I have two text boxes with the same name control_text but their values are different. I want to store all my text box values in an array using jQuery.
<input type="text" name="control_text" placeholder="Text Label Image" class="required" id="control_text" value="firstvalue" />
<input type="text" name="control_text" placeholder="Text Label Image" class="required" id="control_text" value="secondvalue" />
var test_arr = $("input[name='control_text']");
$.each(test_arr, function(i, item) {
// i = index, item = element in array
The above code is displaying the values of text boxes individually. I don't want to alert these values individually, I want to alert both at once with comma separator similar to
(firstvalue, secondvalue). Any help is appreciated.
Use map() method:
var arr = $("input[name='control_text']").map(function() {
return this.value;
A side note: elements in a single page should have unique IDs, so check your markup for validity.
var newArray = [];
$( "input[name='control_text']" ).each(function() {
newArray.push($( this ).val());
you can also achieve it using .each function.
I have some hidden input fields like this ...
<input type="hidden" class="added_ids[]" name="added_ids[]" value="5190">
<input type="hidden" class="added_ids[]" name="added_ids[]" value="5340">
<input type="hidden" class="added_ids[]" name="added_ids[]" value="2488">
....and so on.
I need to get the values of each of the input fields so that I can pass it as a parameter to my php page.
url: "index.php/autocomplete/test_search?added_ids[]=" + //array holding ids
so I need to know how I do it in jQuery ..
try something like this
var array = $('.added_ids\\[\\]').map(function() {
return this.value;
console.log(array); \\will give you ["5190", "5340", "2488"]
You can use map():
var added_ids = $('.added_ids\\[\\]').map(function() {
return this.value;
var url = "index.php/autocomplete/test_search?added_ids[]=" + added_ids.join();
In your PHP you can then retrieve the value and split it by , to return it back to an array.
i have a form where two fields are dynamically generated through java script when a button is clicked.when the button is clicked each time,the two text field will generate again and again.now i have got the count of text field generated in a hidden field in JavaScript.How can i get the value of hiddenfield in controller and insert the values of text fields in database,by appending comma in data when the text box value is entered each time.please help me.
my javascript is
var countbox=0;
var textbox1=0;
var textbox2=0;
function getField()
var newtextbox1="name1"+countbox;
var newtextbox2="name2"+countbox;
document.getElementById('renderDiv').innerHTML+='<br/><input type="text" id="'+newtextbox1+'" name="'+newtextbox1+'" /><br/><input type="text" id="'+newtextbox2+'" name="'+newtextbox2+'" />';
document.getElementById('renderDiv').innerHTML+='<br/><input type="hidden" id="hiddentextField" name="hiddentextField" value="'+countbox+'" />';
countbox +=1;
my html code is
<input type="button" id="button1" onclick=getField();/>
<div id="renderDiv">
inside this div the two textfield is generated along with the hidden field
i am not getting the value of textfield in controller while submitting and i am not getting the count of textfield.i tried like $hiddenfield=$this->input->post('hiddentextField');
you will have to post the variable inorder to pass this to the server
var countbox=0;
var textbox1=0;
var textbox2=0;
function getField()
var newtextbox1="name1"+countbox;
var newtextbox2="name2"+countbox;
document.getElementById('renderDiv').innerHTML+='<br/><input type="text" id="'+newtextbox1+'" name="'+newtextbox1+'" /><br/><input type="text" id="'+newtextbox2+'" name="'+newtextbox2+'" />';
document.getElementById('renderDiv').innerHTML+='<br/><input type="hidden" id="hiddentextField" name="hiddentextField" value="'+countbox+'" />';
countbox +=1;
window.location.href = "index.php?name=" + countbox-1;
//change index.php to your page name
then in the same page
I had the same problem before, what I did is I insert those text box inside a table, lets say, tableSample
then I use jQuery find
var _content = '';
var _findcontent = $("#tableSample");
_content += $(this).val+'~'+$(this).attr("id")+'|';
Then use ajax to pass it to your PHP
$.post("<?php echo site_url('controller_name/method_name'); ?>",
content : _content
,function( _data){
In your PHP, you can use explode to get the desired values,
$content_from_page = $this->input->post("content");
$explode_string = array();
$explode_string = explode("|",$content_from_page );
$explode_arr = array()
$explode_arr[] = explode("~",$explode_string[$x];
then print_r($explode_arr); to check
*Note: The only problem with this approach is that, if the character that is inserted into the textbox is ~ or |, coz that is the delimiter used.
