How to force composer to use zip instead of git clone? - php

Wen I use composer to update/install a new project it starts cloning a lot of git repositories. If you have a lot of dependencies, this takes ages. After all I just need the latest version of all the libraries. I'm not going to change anything.
Is there a way to tell composer to download the requested version without cloning? Just fetching the zip version from github would be much faster.

Accoding to this is not possible.
I think we need to add an option for this at some
point. What #stof said is not true. The thing is that with dev
packages, the chance of updating them on update is much higher than if
you just follow tags, and updates are much cheaper once you have a git
clone than redownloading the full thing every time. It's a trade-off.
But we should probably add a --prefer-dist flag.


How to update symfony flex on production [duplicate]

composer install will install whenever stated in the composer.lock file, but composer update will update all the dependencies and create a new composer.lock file based on what is required in composer.json.
So many said only run composer update in development. But my question is doing composer update did replaced the old composer.lock file, if your app is going to break it will break, because there might be conflict with the new updated dependencies.
I came across with a situation where I must do composer update, the issue is related to pcntl extension. The only solution is to do composer update PHP pcntl module installation
I don't understand why people are afraid of running composer update on production.
Do not run composer update nor composer install in production. Execute it somewhere else and upload the result to the production server, but not to the same directory where the application is hosted. As a general rule, you shouldn't modify the application that's being served while it's being served. Create a different copy of the application and when it's ready replace it with the closest to instantaneous command you can (e.g. mv or ln -s).
But if you HAVE to run either: always run install and create a fresh installation; and never update. install is more predictable and reliable, with update you are at the mercy of any of the project's dependencies.
Composer works recursively. So even if you have very tight version constraints in your composer.json, by running composer update you would be updating not only your dependencies, but your dependencies' dependencies.
While most of the time this won't introduce breakage, sometimes it will. One dependency down the line may introduce a change of behaviour that may impact your code in a way you may have not tested against.
Also, it's basically using the wrong tool for the job. Composer is a dependency management tool, not a deployment tool. To deploy your code to production you should be using some sort of code deployment tool (even if that "tool" is as simple as an FTP upload and a couple of scripts).
The appropriate flow is:
Do all the require and update calls on your development machine, where you can test the project without risk. This generates a composer.lock, which is a known state for the whole project, with discrete installed versions.
Create a new installable version doing install --no-dev. On this step you also should dump an optimized autoloader, run after-install scripts, etc. I usually separate this in more than one step:
composer install --prefer-dist --no-scripts --no-progress --no-suggest --no-interaction --no-dev:
^^ This for a complete, silent installation of everything, excluding development dependencies.
composer dump-autoload --optimize --no-dev
^^ To dump an optimized autoloader script suitable for production.
composer run-script --no-dev post-install-cmd
^^ This is mostly for Symfony, but if you have any post-install scripts to run (e.g. to copy assets to your "public" directory, warm-up some type of cache, anything like that), this would be a good moment to do it.
The result of the above step should be tested (in what typically is a staging environment), and then pushed to production whole (your client code, the vendor folder, the configuration tailored for prod, etc); using whatever deployment method you prefer.
Note that if you use any "slow" push method (FTP, copy, rsync, etc), you shouldn't write directly to the application filesystem, but create a fresh copy of the application and once the file transfer is ready, use a quick method to replace "production" with the new release. A popular and effective way is use a symlink as "production" root, so you only need to update the symlink once all of the above is done and ready, without impacting a running application (that otherwise could be temporarily broken, by virtue of suddenly containing files that belong to different versions of the application).
My thoughts about this are,
The current working state of the system is very important as I would assume some tests have been run against it.
To do composer update would mean that, libraries that are part of the app would have their updates and which may lead to breakage in the system. Because they are libraries that depends on libraries that depends on libraries.
Finally, I would rather do this if composer-update is needed:
Checkout on a dev environment and composer update,
Ensure the app is thoroughly tested on a dev environment
then install on live/production with composer install
My thoughts here :
You should never use composer update without argument.
composer update reads every package listed on composer.json, and updates it to the latest available version compatible with the specified version constraints.
In a perfect world, all librairies would follow semver correctly, and it shouldn't have any side effects. But technically, that is never always true, and you could download a version incompatible with the previous one, or just a version with uncorrected bugs.
So, updating all your packages at once would probably lead to some issues, unless you have the time to check everything on your website to ensure nothing went wrong.
But of course, you'll have to update specific packages sometimes, so using composer update xxx/xxx is useful, assuming you'll check all your implementations of the package.
When the updated package is fully tested, you can commit your code to staging/production, and then run composer install to ensure you'll have the same exact version of package and dependencies on all your platforms.
Long story short, here's the process I use :
composer require xxx/xxx to install new packages
composer update xxx/xxx to update a specific package
composer install on all environments when the package.lock file has been updated.
Additional thoughts
I stumbled once upon an implementation which would give the exact version of the package in composer.json. The developer explained that this way you could use composer update without damage.
I disagree with this option, since even with the exact versions in composer.json, the dependencies are not fixed, and a composer update could lead to potential bugs in them.

