Testing if a network in cidr notation overlaps another network - php

I'm searching for a php algorithm that efficiently test if one cidr notated network overlaps another.
Basically I have the following situation:
Array of cidr adresses:
$cidrNetworks = array(
I have a method that adds networks to the array, but this method should throw an exception when a network is added that overlaps with a network allready in the array.
So ie. if is added an exception should be thrown.
Does anyone have/know/"can think of" an method to test this efficiently?

Here is an updated version of the class previously discussed in chat. It can do what you require, as well as many other useful things.
class IPv4Subnet implements ArrayAccess, Iterator {
* Address format constants
const ADDRESS_BINARY = 0x01;
const ADDRESS_INT = 0x02;
const ADDRESS_DOTDEC = 0x04;
const ADDRESS_SUBNET = 0x08;
* Constants to control whether getHosts() returns the network/broadcast addresses
const HOSTS_WITH_NETWORK = 0x10;
const HOSTS_ALL = 0x30;
* Properties to store base address and subnet mask as binary strings
protected $address;
protected $mask;
* Counter to track the current iteration offset
private $iteratorOffset = 0;
* Array to hold values retrieved via ArrayAccess
private $arrayAccessObjects = array();
* Helper methods
private function longToBinary ($long) {
return pack('N', $long);
private function longToDottedDecimal ($long) {
return ($long >> 24 & 0xFF).'.'.($long >> 16 & 0xFF).'.'.($long >> 8 & 0xFF).'.'.($long & 0xFF);
private function longToByteArray ($long) {
return array(
$long >> 24 & 0xFF,
$long >> 16 & 0xFF,
$long >> 8 & 0xFF,
$long & 0xFF
private function longToSubnet ($long) {
if (!isset($this->arrayAccessObjects[$long])) {
$this->arrayAccessObjects[$long] = new self($long);
return $this->arrayAccessObjects[$long];
private function binaryToLong ($binary) {
return current(unpack('N', $binary));
private function binaryToDottedDecimal ($binary) {
return implode('.', unpack('C*', $binary));
private function binaryToX ($binary, $mode) {
if ($mode & self::ADDRESS_BINARY) {
$result = $binary;
} else if ($mode & self::ADDRESS_INT) {
$result = $this->binaryToLong($binary);
} else if ($mode & self::ADDRESS_DOTDEC) {
$result = $this->binaryToDottedDecimal($binary);
} else {
$result = $this->longToSubnet($this->binaryToLong($binary));
return $result;
private function byteArrayToLong($bytes) {
return ($bytes[0] << 24) | ($bytes[1] << 16) | ($bytes[2] << 8) | $bytes[3];
private function byteArrayToBinary($bytes) {
return pack('C*', $bytes[0], $bytes[1], $bytes[2], $bytes[3]);
private function normaliseComparisonSubject (&$subject) {
if (!is_object($subject)) {
$subject = new self($subject);
if (!($subject instanceof self)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Subject must be an instance of IPv4Subnet');
private function validateOctetArray (&$octets) {
foreach ($octets as &$octet) {
$octet = (int) $octet;
if ($octet < 0 || $octet > 255) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Constructor
public function __construct ($address = NULL, $mask = NULL) {
if ($address === NULL || (is_string($address) && trim($address) === '')) {
$address = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
} else if (is_int($address)) {
$address = $this->longToByteArray($address);
} else if (is_string($address)) {
$parts = preg_split('#\s*/\s*#', trim($address), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (count($parts) > 2) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('No usable IP address supplied: Syntax error');
} else if ($parts[0] === '') {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('No usable IP address supplied: IP address empty');
if (!empty($parts[1]) && !isset($mask)) {
$mask = $parts[1];
$address = preg_split('#\s*\.\s*#', $parts[0], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
} else if (is_array($address)) {
$address = array_values($address);
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('No usable IP address supplied: Value must be a string or an integer');
$suppliedAddressOctets = count($address);
$address += array(0, 0, 0, 0);
if ($suppliedAddressOctets > 4) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('No usable IP address supplied: IP address has more than 4 octets');
} else if (!$this->validateOctetArray($address)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('No usable IP address supplied: At least one octet value outside acceptable range 0 - 255');
if ($mask === NULL) {
$mask = array_pad(array(), $suppliedAddressOctets, 255) + array(0, 0, 0, 0);
} else if (is_int($mask)) {
$mask = $this->longToByteArray($mask);
} else if (is_string($mask)) {
$mask = preg_split('#\s*\.\s*#', trim($mask), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
switch (count($mask)) {
case 1: // CIDR
$cidr = (int) $mask[0];
if ($cidr === 0) {
// Shifting 32 bits on a 32 bit system doesn't work, so treat this as a special case
$mask = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
} else if ($cidr <= 32) {
// This looks odd, but it's the nicest way I have found to get the 32 least significant bits set in a
// way that works on both 32 and 64 bit platforms
$base = ~((~0 << 16) << 16);
$mask = $this->longToByteArray($base << (32 - $cidr));
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Supplied mask invalid: CIDR outside acceptable range 0 - 32');
case 4: break; // Dotted decimal
default: throw new InvalidArgumentException('Supplied mask invalid: Must be either a full dotted-decimal or a CIDR');
} else if (is_array($mask)) {
$mask = array_values($mask);
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Supplied mask invalid: Type invalid');
if (!$this->validateOctetArray($mask)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Supplied mask invalid: At least one octet value outside acceptable range 0 - 255');
// Check bits are contiguous from left
// TODO: Improve this mechanism
$asciiBits = sprintf('%032b', $this->byteArrayToLong($mask));
if (strpos(rtrim($asciiBits, '0'), '0') !== FALSE) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Supplied mask invalid: Set bits are not contiguous from the most significant bit');
$this->mask = $this->byteArrayToBinary($mask);
$this->address = $this->byteArrayToBinary($address) & $this->mask;
* ArrayAccess interface methods (read only)
public function offsetExists ($offset) {
if ($offset === 'network' || $offset === 'broadcast') {
return TRUE;
