Using PHP to compare a string to possible words - php

I have a small personal project I am trying to complete. I need to take a string of characters and try to "create" words from variations of said string; checking against a text file with a list of known words (words are separated by new lines).
In summary:
user provides string $chars_provided (i.e "jdlwhfushfmgh"),
$chars_provided is then exploded
exploded $chars_provided are randomly arranged in attempt to create words from said string
created words the checked/verified against the dictionary text file to ensure they exist
results are displayed by the character count of the created words, with a limit of 100 words.
I have the concept in my head just not sure how it should be done, I'm just looking for someone who can explain the process to me.
// list of words, one per line
$dictionary = file_get_contents('dictionary.txt');
// provided characters, in the end by user
$chars_provided = "a,t,w,q,u,i,f,d,s,b,v,x,o";
// count the total # of characters
$chars_count = strlen($chars_provided);
// display given information so far
echo "The letters '$chars_provided' were entered, totaling $chars_count letters.";
// explode the characters by using the comma designator
$break_chars = explode(",", $chars_provided);
foreach ($break_chars as $letter) {
echo "$letter[0]";

This is easier if you get the letter counts for each word in the dictionary, hold onto it, and then match against the user input character counts.
For example, with 'aaab', any word with less than (or equal to) 3 'a's, less than (or equal to) 1 'b's, and no other characters will match.
//// 1. Grab letter counts for your user input.
$user_input_chars = 'abcdefg'; // for example
$user_in_letter_counts = get_letter_counts($user_input_chars);
// $letters[$char][$num] will contain all words that have exactly $num number of $char characters
$letters = array('a' => array(), 'b' => array(), /* ...,*/ 'z' => array());
//// 2. Generate list of words with at least $number_of quantity of $letter characters
// (only have to be done once for any amount of user input if you keep this in memory)
foreach ($words as $word){
// get letter counts for each type of character for this word
$letter_counts = get_letter_counts($word);
// store in array of letters and count
foreach($letter_counts as $letter => $number_of){
// we already have a word that had $number_of $letter characters; add word to existing array
if (isset($letters[$letter][$number_of])){
$letters[$letter][$number_of][] = $word;
} // make array to record that this word has $number_of $letter characters
else {
$letters[$letter][$number_of] = array($word);
//// 3. Find matching words.
$potential_words = array();
foreach ($letters as $letter => $arr){
foreach($arr as $num => $words){
// if this array has less than or equal to the number of $letter characters that the user input has,
// add the words to the potential match list for that character
if ($num <= $arr[$user_in_letter_counts[$letter]]){
$potential_words[$letter] = array_merge($potential_words[$letter], $words);
// the words must have met the requirement for each character, so only grab words that satisfy all conditions
$all_matching_words = array_intersect($potential_words['a'], $potential_words['b'], /* ..., */ $potential_words['z']);
// (It should be trivial to just grab 100 of these.)
function get_letter_counts($word){
$result = array();
$result['a'] = substr_count($my_word, 'a');
$result['b'] = substr_count($my_word, 'b');
// ...
$result['z'] = substr_count($my_word, 'z');
return $result;

Hope you can use this.
$file = file_get_contents("dictionary.txt");
$SearchString = "jdlwhfushfmgh/maybeasencondword";
$breakstrings = explode('/',$SearchString);
foreach ($breakstrings as $values)
if(!strpos($file, $values))
echo $values." string not found!\n";
echo $values." string Found!\n";


