WIll foreach loop accomplish this? How? - php

I am trying to create a form page that will allow the end-user the ability to update multiple entries in a table. The user is tagged by an ID_NUM and the entries by RECORD. I want to display each row in the form, with each row stacked on the page in separate instances. As below:
School Name:
School Type:
School Name:
School Type:
I want the submit to trigger an update to any changes in any row. Here is the code I have for the basic form. What do I need to do to integrate the foreach loop, if that is the best way to solve the problem?
// Start the session
// Insert Page Header
$page_title = 'Edit Profile';
// Make sure the user is logged in before going any further.
if (!isset($_SESSION['email'])) {
echo '<p class="login">Please log in to access this page.</p>';
// Insert navmenu
// Connect to the database using vary.php
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
// Grab the profile data from the POST
$record2 = $_POST['record'];
$school2 = $_POST['school'];
$type2 = $_POST['school_code'];
$degree2 = $_POST['degree_code'];
$desc2 = $_POST['desc'];
$grad2 = $_POST['grad'];
$another2 = $_POST['another'];
// Update the profile data in the database
if (!empty($school2)) {
$query3 = "UPDATE EDUCATION SET SCHOOL = '$school2' WHERE ID_NUM = '" . $_SESSION['IDNUM'] . "' AND RECORD = '" . $record2 . "'";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query3);
if (!empty($type2)) {
$query4 = "UPDATE EDUCATION SET TYPE = '$type2' WHERE ID_NUM = '" . $_SESSION['IDNUM'] . "' AND RECORD = '" . $record2 . "'";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query4);
if (!empty($degree2)) {
$query5 = "UPDATE EDUCATION SET DEGREE = '$degree2' WHERE ID_NUM = '" . $_SESSION['IDNUM'] . "' AND RECORD = '" . $record2 . "'";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query5);
if (!empty($desc2)) {
$query6 = "UPDATE EDUCATION SET MAJOR = '$desc2' WHERE ID_NUM = '" . $_SESSION['IDNUM'] . "' AND RECORD = '" . $record2 . "'";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query6);
if (!empty($grad2)) {
$query7 = "UPDATE EDUCATION SET GRAD = '$grad2' WHERE ID_NUM = '" . $_SESSION['IDNUM'] . "' AND RECORD = '" . $record2 ."'";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query7);
// Confirm success with the user
if ($another2=="Y")
// Clear the variables and reload the page for new submit
$record2 = "";
$school2 = "";
$type2 = "";
$degree2 = "";
$major2 = "";
$grad2 = "";
$another2 = "";
echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=http://www.avant.jobs/portal/addeducation.php">';
echo '<p>The education section of your profile has been successfully updated. Would you like to continue??</p>';
echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=http://www.avant.jobs/portal/workcheck.php">';
echo '<p class="error">You must enter all of the profile data.</p>';
// End of check for form submission
// Grab the profile data from the database
$data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query8);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($data);
if ($row != NULL)
$record = $row['RECORD'];
$school = $row['SCHOOL'];
$type = $row['TYPE'];
$degree = $row['DEGREE'];
$desc = $row['MAJOR'];
$grad = $row['GRAD'];
echo '<p class="error">There was a problem accessing your profile.</p>';
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<legend>Education History </legend>
echo '<input type="hidden" id="record" name="record" value="' . $record . '">';
// Insert Listbox here
$queryschool = "SELECT * FROM SCHOOL";
$list = mysqli_query($dbc, $queryschool);
echo 'School Type? ';
echo '<select name="school_code">';
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($list))
echo "<option value={$row['CODE']}>{$row['TYPE']}" ;
echo '</option>';
echo '</select>';
echo '<br />';
echo '<label for="school">School Name:</label>';
echo '<input type="text" id="school" name="school" size="40" maxlength="40" value="' . ((!empty($school)) ? $school : "") . '" /><br />';
// Insert Listbox here
$querydegree = "SELECT * FROM DEGREE";
$list = mysqli_query($dbc, $querydegree);
echo 'Degree Type? ';
echo '<select name="degree_code">';
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($list))
echo "<option value={$row['CODE']}>{$row['DEGREE']}";
echo '</option>';
echo '</select>';
echo '<br />';
echo '<label for="desc">Field of study:</label>';
echo '<input type="text" id="desc" name="desc" size="40" maxlength="40" value="' . ( (!empty($desc)) ? $desc : "") . '" /><br />';
echo '<label for="grad">Did you graduate?:</label>';
echo '<input type="radio" id="grad" name="grad" value="Y" ' . ($grad == "Y" ? 'checked="checked"':'') . '/>Yes ';
echo '<input type="radio" id="grad" name="grad" value="N" ' . ($grad == "N" ? 'checked="checked"':'') . '/>No<br />';
echo '<label for="another">Do you need to enter more educational experience?:</label>';
echo '<input type="radio" id="another" name="another" value="Y" ' . ($another == "Y" ? 'checked="checked"':'') . '/>Yes ';
echo '<input type="radio" id="another" name="another" value="N" ' . ($another == "N" ? 'checked="checked"':'') . '/>No<br />';
<input type="submit" value="Save Profile" name="submit" />
// Insert Page Footer
As I am new to this and trying to teach my self, any help is appreciated! Thank you.

