I have Signed URLs on Cloudfront working fine in PHP. Bucket policies work with HTTP referrers on S3 but because Cloudfront doesn't support HTTP referrer checks I need to serve a file to one IP address only (the client that requested the file and generated the signed URL or my web server ideally).
Can someone please help me add the IP Address element to the JSON code so it works?
I'm lost with the PHP and Policy Statement but think it might be easy for someone who knows: http://tinyurl.com/9czr5lp
It does encoding/signing a bit differently for a custom policy: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/private-content-creating-signed-url-custom-policy.html#private-content-custom-policy-statement
The below is an AWS example and works except not for the IP Address lock in.
I can test this very quickly if someone can please give me a hand for two minutes!
Thanks MASSIVELY for any help :)
function getSignedURL($resource, $timeout)
$keyPairId = "XXXXXXXXXXXX";
$expires = time() + $timeout;
$json = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"'.$resource.'","Condition":{"DateLessThan": {"AWS:EpochTime":'.$expires.'}}}]}';
$key = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key);
echo "<p>Failed to load private key!</p>";
//Sign the policy with the private key
if(!openssl_sign($json, $signed_policy, $key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1))
echo '<p>Failed to sign policy: '.openssl_error_string().'</p>';
//Create url safe signed policy
$base64_signed_policy = base64_encode($signed_policy);
$signature = str_replace(array('+','=','/'), array('-','_','~'), $base64_signed_policy);
//Construct the URL
$url = $resource.'?Expires='.$expires.'&Signature='.$signature.'&Key-Pair-Id='.$keyPairId;
return $url;
$url = getSignedURL("http://s675765.cloudfront.net/filename.mp4", 600);
print $url;
This is a valid JSON string with filled and escaped values.
If you pass the IP address as a variable make sure you escape the /
$escapedIp = str_replace( '/', '\/', $ipAddress );
Have a look at the php json extension
This would make things quite easier:
example statement as php array
$statement = array(
'Statement' => array(
'Resource' => $resource,
'Condition' => array(
'DateLessThan' => array(
'AWS:EpochTime' => $expires
'IpAddress' => array(
'AWS:SourceIp' => $ipAddress
$json = json_encode( $statement );
I'm currently attempting to generate a signature to make API calls to quickbooks online, however I keep getting authentication errors. I'm sure the signature portion is where I'm going wrong. Is this incorrect:
//method to generate signature
//$this->method = "GET"
//QBO_SANDBOX_URL = 'https://some_url.com/'
//$this->_query = 'something=something'
public function generate_signature()
$base = $this->_method.'&'.rawurlencode($this->_url.QBO_SANDBOX_URL.'v3/company/'.$this->_realm_id).'&'
$key = rawurlencode($this->_consumer_secret.'&'.$this->_token_secret);
$this->_signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha1", $base, $key, true));
Now when I go to send my request, here are the headers:
$this->_headers = array(
'Authorization: '.urlencode('OAuth oauth_token="'.$this->_auth_token.'",oauth_nonce="ea9ec8429b68d6b77cd5600adbbb0456",oauth_consumer_key="'.$this->_consumer_key.'",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="'.time().'", oauth_version ="1.0"oauth_signature="'.$this->_signature.'"').''
I get a 401 Authorization response. Am I signing incorrectly?
EDIT: All fields not included here (i.e $this->_auth_token) are set.
For anyone that might use this as a basis for their own integration, there is one other issue with the code originally posted:
$key = rawurlencode($this->_consumer_secret.'&'.$this->_token_secret);
should be
$key = rawurlencode($this->_consumer_secret).'&'.rawurlencode($this->_token_secret);
This issue was in the base string:
The & after the consumer key and once again before the oauth_nonce.
In the signature creation I think it lacks the call to rawurlencode():
$this->_signature = rawurlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha1", $base, $key, true)));
instead :
$this->_signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha1", $base, $key, true));
following is the code which i am using with php to get xml response with amazon api service but it is giving me error stated as below of code.