How to remove, just once, a word that appears several times in the array

I've researched all sorts of ways, but I haven't found a solution for this case.
Basically I have to see if the word repeats and just remove the first occurrence of it in the array. For example:
$array_words = ['harmony', 'Acrobat', 'harmony', 'harmony'];
How do I check the repeated word, just once, leaving the array like this:
$array_final = ['Acrobat', 'harmony', 'harmony'];
I threw together this simple loop, and explained it with comments
$array_words = ['harmony', 'Acrobat', 'harmony', 'harmony'];
//get a count of each word in the array
$counted_values = array_count_values($array_words);
//hold the words we have already checked
$checked_words = [];
//variable to hold our output after filtering
$output = [];
//loop over words in array
foreach($array_words as $word) {
//if word has not been checked, and appears more than once
if(!in_array($word, $checked_words) && $counted_values[$word] > 1) {
//add word to checked list, continue to next word in array
$checked_words[] = $word;
//add word to output
$output[] = $word;
$output value
[0] => Acrobat
[1] => harmony
[2] => harmony
GrumpyCrouton's solution is probably neater, but here's another way. Basically you put all the values into a single string, and then use string functions to do the work.
Code is commented with explanatory notes:
$array_words = ['harmony', 'Acrobat', 'harmony', 'harmony'];
$array_words_unique = array_unique($array_words); //get a list of unique words from the original array
$array_str = implode(",", $array_words);
foreach ($array_words_unique as $word) {
//count how many times the word occurs
$count = substr_count($array_str, $word);
//if it occurs more than once, remove the first occurence
if ($count > 1) {
//find the first position of the word in the string, then replace that with nothing
$pos = strpos($array_str, $word);
$array_str = substr_replace($array_str, "", $pos, strlen($word));
//convert back to an array, and filter any blank entries caused by commas with nothing between them
$array_final = array_filter(explode(",", $array_str));
Credit to Using str_replace so that it only acts on the first match? for code to replace only the first occurence of a string inside another string.
We can use an array to keep track of each item that has been removed, and then use array_shift to move out of the item and count to limit loop overruns
$record = ['harmony','harmony', 'Acrobat', 'harmony', 'harmony','last'];
$item = array_shift($record);
in_array($item,$record) && !in_array($item,$stack)
? array_push($stack,$item)
: array_push($record,$item);

How to find a string in jumbled letters

I need to write a program to find a word in jumbled letters.For eg:Consider the string $example = "ahwerlyp"; I need to find the word help from the string.How can i Find it.Any help would be appreciated.
I have tried to use substr() function but it only return the string.if it is all in same line,otherwise it return zero
$example = "ahwerlyp";
$findword = "help";
/**how to find the word help from it**/
if($findword is present in $example)
echo "exists";
Split each word into an array containing all the individual letters. (Can be done for example using preg_split('//u', 'word', -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY))
For each word, count how many times each letter occurs - array_count_values gives you an array with the input array values (our individual letters) as keys, and the count as value.
Loop over the counted letters from the second word, and check if the count of the same letter in the first word is greater or equal at least. If that is not the case for any of the letters from the second word, it is not “contained” in the first one.
Let’s wrap all that into a nice little function, and we get the following:
function does_a_contain_b($a, $b) {
// split both words into individual letters, and count their occurrences
$letters_given = array_count_values(preg_split('//u', $a, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
$letters_needed = array_count_values(preg_split('//u', $b, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
// we assume b is going to be contained in a for now
$contained = true;
foreach($letters_needed as $letter => $count) {
// if the letter from 2nd word does not occur in the 1st one at all,
// or the count in 2nd is not at least equal to that of 1st,
// we set our flag to false, and break out of the loop
if(!isset($letters_given[$letter]) || $letters_given[$letter] < $count) {
$contained = false;
return $contained;
// a couple of test cases
does_a_contain_b('ahwerlyp', 'help'), // true
does_a_contain_b('ahwerlyp', 'hhelp'), // false
does_a_contain_b('ahwerlyp', 'hype'), // true
does_a_contain_b('ahwerlyp', 'foobar') // false
Please replace your code with this code:
$example = "ahwerlyp";
$findword = "help";
if (!array_diff(str_split($findword), str_split($example))) {
echo "exists";
} else {
echo "not exist";

How to check if words can be created from list of letters?