Instead of having multiple UPDATE queries, you can integrate them to 1 query,
$comma = FALSE;
// Update the profile data in the database
if (!empty($school2)) {
$query .= "SCHOOL = '$school2'";
$comma = TRUE;
if (!empty($type2)) {
if($comma === TRUE)
$query .= ", ";
$query .= "TYPE = '$type2' ";
$comma = TRUE;
if (!empty($degree2)) {
if($comma === TRUE)
$query .= ", ";
$query5 = "DEGREE = '$degree2'";
$comma = TRUE;
if (!empty($desc2)) {
if($comma === TRUE)
$query .= ", ";
$query .= "MAJOR = '$desc2'";
$comma = TRUE;
if (!empty($grad2)) {
if($comma === TRUE)
$query .= ", ";
$query .= "GRAD = '$grad2'";
$query .= "WHERE ID_NUM = '" . $_SESSION['IDNUM'] . "' AND RECORD = '" . $record2 ."'";
if (!empty($school2) || !empty($type2) || !empty($degree2) || !empty($desc2) || !empty($grad2)) {
mysqli_query($dbc, $query);


How can I execute multiple prepared SQL statements from a single input button press in php?

Context: The page is for menu item entry into an order. When a menu item button is pressed, data from 'theProducts' table is queried and inserted into 'theOrderItems' table. I also want the same button press to take the serving size value (theProducts.dbProdServing) and subtract that amount from the product's inventory (theInventory.dbInventoryAmt), and update that table accordingly.
The problem I'm having is trying to figure out how to have one button press execute two prepared statements with bound values at the same time, those being the statement that INSERTS product data into 'theOrderItems' table and the statement that UPDATEs 'theInventory' table.
Currently, the page runs the INSERT statement fine, but the UPDATE statement doesn't run at all.
There are three pages that handle the entire order system, 'insertOrder.php' opens the order, 'insertOrderItem.php' allows the adding of items to a specific order, and 'completeorder.php' just displays the total order. I'll only post the first two pages.
$pagetitle = 'Insert Order';
require_once 'header.php';
require_once 'connect.php';
$errormsg = "";
$showform = 1;
$sqlselectt = "SELECT * from theTables";
$resultt = $db->prepare($sqlselectt);
$sqlselectc = "SELECT * from theCustomers";
$resultc = $db->prepare($sqlselectc);
$sqlselects = "SELECT * from theStaff";
$results = $db->prepare($sqlselects);
$sqlselectl = "SELECT * from theLocations";
$resultl = $db->prepare($sqlselectl);
if( isset($_POST['thesubmit']) )
$formfield['ffOrderPickup'] = $_POST['orderPickup'];
$formfield['ffCustKey'] = $_POST['custKey'];
$formfield['ffTableKey'] = $_POST['tableKey'];
$formfield['ffStaffKey'] = $_POST['staffKey'];
$formfield['ffLocationKey'] = $_POST['locationKey'];
$formfield['ffOrderDate'] = $_POST['orderDate'];
$formfield['ffOrderTime'] = $_POST['orderTime'];
if(empty($formfield['ffCustKey'])){$errormsg .= "<p>The customer field is empty.</p>";}
if(empty($formfield['ffTableKey'])){$errormsg .= "<p>The table field is empty.</p>";}
if(empty($formfield['ffStaffKey'])){$errormsg .= "<p>The employee field is empty.</p>";}
if(empty($formfield['ffLocationKey'])){$errormsg .= "<p>The location field is empty.</p>";}
if(empty($formfield['ffOrderDate'])) {$errormsg .= "<p>The order entry date is not selected.</p>"; }
if(empty($formfield['ffOrderTime'])) {$errormsg .= "<p>The order entry time is not selected.</p>"; }
if($errormsg != "")
echo "<div class='error'><p>THERE ARE ERRORS!</p>";
echo $errormsg;
echo "</div>";
$sqlmax = "SELECT MAX(dbOrderKey) AS maxKey FROM theOrders";
$resultmax = $db->prepare($sqlmax);
$rowmax = $resultmax->fetch();
$maxKey = $rowmax['maxKey'];
$maxKey = $maxKey + 1;
$sqlinsert = 'INSERT INTO theOrders (dbOrderKey, dbCustKey, dbTableKey, dbStaffKey, dbLocationKey, dbOrderComplete, dbOrderDate, dbOrderTime, dbOrderMade, dbOrderPickup)
VALUES (:bvOrderKey, :bvCustKey, :bvTableKey, :bvStaffKey, :bvLocationKey, 0, :bvOrderDate, :bvOrderTime, 0, :bvOrderPickup)';
$stmtinsert = $db->prepare($sqlinsert);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvOrderKey', $maxKey);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvCustKey', $formfield['ffCustKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvTableKey', $formfield['ffTableKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvStaffKey', $formfield['ffStaffKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvLocationKey', $formfield['ffLocationKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvOrderDate', $formfield['ffOrderDate']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvOrderTime', $formfield['ffOrderTime']);