// Your AWS Access Key ID, as taken from the AWS Your Account page
$aws_access_key_id = "A*********A";
// Your AWS Secret Key corresponding to the above ID, as taken from the AWS Your Account page
$aws_secret_key = "ue*******s+";
// The region you are interested in
$endpoint = "webservices.amazon.in";
$uri = "/onca/xml";
$params = array(
"Service" => "AWSECommerceService",
"Operation" => "ItemSearch",
"AssociateTag" => "unity0f-21",
"SearchIndex" => "All",
"Keywords" => "iphone",
"ResponseGroup" => "Images,ItemAttributes,Offers"
// Set current timestamp if not set
if (!isset($params["Timestamp"])) {
$params["Timestamp"] = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z');
// Sort the parameters by key
$pairs = array();
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
array_push($pairs, rawurlencode($key)."=".rawurlencode($value));
// Generate the canonical query
$canonical_query_string = join("&", $pairs);
// Generate the string to be signed
$string_to_sign = "GET\n".$endpoint."\n".$uri."\n".$canonical_query_string;
// Generate the signature required by the Product Advertising API
$signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha256", $string_to_sign, $aws_secret_key, true));
// Generate the signed URL
$request_url = 'http://'.$endpoint.$uri.'?'.$canonical_query_string.'&Signature='.rawurlencode($signature);
echo "Signed URL: \"".$request_url."\"";
it is giving error as unsupported version i tried everything but still error is occurring please help
response of the request for the xml file is as following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Message>Version 2005-10-05 is unsupported. Please use 2011-08-01 or greater instead.</Message>
Add a valid version to your $params array, e.g:
"ResponseGroup" => "Images,ItemAttributes,Offers",
"Version" => "2015-10-01"
I tested your script and found it works with the above.
The cause of the issue seems to be that the API defaults to a deprecated value if you omit the version parameter.
I've written a PHP script that generates a signed CloudFront URL for RTMP with use in Flowplayer that's working just fine, but when I use the same signature generation method to create a download URL I get an AccessDenied XML file from Amazon. I've tried just about everything and I'm at my wits end. Anyone know why the signature would work for RTMP streaming, but that same signature generation method would fail for a download?
$keyPairId = 'APK...';
$privateKey = '/var/www/certs/pk-APK....pem';
$rtmp = false;
$distribution = 'd2m...';
// Get extension.
$extension = substr($this->getFilename(), strrpos($this->getFilename(), '.') + 1);
$fileName = substr($this->getFilename(), 0, strrpos($this->getFilename(), '.'));
$expires = strtotime(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+3 hours')));
$json = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"' . $fileName . '","Condition"{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":' . $expires . '}}}]}';
// read cloudfront private key pair
$fp = fopen($privateKey, 'r');
$priv_key = fread($fp, 8192);
// create the private key
$key = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key);
// sign the policy with the private key
// depending on your php version you might have to use
// openssl_sign($json, $signed_policy, $key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1)
openssl_sign($json, $signed_policy, $key);
// create url safe signed policy
$base64_signed_policy = base64_encode($signed_policy);
$signature = str_replace(array('+', '=', '/'), array('-', '_', '~'), $base64_signed_policy);
// construct the url
$urlParams = urlencode($this->getFilename()) . '?Expires=' . $expires .'&Signature=' . $signature . '&Key-Pair-Id=' . $keyPairId;
if ($rtmp) {
$url = ( ($this->getExtension() != 'flv') ? $this->getExtension() . ':' : '' ) . $urlParams;
} else {
$url = 'https://' . $distribution . '.cloudfront.net/' . $urlParams;
First of all, signed RTMP urls are made differently than regular urls
RTMP distributions: Include only the stream name. For example, if the
full URL for a streaming video is:
then use the following value for Resource:
Regular signed urls contain the entire path.
Secondly, cloudfront RTMP distributions only distribute streaming media over RTMP. You said that you wanted a download url, so using an RTMP distribution will not enable you to download the file.
You probably want to create a cloudfront web distribution and link it to the same bucket, then generate a signed url using the web distribution, and access it that way.
I just wanted to ask if anyone could give me a tip to get private and secure files on S3 accessible only to logged in users or when the business logic wants them to be accessible. Here is the scenario...
A PHP Web application to enter billing details which generates a PDF
invoice on the fly and uploads it to the S3 bucket. (It actually
doesn't always generate and upload - only when the user wants to print or
download it - the code generates a pdf - uploads it to S3 and gets
back the url or the file accordingly)
Now, the file is accessible to anyone who has the url to the file on S3 bucket. I wanted to limit the file access in such a way that people who are not even logged in can get the file only after lets say answering a secret question etc.
