links inside the spoiler are 2 but are treated as if they are one link.
- i have not correctly link because is<br WHY?
You can see 2 links: but if i click over the link is always<br
I want:
-remove <br from link
-separate one link into different links ( &
-repair incorrect row formatting
This is my page complete code and this css

first off, your 1 line php code echo is wrong (u didnt close <a>). The css didnt work because of this.
(i removed the first echo)
second, an <a> tag cannot have another <a> tag inside it, so you should just remove the whole <a> from your code above, meaning it should be:
echo '<td><span class="spoiler-label">'.$row[1].'</span><div class="spoiler-content" style="display: none"><br>'.$row[3].'</div><td>';
then, when instead of for some reason changing ur correct <br/>'s into the old version <br> tag, use the tag to create an array:
$ary=explode('<br />',$row['3']);
foreach($ary as $str2){
and then echo $str into the row,
Your code should be:
$row['3']=str_replace('<br />',"newline",$row['3']);
foreach($ary as $str2){

You are use beolow code:
$row['3']=str_replace('<br />',"newline",$row['3']);
Instead of above code use below:
$row['3']=str_replace('<br />',"newline",$row['3']);
Just replace first line to second and second line to first..just try...hope this help..


PHP check if file_exists without extension then Ajax a div with appropriate media tag (img or video) based on filepath

First posting here. I know inline php is not preferred but I haven't converted all my scripts to echo json_encoded arrays to work in javascript on the client for now, I have inline php.
I do not know the extension of the user uploaded media because it could be a jpg,mp4,etc and upon upload it goes into a media folder with the user id as an identifier.
When my user first loads the div (and html page), the php script cycles through an array and does a fetch_assoc from sql query to the database each time; It returns the (media_id #) and prints out an li with the respective media displayed next to some other values from the query.
I only know the (media_id) and the file path name without the extension. When the page first loads, everything works great and the file_exists function returns correctly.
When I AJAX the div and do the query again, because the user added a row to the database, the new list prints out with all info, BUT the file_exists function doesn't recognize the exact same paths as before and I don't have an img or video on the page.
I copy/pasted the exact same code from the original div and put it in a file for ajax to re-query and print the new li's.
All variables are the same and when I hard code a test filepath, it prints fine. Maybe there's a caching issue?
if ($row['count']>0) {
echo "<div class='media-container'>";
$pathname = "uploads/".$row["id"]."media1";
if (file_exists($testjpg)==TRUE || file_exists($testpng)==TRUE || file_exists($testjpeg)==TRUE) {
echo '<img src="'.$pathname.'">';
}if(file_exists($testmp4)==TRUE) {
echo "<video></video>";
echo "</div>";
I could use some advice on how to fix this and how to print appropriate media tags on unknown media types.
<div class='media-container'>
echoing the exact file path of a known image in an <img> tag works fine. putting echo'test'; inside the file_exists case does nothing.
Solution (Kind of)
So I've used html's onerror before and I found a workaround, though I'd still like to know why I was getting an error. PSA this uses JQuery but javascript works too:
My Solution
function img2video(el, src) {
$( el ).replaceWith( '<video class="videoClass"><source src="'+src+'" type="video/mp4"></video>' );
<img style="width:100%" onerror="img2video(this,'<?php echo$pathname;?>')" src="<?php echo$pathname;?>">
Alright, so here's the final answer I made to best fit the problem using glob:
function img2video(el,src,place) {
if (place=='type') {
$( el ).replaceWith( '<video controls controlsList="nodownload" disablePictureInPicture style="width:100%;object-fit:contain;" preload="auto"><source src="'+src+'" type="video/mp4"></video>');
<?php for ( $i=1; $i <= $limit; $i++) {
$path ="[DIRECTORY]/".$row["id"]."media".$i;
$path = (!empty(glob($path . '*.{jpg,png,jpeg,avi,mp4}', GLOB_BRACE)[0])) ? glob($path . '*.{jpg,png,jpeg,avi,mp4}', GLOB_BRACE)[0] : false;?>
<img onerror="img2video(this,'<?php echo$path;?>','type',<?php echo$row["id"];?>,<?php echo$i;?>)" src="<?php echo$path;?>">
<?php } ?>
I don't know how to mark as duplicate, if someone could help with that. My answer uses Glob_Brace from #Akif Hussain 's response on This Question.

