cannot write to certain directory using CentOS distro - php

I have a script that will generate an image then upload it in a certain directory. The script works fine, however uploading it in the CentOS server, it won't work anymore. By debugging, I have found out that this is a permission denied issue. I am forced to chmod -R 777 certain_directory to make it work.
I am not convince with this, I can't set the directory ownership to www-data I'm used to when I am using Debian. Any workaround for this?

# egrep ^User /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
User apache
So just chown the files to apache...


Permission with the linux server using apache and php

I have setup an linux CentOS 7 server to run php and i using apache, but when all done php can't write file even i have set chmod 777 and i have chown apache at the owner of the directory.
If the file exist, i can write the data on it, but if file don't exist
i can create it, it notice me don't have permission (folder is chmod
Thanks for your help.

PHP permission error on writing to a file in Linux CentOS

I have installed linux centos 7 on a VmWare in Windows.
There are two users in the linux: root, sample
I have created a laravel project with user "sample" (logged in as sample), but when I try to run the project with user root (logged in as root), it throws a permission error that cannot write to the file (file_put_content()). I have tried
chmod 777 /var/www/html/laravel
Or even I have tried to change the permission of the write-access of the file to root using right-click->properties->permission, but to no avail.
The only possible solution has been to delete the file and re-create it with user root. Now, what is the solution? I though user root is privileged to do anything. But it seems it is not the case. What is the solution? How should change this issue?
Try chmod 777 -R /var/www/html/laravel/ ,-R is recursive

phpMyAdmin "Cannot load or save configuration"

I have been trying to setup phpMyAdmin on a macbook pro running yosemite 10.10.2. I have created a config folder in phpmyadmin and have given it the permissions required:
chmod o+wr ~/Sites/phpmyadmin/config
However, when I then go onto "localhost/phpmyadmin/setup" I get an error:
Cannot load or save configuration
Please create web server writable folder config in phpMyAdmin top level
directory as described in documentation. Otherwise you will be only able to
download or display it.
(I have tried attaching an image, but can't due to my reputation points)
I have tried resetting the permissions, tried deleting and recreating the folder. Tried redownloading the phpmyadmin zip but nothing seems to work.
Could anyone kindly advise me what I am doing wrong and how I am best placed to solve this issue?
I have had similar issue on my Ubuntu 16.04. I made a research and in the end I found a resolution of the issue. Maybe my case solution will help somebody else.
Background: For security reasons I have non privileged user and group apache:apache (sudo groupadd apache | useradd -g apache apache). They are preset by directives (User apache; Group apache) in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf. This user apache:apache owns Apache2 main directory (sudo chown -R apache:apache /etc/apache2) and some other files, for example: sudo chown -R apache:apache/etc/phpmyadmin/htpasswd.setup
In this manual: - I found that...
Debian and Ubuntu have changed way how setup is enabled and disabled,
in a way that single command has to be executed for either of these.
To allow editing configuration invoke:
To block editing configuration invoke:
Note! In the content of the two files listed above we talk about /var/lib/phpmyadmin/ instead of /etc/phpmyadmin/config/ It was the key.
In my case I was modified the content of these scripts (see below) and now I can use localhost/phpmyadmin/setup properly.
echo "Unsecuring phpMyAdmin installation..."
echo "Setup script can now write to the configuration file."
echo "Do not forget to run /usr/sbin/pma-secure after configuring,"
echo "otherwise your installation might be at risk of attack."
sudo sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/lib/phpmyadmin/
chmod 0660 /var/lib/phpmyadmin/
echo "Securing phpMyAdmin installation..."
echo "Setup script won't be able to write configuration."
sudo sudo chown -R root:root /var/lib/phpmyadmin/
chmod 0640 /var/lib/phpmyadmin/
I was able to use phpMyAdmin in my ~/Sites directory and remove the warning by giving the config folder writable access as such:
chmod 756 ~/Sites/phpmyadmin/config
Does it work if you try setting up PHPMyAdmin in system root versus user root? On OSX that server web root should be under /Library/WebServer/Documents?
I used this guide when I set mine up, and it works fine, although I did not use Sites as my root.
For local development, changing permissions worked for an OSX Sierra install:
sudo chown -R _www:_www ~/Sites/phpmyadmin

Lamp Server 403 Forbidden

Hi I just installed ubuntu alongside my Win 7 and I have been using xampp and am very familiar with it, but I just installed lamp and am using the apache2, php, and mysql from terminal and I copied a web folder over from my xampp side and it is saying that I do not have permission to access that file.
I know that on my pc I had some htaccess files but on Ubuntu I am yet to figure out how to view those. Is this a product of those .htaccess files or something else?
That happens if you install WAMP/XAMMP on system partition.
so you copied the files form windows to linux?
sounds like a classic file permissions problem.
per default the www folder is in /var/www, so you can simply set the owner of this folder to the apache user which is called www-data, run this in terminal:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
but now you will no longer be able to write to those files yourself, because they are owned by www-data. checkout this answer for more details and how to get write access:
or you make it writeable for everyone (which is a bad idea): sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www
about editing .htaccess files:
I don't use linux with a graphical user interface, but you can edit them with the terminal editor of your choice, on ubuntu you have nano installed by default:
nano /var/www/.htaccess
or if you want a more advanced editor, I suggest vim
vim /var/www/.htaccess

CakePHP chmod question

I downloaded CakePHP and put it in my www directory. I enabled mod-rewrite and all that and changed my document root. But I still get permission denied errors in my apache error log because Cake can't require the files from other directories. It's almost as if I need to chmod every single directory to 777 in order to make this work. I know that's not right but can someone tell me if I did not install it correctly or what to CHMOD. Because so far it's literally every folder I'm going through CHMODing right now.
chown -R <webserver_user> <cake_dir> #set the owner of your cake dir recursively to your webserver
chmod -R 755 <cake_dir> #set the permissions recursively
you can get the webserver user with
ps -aux | grep apache #or whatever your web server is