$offset = filter_var($offset, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if ($offset === FALSE || $offset < 0) {
return FALSE;
return $offset < $this->getHostsCount();
public function offsetGet ($offset) {
if (!$this->offsetExists($offset)) {
return NULL;
if ($offset === 'network') {
$address = $this->getNetworkAddress(self::ADDRESS_INT);
} else if ($offset === 'broadcast') {
$address = $this->getBroadcastAddress(self::ADDRESS_INT);
} else {
// How much the address needs to be adjusted by to account for network address
$adjustment = (int) ($this->getHostsCount() > 2);
$address = $this->binaryToLong($this->address) + $offset + $adjustment;
return $this->longToSubnet($address);
public function offsetSet ($offset, $value) {}
public function offsetUnset ($offset) {}
* Iterator interface methods
public function current () {
return $this->offsetGet($this->iteratorOffset);
public function key () {
return $this->iteratorOffset;
public function next () {
public function rewind () {
$this->iteratorOffset = 0;
public function valid () {
return $this->iteratorOffset < $this->getHostsCount();
* Data access methods
public function getHosts ($mode = self::ADDRESS_SUBNET) {
// Parse flags and initialise vars
$bin = (bool) ($mode & self::ADDRESS_BINARY);
$int = (bool) ($mode & self::ADDRESS_INT);
$dd = (bool) ($mode & self::ADDRESS_DOTDEC);
$base = $this->binaryToLong($this->address);
$mask = $this->binaryToLong($this->mask);
$hasNwBc = !($mask & 0x03);
$result = array();
// Get network address if requested
if (($mode & self::HOSTS_WITH_NETWORK) && $hasNwBc) {
$result[] = $base;
// Get hosts
for ($current = $hasNwBc ? $base + 1 : $base; ($current & $mask) === $base; $current++) {
$result[] = $current;
// Remove broadcast address if present and not requested
if ($hasNwBc && !($mode & self::HOSTS_WITH_BROADCAST)) {
// Convert to the correct type
if ($bin) {
$result = array_map(array($this, 'longToBinary'), $result);
} else if ($dd) {
$result = array_map(array($this, 'longToDottedDecimal'), $result);
} else if (!$int) {
$result = array_map(array($this, 'longToSubnet'), $result);
return $result;
public function getHostsCount () {
$count = $this->getBroadcastAddress(self::ADDRESS_INT) - $this->getNetworkAddress(self::ADDRESS_INT);
return $count > 2 ? $count - 1 : $count + 1; // Adjust return value to exclude network/broadcast addresses
public function getNetworkAddress ($mode = self::ADDRESS_SUBNET) {
return $this->binaryToX($this->address, $mode);
public function getBroadcastAddress ($mode = self::ADDRESS_SUBNET) {
return $this->binaryToX($this->address | ~$this->mask, $mode);
public function getMask ($mode = self::ADDRESS_DOTDEC) {
return $this->binaryToX($this->mask, $mode);
* Stringify methods
public function __toString () {
if ($this->getHostsCount() === 1) {
$result = $this->toDottedDecimal();
} else {
$result = $this->toCIDR();
return $result;
public function toDottedDecimal () {
$result = $this->getNetworkAddress(self::ADDRESS_DOTDEC);
if ($this->mask !== "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF") {
$result .= '/'.$this->getMask(self::ADDRESS_DOTDEC);
return $result;
public function toCIDR () {
$address = $this->getNetworkAddress(self::ADDRESS_DOTDEC);
$cidr = strlen(trim(sprintf('%b', $this->getMask(self::ADDRESS_INT)), '0')); // TODO: Improve this mechanism
return $address.'/'.$cidr;
* Comparison methods
public function contains ($subject) {
$subjectAddress = $subject->getNetworkAddress(self::ADDRESS_BINARY);
$subjectMask = $subject->getMask(self::ADDRESS_BINARY);
return $this->mask !== $subjectMask && ($this->mask | ($this->mask ^ $subjectMask)) !== $this->mask && ($subjectAddress & $this->mask) === $this->address;
public function within ($subject) {
$subjectAddress = $subject->getNetworkAddress(self::ADDRESS_BINARY);
$subjectMask = $subject->getMask(self::ADDRESS_BINARY);
return $this->mask !== $subjectMask && ($this->mask | ($this->mask ^ $subjectMask)) === $this->mask && ($this->address & $subjectMask) === $subjectAddress;
public function equalTo ($subject) {
return $this->address === $subject->getNetworkAddress(self::ADDRESS_BINARY) && $this->mask === $subject->getMask(self::ADDRESS_BINARY);
public function intersect ($subject) {
return $this->equalTo($subject) || $this->contains($subject) || $this->within($subject);
In order to do what you desire, the class provides 4 methods:
Example usage of these:
// Also accepts dotted decimal mask. The mask may also be passed to the second
// argument. Any valid combination of dotted decimal, CIDR and integers will be
// accepted
$subnet = new IPv4Subnet('');
// These methods will accept a string or another instance
var_dump($subnet->contains('')); //TRUE
var_dump($subnet->contains('')); //FALSE
var_dump($subnet->contains('')); //FALSE
var_dump($subnet->within('')); //TRUE
// ...hopefully you get the picture. intersect() returns TRUE if any of the
// other three match.
The class also implements the Iterator interface, allowing you to iterate over all the addresses in a subnet. The iterator excludes the network and broadcast addresses, which can be retrieved separately.
$subnet = new IPv4Subnet('');
echo "Network: ", $subnet->getNetworkAddress(),
"; Broadcast: ", $subnet->getBroadcastAddress(),
foreach ($subnet as $host) {
echo $host, "\n";
The class also implements ArrayAccess, allowing you to treat it as an array:
$subnet = new IPv4Subnet('');
echo $subnet['network'], "\n"; //
echo $subnet[0], "\n"; //
// ...
echo $subnet[13], "\n"; //
echo $subnet['broadcast'], "\n"; //
NB: The iterator/array methods of accessing the subnet's host addresses will return another IPv4Subnet object. The class implements __toString(), which will return the IP address as a dotted decimal if it represents a single address, or the CIDR if it represents more than one. The data can be accessed directly as a string or an integer by calling the relevant get*() method and passing the desired flag(s) (see constants defined at the top of the class).
All operations are 32- and 64-bit safe. Compatibility should be (although not thoroughly tested) 5.2+
See it working
For completeness, I imagine your use case would be implemented something along these lines:
public function addSubnet ($newSubnet) {
$newSubnet = new IPv4Subnet($newSubnet);
foreach ($this->subnets as &$existingSubnet) {
if ($existingSubnet->contains($newSubnet)) {
throw new Exception('Subnet already added');
} else if ($existingSubnet->within($newSubnet)) {
$existingSubnet = $newSubnet;
$this->subnets[] = $newSubnet;
See it working

