The best way to deal with 404 errors in MVC? - php

So I wrote my PHP MVC framework, and have Dispatcher class that can instantiate appropriate Controller class and call defined method passing arguments.
Now inside Dispatcher I check if this Controller exists and if method exists, what should I do if controller or method does not exist?
At the moment I just return HTTP Object that prints 404 - Page not found.
But there is no way for me to customize this message from inside application, and I want to provide users a way to customize 404 messages without editing dispatcher.
Is a good way to go to always have Error controller that would get instantiated when there is a error, and that would load lets say Error404.html view file?
So users would be able to customize this view file to fit their application design.
Is there any other way to achive this? And what would be the best way to return error from dispatcher, and let "users" or developers that are working on that MVC to easily customize 404 and other messages?

Since i do not know your API, I am going to guess. Lets assume that you have a bootstrap stage in your application, when the dispatcher is actually used. Something like:
$dispatcher->dispatch( $request );
Then for handling request, that try to access non-existent controllers or methods within those controllers, you can do something like this:
$dispatcher->dispatch( $request );
catch ( ClassNotFoundException $e )
$dispatcher->dispatch( new Request('/error/404/controller'));
catch ( MethodNotFoundException $e )
$dispatcher->dispatch( new Request('/error/404/method'));
The ClassNotFoundException can be thrown by your classloader, while dispatcher itself would always be responsible for throwing the MethodNotFoundException.
You can check, whether controller has a particular method, with method_exists(), before executing it in your dispatcher.
P.S. in my humble opinion, the Dispatcher conept is better suited for event driven architectures and not for MVC-inspired patterns in web applications.

I would propose you have an error controller that takes in an error code (number or string) as an argument. This allows you to gracefully handle various kinds of errors and be able to provide a stack trace if necessary. You can even utilize this work for 500 errors.
My answer comes with the assumption that a controller can return various actions and each action can have it's own template.
Symfony also seems to handle errors in a similar fashion. They have a separate module and action for each error.
sfContext::getInstance()->getController()->forward(sfConfig::get('sf_error_404_m‌​odule'), sfConfig::get('sf_error_404_action'));


How to handle exception in Router when there's no requested class?

