Fuelphp Profile Like logic or example - php

So I'm a bit lost at this part.
On my site I would like the give the ability for users to like profile pages.
So my logic is this.
I have a database table named user_likes, this contains 3 rows, id, user_id, liked_by.
The actual profile page has a like button on it with a class like.
When the user clicks on it in inserts the data in to the user likes table and changes the button text to unlike and the class to unlike too with ajax.
And this is the part where I'm stuck.
So the profile has a has many relation likes, I can count the likes received, but I'm stuck at that part how to keep the button unliked after page refresh.
Because my logic was this (but its a fail):
onclick the button, data insert with ajax, button change with ajax, grab the liked by id and if that equals to the logged in users id keep the button unliked.
But since it returns a list of array I can't do that.
So I don't want anybody to code it for me, I would just like a hint for this if its not a big request.

I saw that you posted the same question on the FuelPHP forum, so here I will try to give you another solution.
Why your relation needs "id, user_id, liked_by"? I think you can improve you database modifying a little your tabel.
Reading your question I think you have a structure like that:
... something more
If you create a table named "LIKE" you'll have this situation:
... something more
So now you can create a many-to-many relation with a table named "users_likes" with:
profile_id // it wil be related to the user_id, is the user's profile being liked
liker_id // it will be the user_id of the user that likes the profile
So if you want to retrieve the number of the like you'll have all the information in the current user model or in the profile user model.


Display Images for Specific Users

I have a website coded in html/css and a bit of js and jQuery.
MySql is my choice of database.
I have a login-system and users can create their own accounts on my site.
The problem is, that I'm trying to somehow restrict users so that only user A can view content (in this case, images) that I have specified for him. User B can only view its own content and so on.
I tried to mess with Role Based Access Control in php but I failed.
I'm looking for a simple solution. I have one (1) table with users where the "user_id" is the primary key.
Isn't there a way to do something like this?
if(user_id == 1) {
Do somethnig here
Charles, as commented there are many "open source content management systems" available that do this out of the box - I personally favour http://www.silverstripe.org/
However your question is about how to structure your database and I would recommend a "many many" relationship ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-to-many_(data_model) ). To create this you will need a table in the middle that stores all the id's from both ends.. e.g.
member - id - plus other fields
member_image - contains only member_id and image_id
image - id - plus other fields
to complete your code example...
$sql = "SELECT 1 FROM member_image WHERE member_id = $iMemberID AND image_id = $iImageID"
...it would be "if" the above SQL returned a row or not they member can access that image

Show specific content on a page for each member when they log in

I have two tables in my database. One is a list of members each, of course, having a different member ID. The second table is a list of items that have been designated to one member.
Please note that each table has a user_id column. Based on user_id I want only certain items displayed on their webpage.
When Joe logs to the members area, he is taken to a welcome page. On that welcome page I want Joe to be able to click on a link which will take him to a page. This page will show items that only Joe is allowed to see. If another member clicks on the link it shows a message that says something like Sorry, not for your eyes.
I really am only learning and have spent the past couple of days looking for help with this issue.
I am thinking, from what I have read, that I may just be able to amend the top of my "special page" with an if statement which would say something like
if user_id from table_members = user_id from table_items
Show all rows from table_items which = user_id
There are huge number of tutorials available on internet on displaying dynamic data. Just try doing a search on "making dynamic webpages using php" like that.
let $user_id be a variable storing userid taken from user logged into the website.
$query="select * from table_items where user_id=".$user_id ;
To fetch a row:
To fetch specific column from that row:
Execute that query you will only get rows whose user_id column value equals to user_id variable value.

How does Youtube remember Likes?

So I'm wondering how sites like YouTube remember when a user has "Liked" a video and prevents them from liking it again. Similarly, how a site like Reddit remembers upvotes and downvotes and prevents a user from upvoting a piece of content they already upvoted.
Is it as simple as a database table where the ID of the content is stored along with the ID of the user and their response? I feel like that would become a massively huge table. Is there something trickier going on?
The sites require you to login before clicking on "like" and "upvote". The content document in the DB will have a field which will store the number of likes received. Before the like button is rendered, the sites will check against the logged in user's records in the DB, to check if he has already liked it- accordingly a "like" or "unlike" option is displayed.
If you check here in Stackoverflow, if you click "upvote" on your own question or answer, a message is displayed, that you can't upvote our own post. What happens is when you click "upvote", ajax request will be sent to server with the user ID and other information like question id etc. and the server code will check if you are allowed to upvote i.e your user ID should not be the same as the post creator's ID.
I have a like/dislike system on my page.
Database tables:
1.) One that contains your posts with a unique ID for each post and a user_id of who created it (along with other info like content, tags, etc).
2.) table called likes with AT LEAST the following fields, ID, post_id (corresponds to the post in the post table that was liked or disliked), user_id (corresponds to the user in the users table that did the liking/disliking), status (0 or 1, 0 being liked the post, 1 being disliked the post).
When a user likes a post, insert the row into the likes table with their user_id and the post_id, set the status as 0 (or just leave empty because 0 is the default). When a user dislikes a post, do the same but set the status as 1.
That way, on a post page you can get the count of all the users that liked or disliked a post. On a users's profile page, you can get all of the posts a user either likes or dislikes. You can also rank posts by which has the most likes or dislikes. Or even rank specific users by who has posted content with the most likes or dislikes.
Do not allow a users to like/dislike a post if they already have a record in the database. (Basically just check the count of records in the likes table where the post_id is equal to the current post and user_id is equal to the logged in user)
Cross reference the post table to get the post's author's user_id. If the post author user_id is the same as the logged in user, or the user is NOT currently logged in, do not allow them to vote.
The queries for doing all of those are simple (simply SELECT * or SELECT user_id) but that is the basic idea.
Yes, it's that simple. Generally, sites use ip addresses though, so that users don't vote twice on different accounts.
edit: Sorry, I was wrong. According to Quentin, websites don't base it off IP because of the possibility that multiple users have the same IP and aren't trying to exploit the system. Smaller scale sites (at least some of the ones I've used) have implemented a voting system based on IP because it would otherwise be easier to manipulate content ranking.