I'm posting dynamically added form elements to PHP via AJAX.
I can see that the serialised form data is posted to the php, but when I try to access the data within it, some of the fields come up NULL i.e. var_dump in the PHP below shows NULL.
this is the Jquery that adds the dynamic elements:
var count=0;
count ++;
$('#education_add').append('<br><br><label>University/Institution: </label><input type="text" class="searchbox" id="edu_inst'+count+'" name="edu_inst[]" maxlength="200" value="">);
and the Jquery posting to php:
function profileSub(){
var myform;
myform = $('form').serialize();
type: 'POST',
url: 'tutorprofileinput.php',
data: {"form": myform},
success:function(data, response, xhr){
// failed request; give feedback to user
$('#ajax-panel').html('<p class="error"><strong>Oops!</strong> Try that again in a few moments.</p>');
This is the original form:
<form id="tutor_profile_input" onsubmit="return false;">
<label>University/Institution: </label>
<input type="text" class="searchbox" id="edu_inst" name="edu_inst[]" maxlength="200" value=""> </br></br>
<input type="text" class="searchbox" id="edu_subj" name="edu_subject[]" maxlength="200" value=""></br></br>
<label> Level </label>
<select id="edu_level" name="edu_level[]">
and the PHP itself:
if (isset($_POST['form'])){
$form = $_POST['form'];
This is the var dump of the whole $_POST:
The form you've posted has an ID of #tutor_profile_input, where as the one you're appending to in the jQuery function is #education_add - Unless I've misunderstood?
Otherwise I'd look at specifying a more specific target in the AJAX request - You're just targetting $('form') at the moment which could be any form on the page..
Have discovered the answer so thought I would share - The Jquery serialize() function encodes the data into a string, which is then posted to PHP as an array with the key of "form".
In order to deal with this in php I had to first use the urldecode function in PHP to convert the string encoded elements (%5B%5D) from the name attributes. This was because there might be multiple values in these so they were declared in the form as an array ("name="edu_insts[]"). Then use parse_str to split the string into an array.
$querystring = $_POST['form'];
$querystring = urldecode($querystring);
parse_str($querystring, $params);
$insts = $params['edu_inst'];
echo $insts[0]."<br>";
echo $insts[1]."<br>";
This will create an array named $params with keys corresponding to the form name attributes.
Note that if you have multiple values within the same name, then each one will be placed within an array itself, so with the above text you will have $insts[0] = University 1
and $insts[1] = University 2 etc.
Hope this helps anyone with the same problem.
My question might be quite easy for you guys, but it's hard for me...
I have a text field and I want to change its value between once <label id="some_id"> is clicked. Until what I've described now, I can do it myself with jQuery, but here comes the complex part (for me, obviously):
I have two values I want for that text field, and once that <label> is clicked, it switches to the value that isn't shown, but once we click it again, it goes back to the original text the text field contained.
I have to keep my jQuery/JS internal because I get the desired values from the database and I don't want to make my .js files .php.
This is what I got:
<label for="html" onclick="$('#html').val('<?php echo $image->convert('html_b', $image_data['image_link']); ?>')">HTML:</label>
<input type="text" id="html" value="<?php echo $image->convert('html_a', $image_data['image_link']); ?>" readonly />
It does the first part I need, changing the value of the field to the new value, but once that button gets clicked again, I want the original text.
Thank you.
You can compare its current value to the available possibilities.