Tool tip Does not working properly when i add the php variable

I return some HTML span tag with PHP variables, the span tag contain title field, i binding my PHP data into the title field but it only accept the first sentence of my PHP value so, it does not work properly, here I attach my code.
$row['task_name'] = 'kmg kumar';
return "<span class='maxname' title = ".$row['task_name'].">".$row['task_name']."</span>";
Hereafter return value i will show in html page when i mouse hover the label it only show "kmg", it does not show remaining "kumar" portion
Try this.
// Note There you miss title='something goes here' like syntax for the element.
$row['task_name'] = 'kmg kumar';
return "<span class='maxname' title = '".$row['task_name']."'>".$row['task_name']."</span>";

php - preg_replace is duplicating the tags and not replacing them

Trying to look inside my imap messages and if any img tags are found replace them with a new link.
have at look here:
So far I have
$message = imap_fetchbody($imap,$email_number,"2"); //2
$message = quoted_printable_decode($message);
$img_replace = $message;
$img_replace = preg_replace('~src="cid.*?"~',"src=\"new-link\"", $img_replace);
echo $img_replace;
With this code I get the img tags with the new links however, instead of being replaced they are duplicate so my final output is showing both links and imgs.
the generated message will show something like the html below, the src, width and height are always different and just the src needs to be replaced(no duplicated) with a new link.
<h2>Message: <div dir="ltr">this is a test with 2 inline images<div><br></div>
<div><img src="cid:ii_iaa9ibac0_14da215402096e51" width="544" height="340"><br><br></div>
<div><br></div><div><img src="cid:ii_iaa9inn31_14da2157f7bb06e9" width="405" height="405"><br><br></div></div>
It should look like:
<h2>Message: <div dir="ltr">this is a test with 2 inline images<div><br></div>
<div><img src="new-link" width="544" height="340"><br><br></div>
<div><br></div><div><img src="new-link" width="405" height="405"><br><br></div></div>
So what I was thinking is to get a function that will:
Look inside the final html
if img src attributes start with 'cid:'
replace the src link with 'new-link'
Any Idea?

Echoing out JavaScript with nested quotes from a PHP script onto an HTML page?

