I am trying to set an expiration on DB entries. I've set the field to datetime and entered some values manually through MySQL
I take the value from the table and convert it to strtotime(). then I get the current time using strtotime("now"); or time(); they seemed to return the same value.
I then take the future date(the one from the db) and with if statement check if its smaller then current time if so I set it as expired. if it's still bigger then current time I return how much time left..
Here is the code for that:
$time_left = "";
$value['ex_date'] = '2012-11-22 18:17:33';// this is whats in the DB now.
$future_time = strtotime($value['ex_date']);
$now_time = strtotime('now');
if($deal_end < $now_time){
$time_left = 'Expired';
$seconds = $future_time - $now_time;
$days = floor($seconds / 86400);
$seconds %= 86400;
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$seconds %= 3600;
$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);
$seconds %= 60;
if($days >= 1) {$time_left .= "D:$day ";}
if($hours >= 1) {$time_left .= "H:$hours ";}
if($minutes >= 1) {$time_left .= "M:$minutes ";}
if($seconds >= 1) {$time_left .= "S:$seconds ";}
For some reason the above doesn't work well. its like there is some time gap.
my question is: is there a way to check server time vs database time ?
because the strtotime('now'); time seems different then current timestemp by like 2/3 hours for some reason.
I can suggest two other approaches:
a. Select from the database rows that did not expire yet adding the logic to the query itself
b. run cron/mysql schedule every minute that will clear the database entries that had expired
SELECT * from TABLE where X = Y and NOW() < expiredField
Besides, PHP has a built in class just for the operations with date you are trying to perform.
It's called DateTime.
$dt = new DateTime('2012-11-22 18:17:33');
$dtNow = new DateTime();
$interval = $dtNow->diff($dt); // php.net/DateInterval
echo 'expired';
echo $interval->format('%m month, %d days, %h hours, %s seconds');
To your original question
Checking the server time is
echo time();
Checking database time is
You can find server(linux) time zone using following at command line:
$ date +%Z
Or following in php:
$ echo system('date +%Z');
In php you can use date_default_timezone_get function.
Most probably your system and php timezones will be different.
You can change php timezone by using date_default_timezone_set function.
In-case anyone is curious about how i solved it:
$result = mysql_query("select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;");
$row = mysql_fetch_array( $result );
$DB_now = $row['CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'];
$deal_end = strtotime($value['ex_date']);
$now_time = strtotime($DB_now);
I just use database's current timestamp as "now"
Not sure if that's the best solution but it works
I have a mySQL database that stores the checkin and checkout time of a person in a gym. I have imported the checkin and checkout times in to my PHP script. Now I want to deduct the two timestamps from each other - giving me the time left. I want this to display in minutes.
This is my idea:
$checkOut = "2016-01-31 15:01:11";
$checkIn = "2011-01-31 15:32:35";
echo ($checkIn - $checkOut);
// I want this to display 31 minutes.
I have seen many examples on StackOverflow, but none matched my description and I couldn't reverse engineer the ones I found - because they use the time() function - which I guess takes the current time.
You can use strtotime();
$checkOut = "2016-01-31 15:01:11"; // initial value
$checkIn = "2011-01-31 15:32:35"; // initial value
$checkOut_stamp = strtotime($checkOut); // Converting to unix timestamp
$checkIn_stamp = strtotime($checkIn); // Converting to unix timestamp
echo date("i", ($checkIn - $checkOut)) . 'Minute(s)';
IMP Note: The above method will only work if the minutes are below 59, or else the hours will be rounded off and discarded. So if your requirements is showing the time in minutes which can be grater than 59 minutes eg. 144 minutes, then you'd want to just divide by 60, as follows.
$checkOut = "2016-01-31 15:01:11"; // initial value
$checkIn = "2011-01-31 15:32:35"; // initial value
$checkOut_stamp = strtotime($checkOut); // Converting to unix timestamp
$checkIn_stamp = strtotime($checkIn); // Converting to unix timestamp
$seconds = $checkOut_stamp - $checkIn_stamp;
if($seconds > 0){
if($seconds > 60){
$minutes = $seconds/60;
} else {
$minutes = 0;
} else {
$minutes = 0;
echo $minutes . ' Minute(s)';
$checkOut = "2016-01-31 15:01:11";
$checkIn = "2011-01-31 15:32:35";
$time = (strtotime($checkIn) - strtotime($checkOut));
echo date('i',$time);
use this code
If you were fetching this record from database then you can simply achieve it using MySql function TIMESTAMPDIFF, as no need to use PHP function over here
Select TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,checkIn,checkout) as tot_diff from your_table
i tried most of what is available on stack overflow but none seem to work.
any way i am trying to compare two (date and time formats). and calculate whether their difference is within 5 seconds of each other
the first date is the current date:
$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
the second date is taken from mysql database:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM BUS_DATA where BusRegID = 'bus'") or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$update_date = $row["update_date"];
the answer should be segmented into years , month , days , hours , minutes ,and seconds portions.