$stmtinsert->bindvalue(':bvOrderPickup', $formfield['ffOrderPickup']);
echo "<p>Order Number: " . $maxKey . "</p>";
echo "<p>Location: " . $formfield['ffLocationKey'] . "</p>";
echo '<br><br><form action="insertOrderItem.php" method="post">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="orderKey" value="' . $maxKey . '">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="locationKey" value="' . $formfield['ffLocationKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Enter Order Items">';
echo '</form>';
$showform = 0;
catch(PDOException $e)
echo 'ERROR!!!' .$e->getMessage();
if ($visible == 1 && $showform == 1)
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" name="theform">
<fieldset><legend>Order Information</legend>
<table border>
<th><label for="custKey">Customer:</label></th>
<td><select name="custKey" id="custKey">
<option value = "">Please Select a Customer</option>
<?php while ($rowc = $resultc->fetch() )
echo '<option value="'. $rowc['dbCustKey'] . '">' . $rowc['dbCustLast'] . '</option>';
<th><label for="tableKey">Table:</label></th>
<td><select name="tableKey" id="tableKey">
<option value = "">Please Select a Table</option>
<?php while ($rowt = $resultt->fetch() )
echo '<option value="'. $rowt['dbTableKey'] . '">' . $rowt['dbTableKey'] . '</option>';
<th><label for="staffKey">Employee:</label></th>
<td><select name="staffKey" id="staffKey">
<option value = "">Please Select an Employee</option>
while ($rows = $results->fetch() )
if($_SESSION['userid'] == $rows['dbStaffKey']) {
$selected = 'selected';
} else {
$selected = '';
echo '<option value="'. $rows['dbStaffKey'] . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $rows['dbStaffLast'] . '</option>';
<th><label for="locationKey">Location:</label></th>
<td><select name="locationKey" id="locationKey">
<option value = "">Please Select an Location</option>
while ($rowl = $resultl->fetch() )
echo '<option value="'. $rowl['dbLocationKey'] . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $rowl['dbLocationCity'] . '</option>';
<th>Pick a Delivery Type:</th>
<td><input type="radio" name="orderPickup" id="orderPickup"
value=1 <?php echo ' checked';?> />
<label for="pickup">Pickup</label>
<input type="radio" name="orderPickup" id="orderPickup"
value=0 />
<label for="inHouse">In-House</label>
<th><label for="orderDate">Entry Date:</label></th>
<td><input type="date" name="orderDate" id="orderDate" value="<?php if( isset($formfield['ffOrderDate'])){echo $formfield['ffOrderDate'];}?>" /></td>
<th><label for="orderTime">Entry Time:</label></th>
<td><input type="time" name="orderTime" id="orderTime" value="<?php if( isset($formfield['ffOrderTime'])){echo $formfield['ffOrderTime'];}?>" /></td>
<input type="submit" name = "thesubmit" value="Enter">
include_once 'footer.php';
$pagetitle = 'Insert Order Items';
require_once 'header.php';
require_once 'connect.php';
$formfield['ffOrderKey'] = $_POST['orderKey'];
$formfield['ffProdKey'] = $_POST['prodKey'];
$formfield['ffProdPrice'] = $_POST['prodPrice'];
$formfield['ffProdServing'] = $_POST['prodServing'];
$formfield['ffLocationKey'] = $_POST['locationKey'];
$sqlselectc = "SELECT * FROM theCategories";
$resultc = $db->prepare($sqlselectc);
$sqlselecti = "SELECT * FROM theInventory";
$resulti = $db->prepare($sqlselecti);
if (isset($_POST['OIEnter'])) {
$rowi = $resulti->fetch();
$invRem = $rowi['dbInventoryAmt'] - $formfield['ffProdServing'];
$sqlinsert = 'INSERT INTO theOrderItems (dbOrderKey, dbProdKey, dbProdPrice)
VALUES (:bvOrderKey, :bvProdKey, :bvProdPrice)';
$stmtinsert = $db->prepare($sqlinsert);
$stmtinsert->bindValue(':bvOrderKey', $formfield['ffOrderKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindValue(':bvProdKey', $formfield['ffProdKey']);
$stmtinsert->bindValue(':bvProdPrice', $formfield['ffProdPrice']);
$sqlupdate = "UPDATE theInventory
SET dbInventoryAmt = :bvInventoryAmt
WHERE dbLocationKey = :bvLocationKey
AND dbProdKey = :bvProdKey";
$stmtupdate = $db->prepare($sqlupdate);
$stmtupdate->bindValue(':bvInventoryAmt', $invRem);
$stmtupdate->bindValue(':bvLocationKey', $formfield['ffLocationKey']);
$stmtupdate->bindValue(':bvProdKey', $formfield['ffProdKey']);
if (isset($_POST['DeleteItem'])) {
