Sending Data to 2 MySQL tables - FuelPHP / PHP - php

I am adapting StationWagon (FuelPHP app) and so far it's working really well.
I have adapted it (with some help) to allow multiple images to be uploaded to the server. This is also working great.
However, I am thinking it would make more sense if I had 2 Tables: 1) Articles and 2) ArticleImages. I would use a Foreign Key to associate the Images with the Article. So when publishing an article it would add the article data to 'Articles' table and move each image to a new row in 'ArticleImages'.
So ultimately my 'ArticleImages' table could be:
ID | ImageURL | ArticleID
Portion of my 'articles.php' controller:
public function action_add()
$val = Model_Article::validate('add_article'); //<-- maybe its just me but i never saw any similar to this in fuelphp sorry about this if im wrong
// if your form validation is okay than continue with everyhing else
if ($val->run())
$article = Model_Article::forge();
// Custom configuration for this upload
$config = array(
'path' => DOCROOT.DS.'images',
'randomize' => true,
'ext_whitelist' => array('img', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'),
// if a valid file is passed than the function will save, or if its not empty
if (Upload::is_valid())
// save them according to the config
//if you want to save to tha database lets grab the file name
$value = Upload::get_files();
foreach($value as $files) {
$article->filename = $value[0]['saved_as'];
$status = (Input::post('save_draft') ? 0 : 1);
if ( ! $val->input('category_id'))
$category_id = null;
$category_id = $val->validated('category_id');
$article->user_id = $this->user_id;
$article->category_id = $category_id;
$article->title = $val->validated('title');
$article->body = $val->validated('body');
$article->published = $status;
if ($article->save())
Session::set_flash('success', 'Article successfully added.');
Session::set_flash('error', 'Something went wrong, '.
'please try again!');
$this->template->title = 'Add Article';
$this->template->content = View::forge('articles/add')
->set('categories', Model_Category::find('all'), false)
->set('val', Validation::instance('add_article'), false);
/* End of file articles.php */

You are trying to make a relation between Articles and ArticleImages. An ArticleImage belongs to an Article, while an Article has many ArticleImages. FuelPHP has functionality built in for what you are trying to achieve. Have a look at the FuelPHP docs on its Object Relational Mapper, especially the Belongs To and Has Many relations.

So when i made the code for you back a few days a go you only requested, one file input.
And no offense but you are doing it all wrong...
foreach($value as $files) {
$article->filename = $value[0]['saved_as'];
should be
foreach($value as $files) {
$articleimg = Model_Articleimages::forge();
$articleimg->image_row_name = $files['saved_as']
To get you to understand
what you did here, $value = Upload::get_files(); yes this gets all the elements but since you need to loop trouh the elements you dont need it
this $value[0]['saved_as'] only grabs the first image name, just the first one, and since you are in a loop now you need to refer to the $files variable as i shown you in the above example, just an example


How to check duplicate title and not save to database in laravel

i have a problem that when i get data from other api and want if same title wont save to api. Each time getting data from the api is 20 and want to save it to the database without duplicate. Please help me. Thank you very much!!!
public function getTitle($title){
$title = $this->posts->where('title', $title)->get();
return $title;
public function getApi(Request $request){
$url = "";
$data = Http::get($url);
$item = json_decode($data->body());
$i = collect($item->articles);
$limit = $i->take(20); // take limited 5 items
$decode = json_decode($limit);
foreach($decode as $post){
$ite = (array)$post;
$hi = $this->getTitle($ite['title']);
dd($ite['title'], $hi);
dd('not save');
//dd($hi, $ite['title']);
// create post
$dataPost = [
return redirect()->route('posts.index');
You can use first or create for saving data in database if title name is new. using firstOrNew you dont have to use any other conditions
for example:-
['title' => $ite['title']],
It tries to find a model matching the attributes you pass in the first parameter. If a model is not found, it automatically creates and saves a new Model after applying any attributes passed in the second parameter
From docs
If any records exist that match your query's constraints, you may use
the exists and doesntExist methods
if($this->posts->where('title', $title)->doesntExist())
// save
} else {
// not save