As discussed briefly in PHP chat, here's how I would implement it, to compare any two addresses.
Convert the IP addresses to their binary form
Extract the masks from the CIDR format
Take the minimum mask of the two (least specific =
contains more addresses)
Use the mask on both binary representations.
Compare the two.
If there is a match, then one is contained within the other.
Here's some example code, it's not very pretty and you'll want to adapt it to cater for your array.
function bin_pad($num)
return str_pad(decbin($num), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$ip1 = '';
$ip2 = '';
$regex = '~(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/(\d+)~';
preg_match($regex, $ip1, $ip1);
preg_match($regex, $ip2, $ip2);
$mask = min($ip1[5], $ip2[5]);
$ip1 = substr(
bin_pad($ip1[1]) . bin_pad($ip1[2]) .
bin_pad($ip1[3]) . bin_pad($ip1[4]),
0, $mask
$ip2 = substr(
bin_pad($ip2[1]) . bin_pad($ip2[2]) .
bin_pad($ip2[3]) . bin_pad($ip2[4]),
0, $mask
var_dump($ip1, $ip2, $ip1 === $ip2);
I had trouble making it 32 bit compatible, which is why I eventually opted for converting each octet of the IP address into binary individually, and then using substr.
I started off using pack('C4', $ip[1] .. $ip[4]) but when it came to using a full 32 bit mask I ran into problems converting it into binary (since PHP integers are signed). Thought for a future implementation though!