$sqldelete = "DELETE FROM theOrderItems WHERE dbOrderItemKey = :bvOrderItemKey";
$stmtdelete = $db->prepare($sqldelete);
$stmtdelete->bindValue(':bvOrderItemKey', $_POST['orderItemKey']);
if (isset($_POST['UpdateItem'])) {
$formfield['ffProdPrice'] = trim($_POST['newProdPrice']);
$formfield['ffOrderNotes'] = trim($_POST['newOrderNote']);
$sqlupdateoi = 'UPDATE theOrderItems
SET dbProdPrice = :bvProdPrice,
dbOrderNotes = :bvOrderNotes
WHERE dbOrderItemKey = :bvOrderItemKey';
$stmtupdateoi = $db->prepare($sqlupdateoi);
$stmtupdateoi->bindValue(':bvOrderItemKey', $_POST['orderItemKey']);
$stmtupdateoi->bindValue(':bvProdPrice', $formfield['ffProdPrice']);
$stmtupdateoi->bindValue(':bvOrderNotes', $formfield['ffOrderNotes']);
$sqlselecto = 'SELECT theOrderItems.*, theProducts.dbProdName, theProducts.dbProdServing, theCategories.*
FROM theOrderItems, theProducts, theCategories
WHERE theOrderItems.dbProdKey = theProducts.dbProdKey
AND theProducts.dbCatKey = theCategories.dbCatKey
AND theOrderItems.dbOrderKey = :bvOrderKey';
$resulto = $db->prepare($sqlselecto);
$resulto->bindValue(':bvOrderKey', $formfield['ffOrderKey']);
if($visible == 1 && ($_SESSION['userpermit'] == 1 || $_SESSION['userpermit'] == 3 || $_SESSION['userpermit'] == 4))
<fieldset><legend><b>Enter Items for Order Number: <?php echo $formfield['ffOrderKey']; ?></b></legend>
<table border>
$counter = 0;
echo '<tr><b>';
while ($rowc = $resultc->fetch()){
if ($counter == 2){
echo '</tr><tr>';
$counter = 0;
echo '<th valign = "middle" align = "center">' . $rowc['dbCatName'] . '<br> <table border>';
$sqlselectp = "SELECT * FROM theProducts WHERE dbCatKey = :bvCatKey";
$resultp = $db->prepare($sqlselectp);
$resultp->bindValue(':bvCatKey', $rowc['dbCatKey']);
while ($rowp = $resultp->fetch()){
echo '<td>';
echo '<form action = "' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method = "post">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderKey" value = "' . $formfield['ffOrderKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "prodKey" value = "' . $rowp['dbProdKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "prodPrice" value = "' . $rowp['dbProdPrice'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "prodServing" value = "'. $rowp['dbProdServing'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "submit" id="order" name = "OIEnter" value = "' . $rowp['dbProdName'] . '">';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</table></th>';
echo '</tr>';
<table border>
<th>Serving Size</th>
$ordertotal = 0;
while ($rowo = $resulto->fetch()){
$ordertotal = $ordertotal + $rowo['dbProdPrice'];
echo '<tr><td>' . $rowo['dbProdName']
. '</td><td>' . $rowo['dbCatName']
. '</td><td>' . $rowo['dbProdDesc']
. '</td><td>' . $rowo['dbProdServing']
. '</td><td>' . $rowo['dbProdPrice']
. '</td><td>' . $rowo['dbOrderNotes']
. '<td>';
echo '<form action = "' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method = "post">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderKey" value = "' . $formfield['ffOrderKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderItemKey" value = "' . $rowo['dbOrderItemKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "submit" name = "NoteEntry" value = "Update">';
echo '</form></td><td>';
echo '<form action = "' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method = "post">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderKey" value = "' . $formfield['ffOrderKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderItemKey" value = "' . $rowo['dbOrderItemKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "submit" name = "DeleteItem" value = "Delete">';
echo '</form></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th></th><th></th><th>Total</th><th>' . $ordertotal . '</th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr>';
$sqlselectoi = 'SELECT theOrderItems.*, theProducts.dbProdName
FROM theOrderItems, theProducts
WHERE theOrderItems.dbProdKey = theProducts.dbProdKey
AND theOrderItems.dbOrderItemKey = :bvOrderItemKey';
$resultoi = $db->prepare($sqlselectoi);
$resultoi->bindValue(':bvOrderItemKey', $_POST['orderItemKey']);
$rowoi = $resultoi->fetch();
echo '</td><td>';
echo '<form action = "' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method = "post">';
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr><td>Price: <input type="text" name = "newProdPrice" value = "' .