Laravel Eloquent many-to-many attach

I am new to laravel, and trying to build a photo album with it.
My problem is that i use the attach function to insert the user id and group id to my database, it works okay, but in the documentation it says this about the attach function
For example, perhaps the role you wish to attach to the user already
exists. Just use the attach method:
So i wanted to use it the same way, if the album_id already exist just update it, other wise insert thr new one, but my problem is it always insters, it does not checks if the album_id already exsits
My model
class User extends Eloquent
public static $timestamps = false;
public function album()
return $this->has_many_and_belongs_to('album', 'users_album');
Post function
public function post_albums()
$user = User::find($this->id);
$album_id = Input::get('album');
$path = 'addons/uploads/albums/'.$this->id.'/'. $album_id . '/';
$folders = array('path' => $path, 'small' => $path. 'small/', 'medium' => $path. 'medium/', );
if (! is_dir($path) )
foreach ($folders as $folder)
#mkdir($folder, 0, true);
$sizes = array(
array(50 , 50 , 'crop', $folders['small'], 90 ),
array(164 , 200 , 'crop', $folders['medium'], 90 ),
$upload = Multup::open('photos', 'image|max:3000|mimes:jpg,gif,png', $path)
->sizes( $sizes )
return Redirect::back();
// error show message remove folder
Could please someone point out what im doing wrong? Or i totally misunderstod the attach function?
I believe you have misunderstood the attach function. The sync function uses attach to add relationships but only if the relationship doesn't already exist. Following what was done there, i'd suggest pulling a list of id's then only inserting if it doesn't already exist in the list.
$current = $user->album()->lists( 'album_id' );
if ( !in_array( $album_id, $current ) )
$user->album()->attach( $album_id );
On a side note I'm going to suggest that you follow the default naming convention from laravel. The relationship method should be $user->albums() because there are many of them. The pivot table should also be named 'album_user'. You will thank yourself later.
Contains method of Laravel Collections
The laravel collections provides a very useful method 'contains'. It determine if a key exists in the collection. You can get the collection in your case using $user->album. You can note the difference that album is without paranthesis.
Working code
Now all you had to do is use the contains method. The full code will be.
if (!$user->album->contains($album_id)
Its more cleaner and 'Laravel' way of getting the required solution.
Thanks #Collin i noticed i misunderstand i made my check yesterday
$album = $user->album()->where_album_id($album_id)->get();

Do in_array have a like function?

I have an array of people that is registered as online in a html file. I am using this so that each can have an image assigned to them. But when checking to see if using name is already in use the in_array function return false and allow the script to continue.
$user = "< img src='default.jpg' />John";
$explode = array("<img src='tress.jpg' />John");
if(in_array($user, $explode))
//show login script if user exists
//continue to script
Now the reason this is not working is because the john in the array is not identical to the john in $user. Is there anyway of checking that the name exists in the array? When responding please explain.
Instead of asking, "How do I solve this problem?", you need to start with, "Why am I having this problem?"
$user = "< img src='default.jpg' />John";
Is < img src='default.jpg' />John a user name? Why are you using it as one? I'm guessing there's some clever thought behind this like "Well, I always display a user's image with their name, so I'll just make the image part of their name. This is going to cause far more problems than it solves. This comes back to a big concept in computer science called separation of concerns. An image is not logically a part of a user name, so don't store it as one. If you always display them together, you can use functions to display a user's information in a standard way without making the image part of the user name.
So first off, remove the image from the name. There are several ways to store this separately.
I would suggest using a class:
class User {
public $name;
public $imageSource;
// The following functions are optional, but show how a class
// can be useful.
* Create a user with the given name and URL to their image
function __construct($name, $imageSource) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->imageSource = $imageSource;
* Gets the HTML to display a user's image
function image() {
return "<img src='". $this->imageSource ."' />";
* Gets HTML to display to identify a user (including image)
function display() {
return $this->image() . $this->name;
$user = new User("john", "default.jpg");
// or without the constructor defined
//$user = new User();
//$user->name = "john";
//$user->imageSource = "default.jpg";
echo $user->display();
You can use an "array" if you want to be a little lazier, but I don't recommend it in the general case, since you lose the cool features of classes (like those functions):
$user = array(
name => "john",
image => "<img src='default.jpg' />";
echo $user["image"] . $user["name"];
In your database (if you're using one), make them separate columns and then use one of the above data structures.
Now that you have this, it's easy to see if a user name is in a given list using a foreach loop:
function userNameInList($user, $users) {
for($users as $current) {
if($user->name == $current) {
return true;
return false;
$newUser = new User("John", "john.jpg");
$currentUsers = array("John", "Mary", "Bob");
if(userNameInList($newUser, $currentUsers) {
echo "Sorry, user name " . $newUser->name . " is already in use!";
If you're new to PHP, the normal for loop may be easier to understand:
function userNameInList($user, $users) {
for($i = 0; $i < count($users); ++i) {
$current = $users[$i];
if($user->name == $current) {
return true;
return false;
Let me know if any of this doesn't run, I don't write PHP very often anymore..