I am writing my own php mvc framework (just for training). The question is how to handle exception when the requested controller doesn't exist? Should I call 404 class or create and show new View from Router? I'll be glad if you have any advices for me!
Here are my autoload.php:
function __autoload($class)
$filename = __DIR__ . '/' . str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class) . '.php';
if (file_exists($filename))
require $filename;
throw new \Exception('The file doesn\'t exists!');
and Route.php:
namespace App;
class Route
public static function start ()
$controller_name = 'News';
$controller_action = 'Index';
if (isset($_GET['furl']))
// Getting rid of spaces
$url = str_replace(' ', '', $_GET['furl']);
if (substr($url, -1) == '/')
$url = substr($url, 0, count($url) - 2);
$arr = explode('/', $url);
foreach($arr as &$value)
$value = strtolower($value);
$value = ucfirst($value);
$controller_action = $arr[count($arr) - 1];
unset($arr[count($arr) - 1]);
$controller_name = implode('\\', $arr);
$controller_name = '\App\Controllers\\' . $controller_name;
$controller = new $controller_name();
catch (\Exception $e)
No matter how many web frameworks, routers, autoloaders, etc are there already: keep doing what you think it's right for you and suitable to your momentarily understanding level, in order to LEARN. Actually, by confronting yourself with problems arised along the process of implementing yourself different parts of your application, you will not only gain the opportunity to learn and discover new things, but also to learn how and what to study in the already existing frameworks' design.
Study the PHP Standard Recommendations (the ones marked as "accepted"). Especially PSR-1,2,4,7. They are used by many frameworks and PHP projects. Read FAQs to find out more about the project itself.
The PSR-4 provides a link with examples at the document end.
#mike suggested, that you should use the Composer autoloader. I agree with him and I strongly recommend it to you too. BUT I suggest you to do this only after you correctly implement and make use of your own autoloader (PSR-4 conform). Why? You definitely need to learn how the autoloading process works. And in some future situations you will still need your own autoloader implementation, even after Composer is installed and running.
Also be aware that you must not raise any exceptions from autoloader itself!
Btw, your class should be called "Router".
The router should not be responsible for validating the controller class/file and the action, nor for calling the action. These tasks are part of the "front controller" responsibilities. Your router should just return the components resulted after parsing, e.g. "exploding" the request URI ($_GET['furl']), in some form (as a Route object (with them as properties), as array, etc). These components are the controller name, the action name, the action parameters list (NB: the action parameters are not the query string parameters). The front controller uses them further to validate/access the controller class/file and its action and to call the action.
But please note that a router works actually in other way. In short: it matches (e.g. compares) the request method (GET, POST, etc) and the request URI against an existing (e.g. predefined by you) list of route definitions. A route definition contains the infos related to a specific controller, action, etc. If the HTTP method and the request URI "correspond" to one of the route definitions, then the router returns the matched definition's components to the front controller (in some form: as object, as array, etc).
For more details describing this principle see:
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page?
Front controller:
It can be a class, but it can also be just vanilla code in the entry point of your app (index.php, bootstrap.php, etc). In the latter case, the front controller code should reside in a file outside of the document root of the app. For example in a bootstrap.php file, which is to be just included in index.php - whereas index.php resides inside the document root.
"controller/action not found" specific handling:
If a controller, or an action is not found/valid, then call a predefined action (for example displayError) of a predefined Error controller, which informs the user that, for a specific part of his request (actually of his provided request URI), no resource was found.
For example, consider that the user provided the request URI Conform to your app workflow the controller is Book, the action (e.g. the controller's method) is show and the action parameter is 12 (the value is passed as argument to the show method and defined as $bookId parameter in it). But, if the controller class is not defined, or no controller file exists, then the front controller should call the action displayError of Error controller, which should display a message like No resource found for your 'book' request. A similar info should be displayed when the show method is not yet defined in the Book controller.
Note that, if the Error controller or its action is not found/valid, then the PHP engine raises a corresponding error/exception. If you follow the next links I provided, you'll end up implementing three custom error/exception handling functions (referenced by set_error_handler, set_exception_handler and register_shutdown_function, respectively). They will catch and handle the described situation properly.
To read: Manage the errors of a framework
General error/exception handling in MVC:
Here are some good resources:
Again: Manage the errors of a framework
Error logging, in a smooth way
Error reporting basics
The (im)proper use of try..catch
Other MVC related resources:
Build a PHP MVC Application (Just for the start...)
Dependency Injection and Dependency Inversion in PHP
MVC for advanced PHP developers (A further list of resources)
Tom Butler's Programming Blog. MVC, PHP, Best practices
Clean, high quality code
P.S: Avoid the use of statics, globals, singletons. Why? Read here and here, for example.
Good luck.

How to create a Forbidden Response in Symfony2?