$rowoi['dbProdPrice'] . '"></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>Notes: <input type="text" name = "newOrderNote" value = "' .
$rowoi['dbOrderNotes'] . '"></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderKey" value = "' . $formfield['ffOrderKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderItemKey" value = "' . $rowoi['dbOrderItemKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "submit" name = "UpdateItem" value = Update Item">';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
echo '<form action = "completeorder.php" method = "post">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "orderKey" value = "' . $formfield['ffOrderKey'] . '">';
echo '<input type = "submit" name = "CompleteOrder" value = "Complete Order">';
echo '</form>';
include_once 'footer.php';

How do I read a dynamically generated HTML radio button value and insert it into a database using PHP?

I am attempting to create a dynamic survey, in the sense that the user/admin can create the questions which will appear when the survey is answered from the application instead of hard-coding.
My code so far:
<div class="surveybox">
$result = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT QuestionGroup FROM surveyquestions");
$unique = array();
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$header = $row["QuestionGroup"];
$unique[] = $header;
foreach (array_unique($unique) as $name) {
$questionsget = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM surveyquestions WHERE QuestionGroup = '$name'") or die(mysql_error());
echo('<form action="GET" method="storesurveyresponse.php">');
echo '<div class="questionheader"><h2>' . $name . '</h2></div><br>';
while ($row = $questionsget->fetch_assoc()) {
$id = $row["QuestionID"];
$questiongroup = $row["QuestionGroup"];
$questiontext = $row["Question"];
$responsefield = $row["ResponseField"];
$questionID = $row["QuestionID"];
echo '<div class="questionbody"><li>' . $questiontext . '</li><br><br>';
if ($responsefield == "Radio Button") {
echo '<input type="radio" name="' . $questionID . '" value="Excellent">Excellent<br>
<input type="radio" name="radio' . $questionID . '" value="Good">Good<br>
<input type="radio" name="radio' . $questionID . '" value="Average">Average<br>
<input type="radio" name="radio' . $questionID . '" value="Good">Below Average<br>
<input type="radio" name="radio' . $questionID . '" value="Poor">Poor ';
$answer = $_GET["radio".$questionID]; //filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'radio' . $questionID);
} elseif ($responsefield == "Comment Box") {
echo '<textarea class="questionarea" name="question" placeholder="Enter Answer here..."></textarea></div>';
echo '<div class="responsebutton"> <button class="submit"><a class="button" href="storesurveyresponse.php?ownerID=0&questionID=' . $questionID . '&questiontext=' . $questiontext . '&questiongroup=' . $questiongroup . '&responsefield=' . $responsefield . '&answer=' . $answer . '"=>Submit</a></button></div><br><br><br><br></div>';
The code above works perfectly when laying out the questions from the database and inserting all the other required database row values on submit, except for the selected radio button value. The radio button value column is always blank.
I also get the following error on page load "Notice: Undefined index: radio38 in C:\xampp\htdocs....on line 52" under all the questions that load, but the errors disappear after I submit a reply on one of the questions, I don't know if they are related.
As you can see I use the $_GET method to submit the values and my processing code is as follows:
include 'session.php';
$ownerID = filter_input(INPUT_GET, ownerID);
$questionsID = filter_input(INPUT_GET, questionID);
$questionsText = filter_input(INPUT_GET, questiontext);
$questionsgroup = filter_input(INPUT_GET, questiongroup);
$replyfield = filter_input(INPUT_GET, responsefield);
$answer = filter_input(INPUT_GET, answer);
$date = date("Y/m/d");
mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO surveyanswers
(OwnerID, UserID,ParticipantName, DateStart,
DateEnd, QuestionID, QuestionText, QuestionGroup,
ResponseField, Answer)
VALUES ('$ownerID', 'aaa', 'aaa', '$date',
'$date','$questionsID', '$questionsText', '$questionsgroup',
'$replyfield','$answer')")or die(mysqli_error($db));
header("Location: takesurvey.php");
I have looked at related questions and searched on the net, I haven't been able to find any specific questions/examples dealing with this exact problem.
I made a few alterations and finally got it to work based on your pointers and suggestions. I added the get method to form declaration and put the processing code on the same page as the form.