I have a string $raw="aabbcdfghmnejaachto" and an array $word_array=array('cat','rat','goat','total','egg').
My program needs to check whether it is possible to make the words in the array with letters from the string. There is one extra condition; if the word contains a letter occurring more than once, that letter must occur at least the same number of times in the string.
E.g. egg. There are two g's. If the string $raw doesn't contain two g's, then it's not possible to make this word.
This is my expected result:
I tried the following, but it doesn't output the expected result:
$raw_array= str_split($raw);
foreach($word_array as $word=>$value)
$word_value= str_split($value);
foreach($word_value as $w=>$w_value)
foreach($raw_array as $raw=>$raw_value)
EDIT: The code, as originally posted, was missing the letter e from the string $raw so the egg example would actually return No. I have updated the Question and all the Answers to reflect this. - robinCTS
You must loop through each word/element in the $words array, then loop again through each character of each word.
Upon each iteration of the outer loop, set the default result value to Yes.
Then you must iterate each unique character of the current word. (array_count_values())
Check if the number of occurrences of the current character in the word is greater than the number of occurrences of the current character in the string of letters.
*As a matter of performance optimization, array_count_values() is used on the inner loop to avoid any unnecessary iterations of duplicate letters in $word. The $count variable saves having to make two substr_count() calls in the if statement.
Code: (Demo)
$string = "aabbcdfghmnejaachto";
$words = array('cat','rat','goat','total','egg');
foreach ($words as $word) { // iterate each word
$result[$word]='Yes'; // set default result value
foreach (array_count_values(str_split($word)) as $char=>$count) { // iterate each unique letter in word
if ($count > substr_count($string, $char)) { // compare current char's count vs same char's count in $string
$result[$word]='No'; // if more of the character in word than available in $string, set No
break; // make early exit from inner loop, to avoid unnecessary iterations
This is the output :
array (
'cat' => 'Yes',
'rat' => 'No',
'goat' => 'Yes',
'total' => 'No',
'egg' => 'No',
BIG THANKYOU to mickmackusa for hijacking significantly enhancing this answer.
Your problem is you are not counting the number of times each character occurs in the $raw array, you are just checking each character in each of the words to see if that character exists in $raw. Unless you put in some form of counting, or else make a copy of $raw for each word and remove letters as they are used, you are not going to be able to do this.
I have counted occurrences of characters in string and compare that number of occurrence! You can find this answer working!!!
$raw="aabbcdfghmnejaachto"; //tgrel -- to make all yes
$raw_array= str_split($raw);
$count_raw = array_count_values($raw_array);
foreach($word_array as $value)
$word_value= str_split($value);
$newArray = array_count_values($word_value);
foreach($newArray as $char=>$number){
if(!isset($count_raw[$char]) || $count_raw[$char]<$number){
Your error here is obvious, that you decided whether a value a word is accepted or not on individual tests of characters, while it should be based on the all the letter of the word , you don't need to precise both the key and value of an array if you need only its value
as in
foreach($word_array as $value)
then I've found that the use of the function in_array(), make the code much clearer
$raw_array= str_split($raw);
foreach($word_array as $value)
$word_value= str_split($value);
foreach($word_value as $w_value)
if (!in_array($w_value,$raw_array))
Lets try to make it w/o loops, but with closures:
$raw = "aabbcdfghmnejaachto";
$word_array = ['cat', 'rat', 'goat', 'total', 'egg'];
$result = [];
$map = count_chars($raw, 1);
function ($word) use ($map, &$result) {
$result[$word] = !array_udiff_assoc(
count_chars($word, 1), $map, function ($i, $j) { return $i > $j; }
) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
We are building a map of symbols, used in original string with count_chars($raw, 1), so it will look like this.
97 => 4, // "97" is a code for "a"; and "4" - occurrence number.
98 => 2,
array_walk goes through words and adds each of them in a final $result with a Yes or No values that come from a comparison with a map, that was built for a word.
array_udiff_assoc compares two maps, throwing away those elements that have the same key and values bigger for an original map (comparing with a map for a word). Also array_udiff_assoc() returns an array containing all the values from array1 that are not present in any of the other arguments, so the final step is a negation operation preceding array_udiff_assoc.
Try this
foreach($word_array as $word=>$value)
$raw_array= str_split($raw);
$word_value= str_split($value);
foreach($word_value as $w=>$w_value)
unset($raw_array[array_search($w_value, $raw_array)]);
This will not allow character again, if it is used once Like "total".
We can check to see if each letter from each word is within the letters given, and pluck found letters out as we go.
The function below short circuits if a letter is not found.
function can_form_word_from_letters($word, $letters) {
$letters = str_split($letters);
$word_letters = str_split($word);
foreach($word_letters as $letter) {
$key = array_search($letter, $letters);
if($key === false) return;
unset($letters[$key]); // Letter found, now remove it from letters.
return true;
$letters = "aabbcdfghmnejaachto";
$words = array('cat','rat','goat','total','egg');
foreach($words as $word) {
$result[$word] = can_form_word_from_letters($word, $letters) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
array (size=5)
'cat' => string 'Yes' (length=3)
'rat' => string 'No' (length=2)
'goat' => string 'Yes' (length=3)
'total' => string 'No' (length=2)
'egg' => string 'No' (length=2)