I am running PHP Version 5.3.3
Edit: most answers give result in time frame only , I want to check whether the date matches , then compare if the time of the day is within 5 seconds , than you guys in advance :)
Try this
function getTimes($t1, $t2)
$timeFirst = strtotime($t1);
$timeSecond = strtotime($t2);
$differenceInSeconds = $timeSecond - $timeFirst;
$m = floor($differenceInSeconds / 60);
$s = $differenceInSeconds % 60;
if ($m>=60)
$h = floor($m / 60);
$m = $m % 60;
$tim = $h.':'.$m.':'.$s;
return $tim;
it will return difference time in hours:min:sec
use strtotime, it's understands almost any date formats:
$timeDiff = abs(strtotime($today) - strtotime($update_date));
this gives you the difference between dates in seconds.
If you want to know whether it's within 5 seconds then use Timestamps, makes it into a simple int calculation.
$now = time();
$test = strtotime($update_date);
if($now - $test > 5) {
I figured this would be a very simple problem but I haven't found a solution anywhere.
I am creating a scheduling program in PHP and mySQL. The shifts have a startTime and endTime, each of which are stored as TIME in mySQL.
I want to add up the total hours for an employee during the week, so I tried:
$shifts = [...] //shifts for the week
$totalTime = 0; //I've also tried "0:0:0" and strtotime("0:00:00");
for($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++){
$start = strtotime($shift_types[$shifts[$d]]['ShiftType']['start_time']);
$end = strtotime($shift_types[$shifts[$d]]['ShiftType']['end_time']);
echo date("g:ia", $start) . ' / ' . date("g:i a", $end);
$totalTime += ($end-$start);
The problem with this, is that $totalTime doesn't come out to any reasonable number. I think this is because PHP is treating $totalTime as a timestamp since 1970, which would result in something completely different. All I really want is a value of net hours, it doesn't need to have any date-ish values associated with it.
I should mention that I'm displaying the total time with
echo date("g:i", $totalTime);
When it is run with a start of 9:30:00 and an end of 16:15:00, it displays "1:45".
When the total time isn't touched (because there are no shifts), it displays "7:00".
strtotime returns a Unix timestamp, the number of seconds since the epoch represented by that time. So working with seconds (and starting $totalTime at zero) is the correct approach. If you want the number of hours, you need to: $totalTime = $totalTime / (60 * 60); after your loop (divide by 3600 seconds / hour).
I think this does what you want to do:
$t1 = strtotime("2013-01-01 00:00:00");
$t2 = strtotime("2013-01-15 00:00:00");
echo round(($t2-$t1)/3600) ." hours". PHP_EOL;
Or you could look to use two DateTime objects and the diff() method as described in my blog post http://webmonkeyuk.wordpress.com/2011/05/04/working-with-date-and-time-in-php/
I'm looking to create a countdown timer in PHP. When a user clicks a button it saves the current date & time into a database entry, then it should take the difference of that entry with the current date and time and 'doSomething' when the difference is larger than 48 hours.
My issue is with the actual countdown.
I've tried the following but to no avail it only counts the difference of the of both strings and doesn't take the days in account. Not only that but it also appears to show the resulted difference incorrectly:
$d1=strtotime("2012-07-08 11:14:15");
$d2=strtotime("2012-07-09 12:14:15");
$diff = round(abs($d1 - $d2));
$cd = date("H:i:s", $diff);
echo $cd;
Thanks for helping me Yan.kun from StackOverflow! The code submitted below was the solution! In order to display strictly the countdown in hours:minutes:seconds I replaced the printf() code with the following:
$hours = ($result->d*24)+$result->h;
$minutes = $result->i;
$seconds = $result->s;
echo $hours . ":" . $minutes . ":" . $seconds;
Try this instead:
$d1 = new DateTime("2012-07-08 11:14:15");
$d2 = new DateTime("2012-07-09 12:14:15");
$result = $d1->diff($d2);
printf('difference is %d day(s), %d hour(s), %d minute(s)', $result->d, $result->h, $result->i);
And if you have no PHP 5.3 available, you can convert your times into an unix epoch timestamp like described in this answer.
not sure if this is what you want:
$d1=strtotime("2012-11-18 11:14:15");//2 days earlier
$d2=strtotime("2012-11-20 11:14:15");//today
$diff = $d2 - $d1; //difference in seconds.