Here's the code:
foreach (array_unique($unique) as $name) {
$questionsget = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM surveyquestions WHERE QuestionGroup = '$name'") or die(mysql_error());
echo '<div class="questionheader"><h2>' . $name . '</h2></div><br>';
while ($row = $questionsget->fetch_assoc()) {
$id = $row["QuestionID"];
$questiongroup = $row["QuestionGroup"];
$questiontext = $row["Question"];
$responsefield = $row["ResponseField"];
$questionID = $row["QuestionID"];
echo '<form action="" method="get">';
echo '<div class="questionbody"><li>' . $questiontext . '</li><br><br>';
if ($responsefield == "Radio Button") {
echo '<input type="radio" name="radio'. $questionID . '" value="Excellent">Excellent<br>
<input type="radio" name="radio' . $questionID . '" value="Good">Good<br>
<input type="radio" name="radio' . $questionID . '" value="Average">Average<br>
<input type="radio" name="radio' . $questionID . '" value="Good">Below Average<br>
<input type="radio" name="radio' . $questionID . '" value="Poor">Poor ';
$answer = "radio" . $questionID; //filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'radio' . $questionID);
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">';
if (isset($_GET['submit'])) {
if (isset($_GET['radio' . $questionID])) {
$answer = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'radio' . $questionID);
$ownerID = "aaa";
$questionsID = $questionID;
$questionsText = $questiontext;
$questionsgroup = $questiongroup;
$replyfield = $responsefield;
$date = date("Y/m/d");
mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO surveyanswers(OwnerID, UserID, ParticipantName, DateStart, DateEnd, QuestionID, QuestionText, QuestionGroup, ResponseField, Answer) VALUES ('$ownerID', 'aaa', 'aaa', '$date', '$date', '$questionsID', '$questionsText', '$questionsgroup', '$replyfield', '$answer')")or die(mysqli_error($db));
} elseif ($responsefield == "Comment Box") {
echo '<textarea class="questionarea" name="question" placeholder="Enter Answer here..."></textarea></div>';
echo '</form>';

pagination on php limit 50

Can anyone help me with the pagination? I am trying this code on pagination and the pages are showing but when clicked on the pages like Next or the number with links it gives a syntax error.
"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?page=2' at line 1"
My tables data is around 250 and I wanted to limit it to 50 data per page.
Here is my code: (pagination section - is the problem)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/navbar.css">
<?php include 'navbar.php';?>
echo 'You must assign a table to view.';
//Connect here
$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "dkusers");
$table = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_GET['table']);
$fields = array();
$q = mysqli_query($conn, "SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $table) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
while($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)) $fields[count($fields)] = $r['Field'];
echo '<b><font size="4">Table: </b>', $table, '</font><br>';
// -----------------INSERT-----------------
if(isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "Insert"){
echo '<h3>Insert Row</h3>';
echo '<form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $_POST['action'] . '" />';
echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="7"><tr><th>Field</th><th>Value</th><th>MD5</th></tr>';
foreach($fields as $key => $value){
echo '<tr><td>' . $value . ':</td><td><input type="text" name="field_' . $value . '" /></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="md5_' . $value . '" /></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td><input type="submit" name="insert" value="Submit" /></td><td colspan="2">Back</td></tr></table></form>';
$first = true;
$query = "INSERT INTO " . $table;
foreach($_POST as $key => $value){
if(strrpos($key, "field_", -strlen($key)) !== false){
$key = substr($key, 6);
$query .= sprintf("%s%s", ($first) ? " (" : ",", $key);
$first = false;
$query .= ") VALUES";
$first = true;
foreach($_POST as $key => $value){
if(strrpos($key, "field_", -strlen($key)) !== false){
$key = substr($key, 6);
$query .= sprintf("%s'%s'", ($first) ? " (" : ",", (isset($_POST['md5_' . $key])) ? md5($value) : $value);
$first = false;
$q = mysqli_query($conn, $query . ")");
if($q) echo 'Successfully inserted row into table!<br/><br/>'; else echo mysqli_error($conn) . '<br/><br/>';
// -----------------DELETE-----------------
if(isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "Delete"){
echo 'You didn\'t send any rows to delete.<br/><br/>';
$count = 0;
for($i = 0;$i < count($_POST['rows']);$i++){
if($_POST['rows'][$i] >= count($_SESSION['store'])) continue;
$query = "DELETE FROM " . $table . "";
$row = $_SESSION['store'][$_POST['rows'][$i]];
$first = true;
foreach($row as $key => $value){
$query .= sprintf(" %s %s = '%s'", ($first) ? "WHERE" : "AND", $key, $value);
$first = false;
$q = mysqli_query($conn, $query . " LIMIT 1");
if(!$q) echo mysqli_error($conn) . '<br/>';
$count += mysqli_affected_rows($conn);
echo 'Successfully deleted ' . $count . ' row(s)!<br/><br/>';