I've been trying for about two hours to get the following code stored in a PHP string and then echoed out as JavaScript on a webpage:
<div id="reply-box" style="display: block; width:100%;float:right;">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Dynamic items */
CKEDITOR.config.IPS_BBCODE = {"acronym":{"id":"8","title":"Acronym","desc":"Allows you to make an acronym that will display a description when moused over","tag":"acronym","useoption":"1","example":"[acronym='Laugh Out Loud']lol[/acronym]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"Enter the description for this acronym (EG: Laugh Out Loud)","menu_content_text":"Enter the acronym (EG: lol)","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"ads1":{"id":"46","title":"ads1","desc":"","tag":"ads1","useoption":"0","example":"","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"1","optional_option":"0","image":""},"background":{"id":"27","title":"Background-color","desc":"Adds a background color behind the text","tag":"background","useoption":"1","example":"[background=red]Red background behind this text[/background]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"entry":{"id":"35","title":"Blog Entry Link","desc":"This tag provides an easy way to link to a blog entry.","tag":"entry","useoption":"1","example":"[entry=100]Click me![/entry]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"Entry ID","menu_content_text":"Text to display","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"blog":{"id":"34","title":"Blog Link","desc":"This tag provides an easy way to link to a blog.","tag":"blog","useoption":"1","example":"[blog=100]Click me![/blog]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"Blog ID","menu_content_text":"Text to display","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"code":{"id":"13","title":"Code","desc":"Allows you to enter general code","tag":"code","useoption":"0","example":"[code]$text = 'Some long code here';[/code]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"Code","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"extract":{"id":"33","title":"Extract Blog Entry","desc":"This will allow users to define an extract for an entry. Only this piece of the entry will be displayed on the main blog page and will show up in the RSS feed.","tag":"extract","useoption":"0","example":"[extract]This is an example![/extract]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"Blog entry extract","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"hr":{"id":"12","title":"Horizontal Rule","desc":"Adds a horizontal rule to separate text","tag":"hr","useoption":"0","example":"[hr]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"1","optional_option":"0","image":""},"html":{"id":"15","title":"HTML Code","desc":"Allows you to enter formatted/syntax-highlighted HTML code","tag":"html","useoption":"0","example":"[html]<div class='outer'>\n <p>Hello World</p>\n </div>[/html]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"HTML Code","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"imgr":{"id":"39","title":"Image","desc":"Displays linked images, floating to the right","tag":"imgr","useoption":"0","example":"[imgr][/imgr]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"jump":{"id":"45","title":"jump","desc":"","tag":"jump","useoption":"0","example":"","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"media":{"id":"32","title":"Media","desc":"Allows a user to post media content from certain common media sites","tag":"media","useoption":"1","example":"[media][/media]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"Dimensions (Flash Only)","menu_content_text":"Media URL","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"1","image":""},"member":{"id":"31","title":"Member","desc":"Given a member name, a link is automatically generated to the member's profile","tag":"member","useoption":"1","example":"[member=admin] runs this site.","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"Member Name","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"1","optional_option":"0","image":""},"page":{"id":"38","title":"Multi-Page Articles","desc":"This tag can be used to create multi-page articles. Page links are automatically added based on the number of times this tag is used, and the content is hidden until you reach the specified \"page\".","tag":"page","useoption":"0","example":"Content 1\n[page]\nContent 2\n[page]\nContent 3","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"1","optional_option":"0","image":""},"overline":{"id":"42","title":"Overlined Text","desc":"Makes the text overlined","tag":"overline","useoption":"0","example":"[overline]This text is underlined[/overline]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"php":{"id":"14","title":"PHP Code","desc":"Allows you to enter PHP code into a formatted/highlighted syntax box","tag":"php","useoption":"0","example":"[php]$variable = true;\n\nprint_r($variable);[/php]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"PHP Code","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"post":{"id":"6","title":"Post Link","desc":"This tag provides an easy way to link to a post.","tag":"post","useoption":"1","example":"[post=1]Click me![/post]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"Enter the Post ID","menu_content_text":"Enter the title for this link","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"pre":{"id":"43","title":"pre","desc":"","tag":"pre","useoption":"0","example":"","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"spoiler":{"id":"7","title":"Spoiler","desc":"Spoiler tag","tag":"spoiler","useoption":"0","example":"[spoiler]Some hidden text[/spoiler]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"Enter the text to be masked","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"sql":{"id":"16","title":"SQL Code","desc":"Allows you to enter formatted/syntax-highlighted SQL code","tag":"sql","useoption":"0","example":"[sql]SELECT p.*, t.* FROM posts p LEFT JOIN topics t ON t.tid=p.topic_id WHERE t.tid=7[/sql]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"SQL Commands","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"tab":{"id":"48","title":"tab","desc":"adds a tab (twelve spaces)","tag":"tab","useoption":"0","example":"[tab]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"1","optional_option":"0","image":""},"tex":{"id":"41","title":"tex","desc":"LaTeX","tag":"tex","useoption":"0","example":"","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"topic":{"id":"5","title":"Topic Link","desc":"This tag provides an easy way to link to a topic","tag":"topic","useoption":"1","example":"[topic=1]Click me![/topic]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"Enter the topic ID","menu_content_text":"Enter the title for this link","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"twitter":{"id":"36","title":"Twitter","desc":"A tag to link to a user's twitter account","tag":"twitter","useoption":"0","example":"[twitter]userName[/twitter]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"Twitter Username","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":"twitter.png"},"xml":{"id":"17","title":"XML Code","desc":"Allows you to enter formatted/syntax-highlighted XML code","tag":"xml","useoption":"0","example":"[xml]<outer>\n <inner>\n <tag param='1'>Test</tag>\n </inner>\n</outer>[/xml]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"XML Code","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""}};
/* Has to go before config load */
var IPS_smiley_path = "";
var IPS_smiles = {"total":20,"count":20,"emoticons":[{"src":"mellow.png","text":":mellow:"},{"src":"dry.png","text":"<_<"},{"src":"smile.png","text":":)"},{"src":"wub.png","text":":wub:"},{"src":"angry.png","text":":angry:"},{"src":"sad.png","text":":("},{"src":"unsure.png","text":":unsure:"},{"src":"wacko.png","text":":wacko:"},{"src":"blink.png","text":":blink:"},{"src":"sleep.png","text":"-_-"},{"src":"rolleyes.gif","text":":rolleyes:"},{"src":"huh.png","text":":huh:"},{"src":"happy.png","text":"^_^"},{"src":"ohmy.png","text":":o"},{"src":"wink.png","text":";)"},{"src":"tongue.png","text":":P"},{"src":"biggrin.png","text":":D"},{"src":"laugh.png","text":":lol:"},{"src":"cool.png","text":"B)"},{"src":"ph34r.png","text":":ph34r:"}]};
var IPS_remove_plugins = [];
var IPS_hide_contextMenu = 0;
var IPS_rclick_contextMenu = 0;
/* Has to go after */
/* Load our configuration */
CKEDITOR.config.customConfig = '';
<input type='hidden' name='isRte' id='isRte_editor_4fe2476d708e8' value='1' />
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delayInit: 0,
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ips_AutoSaveKey: '',
ips_AutoSaveData: [] } );
I've tried escaping quotes using several different JavaScript and PHP methods, but no matter what I try I can't get it echoed out without either breaking the page or the editor not working.
Does anyone know of a way to get this code stored in a string in a manner that can be then echoed out onto the page as working JavaScript?
<?php ob_start(); ?>
<div id="reply-box" style="display: block; width:100%;float:right;">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
.... your HTML/Javascript
$string = ob_get_contents();
I don't have your javascript libs but it appears to show up fine when I echo out $string. PHP is basically copying all of the display content to a buffer and instead of rendering the page, we copy it to a variable.
$variable = <<<END
echo $variable;
Make sure you have END; on it's own line WITHOUT whitespace before it.
Hope have helped!