Decoding anagram with recursive function doesn't give expected output

So I'm trying to decode an anagram into words from my dictionary file. But my recursive function isn't behaving like I'm expecting.
The thoughts about the code is to eliminate letters as they are used on words and output me the string it came up with.
function anagram($string, $wordlist)
foreach($wordlist as $line)
$line = $org = trim($line);
$line = str_split($line);
foreach($line as $key => $value)
if($value != $string[$key])
continue 2;
echo $org . anagram(array_slice($string, count($line)), $wordlist);
echo PHP_EOL;
$string = "iamaweakishspeller";
$string = str_split($string);
$file = file('wordlist');
anagram($string, $file);
This is my result for now, it looks awful, but I'm having some issues with the code - it's going into an indefinite loop with the same roughly 200 words from the word list.
Can someone take an extra peak at this?
You have a dictionary(file) and an anagram which contains one or multiple words. The anagram doesn't contain any punctuation or letter case of the original word(s).
Now you want to find all true solutions where you use up all characters of the anagram and decode it into word(s) from the dictionary.
Note: There is a chance that you find multiple solutions and you will never know which one the original text was and in which order the words were, since the characters of multiple words are mixed in the anagram and you don't have punctuation or the case of the letters in it.
Your code
The problem in your current code is exactly that you have multiple words mixed together. If you sort them now and you want to search them in the dictionary you won't be able to find them, since the characters of multiple words are mixed. Example:
anagram = "oatdgc" //"cat" + "dog"
wordList = ["cat", "dog"]
wordListSorted = ["act", "dgo"]
anagramSorted = acdgot
WordListSorted[0] → cat ✗ no match
WordListSorted[1] → dog ✗ no match
First I will explain in theory how we construct all possible true solutions and then I explain how every part in the code works.
So to start we have an anagram and a dictionary. Now we first filter the dictionary by the anagram and only keep the words, which can be constructed by the anagram.
Then we go through all words and for each word we add it to a possible solution, remove it from the anagram, filter the dictionary by the new anagram and call the function with the new values recursively.
We do this until either the anagram is empty and we found a true solution, which we add to our solution collection, or there are no words remaining and it is not a possible solution.
We have two helper functions array_diff_once() and preSelectWords() in our code.
array_diff_once() is pretty much the same as the built-in array_diff() function, except that it only removes values once and not all occurrences. Otherwise there isn't much to explain. It simply loops through the second array and removes the values once in the first array, which then gets returned.