// -----------------MODIFY-----------------
if(isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "Modify"){
echo 'You didn\'t send any rows to modify.<br/><br/>';
}else if(isset($_POST['modify'])){
$count = 0;
for($i = 0;$i < count($_POST['rows']);$i++){
if($_POST['rows'][$i] >= count($_SESSION['store'])) continue;
$first = true;
$query = "UPDATE " . $table . " SET";
foreach($_POST as $key => $value){
if(strrpos($key, "field_", -strlen($key)) !== false){
$key = explode("_", $key, 3);
if($key[1] == $i){
$query .= sprintf(((!$first) ? "," : "") . " %s = '%s'", $key[2], (isset($_POST['md5_' . $key[1] . '_' . $key[2]])) ? md5($value) : $value);
$first = false;
$row = $_SESSION['store'][$_POST['rows'][$i]];
$first = true;
foreach($row as $key => $value){
$query .= sprintf(" %s %s = '%s'", ($first) ? "WHERE" : "AND", $key, $value);
$first = false;
$q = mysqli_query($conn, $query . " LIMIT 1");
if(!$q) echo mysqli_error($conn) . '<br/>';
$count += mysqli_affected_rows($conn);
echo 'Successfully updated ' . $count . ' row(s)!<br/><br/>';
echo '<h3>Modify Row</h3>';
echo '<form method="post"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $_POST['action'] . '" />';
for($i = 0;$i < count($_POST['rows']);$i++) if($_POST['rows'][$i] < count($_SESSION['store'])) echo '<input type="hidden" name="rows[]" value="' . $_POST['rows'][$i] . '" />';
echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="7"><tr><th>Field</th><th>Value</th><th>MD5</th></tr>';
for($i = 0;$i < count($_POST['rows']);$i++){
if($_POST['rows'][$i] >= count($_SESSION['store'])) continue;
if($i != 0) echo '<tr><td colspan="3"><hr/></td></tr>';
$row = $_SESSION['store'][$_POST['rows'][$i]];
foreach($row as $key => $value){
echo '<tr><td>' . $key . ':</td><td><input type="text" name="field_' . $i . '_' . $key . '" value="' . $value . '" /></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="md5_' . $i . '_' . $key . '" /></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td><input type="submit" name="modify" value="Submit" /></td><td colspan="2">Back</td></tr></table></form>';
// -----------------SEARCH-----------------
echo '<br><form method="post">Search: <input type="text" name="filter" value="' . ((isset($_POST['filter'])) ? $_POST['filter'] : '') . '"/><br/>Filter by: <br/>';
for($i = 0;$i < count($fields);$i++) echo '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $fields[$i] . '"' . ((isset($_POST['filter']) && isset($_POST[$fields[$i]])) ? ' checked' : '') . '/>' . $fields[$i] . ' ';
echo '</form><form method="post"><table border="1" cellpadding="7"><tr>';
for($i = 0;$i < count($fields);$i++) echo '<th>' . $fields[$i] . '</th>';
echo '<th>-</th></tr>';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $table;
$filter = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['filter']);
foreach($fields as $key => $value) if(!isset($_POST[$fields[$key]])) unset($fields[$key]);
if(count($fields) > 0){
$first = true;
foreach($fields as $key => $value){
$sql .= " " . (($first) ? "WHERE" : "OR") . " " . $value . " LIKE '%" . $filter . "%'";
$first = false;
// -----------------Bottoms (Above table)-----------------
echo '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Modify" /> <input onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete these rows?\')" type="submit" name="action" value="Delete" /> <input type="submit" name="action" value="Insert" /><br><br></form>';
$_SESSION['store'] = array();
$q = mysqli_query($conn, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
while($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)){
echo '<tr>';
foreach($r as $key => $value) echo '<td>' . $value. '</td>';
echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="rows[]" value="' . count($_SESSION['store']) . '" /></td></tr>';
$_SESSION['store'][count($_SESSION['store'])] = $r;
// -----------------Bottoms (Below table)-----------------
echo '</table>';
//echo '<br><input type="submit" name="action" value="Modify" /> <input onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete these rows?\')" type="submit" name="action" value="Delete" /> <input type="submit" name="action" value="Insert" /></form>';
// -----------------Pagination-----------------
//Fetch from database first 10 items which is its limit. For that when page open you can see first 10 items.
$query=mysqli_query($conn,"select * from $table LIMIT $start, $limit");
//print 10 items
//echo "<li>".$result['username']."</li>";
//fetch all the data from database.
$rows=mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($conn,"select * from $table"));
//calculate total page number for the given table in the database
//Go to previous page to show previous 10 items. If its in page 1 then it is inactive
echo 'PREVIOUS';
////Go to previous page to show next 10 items.
echo 'NEXT';
//show all the page link with page number. When click on these numbers go to particular page.
if($i==$page) { echo "<li class='current'>".$i."</li>"; }
else { echo '<li>'.$i.'</li>'; }
You have error on html URL syntax
echo 'NEXT';
The correct would be
echo 'NEXT';
You have to use ? only for the first URL parameter, & for the following, if any.