Intuitively I would suggest you'd want to do something like:
Let the new entry be X
Convert X to single integer form, let that integer be Y
Let mask length of any entry A be mask(A)
Compare any existing entries where mask(entry) = mask(Y)
Mask off existing entries where mask(entry) > mask(Y) and compare with Y
Mask off Y for each existing entry where mask(entry) < mask(X), such that mask(Y) = mask(entry) and compare
Provided you encounter no collisions, all is well.
Of course this does not check if the proposed subnet is valid.
My proposition of correctness here is that I can't think of a counter-example, but there may well be one so I offer this as a basis for further thought - hope this helps.

function checkOverlap ($net1, $net2) {
$mask1 = explode("/", $net1)[1];
$net1 = explode("/", $net1)[0];
$netArr1 = explode(".",$net1);
$mask2 = explode("/", $net2)[1];
$net2 = explode("/", $net2)[0];
$netArr2 = explode(".",$net2);
$newnet1 = $newnet2 = "";
foreach($netArr1 as $num) {
$binnum = decbin($num);
$length = strlen($binnum);
for ($i = 0; $i < 8-$length; $i++) {
$binnum = '0'.$binnum;
$newnet1 .= $binnum;
foreach($netArr2 as $num) {
$binnum = decbin($num);
$length = strlen($binnum);
for ($i = 0; $i < 8-$length; $i++) {
$binnum = '0'.$binnum;
$newnet2 .= $binnum;
$length = min($mask1, $mask2);
$newnet1 = substr($newnet1,0,$length);
$newnet2 = substr($newnet2,0,$length);
$overlap = 0;
if ($newnet1 == $newnet2) $overlap = 1;
return $overlap;
function networksOverlap ($networks, $newnet) {
$overlap = false;
foreach ($networks as $network) {
$overlap = checkOverlap($network, $newnet);
if ($overlap) return 1;
return $overlap;
$cidrNetworks = array(
$newnet = "";
$overlap = networksOverlap($cidrNetworks, $newnet);
Not sure if this is 100% correct but try it out see if it works.


PHP URL Shortener error

I have this PHP code which is supposed to increase a URL shortener mask on each new entry.
My problem is that it dosen't append a new char when it hits the last one (z).
(I know incrementing is a safety issue since you can guess earlier entries, but this is not a problem in this instance)
If i add 00, it can figure out 01 and so on... but is there a simple fix to why it won't do it on its own?
(The param is the last entry)
class shortener
public function ShortURL($str = null)
if (!is_null($str))
for($i = (strlen($str) - 1);$i >= 0;$i--)
if($str[$i] != 'Z')
$str[$i] = $this->_increase($str[$i]);
$str[$i] = '0';
if($i == 0)
$str = '0'.$str;
return $str;
else {
return '0';
private function _increase($letter)
//Lowercase: 97 - 122
//Uppercase: 65 - 90
// 0 - 9 : 48 - 57
$ord = ord($letter);
if($ord == 122)
$ord = 65;
elseif ($ord == 57)
$ord = 97;
return chr($ord);
Effectively, all you are doing is encoding a number into Base62. So if we take the string, decode it into base 10, increment it, and reencode it into Base62, it will be much easier to know what we are doing, and the length of the string will take care of itself.
class shortener
public function ShortURL($str = null)
if ($str==null) return 0;
$int_val = $this->toBase10($str);
return $this->toBase62($int_val);
public function toBase62($num, $b=62) {
$r = $num % $b ;
$res = $base[$r];
$q = floor($num/$b);
while ($q) {
$r = $q % $b;
$q =floor($q/$b);
$res = $base[$r].$res;
return $res;
function toBase10( $num, $b=62) {
$limit = strlen($num);
for($i=1;$i<$limit;$i++) {
$res = $b * $res + strpos($base,$num[$i]);
return $res;

php calculator class

I am stuck in resolving a PHP script.
I want to calculate a result from a set of instructions. Instructions comprise of a keyword and a number that are separated by a space per line. Instructions are loaded from file and results are output to the screen. Any number of Instructions can be specified. Instructions are operators (add, divide, subtract, multiply). The instructions will ignore mathematical precedence. The last instruction should be “apply” and a number (e.g., “apply 3”). The calculator is then initialised with that number and the previous instructions are applied to that number.
add 2
multiply 3
apply 3
this is what i have tried but i cant get the logic to complete the methods
class Calculator {
public $result = 0;
public $queue = Array();
public parseString($text) {
// parse input string
$cmds = explode(" ", $text);
foreach($cmds as $cmd) {
$cmd = trim($cmd);
if(!$cmd) continue; // blank or space, ignoring
$this->queue[] = $cmd;
// lets process commands
$command = false;
foreach($this->queue as $index => $cmd) {
if(is_number($cmd)) {
// if it's number fire previous command if exists
if(!$command || !method_exists($this, $command)) {
throw new Exception("Unknown command $command");
$this->$command($index, $cmd);
$command = $cmd;
public function apply($index, $number) {
// manipulate $result, $queue, $number
public function add($index, $number) {
// manipulate $result, $queue, $number
public function substract($index, $number) {
// manipulate $result, $queue, $number
$calculator = new Calculator();
how can i call or switch the add,divide,multiply,substract and how to distinguish and trigger apply word
any kind of help will be appreciated.
You should process the apply first and then cut it out of your queue array. Before you start looping through with the commands, simply test for the apply command and run it first. This simplifies the whole process.
After many minutes of experimentation and chatting, has been resolved.
class Calculator {
public $result = 0;
public $queue = array();
public function parseString($text) {
// parse input string
$split = explode(" ", $text); //This gets your input into new lines
for ($i = 0; $i < count($split); $i += 2) $pairs[] = array($split[$i], $split[$i+1]);
foreach ($pairs as $bits) {
if ($bits[0] == "apply") {
$this->apply($bits[1]); //Set result equal to apply.
$this->queue[] = "output";
} else {
$this->queue[] = $bits; //Set the queue item as an array of (command, value).
// lets process commands
foreach ($this->queue as $index => $cmd) {
if ($cmd == "output") {
echo "Answer: " .$this->result;
} else {
switch($cmd[0]) {
case "add":
case "subtract":
case "multiply":
case "divide":
echo "Unknown command!";
public function apply($number) {
// manipulate $result, $queue, $number
$this->result = $number;
public function add($number) {
// manipulate $result, $queue, $number
$this->result += $number;
public function subtract($number) {
// manipulate $result, $queue, $number
$this->result -= $number;
public function multiply($number) {
// manipulate $result, $queue, $number
$this->result *= $number;
public function divide($number) {
// manipulate $result, $queue, $number
$this->result /= $number;
Try using the array_shift and array_pop functions:
//pop the apply num off end off the queue
$result= array_pop($this->queue);
//now pop the apply operator off end of the queue
$operator = array_pop($this->queue);
//now get the first operator and numbers using array_shift
$operator = array_shift($this->queue); //get first operator
$num = array_shift($this->queue); //get first number
//loop perform operation on result using number till done.
while($num !== null)
$result = $operator($result, $num);
$operator = array_shift($this->queue);
$num = array_shift($this->queue);