$hours = $diff/60/60;//translation to minutes then to hours
echo $hours;
echo "Script";
This question already has answers here:
Get interval seconds between two datetime in PHP?
(8 answers)
Closed last year.
HI, i have a couple of posts in my MySql database server, one of the info content in each post is the date and time in the format datetime (Ex. 2010-11-26 21:55:09) when the post was made.
So, i want to retrive the actual date and time from the SQL server with the function NOW() and calculates how many seconds or minutes or hours or days ago was post the info.
I dont know how to create this php script but i know that for sure is allready made, so thanks for any help.
you could use the date_diff() function
Something like...
$now = time();
$then = $posttime;
$diff = date_diff($now,$then);
echo $diff->format('%R%d days'); #change format for different timescales
edit --
I actually solve this issue on one of my twitter apps using this function...
function time_since ( $start )
$end = time();
$diff = $end - $start;
$days = floor ( $diff/86400 ); //calculate the days
$diff = $diff - ($days*86400); // subtract the days
$hours = floor ( $diff/3600 ); // calculate the hours
$diff = $diff - ($hours*3600); // subtract the hours
$mins = floor ( $diff/60 ); // calculate the minutes
$diff = $diff - ($mins*60); // subtract the mins
$secs = $diff; // what's left is the seconds;
if ($secs!=0)
$secs .= " seconds";
if ($secs=="1 seconds") $secs = "1 second";
else $secs = '';
if ($mins!=0)
$mins .= " mins ";
if ($mins=="1 mins ") $mins = "1 min ";
$secs = '';
else $mins = '';
if ($hours!=0)
$hours .= " hours ";
if ($hours=="1 hours ") $hours = "1 hour ";
$secs = '';
else $hours = '';
if ($days!=0)
$days .= " days ";
if ($days=="1 days ") $days = "1 day ";
$mins = '';
$secs = '';
if ($days == "-1 days ") {
$days = $hours = $mins = '';
$secs = "less than 10 seconds";
else $days = '';
return "$days $hours $mins $secs ago";
You pass it in a unix timestamp of the time to check (the post time) and it returns the various string.
As billythekid said, you can use the date_diff() function if you are using PHP5.3+, if you are not then there are various methods. As shown by other posters. The quickest method in MySQL if you want to know the time split in to the "hours:mins:secs" hierarchy is to use the TIMEDIFF() function.
SELECT TIMEDIFF(NOW(), '2010-11-26 12:00:00');
If you want it as seconds, use the unix timestamp features in MySQL or in PHP, you can convert MySQL dates to PHP quickly using strtotime().
Usually, you do this kind of thing in a query, but MySQL isn't very good with intervals (it would be very easy with PostgreSQL). You could convert it to unix timestamp, then it would give the number of seconds between the two dates :
I thought about DATEDIFF, but it only returns the number of days between the two dates.
You can do it in PHP, for instance, with DateTime class :
$date1 = new DateTime();
$date2 = new Datetime('2010-11-26 12:00:00');
(There's a procedural way to do this, if you're not a fan of OOP.)
This is definitely the solution I'd use if I can't do it with the RDBMS. DateTime::diff returns a DateInterval object, which contains the number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc. between the two dates.
You could also do it with timestamps in PHP :
$num_sec = time() - strtotime('2010-11-26 12:00:00');
Which would return the same thing as the SQL query.
An easy solution is possible from within the SQL Query:
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS seconds_ago FROM posts
Documentation here: MySQL Ref
I actually needed to do this in PHP myself and while billythekid's post was in the right direction it fell short. I've minimized the code though it should be clear that the second parameter is from a database with a DATETIME column type.
$interval = date_diff(date_create(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), date_create($row1['date']));
echo $interval->format('%R%a days');
//Database: 2019-02-22
//PHP's date: 2018-07-07
//Result: +306 days
A reminder of the obvious: you can also just use substr($interval->format('%R%a days'),1) if you need just the integer.