I just discovered SensioLabsInsight and found very interesting tips on how to write good code. It would be great if there was some explanation on why (or why not) something should be used - even for basic stuff like exit and die. It would help me to explain things to people I work with.
So my question is specifically for AccessDeniedHttpException - it says:
Symfony applications should not throw AccessDeniedHttpException
So how do I return 403 Forbidden from the application controller or EventListener?
What is the best practice?
To be honest I thought it would be
throw new AccessDeniedHttpException()
Since for 404 you have
throw $this->createNotFoundException()
But it looks like I was wrong.
I think it means that you must throw AccessDeniedException instead of directly throwing AccessDeniedHttpException.
Main reason is that AccessDeniedException is catched by the event listener in Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\ExceptionListener and then you can make some stuff with it. Check onKernelException function.
That sentence has to be considered with the whole architecture of Symfony in mind.
In the Symfony framework there is a whole subsystem devoted to security applying the 2 step Authentication + Authorization process.
That said in the architecture of Symfony the Controllers, that are what basically the framework leaves to you to develop and so they are "the application", will be called only if the Authentication + Authorization has been passed.
So that sentence say that you should not need to throw that Exception becouse that is the work for the Security component. Doing that it is not forbidden or even made impossible but it is not the way which the framework has been normally thinked to work.
This can happen in two situations:
Your application is particular and you need to do that way
You are doing the security work out of the framework way of doing. It is your choice, just evaluate cost/benefits of not using the framework features and write your own ones.
Looking here it seems like you might be able to throw an AuthenticationException which returns a 403 Response (?)
Here is Controller::createNotFoundException() implementation:
public function createNotFoundException($message = 'Not Found', \Exception $previous = null)
return new NotFoundHttpException($message, $previous);
It throws a bit different exception.
I don't know the reason for this tip. Maybe its because in controller or event listener You can directly return the Response, without throwing exception and thus triggering other event listeners.
Symfony uses event listeners to handle exceptions. You can create your own listeners and manage the response. Might be useful for API. For example I have used it to return pretty json responses in dev environment (with stack trace and additional debugging info).

How do you define Exception?

I'm used to Zend Framework, when you write your own component, you make it's own Exception file, but on per file basis, then you have such structure:
I'm ok with, I also use Doctrine2 and Exception are "stored" in a different way
something like (in a Zend way)
and in Zend/View/Exception.php
class Exception {
public static function invalidArguement() {
return new self('Invalid arguement was given, etc..');
I understand that the second approach is less flexible but more accurate because it throws exception according the error.
The first approach is just a way to be able to throw a Zend_View_Exception with a custom messagE.
Also, what about one Exception file per, Exception.
Like the following structure :
Is there any best practices? Any pros/cons?
For me the best practice is to group exceptions related to their issue.
For example if you have a number of Auth exceptions, like InvalidDetails, UserNotFound put them here
Each exception should be an extension of Zend_Exception ( unless you've extended it yourself )
this way you can do:
throw new Library_Auth_Exception_InvalidDetails("Invalid details when trying to login");
the benefit of using this method is you DONT need to have a message, the Exception name can cover it enough.
My assumptions here is you setup a namespace for Library called Library and everything is within there.
I tend to group everything, so a typical Auth library could be:
I've never worked with Zend framework but if this at all helps, I would at least make a common Exception class and all those other ones extend that rather than just make one for each.

Hooking into the Error processing cycle

I'm building a monitoring solution for logging PHP errors, uncaught exceptions and anything else the user wants to log to a database table. Kind of a replacement for the Monitoring solution in the commercial Zend Server.
I've written a Monitor class which extends Zend_Log and can handle all the mentioned cases.
My aim is to reduce configuration to one place, which would be the Bootstrap. At the moment I'm initializing the monitor like this:
protected function _initMonitor()
$config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$monitorDb = Zend_Db::factory($config->resources->db->adapter, $config->resources->db->params);
$monitor = new Survey_Monitor(new Zend_Log_Writer_Db($monitorDb, 'logEntries'), $config->projectName);
The registerErrorHandler() method enables php error logging to the DB, the logExceptions() method is an extension and just sets a protected flag.
In the ErrorController errorAction I add the following lines:
//use the monitor to log exceptions, if enabled
$monitor = Zend_Registry::get('monitor');
if (TRUE == $monitor->loggingExceptions)
I would like to avoid adding code to the ErrorController though, I'd rather register a plugin dynamically. That would make integration into existing projects easier for the user.
Question: Can I register a controller plugin that uses the postDispatch hook and achieve the same effect? I don't understand what events trigger the errorAction, if there are multiple events at multiple stages of the circuit, would I need to use several hooks?
Register your plugin with stack index 101. Check for exceptions in response object on routeShutdown and postDispatch.
$response = $this->getResponse();
if ($response->isException()) {
$exceptions = $response->getException();
to check if exception was thrown inside error handler loop you must place dispatch() in a try-catch block
The accepted answer by Xerkus got me on the right track. I would like to add some more information about my solution, though.
I wrote a Controller Plugin which looks like that:
class Survey_Controller_Plugin_MonitorExceptions extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function postDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$response = $this->getResponse();
$monitor = Zend_Registry::get('monitor');
if ($response->isException())
Note that you get an Array of Zend_Exception instances if you use $response->getException(). After I had understood that, I simply added a foreach loop to my logger method that writes each Exception to log separately.
Now almost everything works as expected. At the moment I still get two identical exceptions logged, which is not what I would expect. I'll have to look into that via another question on SO.