php compare float numbers with input field value

I have a form in which users can enter floating point values. I post these values to a php script and i compare if the numbers the users entered are between some values. If i post an integer the comparison returns true no matter if the number exceeded the boundaries. If i entere a floating point number the comparison fails no matter if the number is within the boundaries. I am not stupid, i've done floating point comparisons in c++ and i know how to do an if( float1 >= float2) return false...
here is my code:
//loading the helper
$val = Loader::helper('synerciel_form','synerciel_client');
//adding the fields to the inputs array for validation
$val->between('isolation_des_murs_peripheriques', 2.8, null, t($between.'Isolation des murs
pèriphèriques'), true, false);
//helper class
class SynercielFormHelper extends ValidationFormHelper {
const VALID_BETWEEN = 7;
const VALID_FLOAT = 7;
private $min;
private $max;
private $includeLow;
private $includeHigh;
public function between($field, $min, $max, $errorMsg, $includeLow = true, $includeHigh = true) {
$const = SynercielFormHelper::VALID_BETWEEN;
$this->min = $min;
$this->max = $max;
$this->includeLow = $includeLow;
$this->includeHigh = $includeHigh;
$this->addRequired($field, $errorMsg, $const);
public function test() {
$between = new ValidationNumbersBetweenHelper();
if (!$between->between($this->data[$field], $this->min, $this->max, $this->includeLow, $this->includeHigh)) {
$this->fieldsInvalid[] = $f;
My validation method (i believe here is the tricky part)
class ValidationNumbersBetweenHelper {
public function between($data, $min = null, $max = null, $includeLow = true, $includeHigh = true) {
if ($min && $includeLow) {
if (!($data >= $min))
return false;
} else if ($min) {
if (!($data > $min))
return false;
if ($max && $includeHigh) {
if (!($data <= $max))
return false;
} else if ($max) {
if (!($data < $max))
return false;
return true;
Check the warning message http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php
You can use BC Math Functions http://php.net/manual/en/function.bccomp.php
$status = bccomp($left, $right);
if ($status == 0) {
echo 'equal';
} else if ($status > 0) {
echo 'left bigger than right';
} else {
echo 'right bigger than left';
Hope this helps
Try isolating the troublesome code. Put your validation function into a stand-alone PHP file and test it there. Try checking $max and $min for !== null as 0 is also false. You could reverse the logic and remove all the !s. (e.g. change >= to <) so instead of "not greater than or equal to" you can have "less than"