Add friends function in PHP

I would like to make it able for my users to add each other as friends. I just don't know exactly how to do it.
I have a table called "members" where the users have (ofc) and ID,username,pass etc etc. and then I was thinking of creating another table called "friends", where I was planning to have the rows -> username (the friend added) and friend_to (who the friend 'belongs' to).
But; I just don't know - how I should make the "add friend" link, and make it INSERT INTO the table? Can I make an onClick on the link, or what should I do? :-s
Thanks in advance.
Have a table called friends have rows, (id, user_id, friend_id, status, time)
id is the index, user_id is the one requesting friendship, friend_id is the receiver, status is the status of friendship like pending or declined, and time is the timestamp of the time when the request was sent.
Then in a php code check if the users aren't friends then let them add each other as friends. One way you could check was like this
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS total WHERE (`user_id` = ".$_SESSION['user_id']." AND `friend_id` = ".$_GET['friend_id'].") OR (`user_id` = ".$_GET['friend_id']." AND `friend_id` = ".$_SESSION['user_id']."))
the above code will check if they are users, and if they are you would not let them re add each other, if they aren't the user gets a button to add them to friends, where it inserts into a database new row, with user_id being the user sending and friend_id the user's page the sender is submitting the button from
On the backend, you will need separate PHP functionality (easiest way is to simply have a separate PHP page) to handle the result of the "add friend" link. Your table layout seems adequate from what you have describe. The "Add Friend" link will need to send a request back to the add_friend PHP handler which includes ID of the user and the ID of the user they added. And this handler will be where you include the MySQL code for performing the insert, based on the data that is provided to it.
On the front end, you can have the link send them to a new page, or you can use an onclick event to issue an AJAX request and update things behind the scenes without requiring a page reload. That choice is up to you and what fits your design best. The later is more complicated and will require some Javascript and/or jQuery to handle the AJAX parts, but it often results in a more pleasant user experience.

How do I create a user history?

I want to create a user history function that allows shows users what they done.
ex: commented on an ad, posted an ad, voted on an ad, etc.
How exactly do I do this?
I was thinking about...
in my site, when they log in it stores their user_id ($_SESSION['user_id'])
so I guess whenever an user posts an ad(postad.php),
comments(comment.php), I would just
store in a database table
"userhistory" what they did based on
whenever or not their user_id was
When they comment, I store the user_id in the comment dbc table, so
I'll also store it in the
"userhistory" table.
And then I would just queries all the rows in the dbc for the user to
show it
Any steps/improvements I can make? :)
Look at the statistics and logging section of media wiki schema. You can implement something similar to this.
Similarly, what you could do is have mySQL based logging, ie every page hit is logged in the mySQL database, which tracks the IP, userid, datetime and page requested.
Then for the page that you view history, you could have a script like this. This is just pseudo code, so take it at face value.
$actions = array('comment.php' => 'posted a comment', "postedad.php" => "posted an ad");
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM logHits JOIN users ON users.id = logHits.userid WHERE loghits.userid = $userid");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
echo $row['username']." ".$actions[$row['pagename']."<br />";
Again, this is just pseudo code and you can most certainly improve the concept by it. You could possibly use a combination of printf();/sprintf(); and make it so, for example, "a comment" in the action text hyperlinks to the actual comment.
There are quite a few ways to go about this. This probably isn't the best way.
You could also just do an insert query to a table like userHistory whenever the persons does an action like you specified. This is probably the best way to go about it. You could have that able with fields like id, userid, actiontype, actionid
actiontype would be "comment" or so, and actionid would be the id of the posted entry. Then you could easily map actiontypes to the comment page (passing the actionid) to view the actual posted comment.