Concatenation of PHP echo with div tag containing php

I am using Javascript to hide / show a blog-post stored in a mysql table. The script for doing this is:
<script type="text/javascript">
function unhide(divID) {
var item = document.getElementById(divID);
if (item) {
item.className = (item.className == 'hidden') ? 'unhidden' : 'hidden';
This links to some css styling:
.hidden {
display: none;}
.unhidden {
display: inline;}
I am calling the script via a href styles as a button:
<a class=button href="javascript:unhide('first_post');">More</a>
As for the content I originally tried the following to initially show a small section of text, then the rest after the link is clicked:
<?php $var = mysql_result($result,0,"post_text"); ?>
<?php echo substr($var, 0, 400); ?>
<div id="first_post" class = "hidden">
<?php echo substr($var, 400, 5000)?>
However where the two sets of sub-strings join there is a space. For example if the first sub-string ends in "the tree's hav" and the second sub-string starts "e eyes you know" the concatenation results in "the trees hav e eyes you know"
Can anyone help me with this problem?
Remove newlines between <?php ?> and <div> tags - this should help you get rid of spaces.
<?php echo substr($var, 0, 400); ?><div id="first_post" class = "hidden"><?php echo substr($var, 400, 5000)?></div>
I think what you're looking for is you want to truncate string from the end of the word rather than giving link somewhere in between. That's what I see as permanent solution...
When I googled up expecting that PHP would have something available out of the box found following 2 article which might help you.
How to Truncate a string in PHP to the word closest to a certain number of characters?
They are not exactly what you're looking for but they can be of great help if you take inspiration from the concepts.