Scrambled PHP code needs some fixing

I was adding a modification for my phpBB3 discussion board and one of the steps was to add a line of code to includes/functions.php
So when I copied that file and opened in wordpad I saw that it looked all scrambled. Here is how it looks partly:
<?php /** * * #package phpBB3 * #version $Id$ * #copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group * #license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * */ /** * #ignore */ if (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) { exit; } // Common global functions /** * set_var * * Set variable, used by {#link request_var the request_var function} * * #access private */ function set_var(&$result, $var, $type, $multibyte = false) { settype($var, $type); $result = $var; if ($type == 'string') { $result = trim(htmlspecialchars(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\0"), array("\n", "\n", ''), $result), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); if (!empty($result)) { // Make sure multibyte characters are wellformed if ($multibyte) { if (!preg_match('/^./u', $result)) { $result = ''; } } else { // no multibyte, allow only ASCII (0-127) $result = preg_replace('/[\x80-\xFF]/', '?', $result); } } $result = (STRIP) ? stripslashes($result) : $result; } } /** * request_var * * Used to get passed variable */ function request_var($var_name, $default, $multibyte = false, $cookie = false) { if (!$cookie && isset($_COOKIE[$var_name])) { if (!isset($_GET[$var_name]) && !isset($_POST[$var_name])) { return (is_array($default)) ? array() : $default; } $_REQUEST[$var_name] = isset($_POST[$var_name]) ? $_POST[$var_name] : $_GET[$var_name]; } $super_global = ($cookie) ? '_COOKIE' : '_REQUEST'; if (!isset($GLOBALS[$super_global][$var_name]) || is_array($GLOBALS[$super_global][$var_name]) != is_array($default)) { return (is_array($default)) ? array() : $default; } $var = $GLOBALS[$super_global][$var_name]; if (!is_array($default)) { $type = gettype($default); } else { list($key_type, $type) = each($default); $type = gettype($type); $key_type = gettype($key_type); if ($type == 'array') { reset($default); $default = current($default); list($sub_key_type, $sub_type) = each($default); $sub_type = gettype($sub_type); $sub_type = ($sub_type == 'array') ? 'NULL' : $sub_type; $sub_key_type = gettype($sub_key_type); } } if (is_array($var)) { $_var = $var; $var = array(); foreach ($_var as $k => $v) { set_var($k, $k, $key_type); if ($type == 'array' && is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $_k => $_v) { if (is_array($_v)) { $_v = null; } set_var($_k, $_k, $sub_key_type, $multibyte); set_var($var[$k][$_k], $_v, $sub_type, $multibyte); } } else { if ($type == 'array' || is_array($v)) { $v = null; } set_var($var[$k], $v, $type, $multibyte); } } } else { set_var($var, $var, $type, $multibyte); } return $var; } /** * Set config value. Creates missing config entry. */ function set_config($config_name, $config_value, $is_dynamic = false) { global $db, $cache, $config; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " SET config_value = '" . $db->sql_escape($config_value) . "' WHERE config_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($config_name) . "'"; $db->sql_query($sql); if (!$db->sql_affectedrows() && !isset($config[$config_name])) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . CONFIG_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array( 'config_name' => $config_name, 'config_value' => $config_value, 'is_dynamic' => ($is_dynamic) ? 1 : 0)); $db->sql_query($sql); } $config[$config_name] = $config_value; if (!$is_dynamic) { $cache->destroy('config'); } } /** * Set dynamic config value with arithmetic operation. */ function set_config_count($config_name, $increment, $is_dynamic = false) { global $db, $cache; switch ($db->sql_layer) { case 'firebird': case 'postgres': $sql_update = 'CAST(CAST(config_value as DECIMAL(255, 0)) + ' . (int) $increment . ' as VARCHAR(255))'; break; // MySQL, SQlite, mssql, mssql_odbc, oracle default: $sql_update = 'config_value + ' . (int) $increment; break; } $db->sql_query('UPDATE ' . CONFIG_TABLE . ' SET config_value = ' . $sql_update . " WHERE config_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($config_name) . "'"); if (!$is_dynamic) { $cache->destroy('config'); } } /** * Generates an alphanumeric random string of given length * * #return string */ function gen_rand_string($num_chars = 8) { // [a, z] + [0, 9] = 36 return substr(strtoupper(base_convert(unique_id(), 16, 36)), 0, $num_chars); } /** * Generates a user-friendly alphanumeric random string of given length * We remove 0 and O so users cannot confuse those in passwords etc. * * #return string */ function gen_rand_string_friendly($num_chars = 8) { $rand_str = unique_id(); // Remove Z and Y from the base_convert(), replace 0 with Z and O with Y // [a, z] + [0, 9] - {z, y} = [a, z] + [0, 9] - {0, o} = 34 $rand_str = str_replace(array('0', 'O'), array('Z', 'Y'), strtoupper(base_convert($rand_str, 16, 34))); return substr($rand_str, 0, $num_chars); } /** * Return unique id * #param string $extra additional entropy */ function unique_id($extra = 'c') { static $dss_seeded = false; global $config; $val = $config['rand_seed'] . microtime(); $val = md5($val); $config['rand_seed'] = md5($config['rand_seed'] . $val . $extra); if ($dss_seeded !== true && ($config['rand_seed_last_update'] < time() - rand(1,10))) { set_config('rand_seed', $config['rand_seed'], true); set_config('rand_seed_last_update', time(), true); $dss_seeded = true; } return substr($val, 4, 16); } /** * Return formatted string for filesizes * * #param int $value filesize in bytes * #param bool $string_only true if language string should be returned * #param array $allowed_units only allow these units (data array indexes) * * #return mixed data array if $string_only is false * #author bantu */ function get_formatted_filesize($value, $string_only = true, $allowed_units = false) { global $user; $available_units = array( 'gb' => array( 'min' => 1073741824, // pow(2, 30) 'index' => 3, 'si_unit' => 'GB', 'iec_unit' => 'GIB', ), 'mb' => array( 'min' => 1048576, // pow(2, 20) 'index' => 2, 'si_unit' => 'MB', 'iec_unit' => 'MIB', ), 'kb' => array( 'min' => 1024, // pow(2, 10) 'index' => 1, 'si_unit' => 'KB', 'iec_unit' => 'KIB', ), 'b' => array( 'min' => 0, 'index' => 0, 'si_unit' => 'BYTES', // Language index 'iec_unit' => 'BYTES', // Language index ), ); foreach ($available_units as $si_identifier => $unit_info) { if (!empty($allowed_units) && $si_identifier != 'b' && !in_array($si_identifier, $allowed_units)) { continue; } if ($value >= $unit_info['min']) { $unit_info['si_identifier'] = $si_identifier; break; } } unset($available_units); for ($i = 0; $i < $unit_info['index']; $i++) { $value /= 1024; } $value = round($value, 2); // Lookup units in language dictionary $unit_info['si_unit'] = (isset($user->lang[$unit_info['si_unit']])) ? $user->lang[$unit_info['si_unit']] : $unit_info['si_unit']; $unit_info['iec_unit'] = (isset($user->lang[$unit_info['iec_unit']])) ? $user->lang[$unit_info['iec_unit']] : $unit_info['iec_unit']; // Default to IEC $unit_info['unit'] = $unit_info['iec_unit']; if (!$string_only) { $unit_info['value'] = $value; return $unit_info; } return $value . ' ' . $unit_info['unit']; } /** * Determine whether we are approaching the maximum execution time. Should be called once * at the beginning of the script in which it's used. * #return bool Either true if the maximum execution time is nearly reached, or false * if some time is still left. */ function still_on_time($extra_time = 15) { static $max_execution_time, $start_time; $time = explode(' ', microtime()); $current_time = $time[0] + $time[1]; if (empty($max_execution_time)) { $max_execution_time = (function_exists('ini_get')) ? (int) #ini_get('max_execution_time') : (int) #get_cfg_var('max_execution_time'); // If zero, then set to something higher to not let the user catch the ten seconds barrier. if ($max_execution_time === 0) { $max_execution_time = 50 + $extra_time; } $max_execution_time = min(max(10, ($max_execution_time - $extra_time)), 50); // For debugging purposes // $max_execution_time = 10; global $starttime; $start_time = (empty($starttime)) ? $current_time : $starttime; } return (ceil($current_time - $start_time) < $max_execution_time) ? true : false; } /** * * #version Version 0.1 / slightly modified for phpBB 3.0.x (using $H$ as hash type identifier) * * Portable PHP password hashing framework. * * Written by Solar Designer <solar at openwall.com> in 2004-2006 and placed in * the public domain. * * There's absolutely no warranty. * * The homepage URL for this framework is: * * http://www.openwall.com/phpass/ * * Please be sure to update the Version line if you edit this file in any way. * It is suggested that you leave the main version number intact, but indicate * your project name (after the slash) and add your own revision information. * * Please do not change the "private" password hashing method implemented in * here, thereby making your hashes incompatible. However, if you must, please * change the hash type identifier (the "$P$") to something different. * * Obviously, since this code is in the public domain, the above are not * requirements (there can be none), but merely suggestions. * * * Hash the password */ function phpbb_hash($password) { $itoa64 = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $random_state = unique_id(); $random = ''; $count = 6; if (($fh = #fopen('/dev/urandom', 'rb'))) { $random = fread($fh, $count); fclose($fh); } if (strlen($random) < $count) { $random = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i += 16) { $random_state = md5(unique_id() . $random_state); $random .