function array_diff_once($arrayOne, $arrayTwo){
foreach($arrayTwo as $v) {
if(($key = array_search($v, $arrayOne)) !== FALSE)
array_splice($arrayOne, $key, 1);
return $arrayOne;
preSelectWords() takes an anagram and a word list as argument. It simply checks with the help of array_diff_once(), which words of the word list can be constructed with the given anagram. Then it returns all possible words from the word list, which can be constructed with the anagram.
function preSelectWords($anagram, $wordList){
$tmp = [];
foreach($wordList as $word){
if(!array_diff_once(str_split(strtolower($word)), $anagram))
$tmp[] = $word;
return $tmp;
Now to the main function decodeAnagram(). We pass the anagram and a word list, which we first filter with preSelectWords(), as arguments to the function.
In the function itself we basically just loop through the words and for each word we remove it from the anagram, filter the word list by the new anagram and add the word to a possible solution and call the function recursively.
We do this until either the anagram is empty and we found a true solution, which we add to our solution array, or there are no words left in the list and with that no possible solution.
function decodeAnagram($anagram, $wordList, $solution, &$solutions = []){
if(empty($anagram) && sort($solution) && !isset($solutions[$key = implode($solution)])){
$solutions[$key] = $solution;
foreach($wordList as $word)
decodeAnagram(array_diff_once($anagram, str_split(strtolower($word))), preSelectWords(array_diff_once($anagram, str_split(strtolower($word))), $wordList), array_merge($solution, [$word]), $solutions);
function decodeAnagram($anagram, $wordList, $solution, &$solutions = []){
if(empty($anagram) && sort($solution) && !isset($solutions[$key = implode($solution)])){
$solutions[$key] = $solution;
foreach($wordList as $word)
decodeAnagram(array_diff_once($anagram, str_split(strtolower($word))), preSelectWords(array_diff_once($anagram, str_split(strtolower($word))), $wordList), array_merge($solution, [$word]), $solutions);
function preSelectWords($anagram, $wordList){
$tmp = [];
foreach($wordList as $word){
if(!array_diff_once(str_split(strtolower($word)), $anagram))
$tmp[] = $word;
return $tmp;
function array_diff_once($arrayOne, $arrayTwo){
foreach($arrayTwo as $v) {
if(($key = array_search($v, $arrayOne)) !== FALSE)
array_splice($arrayOne, $key, 1);
return $arrayOne;
$solutions = [];
$anagram = "aaaeeehiikllmprssw";
$wordList = ["I", "am", "a", "weakish", "speller", "William", "Shakespeare", "other", "words", "as", "well"];
decodeAnagram(str_split(strtolower($anagram)), preSelectWords(str_split(strtolower($anagram)), $wordList), [], $solutions);
[Iaamspellerweakish] => Array
[0] => I
[1] => a
[2] => am
[3] => speller
[4] => weakish
[ShakespeareWilliam] => Array
[0] => Shakespeare
[1] => William
(Ignore the keys here, since those are the identifiers of the solutions)

How to find first non-repetitive character from a string?