How to stop wasting time updating dependencies with composer?

I am building a small app with some dependencies and my back-end is in PHP with composer and I use many dependencies.
I used to keep the project up-to-date but sometimes, composer update is just to long!
Anyone have some good tips to help me updating my dependencies? any automated service that can run them for me without breaking my code?
I built Dependabot to do exactly this. Every morning it will check with packagist whether there are any new versions, and if there are it will create a pull request to update you to the latest and greatest.
The core of the app is open source here and it's relatively popular with Ruby and JavaScript programmers. The PHP beta is fully functional, and I'm looking for more people to give it a try!
I use prestissimo for a much faster composer update/install process.
It's a composer plugin aka composer global require hirak/prestissimo
and you are done.
It downloads all ur packages simultaneously and installs them!
This will make composer insanely fast.
Benchmark on a Laravel install without prestissimo 288s =>
with prestissimo 26s!!!
For automating ur Process you could set up a cronjob and let it run a bash script with something like this inside:
Filename in example = Content:
composer update --no-progress --profile --prefer-stable
For not breaking ur code I recommend setting a minimum stability in ur composer.json
The cronjob for updating once a month could look like this
*/0 0 1 * * /PROJECT_ROOT/ >> update.log
This article might further help you with cron.
Hope I could help you.
I heard a currently work in progress project wanted to solve this issue.
They link to your github account (you must have one in order for this to work) they want to keep your libraries up-to-date if you're using composer, npm or gem I think.
The thing is, they create a pull-request showing you what will be updated and show you the changelog if there is one for the update.
Take a look at

PHP packages installed by Composer - should they be in source control?

I am reading/learning about Composer, the application-level package manager for PHP.
In this blog post written by lead dev Jordi Boggiano, he writes:
Composer on the other hand forces you to declare your project
dependencies in a one-stop location (composer.json at the root). You
just checkout the code, install dependencies, and they will sit in the
project directory, not disturbing anything else on the machine.
Another related feature is the composer.lock file that is generated
when you install or update dependencies. It stores the exact version
of every dependency that was used. If you commit it, anyone checking
out the project will be able to install exactly the same versions as
you did when you last updated that file, avoiding issues because of
minor incompatibilities or regressions in different versions of a
If I understand Composer properly, when we're talking about packages downloaded/installed by Composer, we are talking about PHP code packages, ie, programming code written in PHP, and not system-level packages, eg, extensions to the PHP runtime installed on the server. So once these PHP code packages have been downloaded and added to a PHP project, I would have thought those packages become part of the PHP application source code, eg to be checked in to whichever version control system is being used for the project. If another developer comes along and checks out the code, why would they need to then "install the packages", as is stated in the blog post? Wouldn't they get a copy of all code packages when they check out the code from source control? This line in the blog post is confusing me, and making me think I don't understand Composer.
Any clarity on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The dependencies themselves should not be commited to source control. The composer.json and composer.lock files, on the other hand, should. There's various reasons for this, amongst them:
Every time you update the dependency you would have to commit the changes. That kind of tightly couples your code to the dependency, when it should be exactly the other way around.
The packages themselves are already in their own repository with their own history. Why repeat that in your project's history?
Those repositories can be huge, just muddling the waters around your project. Why carry around all that weight?
Instead, having each developer just run composer install (very important: not composer update) whenever they check out the project is much more efficient. Composer will install the dependencies from composer.lock, making sure everyone running the same commit is on the exact same page. The same goes for deploying.
You can read more about this here.
On the other hand, there might be situations where you have to commit your packages to get around a problem, like for example when you know you won't be able to run composer install on your production server (shared hosting)
Normally packages installed via composer don't get checked in to source control, only the code you write and the composer.json and composer.lock files.
This way the repository for your project does not get bloated with code you did not write and possibly don't really care that much about.
Yes its normal after cloning down your repository a developer will need to run the "composer install" command. The composer.lock file will ensure they get the same modules and versions of them you used when creating your project.
Not including the composer modules in your source control also allow you to easily update to the modules to get bug fixes and new features in new versions of them.