= pack('H*', md5($random_state)); } $random = substr($random, 0, $count); } $hash = _hash_crypt_private($password, _hash_gensalt_private($random, $itoa64), $itoa64); if (strlen($hash) == 34) { return $hash; } return md5($password); } /** * Check for correct password * * #param string $password The password in plain text * #param string $hash The stored password hash * * #return bool Returns true if the password is correct, false if not. */ function phpbb_check_hash($password, $hash) { $itoa64 = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; if (strlen($hash) == 34) { return (_hash_crypt_private($password, $hash, $itoa64) === $hash) ? true : false; } return (md5($password) === $hash) ? true : false; } /** * Generate salt for hash generation */ function _hash_gensalt_private($input, &$itoa64, $iteration_count_log2 = 6) { if ($iteration_count_log2 < 4 || $iteration_count_log2 > 31) { $iteration_count_log2 = 8; } $output = '$H$'; $output .= $itoa64[min($iteration_count_log2 + ((PHP_VERSION >= 5) ? 5 : 3), 30)]; $output .= _hash_encode64($input, 6, $itoa64); return $output; } /** * Encode hash */ function _hash_encode64($input, $count, &$itoa64) { $output = ''; $i = 0; do { $value = ord($input[$i++]); $output .= $itoa64[$value & 0x3f]; if ($i < $count) { $value |= ord($input[$i]) << 8; } $output .= $itoa64[($value >> 6) & 0x3f]; if ($i++ >= $count) { break; } if ($i < $count) { $value |= ord($input[$i]) << 16; } $output .= $itoa64[($value >> 12) & 0x3f]; if ($i++ >= $count) { break; } $output .= $itoa64[($value >> 18) & 0x3f]; } while ($i < $count); return $output; } /** * The crypt function/replacement */ function _hash_crypt_private($password, $setting, &$itoa64) { $output = '*'; // Check for correct hash if (substr($setting, 0, 3) != '$H$') { return $output; } $count_log2 = strpos($itoa64, $setting[3]); if ($count_log2 < 7 || $count_log2 > 30) { return $output; } $count = 1 << $count_log2; $salt = substr($setting, 4, 8); if (strlen($salt) != 8) { return $output; } /** * We're kind of forced to use MD5 here since it's the only * cryptographic primitive available in all versions of PHP * currently in use. To implement our own low-level crypto * in PHP would result in much worse performance and * consequently in lower iteration counts and hashes that are * quicker to crack (by non-PHP code). */ if (PHP_VERSION >= 5) { $hash = md5($salt . $password, true); do { $hash = md5($hash . $password, true); } while (--$count); } else { $hash = pack('H*', md5($salt . $password)); do { $hash = pack('H*', md5($hash . $password)); } while (--$count); } $output = substr($setting, 0, 12); $output .= _hash_encode64($hash, 16, $itoa64); return $output; } /** * Hashes an email address to a big integer * * #param string $email Email address * * #return string Unsigned Big Integer */ function phpbb_email_hash($email) { return sprintf('%u', crc32(strtolower($email))) . strlen($email); } /** * Global function for chmodding directories and files for internal use * * This function determines owner and group whom the file belongs to and user and group of PHP and then set safest possible file permissions. * The function determines owner and group from common.php file and sets the same to the provided file. * The function uses bit fields to build the permissions. * The function sets the appropiate execute bit on directories. * * Supported constants representing bit fields are: * * CHMOD_ALL - all permissions (7) * CHMOD_READ - read permission (4) * CHMOD_WRITE - write permission (2) * CHMOD_EXECUTE - execute permission (1) * * NOTE: The function uses POSIX extension and fileowner()/filegroup() functions. If any of them is disabled, this function tries to build proper permissions, by calling is_readable() and is_writable() functions. * * #param string $filename The file/directory to be chmodded * #param int $perms Permissions to set * * #return bool true on success, otherwise false * #author faw, phpBB Group */ function phpbb_chmod($filename, $perms = CHMOD_READ) { static $_chmod_info; // Return if the file no longer exists. if (!file_exists($filename)) { return false; } // Determine some common vars if (empty($_chmod_info)) { if (!function_exists('fileowner') || !function_exists('filegroup')) { // No need to further determine owner/group - it is unknown $_chmod_info['process'] = false; } else { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; // Determine owner/group of common.php file and the filename we want to change here $common_php_owner = #fileowner($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx); $common_php_group = #filegroup($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx); // And the owner and the groups PHP is running under. $php_uid = (function_exists('posix_getuid')) ? #posix_getuid() : false; $php_gids = (function_exists('posix_getgroups')) ? #posix_getgroups() : false; // If we are unable to get owner/group, then do not try to set them by guessing if (!$php_uid || empty($php_gids) || !$common_php_owner || !$common_php_group) { $_chmod_info['process'] = false; } else { $_chmod_info = array( 'process' => true, 'common_owner' => $common_php_owner, 'common_group' => $common_php_group, 'php_uid' => $php_uid, 'php_gids' => $php_gids, ); } } } if ($_chmod_info['process']) { $file_uid = #fileowner($filename); $file_gid = #filegroup($filename); // Change owner if (#chown($filename, $_chmod_info['common_owner'])) { clearstatcache(); $file_uid = #fileowner($filename); } // Change group if (#chgrp($filename, $_chmod_info['common_group'])) { clearstatcache(); $file_gid = #filegroup($filename); } // If the file_uid/gid now match the one from common.php we can process further, else we are not able to change something if ($file_uid != $_chmod_info['common_owner'] || $file_gid != $_chmod_info['common_group']) { $_chmod_info['process'] = false; } } // Still able to process? if ($_chmod_info['process']) { if ($file_uid == $_chmod_info['php_uid']) { $php = 'owner'; } else if (in_array($file_gid, $_chmod_info['php_gids'])) { $php = 'group'; } else { // Since we are setting the everyone bit anyway, no need to do expensive operations $_chmod_info['process'] = false; } } // We are not able to determine or change something if (!$_chmod_info['process']) { $php = 'other'; } // Owner always has read/write permission $owner = CHMOD_READ | CHMOD_WRITE; if (is_dir($filename)) { $owner |= CHMOD_EXECUTE; // Only add execute bit to the permission if the dir needs to be readable if ($perms & CHMOD_READ) { $perms |= CHMOD_EXECUTE; } } switch ($php) { case 'owner': $result = #chmod($filename, ($owner << 6) + (0 << 3) + (0 << 0)); clearstatcache(); if (is_readable($filename) && phpbb_is_writable($filename)) { break; } case 'group': $result = #chmod($filename, ($owner << 6) + ($perms << 3) + (0 << 0)); clearstatcache(); if ((!($perms & CHMOD_READ) || is_readable($filename)) && (!($perms & CHMOD_WRITE) || phpbb_is_writable($filename))) { break; } case 'other': $result = #chmod($filename, ($owner << 6) + ($perms << 3) + ($perms << 0)); clearstatcache(); if ((!($perms & CHMOD_READ) || is_readable($filename)) && (!($perms & CHMOD_WRITE) || phpbb_is_writable($filename))) { break; } default: return false; break; } return $result; } /** * Test if a file/directory is writable * * This function calls the native is_writable() when not running under * Windows and it is not disabled. * * #param string $file Path to perform write test on * #return bool True when the path is writable, otherwise false. */ function phpbb_is_writable($file) { if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'win' || !function_exists('is_writable')) { if (file_exists($file)) { // Canonicalise path to absolute path $file = phpbb_realpath($file); if (is_dir($file)) { // Test directory by creating a file inside the directory $result = #tempnam($file, 'i_w'); if (is_string($result) && file_exists($result)) { unlink($result); // Ensure the file is actually in the directory (returned realpathed) return (strpos($result, $file) === 0) ? true : false; } } else { $handle = #fopen($file, 'r+'); if (is_resource($handle)) { fclose($handle); return true; } } } else { // file does not exist test if we can write to the directory $dir = dirname($file); if (file_exists($dir) && is_dir($dir) && phpbb_is_writable($dir)) { return true; } } return false; } else { return is_writable($file); } } // Compatibility functions if (!function_exists('array_combine')) { /** * A wrapper for the PHP5 function array_combine() * #param array $keys contains keys for the resulting array * #param array $values contains values for the resulting array * * #return Returns an array by using the values from the keys array as keys and the * values from the values array as the corresponding values. Returns false if the * number of elements for each array isn't equal or if the arrays are empty. */ function array_combine($keys, $values) { $keys = array_values($keys); $values = array_values($values); $n = sizeof($keys); $m = sizeof($values); if (!$n || !$m || ($n != $m)) { return false; } $combined = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $combined[$keys[$i]] = $values[$i]; } return $combined; } } if (!function_exists('str_split')) { /** * A wrapper for the PHP5 function str_split() * #param array $string contains the string to be converted * #param array $split_length contains the length of each chunk * * #return Converts a string to an array. If the optional split_length parameter is specified, * the returned array will be broken down into
As you can see all the new lines are cut so its just a big mess. I did still add the new code and it messed everything up. What can I do? Is there some type of script or anything that I can run this php file through that will fix lines? Note that I have no experience with PHP so please be detailed in your reply!
Both WordPad and Notepad++ handle UNIX-style newlines fine. I'm guessing that you or someone else previously opened and saved it with another program such as Notepad, which doesn't understand such newlines and probably messed it up. If you haven't modified the file so far, the simplest solution might be to get a fresh copy of this file from the phpBB3 archive.
The file was probably created in *Nix, and uses the Unix newlines. Wordpad likely can't handle those.
Try opening it up with a program that can handle the different types of newline styles, like Notepad++.
This will make your code look better.
See the other solutions or try:
str_replace("\n", "\r\n", file_get_contents("source.php")));
Adjust the file names accordingly, of course.