Adding a validation check to a form in a while loop php

I have a form which displays like this:
Event Name : Drop down menu
I am trying to add a check that ensures that each event produced by the while loop has a student assigned to it - by selecting from the drop down menu.
I have attempted adding a check for this but its not making a difference - it loads form action page 'savecompetitors'.
I have got this for php so far:
require_once 'db/connect.php';
require_once 'db/checkuserloggedin.php';
include 'db/header.php';
echo $_SESSION['Username'] . ' logged in successfully';
echo '<h3> Entry form </h3>';
//Query to display all events
if ($event_result = $con->query("SELECT Name FROM event")) {
echo "<form method =\"POST\" action=\"savecompetitors.php\">";
echo '<table>';
while ($row = $event_result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>';
echo $row['Name'] . ' ';
echo '</td>';
if ($student_result = $con->query("SELECT Student.Form, Teacher.Form, Forename, Surname, Student_ID " .
"FROM student, teacher " .
"WHERE Student.Form = Teacher.Form AND Teacher.Username = '" . $_SESSION['Username'] . "'")
) {
if ($student_result->num_rows) {
echo '<td>';
echo "<select name ='" . $row['Name'] . "'>";
while ($row1 = $student_result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<option value="" style="display:none;"></option>';
echo "<option value ='" . $row1['Student_ID'] . "'>" . $row1['Forename'] . ' ' . $row1['Surname'] . "</option>";
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if (empty($_POST['Student_ID'])) {
$error = 'A student must be selected for every event';
echo "</select>";
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value ="Submit" >';
echo '<input type="reset" value ="Reset">';
echo '<span class="error"><?php echo $error;?></span>';
echo '<span class="error"><?php echo $success;?></span>';
echo "</form>";
} else {
echo 'No student records available';
savecompetitors php:
require_once 'db/connect.php';
$error = '';
$success = '';
$event_result = $con->query("SELECT Event_ID, Name from event");
while ($row = $event_result->fetch_assoc()) {
$eventname = str_replace(' ', '_', $row['Name']);
$con->query("INSERT INTO competitors (Event_ID, Student_ID) VALUES (" . $row['Event_ID'] . ", " . $_POST[$eventname] . ") ");
$success = 'Entry form has been successfully saved and students are entered as competitors for their submitted events';

Check Checkbox depending on value in database

I have an code that gets the 'branches' from the database. Each company can have multiple 'branches'.
Only thing is, that is doesn't work. Can you guys figure out what's wrong?
$getbranches = "SELECT * FROM branches ORDER BY naam ASC";
$querygetbranches = mysql_query($getbranches);
while($rijbranche = mysql_fetch_assoc($querygetbranches))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width='400'>";
echo $rijbranche['naam'];
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
$get2 = "SELECT * FROM bedrijf_branche WHERE bedrijf_id = '$id'";
$query2 = mysql_query($get2);
while ($rij20 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2))
$branche_id = $rij20['branche_id'];
if($branche_id == $rijbranche['id_branche']){
<input type="checkbox" name="branche[]" value="<?php echo $rijbranche['id_branche']; ?>" CHECKED></input>
<input type="checkbox" name="branche[]" value="<?php echo $rijbranche['id_branche']; ?>"></input>
echo "</td>";
Try the following code
$id = $_GET['id'];
// Output BRANCHES
$getbranches = "SELECT * FROM branches ORDER BY naam ASC";
$querygetbranches = mysql_query($getbranches);
while ($rijbranche = mysql_fetch_array($querygetbranches)) {
echo ' <tr>' . "\n";
echo ' <td width="400">' . $rijbranche['naam'] . '</td>' . "\n";
// Output CHECKBOX
$get2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bedrijf_branche WHERE bedrijf_id = '" . $id . "' AND branche_id = '" . $rijbranche['id_branche'] . "'");
$rij20 = mysql_fetch_array($get2);
$branche_id = $rij20['branche_id'];
if ($branche_id == $rijbranche['id_branche']) {
$checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="branche[]" value="' . $rijbranche['id_branche'] . '" checked="checked" />';
else {
$checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="branche[]" value="' . $rijbranche['id_branche'] . '" />';
echo ' <td>' . $checkbox . '</td>' . "\n";
echo ' </tr>' . "\n";
Found a couple of errors I fixed in the above code.
You're closing the <input> fields incorrectly
Your second while() loop is unnecessary as there should only be one row returned
You have to add branche_id to your second mysql_query!
Don't close and re-open your <?php ?> tags for every HTML line when you can just add an echo
Your HTML-syntax is wrong.
The way you close the input tag and the way you want to check the chechbox is wrong
Try this
<input type="checkbox" name="branche[]" value="<?php echo $rijbranche['id_branche']; ?>" checked="checked" />