Is there a PHP/Composer tool which works like npm version?

Is there an automated way of updating the version number in composer.json and adding the necessary tags before publishing, like the way npm version does?
I mean, if you had a composer.json with the line "version": "2.1.3", and executed:
composer version minor
It would do the following:
Updating the version number in composer.json to 2.2.0
Triggering composer update to update composer.lock
Making a new git commit
Making a new git tag v2.2.0
I know that the composer version command doesn't exist, but is there an equivalent tool?
npm version does stuff that you very likely do not need for Composer:
The version number is not recorded in composer.json if there are other means available - and because you are referring to Git later on, they are available.
Updating dependencies in the lock file is unnecessary. The lock file will be ignored when the project you are dealing with is included somewhere else.
Because nothing has changed in the project, a git commit wouldn't do anything.
All this leaves you with creating a new tag in the Git repository. Putting this into Composer would mean you'd exchange one command with another, without any big benefit besides you won't have to lookup the current version number you are dealing with if you use some of the relative version parameters.
All in all I'd say that simply tagging your new version is enough for Composer. You'd probably need to have some infrastructure in place and configured to make the world aware of the new version:
If your package is open source and on, you should have a post-commit hook to notify them as soon as a new version is available. This is a standard option on Github, I don't know about other source code hosts.
Otherwise if you have to feed closed source code, you'd probably start a new update cycle of whatever system is used to create an alternative package information source (be it Satis, locally hosted Packagist, Toran Proxy or Private Packagist)
This however depends on how you set up things.
If for some reason and despite all voices against it you still want to use a tool like the OP asked for, works quite well.

How to only keep required files when createing a dist packageget

When using composer to get dependencies a huge amount of unnecessary files are download such as documentations, test units, etc. These make the built file large. How to only include production files from composer folder?
Unfortunately, the most package developer don't exploit .gitattributes files and using or not using --prefer-dist is the same for them. I come up with the following gulp task:
This isn't as easy as it looks at first glance.
Composer itself isn't the right place to fiddle with project's published code. So the next stop is .gitattributes.
Symfony tried to do this, and their experience made them revert this decision. Composer had information about using .gitattributes in the documentation, but removed it.
In essence, removing some part of a package from a distinct distribution path is likely to cause more problems than it solves. From my perspective, the CLI switch --prefer-dist and --prefer-source is a selector of either having to clone a huge repository that takes ages or download a ZIP with that exact version - but the results should be equal, i.e. I should not be forced to --prefer-source for ALL my dependencies just because one single package that decided to "optimize for deployment" decided to remove documentation and tests from their ZIP.
Yes, during development I usually look at their code and tests to help me understand what's going on - or what SHOULD go on, and isn't.
Conclusion: Composer is NOT a deployment tool. If you care about the size of your application, it is your task to remove everything you don't need or want, and probably optimize other things as well (minify JS and CSS, optimize images etc.). It should not be Composers' or any package maintainers task to do this optimization for you.