Restricting access to a site using IP address

I would like to know whether there is a way of restricting the users of a site such that they can only access the inner pages of a site if they are within a certain range of IP addresses or a certain network?
The current PHP scripts I am getting cant differentiate the real IPs from the Proxies?
i wouldn’t restrict on ip addresses. as you said, you can’t know if it’s a proxy. furthermore, ip addresses can be easily spoofed.
Have you considered using apache .htaccess files for that?
IP restriction with htaccess
You can try out a script I created that allows very advanced IP rules. I coded it years ago so I apologize in advance for the current shape of it.
If you're looking for an "&" operator in the syntax don't bother. I forgot to add it when I coded this and looking back at this script now makes me cringe at the thought of touching it again.
# IP Expression Class #
# Easy IP-based Access Restrictions #
# Change Log: #
# - Added Range and limited IPv6 support #
# - Changed name from IPAR to IPEX #
# #
# Example Rules: #
# 69.[10-20].[^50].* #
# 69.*.[1-5 | 10-20 |^30].* #
# 60.12.2.* #
# 127.* #
# <-- This is a range #
# #
# Usage: #
# Ipex::IsMatch($rule, $ip); #
# #
# [range] - Defines a range for a section of the IP #
# | - OR token. IP can match this range/number #
# ^ - NOT token. IP can not match this range/number #
# x-y - Defines a range from x to y #
# x - Exactly match x (x = a hex or dec number) #
# * - Match any number #
# #
# [ Written by Chris Tarquini ] #
define('IPR_DENY', false);
define('IPR_ALLOW', true);
class IPEX
const TOKEN_RANGE_BEGIN = '[';
const TOKEN_RANGE_END = ']';
const TOKEN_WILDCARD = '*';
const TOKEN_RANGE_SPLIT = '-';
const TOKEN_OR = '|';
const TOKEN_NOT = '^';
private static function trace($err){if(self::DEBUG_MODE) echo "$err\r\n";}
private static function FixRule($rule,$count = 4, $split='.')
$rule = explode($split,$rule);
$filler = 0;
$size = sizeof($rule);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
if($i > $size) { $rule[] = $filler; $size++;}
else if(empty($rule[$i])) { $filler = self::TOKEN_WILDCARD; $rule[$i] = $filler;}
return $rule;
private static function FixIP($rule,$count = 4, $split='.')
$rule = explode($split,$rule);
$size = sizeof($rule);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
if($i > $size) { $rule[] = 0; $size++;}
else if(empty($rule[$i])) { $rule[$i] = 0;}
return $rule;
private static function GetIpType(&$ip)
$mode = IPID::Identify($ip,$newip);
if($mode == IPID_IPv4_Embed) { $ip = $newip; return IPID_IPv4;}
return $mode;
private static function FixIPRange(&$start, &$stop)
$count = 4; $split = '.';
if(self::GetIpType($start) == IPID_IPv6) {$count = 8; $split = ':';}
$q = 0;
while($q < 2)
$filler = ($q == 0) ? 0 : 255;
$arr = explode($split,($q == 0) ? $start : $stop);
$size = sizeof($arr);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
if($i > $size){ $arr[] = $filler; $size++;}
else if(empty($arr[$i])){ $arr[$i] = $filler; }
if($q == 0) $start = implode($split, $arr);
else $stop = implode($split,$arr);
public static function IsInRange($start, $stop, $ip)
//Sorry guys we only support IPv4 for this ;(
self::trace("fixed: start = $start, stop = $stop");
$start = ip2long($start); $stop = ip2long($stop);
$ip = ip2long($ip);
self::trace("start = $start, stop = $stop, ip = $ip");
return ($ip >= $start && $ip <= $stop);
public static function IsAllowed($rule, $ip){return self::IsMatch($rule,$ip);}
public static function IsMatch($rule,$ip)
$mode = self::GetIpType($ip);
self::trace("ip type: $mode");
if(strpos($rule, self::TOKEN_RANGE_SPLIT) !== false && strpos($rule,self::TOKEN_RANGE_BEGIN) === false)
self::trace("ip range mode");
$test = explode(self::TOKEN_RANGE_SPLIT, $rule);
self::trace("range size: ".sizeof($test));
if(sizeof($test) != 2) return IPR_ERR_RANGE_INVALID;
$start = $test[0]; $end = $test[1];
if(empty($start) || empty($end)) return IPR_ERR_RANGE_INVALID;
self::trace("range start: $start, range stop: $end");
$rm1 = (self::IsHex($start)) ? $mode : self::GetIpType($start);
$rm2 = (self::IsHex($end)) ? $mode : self::GetIpType($end);
self::trace("range types: $rm1, $rm2\r\nip type: $mode");
if($rm1 != $rm2 || $rm1 != $mode) return IPR_ERR_RANGE_MISMATCH;
if($mode == IPID_IPv6) { return IPR_ERR_IPv6_NOTSUPPORTED;}
return self::IsInRange($start,$end,$ip);
if(self::GetIpType($rule) != $mode) return IPR_ERR_MISMATCH;
//all is good so far
$count = 4;
$split = '.'; if($mode==IPID_IPv6){$count = 8; $split=':';}
$rule = self::FixRule($rule, $count,$split);
$ip = self::FixIp($ip,$count,$split);
self::trace("ip: ".implode($split,$ip));
self::trace('rule: '.implode($split,$rule));
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$r = str_replace(' ', '', $rule[$i]);
$ri = false;
if($r == self::TOKEN_WILDCARD) continue;
if($mode == IPPID_IPv6 && self::IsHex($r)) { $ri = hexdec($r);}else if(is_numeric($r)) $ri = $r;
$x = $ip[$i];
if($mode == IPPID_IPv6) $x = hexdec($x);
//* Exact Match *//
self::trace("rule[$i]: $ri");
self::trace("ip[$i]: $x");
if($ri !== false && $ri != $x) return IPR_DENY;
$len = strlen($r);
for($y = 0; $y < $len; $y++)
self::trace("y = $y");
if(substr($r, $y,1) == self::TOKEN_RANGE_BEGIN)
self::trace("found range, y = $y");
$negflag = false;
$start = false;
$stop = false;
$allows = 0;
$denys = 0;
$q = 0;
$c = substr($r,$y,1);
while($c !== false)
self::trace("in range, char: $c");
//* Flags *//
$break = false;
$exec = false;
$toggle = false;
$reset = false;
if($c === self::TOKEN_RANGE_END) {$skiphex = true;$break = true; $exec = true; self::trace("found end of range");}
if($c === self::TOKEN_NOT) {if($q > 0){ $toggle = true; $exec = true;} else $negflag = !$negflag; $skiphex =false; self::trace("found TOKEN_NOT");}
if($c === self::TOKEN_OR) { $exec = true; $reset = true;$skiphex=true;self::trace("found TOKEN_OR");}
if($c === self::TOKEN_RANGE_SPLIT){ $skiphex = false;++$q; self::trace("found range split");}
//* Read Hex Tokens *//
if(!$skiphex && self::IsHexChar($c))
$n = self::ReadNextHexToken($r,$y);
if($mode == IPID_IPv6) $n = hexdec($n);
if($q == 0) $start = $n;
else if($q == 1) $stop = $n;
--$y; //fixes error
self::trace("parsed number: $n, y = $y");
if($reset) {$negflag = false; $start = false; $stop = false; $q = 0;}
self::trace("executing: start = $start, stop = $stop, x = $x");
self::trace("negflag = $negflag");
if($stop !== false && $x >= $start && $x <= $stop)
if($negflag) { ++$denys; $allows = 0; break;}
else ++$allows;
else if($stop === false && $start == $x)
if($negflag) { ++$denys; $allows = 0; break;}
else ++$allows;
self::trace("exec complete: allows = $allows, denys = $denys");
$q = 0;
if($toggle) $negflag = !$negflag;
if($break) break;
$c = substr($r,$y,1);
if(!$allows) return IPR_DENY;
return IPR_ALLOW;
private static function ReadNextHexToken($buff, &$offset, $max = -1)
$str = '';
if($max == -1) { $max = strlen($buff);}
for(; $offset < $max; $offset++)
$c = substr($buff,$offset, 1);
$str .= $c;
return $str;
return $str;
private static function IsHex($x){ $len = strlen($x); for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) if(!self::IsHexChar(substr($x,$i,1))) return false; return true;}
private static function IsHexChar($x){self::trace("isHex($x);"); return (in_array(strtoupper($x),array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F')));
# IP Identify Class #
class IPID
public static function Identify($ip,&$ipconvert = false)
$ip = strtoupper($ip);
$ipconvert = $ip;
// Check if we are IPv4
if(strpos($ip,':') === false && strpos($ip,'.') !== false)
return IPID_IPv4;
//Is it one of those hybrids?
else if(strpos($ip,':FFFF') !== false && strpos($ip,'.') !== false)
$ipconvert = substr($ip,strpos($ip,':FFFF:')+6);
return IPID_IPv4_Embed;
// Is it IPv6?
else if(strpos($ip,':') !== false) return IPID_IPv6;
// What the...?
You can use it as long as you don't try and resell it and you keep the header as is.
//This function returns True if visitor IP is allowed.
//Otherwise it returns False.
function CheckAccess()
//allowed IP. Change it to your static IP
$allowedip = '';
return ($ip == $allowedip);
Proxy servers should set the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header, which you could look up with $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']. Otherwise $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] can be used to get the IP address. As others have noted, both of these can be easily spoofed, and there is no requirement for proxies to set the X-Forwarded-For request header.
There is a ip2long() function in PHP which give you an integer to use for range checking.
To get the location of an IP address you need a lookup table which maps IP address ranges to approximate geographical locations (such lookup tables are typically not free). There are many services which offer IP address geolocation, some of which are mentioned here and here.