I've spent half day trying to figure out this and finally I got working solution.
However, I feel like this can be done in simpler way.
I think this code is not really readable.
Problem: Find first non-repetitive character from a string.
$string = "abbcabz"
In this case, the function should output "c".
The reason I use concatenation instead of $input[index_to_remove] = ''
in order to remove character from a given string
is because if I do that, it actually just leave empty cell so that my
return value $input[0] does not not return the character I want to return.
For instance,
$str = "abc";
$str[0] = '';
echo $str;
This will output "bc"
But actually if I test,
it will give me:
string(3) "bc"
Here is my intention:
Given: input
while first char exists in substring of input {
get index_to_remove
input = chars left of index_to_remove . chars right of index_to_remove
if dupe of first char is not found from substring
remove first char from input
return first char of input
function find_first_non_repetitive2($input) {
while(strpos(substr($input, 1), $input[0]) !== false) {
$index_to_remove = strpos(substr($input,1), $input[0]) + 1;
$input = substr($input, 0, $index_to_remove) . substr($input, $index_to_remove + 1);
if(strpos(substr($input, 1), $input[0]) == false) {
$input = substr($input, 1);
return $input[0];
// In an array mapped character to frequency,
// find the first character with frequency 1.
echo array_search(1, array_count_values(str_split('abbcabz')));
def first_non_repeating(s):
for i, c in enumerate(s):
if s.find(c, i+1) < 0:
return c
return None
Same in PHP:
function find_first_non_repetitive($s)
for($i = 0; i < strlen($s); $i++) {
if (strpos($s, $s[i], $i+1) === FALSE)
return $s[i];
Array N;
For each letter in string
if letter not exists in array N
Add letter to array and set its count to 1
go to its position in array and increment its count
End for
for each position in array N
if value at potition == 1
return the letter at position and exit for loop
//do nothing (for clarity)
end for
Basically, you find all distinct letters in the string, and for each letter, you associate it with a count of how many of that letter exist in the string. then you return the first one that has a count of 1
The complexity of this method is O(n^2) in the worst case if using arrays. You can use an associative array to increase it's performance.
1- use a sorting algotithm like mergesort (or quicksort has better performance with small inputs)
2- then control repetetive characters
non repetetive characters will be single
repetetvives will fallow each other
Performance : sort + compare
Performance : O(n log n) + O(n) = O(n log n)
For example
$string = "abbcabz"
$string = mergesort ($string)
// $string = "aabbbcz"
Then take first char form string then compare with next one if match repetetive
move to the next different character and compare
first non-matching character is non-repetetive
This can be done in much more readable code using some standard PHP functions:
// Count number of occurrences for every character
$counts = count_chars($string);
// Keep only unique ones (yes, we use this ugly pre-PHP-5.3 syntax here, but I can live with that)
$counts = array_filter($counts, create_function('$n', 'return $n == 1;'));
// Convert to a list, then to a string containing every unique character
$chars = array_map('chr', array_keys($counts));
$chars = implode($chars);
// Get a string starting from the any of the characters found
// This "strpbrk" is probably the most cryptic part of this code
$substring = strlen($chars) ? strpbrk($string, $chars) : '';
// Get the first character from the new string
$char = strlen($substring) ? $substring[0] : '';
echo $char;
$checked= array(); // we will store all checked characters in this array, so we do not have to check them again
for($i=0; $i<strlen($str); $i++)
if(in_array($str[$i],$checked)) continue;
echo "First non repetive char is:".$str[$i];
This should replace your code...
$array = str_split($string);
$array = array_count_values($array);
$array = array_filter($array, create_function('$key,$val', 'return($val == 1);'));
$first_non_repeated_letter = key(array_shift($array));
Edit: spoke too soon. Took out 'array_unique', thought it actually dropped duplicate values. But character order should be preserved to be able to find the first character.
Here's a function in Scala that would do it:
def firstUnique(chars:List[Char]):Option[Char] = chars match {
case Nil => None
case head::tail => {
val filtered = tail filter (_!=head)
if (tail.length == filtered.length) Some(head) else firstUnique(filtered)
scala> firstUnique("abbcabz".toList)
res5: Option[Char] = Some(c)
And here's the equivalent in Haskell:
firstUnique :: [Char] -> Maybe Char
firstUnique [] = Nothing
firstUnique (head:tail) = let filtered = (filter (/= head) tail) in
if (tail == filtered) then (Just head) else (firstUnique filtered)
*Main> firstUnique "abbcabz"
Just 'c'
You can solve this more generally by abstracting over lists of things that can be compared for equality:
firstUnique :: Eq a => [a] -> Maybe a
Strings are just one such list.
Can be also done using array_key_exists during building an associative array from the string. Each character will be a key and will count the number as value.
$sample = "abbcabz";
$check = [];
for($i=0; $i<strlen($sample); $i++)
if(!array_key_exists($sample[$i], $check))
$check[$sample[$i]] = 1;
$check[$sample[$i]] += 1;
echo array_search(1, $check);