<label id="toggle" for="stuff">I'm a label</label>
<input type="text" val="" name="stuff" id="stuff">
var possibilities = ["foo", "bar"];
var old_val = $("#stuff").val(), new_val;
if (old_val == possibilities[0])
new_val = possibilities[1];
new_val = possibilities[0];
First, don't use inline JavaScript.
You can use a combination of .toggle() and data-* attributes for this. For example, using a data-toggle attribute for the value you want to toggle with.
<label for="html" data-toggle="This is a placeholder">HTML:</label>
<input type="text" id="html" value="This is my real value" readonly>
$("label[for][data-toggle]").each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $for = $("#" + $this.attr("for"));
var originalValue;
$this.toggle(function() {
originalValue = $for.val();
}, function() {
See it here.
I added usage of for attribute of <label>.
If you don't want to use .toggle() due to the deprecation notice.
$("label[for][data-toggle]").each(function() {
/* cache */
var $this = $(this);
var $for = $("#" + $this.attr("for"));
var originalValue = $for.val();
/* state variable */
var which = 0;
$this.click(function() {
$for.val(which ? originalValue : $this.data("toggle"));
which = 1 - which;
See the non-.toggle() alternative here.
For doing this, on the first button click you need to store the current value of input in some variable and then on 2nd click you can assign that variable to input value. If you donot want to have js file, you can simply use <script></script> tags to write the jquery.
`<label id="label" onclick="replaceText('newvalue')">Click Mee</label>
<input id="html" type="text" value="some value">
var currentValue="";
function replaceText(newval){
currentValue= $("#html").val();
$("#label").attr("onclick","replaceText('"+currentValue+"')");// Here we assigned the other value to label onclick function so that it will keep on toggling the content.
You can store the values into JavaScript variables and use jQuery click method instead of onclick attribute.
var def = "<?php echo $image->convert('html_a', $image_data['image_link']); ?>",
up = "<?php echo $image->convert('html_b', $image_data['image_link']); ?>";
$('label[for=html]').click(function() {
$('#html').val(function(i, currentValue) {
return currentValue === def ? up : def;
I'm building a search form with several filter options on the results page.
It's a basic search form, results show in an friendly url such as: domain.com/resuts/country/age/type/
The filters are simply checkboxes which on click, should reload the page with a query string to identify what has been checked/unchecked. (there is no submit, preferably the update would rebuild the query string with every check box click).
So, for example, on click of some checkboxes we'd build a query string on the end,
Can anybody point me to a jquery resource or a code snippet which may assist in getting this done?
Many thanks,
The jQuery.get function will automatically handle creating and building the query string when you pass a key-value pair:
You can use this selector for checked checkboxes:
If your html looks like
<input type="checkbox" name="scene" value="hipster" />
I guess you can use something like
var tmp = [];
tmp.push($(this).attr('name') + '=' + $(this).val());
var filters = tmp.join('&');
$('.checkbox_class').change(function () {
let filter = $('.checkbox_class');
let types = [];
$.each(filter, function( index, input ) {
types[index] = input.value;
let typeQueryString = decodeURIComponent($.param({type:types}));
Is this what your looking for? When you click the checkboxes it shows the selected values up top. when you submit the form it shows you the same value in an alert
<div id="buffer" style="height:2em; border:1px solid black; margin-bottom:1em"></div>
form action="#" method="get">
input type="checkbox" id="j" name="state" value="state">state
input type="checkbox" name="city" value="city">city
input type="checkbox" name="type" value="type">type
input type="submit" value="click me">
//just a simple demo, you could filter the page by the value of the checkbox
$('form input:checkbox').bind('click',function(){
//remove it from the query string
var pieces=$('#buffer').text().split('/');
var $this_val=$(this).val();
for(var i=0;i<pieces.length-1;i++){
//remove value from the buffer
//add the value to the query string
//on form submit
$('#filterWrapper form').submit(function(){
var queryString='';
$.each($('form input:checkbox:checked'),function(){
alert('this will get send over: '+queryString);
return false;//remove this in production
Sorry about the broken HTML, the editor doesnt like form tags and input tags