CakePhp does update instead of insert new data

i started using cakephp, but now i encountered a problem which i am not able to solve.
I have got the following model relations which are relevant:
Exercise hasMany Points
Student hasMany Points,
now i want to check in the studentsController if for every exercise there is a Point data set, and iff not insert a new one.
When starting with no Point datasets, the function adds a new Point dataset for the first exercise correct, but after this it only updates the erxercise_id of this dataset, instead of creating new ones.
The controller function looks like this:
public function correct($id = null) {
$this->Student->id = $id;
$this->Student->recursive = 2;
if ($this->request->is('get')) {
$data = $this->Student->Exam->Exercise->find('all');
foreach($data as $exercise)
$exerciseID = $exercise['Exercise']['id'];
$this->Student->Point->recursive = 0;
$foundPoints = $this->Student->Point->find('all', array('conditions' => array('exercise_id' => $exerciseID)));
if($foundPoints == null)
$emptyPoints = array ('Point' => array(
'exercise_id' => $exerciseID,
'student_id' => $id
else //POST
if you have to insert a data you to use create() method like this:
This is only an example, with this line you create every time a new record into your database
and save data
$this->Student->Point->id = '';

Checkbox on Kohana form in gallery3 software

I am using gallery3 php software, which is based on the kohana framework. Does anybody know how to add a checkbox to the album information form?
I tried like this:
static function get_edit_form($parent) {
$form = new Forge(
"albums/update/{$parent->id}", "", "post", array("id" => "g-edit-album-form"));
$group = $form->group("edit_item")->label(t("Edit Album"));
->error_messages("required", t("You must provide a title"))
->error_messages("length", t("Your title is too long"));
/* MPK: information fields for albums */
$group->textarea("information")->label(t("Information text"))->value($parent->information);
if ($parent->id != 1) {
$group->input("name")->label(t("Directory Name"))->value($parent->name)
->error_messages("conflict", t("There is already a movie, photo or album with this name"))
->error_messages("no_slashes", t("The directory name can't contain a \"/\""))
->error_messages("no_trailing_period", t("The directory name can't end in \".\""))
->error_messages("required", t("You must provide a directory name"))
->error_messages("length", t("Your directory name is too long"));
$group->input("slug")->label(t("Internet Address"))->value($parent->slug)
"conflict", t("There is already a movie, photo or album with this internet address"))
t("The internet address should contain only letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores"))
->error_messages("required", t("You must provide an internet address"))
->error_messages("length", t("Your internet address is too long"));
} else {
public function update($album_id) {
$album = ORM::factory("item", $album_id);
access::required("view", $album);
access::required("edit", $album);
$form = album::get_edit_form($album);
try {
$valid = $form->validate();
$album->title = $form->edit_item->title->value;
$album->description = $form->edit_item->description->value;
/* MPK: information fields for albums */
$album->information = $form->edit_item->information->value;
$album->info = $form->edit_item->info->value;
$album->sort_column = $form->edit_item->sort_order->column->value;
$album->sort_order = $form->edit_item->sort_order->direction->value;
if (array_key_exists("name", $form->edit_item->inputs)) {
$album->name = $form->edit_item->inputs["name"]->value;
$album->slug = $form->edit_item->slug->value;
} catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
// Translate ORM validation errors into form error messages
foreach ($e->validation->errors() as $key => $error) {
$form->edit_item->inputs[$key]->add_error($error, 1);
$valid = false;
if ($valid) {
module::event("item_edit_form_completed", $album, $form);
log::success("content", "Updated album", "view");
message::success(t("Saved album %album_title",
array("album_title" => html::purify($album->title))));
if ($form->from_id->value == $album->id) {
// Use the new url; it might have changed.
json::reply(array("result" => "success", "location" => $album->url()));
} else {
// Stay on the same page
json::reply(array("result" => "success"));
} else {
json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => (string)$form));
The field does show up on the form, but the field value does not get saved to the DB. In the DB it is a tinyint(1).
Kohana uses models to save data in the database. Because of $album->save(); you should have a model somewhere in the application, depending of the version of Kohana.
Go to /modules/gallery/models. There is a file called item.php. This is the model used by the application to save/load/create items (and also albums). At line 447 there is the command which actually saves the contents of the album in the database. You need to change that line in order to save the value of the checkbox.
Solved. The problem was that you have to use 'checked' field of the check-box and not the value field in the assignment.
In album.php
In albums.php:
$album->info = $form->edit_item->info->checked;
The field in the DB is also named 'info' and can be a bit.