Is generating a signed url which is valid for a small time the only answer here or am I looking at other possibilities also? Also, can we generate signed url's directly from S3 or do we need to do it through cloudfront?
Do suggest me a direction to research further... Thanks!
This might help? Amazon CloudFront Private Content
I would assume you will need to setup a VPC to ensure your user's credentials are verified and valid to keep the content "private".
This post https://css-tricks.com/snippets/php/generate-expiring-amazon-s3-link/ can help you. Don't forget to check out the comments as well.
*** EDIT
Generate Expiring Amazon S3 Link
You don't have to make files on Amazon S3 public (they aren't by default). But you can generate special keys to allow access to private files. These keys are passed through the URL and can be made to expire.
if( !function_exists( 'el_crypto_hmacSHA1' ) ) {
function el_crypto_hmacSHA1($key, $data, $blocksize = 64) {
if (strlen($key) > $blocksize) $key = pack('H*', sha1($key));
$key = str_pad($key, $blocksize, chr(0x00));
$ipad = str_repeat(chr(0x36), $blocksize);
$opad = str_repeat(chr(0x5c), $blocksize);
$hmac = pack( 'H*', sha1(
($key ^ $opad) . pack( 'H*', sha1(
($key ^ $ipad) . $data
return base64_encode($hmac);
function el_s3_getTemporaryLink($accessKey, $secretKey, $bucket, $path, $expires = 5) {
// Calculate expiry time
$expires = time() + intval(floatval($expires) * 60);
// Fix the path; encode and sanitize
$path = str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($path = ltrim($path, '/')));
// Path for signature starts with the bucket
$signpath = '/'. $bucket .'/'. $path;
// S3 friendly string to sign
$signsz = implode("\n", $pieces = array('GET', null, null, $expires, $signpath));
// Calculate the hash
$signature = el_crypto_hmacSHA1($secretKey, $signsz);
// Glue the URL ...
$url = sprintf('http://%s.s3.amazonaws.com/%s', $bucket, $path);
// ... to the query string ...
$qs = http_build_query($pieces = array(
'AWSAccessKeyId' => $accessKey,
'Expires' => $expires,
'Signature' => $signature,
// ... and return the URL!
return $url.'?'.$qs;
echo el_s3_getTemporaryLink('your-access-key', 'your-secret-key', 'bucket-name', '/path/to/file.mov');
Ive cracked oAuth and have my class file for it. I'm at the last stage of posting a tweet and all works except all the words are joined with a plus sign in the tweet.
Changing anything results in the signature been incorrect and twitter returns 401 error.
So how does one remove the pluses? Post function below:
function post($token, $tokenSecret, $status)
// Default params
$params = array(
"oauth_version" => "1.0",
"oauth_nonce" => time(),
"oauth_timestamp" => time(),
"oauth_consumer_key" => $this->key,
"oauth_signature_method" => "HMAC-SHA1",
"oauth_token" => $token,
"status" => $status
uksort($params, 'strcmp');
// convert params to string
foreach ($params as $k => $v) {$pairs[] = $this->_urlencode_rfc3986($k).'='.$this->_urlencode_rfc3986($v);}
$concatenatedParams = implode('&', $pairs);
// form base string (first key)
$baseString= "POST&".$this->_urlencode_rfc3986($this->request_statuses_url)."&".$this->_urlencode_rfc3986($concatenatedParams);
// form secret (second key)
$secret = $this->_urlencode_rfc3986($this->secret)."&".$this->_urlencode_rfc3986($tokenSecret);
// make signature
$sig = $this->_urlencode_rfc3986(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $baseString, $secret, TRUE)));
$url = $this->request_statuses_url; // twitter update url
$paramString = $concatenatedParams."&oauth_signature=".$sig;
// Send to cURL
$result = $this->_http($url, $paramString);
if($result['httpCode'] == '200'){
// Return array
return $result;
// Error
show_error($result['httpCode'], $result['httpCode']);
return FALSE;
Is $status your tweet? Take a look at the POST request before you post it, my guess is _urlencode_rfc3986() converts it so that you get "$status=This+is+my+tweet" when you want "$status=This is my tweet"
Twitter is not supporting "+" as escape for spaces, which as far as I know is a violation of the standard.
You have to replace the the + with %20.