How to design error reporting in PHP

How should I write error reporting modules in PHP?
Say, I want to write a function in PHP: 'bool isDuplicateEmail($email)'.
In that function, I want to check if the $email is already present in the database.
It will return 'true', if exists. Else 'false'.
Now, the query execution can also fail, In that time I want to report 'Internal Error' to the user.
The function should not die with typical mysql error: die(mysql_error(). My web app has two interfaces: browser and email(You can perform certain actions by sending an email).
In both cases it should report error in good aesthetic.
Do I really have to use exception handling for this?
Can anyone point me to some good PHP project where I can learn how to design robust PHP web-app?
In my PHP projects, I have tried several different tacts. I've come to the following solution which seems to work well for me:
First, any major PHP application I write has some sort of central singleton that manages application-level data and behaviors. The "Application" object. I mention that here because I use this object to collect generated feedback from every other module. The rendering module can query the application object for the feedback it deems should be displayed to the user.
On a lower-level, every class is derived from some base class that contains error management methods. For example an "AddError(code,string,global)" and "GetErrors()" and "ClearErrors". The "AddError" method does two things: stores a local copy of that error in an instance-specific array for that object and (optionally) notifies the application object of this error ("global" is a boolean) which then stores that error for future use in rendering.
So now here's how it works in practice:
Note that 'Object' defines the following methods: AddError ClearErrors GetErrorCodes GetErrorsAsStrings GetErrorCount and maybe HasError for convenience
// $GLOBALS['app'] = new Application();
class MyObject extends Object
* #return bool Returns false if failed
public function DoThing()
if ([something succeeded])
return true;
$this->AddError(ERR_OP_FAILED,"Thing could not be done");
return false;
$ob = new MyObject();
if ($ob->DoThing())
echo 'Success.';
// Right now, i may not really care *why* it didn't work (the user
// may want to know about the problem, though (see below).
echo implode('<br/>',$GLOBALS['app']->GetErrorsAsStrings());
The reason I like this is because:
I hate exceptions because I personally believe they make code more convoluted that it needs to be
Sometimes you just need to know that a function succeeded or failed and not exactly what went wrong
A lot of times you don't need a specific error code but you need a specific error string and you don't want to create an error code for every single possible error condition. Sometimes you really just want to use an "opfailed" code but go into some detail for the user's sake in the string itself. This allows for that flexibility
Having two error collection locations (the local level for use by the calling algorithm and global level for use by rendering modules for telling the user about them) has really worked for me to give each functional area exactly what it needs to get things done.
Using MVC, i always use some sort of default error/exception handler, where actions with exceptions (and no own error-/exceptionhandling) will be caught.
There you could decide to answer via email or browser-response, and it will always have the same look :)
I'd use a framework like Zend Framework that has a thorough exception handling mechanism built all through it.
Look into exception handling and error handling in the php manual. Also read the comments at the bottom, very useful.
There's aslo a method explained in those page how to convert PHP errors into exceptions, so you only deal with exceptions (for the most part).
